feat: module factorization

lpwm9803 2021-04-02 09:52:05 +02:00
parent 99e5b3d4f1
commit 96a30170e3
11 changed files with 1076 additions and 841 deletions

View File

@ -36,68 +36,96 @@ Requirements
*Need the ZMQ_PubSub_Tokenize_Q Module running to be able to work properly.
# Import External packages
import os
import argparse
import time
import re
# Import Project packages
from module.abstract_module import AbstractModule
from pubsublogger import publisher
from packages import Paste
from Helper import Process
if __name__ == "__main__":
publisher.port = 6380
publisher.channel = "Script"
config_section = 'Categ'
class Categ(AbstractModule):
Categ module for AIL framework
p = Process(config_section)
matchingThreshold = p.config.getint("Categ", "matchingThreshold")
def __init__(self):
Init Categ
super(Categ, self).__init__()
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Start Categ module on files.')
self.matchingThreshold = self.process.config.getint("Categ", "matchingThreshold")
'-d', type=str, default="../files/",
help='Path to the directory containing the category files.',
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Start Categ module on files.')
args = parser.parse_args()
'-d', type=str, default="../files/",
help='Path to the directory containing the category files.',
publisher.info("Script Categ started")
args = parser.parse_args()
categories = ['CreditCards', 'Mail', 'Onion', 'Web', 'Credential', 'Cve', 'ApiKey']
tmp_dict = {}
for filename in categories:
bname = os.path.basename(filename)
tmp_dict[bname] = []
with open(os.path.join(args.d, filename), 'r') as f:
patterns = [r'%s' % ( re.escape(s.strip()) ) for s in f]
tmp_dict[bname] = re.compile('|'.join(patterns), re.IGNORECASE)
self.redis_logger.info("Script Categ started")
prec_filename = None
categories = ['CreditCards', 'Mail', 'Onion', 'Web', 'Credential', 'Cve', 'ApiKey']
tmp_dict = {}
for filename in categories:
bname = os.path.basename(filename)
tmp_dict[bname] = []
with open(os.path.join(args.d, filename), 'r') as f:
patterns = [r'%s' % ( re.escape(s.strip()) ) for s in f]
tmp_dict[bname] = re.compile('|'.join(patterns), re.IGNORECASE)
while True:
filename = p.get_from_set()
if filename is None:
publisher.debug("Script Categ is Idling 10s")
self.categ_items = tmp_dict.items()
paste = Paste.Paste(filename)
prec_filename = None
def compute(self, message):
# Cast message as paste
paste = Paste.Paste(message)
# Get paste content
content = paste.get_p_content()
for categ, pattern in tmp_dict.items():
# init categories found
is_categ_found = False
# Search for pattern categories in paste content
for categ, pattern in self.categ_items:
found = set(re.findall(pattern, content))
if len(found) >= matchingThreshold:
msg = '{} {}'.format(paste.p_rel_path, len(found))
lenfound = len(found)
if lenfound >= self.matchingThreshold:
is_categ_found = True
msg = '{} {}'.format(paste.p_rel_path, lenfound)
print(msg, categ)
p.populate_set_out(msg, categ)
self.redis_logger.debug('%s;%s %s'%(self.module_name, msg, categ))
# Export message to categ queue
self.process.populate_set_out(msg, categ)
'Categ;{};{};{};Detected {} as {};{}'.format(
paste.p_source, paste.p_date, paste.p_name,
len(found), categ, paste.p_rel_path))
lenfound, categ, paste.p_rel_path))
if not is_categ_found:
self.redis_logger.debug('No %s found in this paste: %s'%(self.module_name, paste.p_name))
if __name__ == '__main__':
module = Categ()

View File

@ -9,131 +9,148 @@ The ZMQ_Sub_Indexer modules is fetching the list of files to be processed
and index each file with a full-text indexer (Whoosh until now).
