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#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*-coding:UTF-8 -*
The ZMQ_Sub_Curve Module
This module is consuming the Redis-list created by the ZMQ_PubSub_Tokenize_Q Module.
Each words files created under /files/ are representing categories.
This modules take these files and compare them to
the stream of data given by the ZMQ_PubSub_Tokenize_Q Module.
When a word from a paste match one or more of these words file, the filename of
the paste is published/forwarded to the next modules.
Each category (each files) are representing a dynamic channel.
This mean that if you create 1000 files under /files/ you'll have 1000 channels
where every time there is a matching word to a category, the paste containing
this word will be pushed to this specific channel.
..note:: The channel will have the name of the file created.
Implementing modules can start here, create your own category file,
and then create your own module to treat the specific paste matching this category.
..note:: Module ZMQ_Something_Q and ZMQ_Something are closely bound, always put
the same Subscriber name in both of them.
*Need running Redis instances. (Redis)
*Categories files of words in /files/ need to be created
*Need the ZMQ_PubSub_Tokenize_Q Module running to be able to work properly.
import redis, argparse, zmq, ConfigParser, time
from packages import Paste as P
from packages import ZMQ_PubSub
from pubsublogger import publisher
from packages import lib_words
configfile = './packages/config.cfg'
def main():
"""Main Function"""
cfg = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description = '''This script is a part of the Analysis Information
Leak framework.''',
epilog = '''''')
type = str,
default = "../files/list_categ_files",
help = 'Path to the list_categ_files (../files/list_categ_files)',
action = 'store')
args = parser.parse_args()
r_serv = redis.StrictRedis(
host = cfg.get("Redis_Queues", "host"),
port = cfg.getint("Redis_Queues", "port"),
db = cfg.getint("Redis_Queues", "db"))
r_serv1 = redis.StrictRedis(
host = cfg.get("Redis_Level_DB", "host"),
port = cfg.get("Redis_Level_DB", "port"),
db = 0)
# LOGGING # = "Script"
# ZMQ #
channel = cfg.get("PubSub_Words", "channel_0")
subscriber_name = "curve"
subscriber_config_section = "PubSub_Words"
Sub = ZMQ_PubSub.ZMQSub(configfile, subscriber_config_section, channel, subscriber_name)
# FUNCTIONS #"Script Curve subscribed to channel {0}".format(cfg.get("PubSub_Words", "channel_0")))
paste_words = []
message = Sub.get_msg_from_queue(r_serv)
prec_filename = None
while True:
if message != None:
channel, filename, word, score = message.split()
if prec_filename == None or filename != prec_filename:
PST = P.Paste(filename)
lib_words.create_curve_with_word_file(r_serv1, "/home/user/AIL/var/www/static/csv/wordstrendingdata", "/home/user/AIL/files/wordfile", int(PST.p_date.year), int(PST.p_date.month))
prec_filename = filename
prev_score = r_serv1.hget(word.lower(), PST.p_date)
print prev_score
if prev_score != None:
r_serv1.hset(word.lower(), PST.p_date, int(prev_score) + int(score))
r_serv1.hset(word.lower(), PST.p_date, score)
#r_serv.expire(word,86400) #1day
if r_serv.sismember("SHUTDOWN_FLAGS", "Curve"):
r_serv.srem("SHUTDOWN_FLAGS", "Curve")
print "Shutdown Flag Up: Terminating"
publisher.warning("Shutdown Flag Up: Terminating.")
publisher.debug("Script Curve is Idling")
print "sleepin"
message = Sub.get_msg_from_queue(r_serv)
if __name__ == "__main__":