
195 lines
4.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

Config save in DB
import os
import sys
import redis
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.environ['AIL_BIN'], 'lib'))
from lib import ConfigLoader
config_loader = ConfigLoader.ConfigLoader()
r_serv_db = config_loader.get_redis_conn("ARDB_DB")
config_loader = None
# later => module timeout
## data retention
ail_config = {
"crawler": {
"enable_har_by_default": {
"default": False,
"type": bool,
"info": "Enable HAR by default"
"enable_screenshot_by_default": {
"default": True,
"type": bool,
"info": "Enable screenshot by default"
"depth_limit": {
"default": 1,
"type": int,
"info": "Maximum number of url depth"
"closespider_pagecount": {
"default": 50,
"type": int,
"info": "Maximum number of pages"
"user_agent": {
"default": 50,
"type": str,
"info": "User agent used by default"
"timeout": {
"default": 30,
"type": int,
"info": "Crawler connection timeout"
"misp": {
"url": {
"default": "https://localhost:8443/",
"type": str,
"info": "Crawler connection timeout"
"key": {
"default": "",
"type": str,
"info": "Crawler connection timeout"
"verifycert": {
"default": True,
"type": bool,
"info": "Crawler connection timeout"
# The MISP auth key can be found on the MISP web interface under the automation section
def get_config_value(section, field, value):
return r_serv_db.hget(f'ail:config:global:{section}', field, value)
def get_config_default_value(section, field, value):
return ail_config[section][field]['default']
def get_config_type(section, field, value):
return ail_config[section][field]['type']
def get_config_info(section, field, value):
return ail_config[section][field]['info']
def save_config(section, field, value):
if section in ail_config:
if is_valid_type(value, section, field, value_type=value_type):
# if value_type in ['list', 'set', 'dict']:
# pass
# else:
r_serv_db.hset(f'ail:config:global:{section}', field, value)
config_documentation = {
default_config = {
def get_default_config():
return default_config
def get_default_config_value(section, field):
return default_config[section][field]
#### CONFIG TYPE ####
config_type = {
# # TODO: add set, dict, list and select_(multiple_)value
def is_valid_type(obj, section, field, value_type=None):
res = isinstance(obj, get_config_type(section, field))
return res
# # TODO: ###########################################################
def reset_default_config():
for section in config_type:
def set_default_config(section, field):
save_config(section, field, get_default_config_value(section, field))
def get_all_config_sections():
return list(get_default_config())
def get_all_config_fields_by_section(section):
return list(get_default_config()[section])
def get_config(section, field):
# config field don't exist
if not r_serv_db.hexists(f'config:global:{section}', field):
set_default_config(section, field)
return get_default_config_value(section, field)
# load default config section
if not r_serv_db.exists('config:global:{}'.format(section)):
save_config(section, field, get_default_config_value(section, field))
return get_default_config_value(section, field)
return r_serv_db.hget(f'config:global:{section}', field)
def get_config_dict_by_section(section):
config_dict = {}
for field in get_all_config_fields_by_section(section):
config_dict[field] = get_config(section, field)
return config_dict
# check config value + type
def check_integrity():
def get_field_full_config(section, field):
dict_config = {}
dict_config['value'] = get_config(section, field)
dict_config['type'] = get_config_type(section, field)
dict_config['info'] = get_config_documentation(section, field)
return dict_config
def get_full_config_by_section(section):
dict_config = {}
for field in get_all_config_fields_by_section(section):
dict_config[field] = get_field_full_config(section, field)
return dict_config
def get_full_config():
dict_config = {}
for section in get_all_config_sections():
dict_config[section] = get_full_config_by_section(section)
return dict_config
if __name__ == '__main__':
res = get_full_config()