# Import External packages
import time
from packages import Paste
from pubsublogger import publisher
from whoosh.index import create_in, exists_in, open_dir
from whoosh.fields import Schema, TEXT, ID
import shutil
import os
from os.path import join, getsize
from whoosh.index import create_in, exists_in, open_dir
from whoosh.fields import Schema, TEXT, ID
# Import Project packages
from module.abstract_module import AbstractModule
from packages import Paste
from Helper import Process
# Config variable
TIME_WAIT = 60*15 #sec
# return in bytes
def check_index_size(baseindexpath, indexname):
the_index_name = join(baseindexpath, indexname)
cur_sum = 0
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(the_index_name):
cur_sum += sum(getsize(join(root, name)) for name in files)
return cur_sum
class Indexer(AbstractModule):
Indexer module for AIL framework
def move_index_into_old_index_folder(baseindexpath):
for cur_file in os.listdir(baseindexpath):
if not cur_file == "old_index":
shutil.move(join(baseindexpath, cur_file), join(join(baseindexpath, "old_index"), cur_file))
# Time to wait in seconds between two index's size variable compute
TIME_WAIT = 60*15 # sec
def __init__(self):
Init Instance
super(Indexer, self).__init__()
# Indexer configuration - index dir and schema setup
self.baseindexpath = join(os.environ['AIL_HOME'],
self.process.config.get("Indexer", "path"))
self.indexRegister_path = join(os.environ['AIL_HOME'],
self.process.config.get("Indexer", "register"))
self.indexertype = self.process.config.get("Indexer", "type")
self.INDEX_SIZE_THRESHOLD = self.process.config.getint(
"Indexer", "index_max_size")
self.indexname = None
self.schema = None
self.ix = None
if self.indexertype == "whoosh":
self.schema = Schema(title=TEXT(stored=True), path=ID(stored=True,
if not os.path.exists(self.baseindexpath):
# create the index register if not present
time_now = int(time.time())
if not os.path.isfile(self.indexRegister_path): # index are not organised
self.redis_logger.debug("Indexes are not organized")
"moving all files in folder 'old_index' ")
# move all files to old_index folder
self.redis_logger.debug("Creating new index")
# create all_index.txt
with open(self.indexRegister_path, 'w') as f:
# create dir
os.mkdir(join(self.baseindexpath, str(time_now)))
with open(self.indexRegister_path, "r") as f:
allIndex = f.read()
allIndex = allIndex.split() # format [time1\ntime2]
self.indexname = allIndex[-1].strip('\n\r')
except IndexError as e:
self.indexname = time_now
self.indexpath = join(self.baseindexpath, str(self.indexname))
if not exists_in(self.indexpath):
self.ix = create_in(self.indexpath, self.schema)
self.ix = open_dir(self.indexpath)
self.last_refresh = time_now
if __name__ == "__main__":
publisher.port = 6380
publisher.channel = "Script"
config_section = 'Indexer'
p = Process(config_section)
# Indexer configuration - index dir and schema setup
baseindexpath = join(os.environ['AIL_HOME'],
p.config.get("Indexer", "path"))
indexRegister_path = join(os.environ['AIL_HOME'],
p.config.get("Indexer", "register"))
indexertype = p.config.get("Indexer", "type")
INDEX_SIZE_THRESHOLD = int(p.config.get("Indexer", "index_max_size"))
if indexertype == "whoosh":
schema = Schema(title=TEXT(stored=True), path=ID(stored=True,
if not os.path.exists(baseindexpath):
# create the index register if not present
time_now = int(time.time())
if not os.path.isfile(indexRegister_path): #index are not organised
print("Indexes are not organized")
print("moving all files in folder 'old_index' ")
#move all files to old_index folder
print("Creating new index")
#create all_index.txt
with open(indexRegister_path, 'w') as f:
#create dir
os.mkdir(join(baseindexpath, str(time_now)))
with open(indexRegister_path, "r") as f:
allIndex = f.read()
