
223 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*-coding:UTF-8 -*
import os
import sys
import uuid
import redis
from abc import ABC
from flask import url_for
# Import Project packages
from lib.ConfigLoader import ConfigLoader
from lib.ail_core import get_all_objects
from lib import correlations_engine
from lib.objects.CryptoCurrencies import CryptoCurrency
from lib.objects.Decodeds import Decoded
from lib.objects.Domains import Domain
from lib.objects.Items import Item
from lib.objects.Pgps import Pgp
from lib.objects.Screenshots import Screenshot
from lib.objects.Usernames import Username
config_loader = ConfigLoader()
r_serv_metadata = config_loader.get_redis_conn("ARDB_Metadata")
config_loader = None
class AILObjects(object): ## ??????????????????????
initial = 0
ongoing = 1
completed = 2
def is_valid_object_type(obj_type):
return obj_type in get_all_objects()
def sanitize_objs_types(objs):
l_types = []
for obj in objs:
if is_valid_object_type(obj):
return l_types
def get_object(obj_type, subtype, id):
if obj_type == 'item':
return Item(id)
elif obj_type == 'domain':
return Domain(id)
elif obj_type == 'decoded':
return Decoded(id)
elif obj_type == 'screenshot':
return Screenshot(id)
elif obj_type == 'cryptocurrency':
return CryptoCurrency(id, subtype)
elif obj_type == 'pgp':
return Pgp(id, subtype)
elif obj_type == 'username':
return Username(id, subtype)
def exists_obj(obj_type, subtype, id):
object = get_object(obj_type, subtype, id)
return object.exists()
def get_object_link(obj_type, subtype, id, flask_context=False):
object = get_object(obj_type, subtype, id)
return object.get_link(flask_context=flask_context)
def get_object_svg(obj_type, subtype, id):
object = get_object(obj_type, subtype, id)
return object.get_svg_icon()
def get_object_meta(obj_type, subtype, id, flask_context=False):
object = get_object(obj_type, subtype, id)
meta = object.get_meta()
meta['icon'] = object.get_svg_icon()
meta['link'] = object.get_link(flask_context=flask_context)
return meta
def get_ui_obj_tag_table_keys(obj_type):
Warning: use only in flask (dynamic templates)
if obj_type=="domain":
return ['id', 'first_seen', 'last_check', 'status'] # # TODO: add root screenshot
# # TODO: # FIXME:
# def get_objects_meta(l_dict_objs, icon=False, url=False, flask_context=False):
# l_meta = []
# for dict_obj in l_dict_objs:
# object = get_object(dict_obj['type'], dict_obj['subtype'], dict_obj['id'])
# dict_meta = object.get_default_meta(tags=True)
# if icon:
# dict_meta['icon'] = object.get_svg_icon()
# if url:
# dict_meta['link'] = object.get_link(flask_context=flask_context)
# l_meta.append(dict_meta)
# return l_meta
# # TODO: CHECK IF object already have an UUID
def get_misp_object(obj_type, subtype, id):
object = get_object(obj_type, subtype, id)
return object.get_misp_object()
# get misp relationship
def get_objects_relationship(obj_1, obj2):
relationship = {}
obj_types = ( obj_1.get_type(), obj2.get_type() )
# if ['cryptocurrency', 'pgp', 'username', 'decoded', 'screenshot']:
# {'relation': '', 'src':, 'dest':}
# relationship[relation] =
if 'cryptocurrency' in obj_types:
relationship['relation'] = 'extracted-from'
if obj1_type == 'cryptocurrency':
relationship['src'] = obj1_id
relationship['dest'] = obj2_id
relationship['src'] = obj2_id
relationship['dest'] = obj1_id
elif 'pgp' in obj_types:
relationship['relation'] = 'extracted-from'
elif 'username' in obj_types:
relationship['relation'] = 'extracted-from'
elif 'decoded' in obj_types:
relationship['relation'] = 'included-in'
elif 'screenshot' in obj_types:
relationship['relation'] = 'screenshot-of'
elif 'domain' in obj_types:
relationship['relation'] = 'extracted-from'
# default
return relationship
def api_sanitize_object_type(obj_type):
if not is_valid_object_type(obj_type):
return ({'status': 'error', 'reason': 'Incorrect object type'}, 400)
# # TODO: TO ADD ??????????????????????
# def get_first_objects_date():
# return r_object.zrange('objs:first_date', 0, -1)
# def get_first_object_date(obj_type, subtype):
# return r_object.zscore('objs:first_date', f'{obj_type}:{subtype}')
# def set_first_object_date(obj_type, subtype, date):
# return r_object.zadd('objs:first_date', f'{obj_type}:{subtype}', date)
def delete_obj(obj_type, subtype, id):
object = get_object(obj_type, subtype, id)
return object.delete()
def create_correlation_graph_links(links_set):
links = []
for link in links_set:
links.append({"source": link[0], "target": link[1]})
return links
def create_correlation_graph_nodes(nodes_set, obj_str_id, flask_context=True):
graph_nodes_list = []
for node_id in nodes_set:
obj_type, subtype, obj_id = node_id.split(';', 2)
dict_node = {"id": node_id}
dict_node['style'] = get_object_svg(obj_type, subtype, obj_id)
# # TODO: # FIXME: in UI
dict_node['style']['icon_class'] = dict_node['style']['style']
dict_node['style']['icon_text'] = dict_node['style']['icon']
dict_node['style']['node_color'] = dict_node['style']['color']
dict_node['style']['node_radius'] = dict_node['style']['radius']
# # TODO: # FIXME: in UI
dict_node['text'] = obj_id
if node_id == obj_str_id:
dict_node["style"]["node_color"] = 'orange'
dict_node["style"]["node_radius"] = 7
dict_node['url'] = get_object_link(obj_type, subtype, obj_id, flask_context=flask_context)
return graph_nodes_list
def get_correlations_graph_node(obj_type, subtype, obj_id, filter_types=[], max_nodes=300, level=1, flask_context=False):
obj_str_id, nodes, links = correlations_engine.get_correlations_graph_nodes_links(obj_type, subtype, obj_id, filter_types=filter_types, max_nodes=max_nodes, level=level, flask_context=flask_context)
return {"nodes": create_correlation_graph_nodes(nodes, obj_str_id, flask_context=flask_context), "links": create_correlation_graph_links(links)}