allIndex = allIndex.split() # format [time1\ntime2]
indexname = allIndex[-1].strip('\n\r')
except IndexError as e:
indexname = time_now
indexpath = join(baseindexpath, str(indexname))
if not exists_in(indexpath):
ix = create_in(indexpath, schema)
ix = open_dir(indexpath)
last_refresh = time_now
publisher.info("ZMQ Indexer is Running")
while True:
def compute(self, message):
message = p.get_from_set()
if message is not None:
PST = Paste.Paste(message)
publisher.debug("Script Indexer is idling 1s")
PST = Paste.Paste(message)
docpath = message.split(" ", -1)[-1]
paste = PST.get_p_content()
print("Indexing - " + indexname + " :", docpath)
self.redis_logger.debug("Indexing - " + self.indexname + " :", docpath)
#avoid calculating the index's size at each message
if( time.time() - last_refresh > TIME_WAIT):
last_refresh = time.time()
if check_index_size(baseindexpath, indexname) >= INDEX_SIZE_THRESHOLD*(1000*1000):
# Avoid calculating the index's size at each message
if(time.time() - self.last_refresh > self.TIME_WAIT):
self.last_refresh = time.time()
if self.check_index_size() >= self.INDEX_SIZE_THRESHOLD*(1000*1000):
timestamp = int(time.time())
print("Creating new index", timestamp)
indexpath = join(baseindexpath, str(timestamp))
indexname = str(timestamp)
#update all_index
with open(indexRegister_path, "a") as f:
self.redis_logger.debug("Creating new index", timestamp)
self.indexpath = join(self.baseindexpath, str(timestamp))
self.indexname = str(timestamp)
# update all_index
with open(self.indexRegister_path, "a") as f:
#create new dir
ix = create_in(indexpath, schema)
# create new dir
self.ix = create_in(self.indexpath, self.schema)
if indexertype == "whoosh":
indexwriter = ix.writer()
if self.indexertype == "whoosh":
indexwriter = self.ix.writer()
except IOError:
print("CRC Checksum Failed on :", PST.p_path)
publisher.error('Duplicate;{};{};{};CRC Checksum Failed'.format(
self.redis_logger.debug("CRC Checksum Failed on :", PST.p_path)
self.redis_logger.error('Duplicate;{};{};{};CRC Checksum Failed'.format(
PST.p_source, PST.p_date, PST.p_name))
def check_index_size(self):
return in bytes
the_index_name = join(self.baseindexpath, self.indexname)
cur_sum = 0
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(the_index_name):
cur_sum += sum(getsize(join(root, name)) for name in files)
return cur_sum
def move_index_into_old_index_folder(self):
for cur_file in os.listdir(self.baseindexpath):
if not cur_file == "old_index":
shutil.move(join(self.baseindexpath, cur_file), join(
join(self.baseindexpath, "old_index"), cur_file))
if __name__ == '__main__':
module = Indexer()

View File

@ -12,160 +12,170 @@ RSA private key, certificate messages
# Import External packages
import time
from enum import Enum
from pubsublogger import publisher
#from bin.packages import Paste
#from bin.Helper import Process
# Import Project packages
from module.abstract_module import AbstractModule
from packages import Paste
from Helper import Process
def search_key(paste):
content = paste.get_p_content()
find = False
get_pgp_content = False
if '-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----' in content:
publisher.warning('{} has a PGP enc message'.format(paste.p_name))
msg = 'infoleak:automatic-detection="pgp-message";{}'.format(message)
p.populate_set_out(msg, 'Tags')
get_pgp_content = True
find = True
if '-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----' in content:
msg = 'infoleak:automatic-detection="pgp-public-key-block";{}'.format(message)
p.populate_set_out(msg, 'Tags')
get_pgp_content = True
if '-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----' in content:
msg = 'infoleak:automatic-detection="pgp-signature";{}'.format(message)
p.populate_set_out(msg, 'Tags')
get_pgp_content = True
class KeyEnum(Enum):
OPENVPN_STATIC_KEY_V1 = '-----BEGIN OpenVPN Static key V1-----'
if '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----' in content:
publisher.warning('{} has a certificate message'.format(paste.p_name))
class Keys(AbstractModule):
Keys module for AIL framework
def __init__(self):
super(Keys, self).__init__()
msg = 'infoleak:automatic-detection="certificate";{}'.format(message)
p.populate_set_out(msg, 'Tags')
find = True
# Waiting time in secondes between to message proccessed
self.pending_seconds = 1
if '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----' in content:
publisher.warning('{} has a RSA private key message'.format(paste.p_name))
print('rsa private key message found')
msg = 'infoleak:automatic-detection="rsa-private-key";{}'.format(message)
p.populate_set_out(msg, 'Tags')
find = True
def compute(self, message):
paste = Paste.Paste(message)
content = paste.get_p_content()
if '-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----' in content:
publisher.warning('{} has a private key message'.format(paste.p_name))
print('private key message found')
find = False
get_pgp_content = False
msg = 'infoleak:automatic-detection="private-key";{}'.format(message)
p.populate_set_out(msg, 'Tags')
find = True
if KeyEnum.PGP_MESSAGE.value in content:
self.redis_logger.warning('{} has a PGP enc message'.format(paste.p_name))
if '-----BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----' in content:
publisher.warning('{} has an encrypted private key message'.format(paste.p_name))
print('encrypted private key message found')
msg = 'infoleak:automatic-detection="pgp-message";{}'.format(message)
self.process.populate_set_out(msg, 'Tags')
get_pgp_content = True
find = True
msg = 'infoleak:automatic-detection="encrypted-private-key";{}'.format(message)
p.populate_set_out(msg, 'Tags')
find = True
if KeyEnum.PGP_PUBLIC_KEY_BLOCK.value in content:
msg = 'infoleak:automatic-detection="pgp-public-key-block";{}'.format(message)
self.process.populate_set_out(msg, 'Tags')
get_pgp_content = True
if '-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----' in content:
publisher.warning('{} has an openssh private key message'.format(paste.p_name))
print('openssh private key message found')
if KeyEnum.PGP_SIGNATURE.value in content:
msg = 'infoleak:automatic-detection="pgp-signature";{}'.format(message)
self.process.populate_set_out(msg, 'Tags')
get_pgp_content = True
msg = 'infoleak:automatic-detection="private-ssh-key";{}'.format(message)
p.populate_set_out(msg, 'Tags')
find = True
if KeyEnum.CERTIFICATE.value in content:
self.redis_logger.warning('{} has a certificate message'.format(paste.p_name))
if '---- BEGIN SSH2 ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY ----' in content:
publisher.warning('{} has an ssh2 private key message'.format(paste.p_name))
print('SSH2 private key message found')
msg = 'infoleak:automatic-detection="certificate";{}'.format(message)
self.process.populate_set_out(msg, 'Tags')
find = True
msg = 'infoleak:automatic-detection="private-ssh-key";{}'.format(message)
p.populate_set_out(msg, 'Tags')
find = True
if KeyEnum.RSA_PRIVATE_KEY.value in content:
self.redis_logger.warning('{} has a RSA private key message'.format(paste.p_name))
print('rsa private key message found')
if '-----BEGIN OpenVPN Static key V1-----' in content:
publisher.warning('{} has an openssh private key message'.format(paste.p_name))
print('OpenVPN Static key message found')
msg = 'infoleak:automatic-detection="rsa-private-key";{}'.format(message)
self.process.populate_set_out(msg, 'Tags')
find = True
msg = 'infoleak:automatic-detection="vpn-static-key";{}'.format(message)
p.populate_set_out(msg, 'Tags')
find = True
if KeyEnum.PRIVATE_KEY.value in content:
self.redis_logger.warning('{} has a private key message'.format(paste.p_name))
print('private key message found')
if '-----BEGIN DSA PRIVATE KEY-----' in content:
publisher.warning('{} has a dsa private key message'.format(paste.p_name))
msg = 'infoleak:automatic-detection="private-key";{}'.format(message)
self.process.populate_set_out(msg, 'Tags')
find = True
msg = 'infoleak:automatic-detection="dsa-private-key";{}'.format(message)
p.populate_set_out(msg, 'Tags')
find = True
if KeyEnum.ENCRYPTED_PRIVATE_KEY.value in content:
self.redis_logger.warning('{} has an encrypted private key message'.format(paste.p_name))
print('encrypted private key message found')
if '-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----' in content:
publisher.warning('{} has an ec private key message'.format(paste.p_name))
msg = 'infoleak:automatic-detection="encrypted-private-key";{}'.format(message)
self.process.populate_set_out(msg, 'Tags')
find = True
msg = 'infoleak:automatic-detection="ec-private-key";{}'.format(message)
p.populate_set_out(msg, 'Tags')
find = True
if KeyEnum.OPENSSH_PRIVATE_KEY.value in content:
self.redis_logger.warning('{} has an openssh private key message'.format(paste.p_name))
print('openssh private key message found')
if '-----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----' in content:
publisher.warning('{} has a pgp private key block message'.format(paste.p_name))
msg = 'infoleak:automatic-detection="private-ssh-key";{}'.format(message)
self.process.populate_set_out(msg, 'Tags')
find = True
msg = 'infoleak:automatic-detection="pgp-private-key";{}'.format(message)
p.populate_set_out(msg, 'Tags')
find = True
if KeyEnum.SSH2_ENCRYPTED_PRIVATE_KEY.value in content:
self.redis_logger.warning('{} has an ssh2 private key message'.format(paste.p_name))
print('SSH2 private key message found')
if '-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----' in content:
publisher.warning('{} has a public key message'.format(paste.p_name))
msg = 'infoleak:automatic-detection="private-ssh-key";{}'.format(message)
self.process.populate_set_out(msg, 'Tags')
find = True
msg = 'infoleak:automatic-detection="public-key";{}'.format(message)
p.populate_set_out(msg, 'Tags')
find = True
if KeyEnum.OPENVPN_STATIC_KEY_V1.value in content:
self.redis_logger.warning('{} has an openssh private key message'.format(paste.p_name))
print('OpenVPN Static key message found')
# pgp content
if get_pgp_content:
p.populate_set_out(message, 'PgpDump')
msg = 'infoleak:automatic-detection="vpn-static-key";{}'.format(message)
self.process.populate_set_out(msg, 'Tags')
find = True
if find :
if KeyEnum.DSA_PRIVATE_KEY.value in content:
self.redis_logger.warning('{} has a dsa private key message'.format(paste.p_name))
#Send to duplicate
p.populate_set_out(message, 'Duplicate')
msg = 'infoleak:automatic-detection="dsa-private-key";{}'.format(message)
self.process.populate_set_out(msg, 'Tags')
find = True
if KeyEnum.EC_PRIVATE_KEY.value in content:
self.redis_logger.warning('{} has an ec private key message'.format(paste.p_name))
msg = 'infoleak:automatic-detection="ec-private-key";{}'.format(message)
self.process.populate_set_out(msg, 'Tags')
find = True
if KeyEnum.PGP_PRIVATE_KEY_BLOCK.value in content:
self.redis_logger.warning('{} has a pgp private key block message'.format(paste.p_name))
msg = 'infoleak:automatic-detection="pgp-private-key";{}'.format(message)
self.process.populate_set_out(msg, 'Tags')
find = True
if KeyEnum.PUBLIC_KEY.value in content:
self.redis_logger.warning('{} has a public key message'.format(paste.p_name))
msg = 'infoleak:automatic-detection="public-key";{}'.format(message)
self.process.populate_set_out(msg, 'Tags')
find = True
# pgp content
if get_pgp_content:
self.process.populate_set_out(message, 'PgpDump')
if find :
#Send to duplicate
self.process.populate_set_out(message, 'Duplicate')
if __name__ == '__main__':
# If you wish to use an other port of channel, do not forget to run a subscriber accordingly (see launch_logs.sh)
# Port of the redis instance used by pubsublogger
publisher.port = 6380
# Script is the default channel used for the modules.
publisher.channel = 'Script'
# Section name in bin/packages/modules.cfg
config_section = 'Keys'
# Setup the I/O queues
p = Process(config_section)
# Sent to the logging a description of the module
publisher.info("Run Keys module ")
# Endless loop getting messages from the input queue
while True:
# Get one message from the input queue
message = p.get_from_set()
if message is None:
publisher.debug("{} queue is empty, waiting".format(config_section))
# Do something with the message from the queue
paste = Paste.Paste(message)
# (Optional) Send that thing to the next queue
module = Keys()

View File

@ -5,151 +5,157 @@
# Import External packages
import time
import datetime
import redis
import os
# Import Project packages
from module.abstract_module import AbstractModule
from packages.Date import Date
from pubsublogger import publisher
from Helper import Process
from packages import Paste
# Config Var
max_set_cardinality = 8
def get_date_range(num_day):
curr_date = datetime.date.today()
date = Date(str(curr_date.year)+str(curr_date.month).zfill(2)+str(curr_date.day).zfill(2))
date_list = []
for i in range(0, num_day+1):
return date_list
import ConfigLoader
def compute_most_posted(server, message):
module, num, keyword, paste_date = message.split(';')
class ModuleStats(AbstractModule):
Module Statistics module for AIL framework
redis_progression_name_set = 'top_'+ module +'_set_' + paste_date
# Add/Update in Redis
server.hincrby(paste_date, module+'-'+keyword, int(num))
# Compute Most Posted
date = get_date_range(0)[0]
# check if this keyword is eligible for progression
keyword_total_sum = 0
curr_value = server.hget(date, module+'-'+keyword)
keyword_total_sum += int(curr_value) if curr_value is not None else 0
if server.zcard(redis_progression_name_set) < max_set_cardinality:
server.zadd(redis_progression_name_set, float(keyword_total_sum), keyword)
else: # not in set
member_set = server.zrangebyscore(redis_progression_name_set, '-inf', '+inf', withscores=True, start=0, num=1)
# Member set is a list of (value, score) pairs
if int(member_set[0][1]) < keyword_total_sum:
#remove min from set and add the new one
print(module + ': adding ' +keyword+ '(' +str(keyword_total_sum)+') in set and removing '+member_set[0][0]+'('+str(member_set[0][1])+')')
server.zrem(redis_progression_name_set, member_set[0][0])
server.zadd(redis_progression_name_set, float(keyword_total_sum), keyword)
# Config Var
def compute_provider_info(server_trend, path):
redis_all_provider = 'all_provider_set'
def __init__(self):
paste = Paste.Paste(path)
super(ModuleStats, self).__init__()
paste_baseName = paste.p_name.split('.')[0]
paste_size = paste._get_p_size()
paste_provider = paste.p_source
paste_date = str(paste._get_p_date())
redis_sum_size_set = 'top_size_set_' + paste_date
redis_avg_size_name_set = 'top_avg_size_set_' + paste_date
redis_providers_name_set = 'providers_set_' + paste_date
# Waiting time in secondes between to message proccessed
self.pending_seconds = 20
# Add/Update in Redis
server_trend.sadd(redis_all_provider, paste_provider)
# Sent to the logging a description of the module
self.redis_logger.info("Makes statistics about valid URL")
num_paste = int(server_trend.hincrby(paste_provider+'_num', paste_date, 1))
sum_size = float(server_trend.hincrbyfloat(paste_provider+'_size', paste_date, paste_size))
new_avg = float(sum_size) / float(num_paste)
server_trend.hset(paste_provider +'_avg', paste_date, new_avg)
self.r_serv_trend = ConfigLoader.ConfigLoader().get_redis_conn("ARDB_Trending")
self.r_serv_pasteName = ConfigLoader.ConfigLoader().get_redis_conn("Redis_Paste_Name")
# Compute Most Posted
def compute(self, message):
# Size
if server_trend.zcard(redis_sum_size_set) < max_set_cardinality or server_trend.zscore(redis_sum_size_set, paste_provider) != "nil":
server_trend.zadd(redis_sum_size_set, float(num_paste), paste_provider)
server_trend.zadd(redis_avg_size_name_set, float(new_avg), paste_provider)
else: #set full capacity
member_set = server_trend.zrangebyscore(redis_sum_size_set, '-inf', '+inf', withscores=True, start=0, num=1)
# Member set is a list of (value, score) pairs
if float(member_set[0][1]) < new_avg:
#remove min from set and add the new one
print('Size - adding ' +paste_provider+ '(' +str(new_avg)+') in set and removing '+member_set[0][0]+'('+str(member_set[0][1])+')')
server_trend.zrem(redis_sum_size_set, member_set[0][0])
server_trend.zadd(redis_sum_size_set, float(sum_size), paste_provider)
server_trend.zrem(redis_avg_size_name_set, member_set[0][0])
server_trend.zadd(redis_avg_size_name_set, float(new_avg), paste_provider)
if len(message.split(';')) > 1:
# Num
# if set not full or provider already present
if server_trend.zcard(redis_providers_name_set) < max_set_cardinality or server_trend.zscore(redis_providers_name_set, paste_provider) != "nil":
server_trend.zadd(redis_providers_name_set, float(num_paste), paste_provider)
else: #set at full capacity
member_set = server_trend.zrangebyscore(redis_providers_name_set, '-inf', '+inf', withscores=True, start=0, num=1)
# Member set is a list of (value, score) pairs
if int(member_set[0][1]) < num_paste:
#remove min from set and add the new one
print('Num - adding ' +paste_provider+ '(' +str(num_paste)+') in set and removing '+member_set[0][0]+'('+str(member_set[0][1])+')')
server_trend.zadd(redis_providers_name_set, float(num_paste), paste_provider)
def get_date_range(self, num_day):
curr_date = datetime.date.today()
date = Date(str(curr_date.year)+str(curr_date.month).zfill(2)+str(curr_date.day).zfill(2))
date_list = []
for i in range(0, num_day+1):
return date_list
def compute_most_posted(self, message):
module, num, keyword, paste_date = message.split(';')
redis_progression_name_set = 'top_'+ module +'_set_' + paste_date
# Add/Update in Redis
self.r_serv_trend.hincrby(paste_date, module+'-'+keyword, int(num))
# Compute Most Posted
date = self.get_date_range(0)[0]
# check if this keyword is eligible for progression
keyword_total_sum = 0
curr_value = self.r_serv_trend.hget(date, module+'-'+keyword)
keyword_total_sum += int(curr_value) if curr_value is not None else 0
if self.r_serv_trend.zcard(redis_progression_name_set) < self.MAX_SET_CARDINALITY:
self.r_serv_trend.zadd(redis_progression_name_set, float(keyword_total_sum), keyword)
else: # not in set
member_set = self.r_serv_trend.zrangebyscore(redis_progression_name_set, '-inf', '+inf', withscores=True, start=0, num=1)
# Member set is a list of (value, score) pairs
if int(member_set[0][1]) < keyword_total_sum:
#remove min from set and add the new one
self.redis_logger.debug(module + ': adding ' +keyword+ '(' +str(keyword_total_sum)+') in set and removing '+member_set[0][0]+'('+str(member_set[0][1])+')')
self.r_serv_trend.zrem(redis_progression_name_set, member_set[0][0])
self.r_serv_trend.zadd(redis_progression_name_set, float(keyword_total_sum), keyword)
def compute_provider_info(self, message):
redis_all_provider = 'all_provider_set'
paste = Paste.Paste(message)
paste_baseName = paste.p_name.split('.')[0]
paste_size = paste._get_p_size()
paste_provider = paste.p_source
paste_date = str(paste._get_p_date())
redis_sum_size_set = 'top_size_set_' + paste_date
redis_avg_size_name_set = 'top_avg_size_set_' + paste_date
redis_providers_name_set = 'providers_set_' + paste_date
# Add/Update in Redis
self.r_serv_pasteName.sadd(paste_baseName, message)
self.r_serv_trend.sadd(redis_all_provider, paste_provider)
num_paste = int(self.r_serv_trend.hincrby(paste_provider+'_num', paste_date, 1))
sum_size = float(self.r_serv_trend.hincrbyfloat(paste_provider+'_size', paste_date, paste_size))
new_avg = float(sum_size) / float(num_paste)
self.r_serv_trend.hset(paste_provider +'_avg', paste_date, new_avg)
# Compute Most Posted
# Size
if self.r_serv_trend.zcard(redis_sum_size_set) < self.MAX_SET_CARDINALITY or self.r_serv_trend.zscore(redis_sum_size_set, paste_provider) != "nil":
self.r_serv_trend.zadd(redis_sum_size_set, float(num_paste), paste_provider)
self.r_serv_trend.zadd(redis_avg_size_name_set, float(new_avg), paste_provider)
else: #set full capacity
member_set = self.r_serv_trend.zrangebyscore(redis_sum_size_set, '-inf', '+inf', withscores=True, start=0, num=1)
# Member set is a list of (value, score) pairs
if float(member_set[0][1]) < new_avg:
#remove min from set and add the new one
self.redis_logger.debug('Size - adding ' +paste_provider+ '(' +str(new_avg)+') in set and removing '+member_set[0][0]+'('+str(member_set[0][1])+')')
self.r_serv_trend.zrem(redis_sum_size_set, member_set[0][0])
self.r_serv_trend.zadd(redis_sum_size_set, float(sum_size), paste_provider)
self.r_serv_trend.zrem(redis_avg_size_name_set, member_set[0][0])
self.r_serv_trend.zadd(redis_avg_size_name_set, float(new_avg), paste_provider)
# Num
# if set not full or provider already present
if self.r_serv_trend.zcard(redis_providers_name_set) < self.MAX_SET_CARDINALITY or self.r_serv_trend.zscore(redis_providers_name_set, paste_provider) != "nil":
self.r_serv_trend.zadd(redis_providers_name_set, float(num_paste), paste_provider)
else: #set at full capacity
member_set = self.r_serv_trend.zrangebyscore(redis_providers_name_set, '-inf', '+inf', withscores=True, start=0, num=1)
# Member set is a list of (value, score) pairs
if int(member_set[0][1]) < num_paste:
#remove min from set and add the new one
self.redis_logger.debug('Num - adding ' +paste_provider+ '(' +str(num_paste)+') in set and removing '+member_set[0][0]+'('+str(member_set[0][1])+')')
self.r_serv_trend.zadd(redis_providers_name_set, float(num_paste), paste_provider)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# If you wish to use an other port of channel, do not forget to run a subscriber accordingly (see launch_logs.sh)
# Port of the redis instance used by pubsublogger
publisher.port = 6380
# Script is the default channel used for the modules.
publisher.channel = 'Script'
# Section name in bin/packages/modules.cfg
config_section = 'ModuleStats'
# Setup the I/O queues
p = Process(config_section)
# Sent to the logging a description of the module
publisher.info("Makes statistics about valid URL")
r_serv_trend = redis.StrictRedis(
host=p.config.get("ARDB_Trending", "host"),
port=p.config.get("ARDB_Trending", "port"),
db=p.config.get("ARDB_Trending", "db"),
# Endless loop getting messages from the input queue
while True:
# Get one message from the input queue
message = p.get_from_set()
if message is None:
publisher.debug("{} queue is empty, waiting".format(config_section))
# Do something with the message from the queue
if len(message.split(';')) > 1:
compute_most_posted(r_serv_trend, message)
compute_provider_info(r_serv_trend, message)
module = ModuleStats()

View File

@ -11,72 +11,74 @@ It apply phone number regexes on paste content and warn if above a threshold.
# Import External packages
import time
import re
import phonenumbers
# Import Project packages
from module.abstract_module import AbstractModule
from packages import Paste
from pubsublogger import publisher
from Helper import Process
def search_phone(message):
paste = Paste.Paste(message)
content = paste.get_p_content()
class Phone(AbstractModule):
Phone module for AIL framework
# regex to find phone numbers, may raise many false positives (shalt thou seek optimization, upgrading is required)
reg_phone = re.compile(r'(\+\d{1,4}(\(\d\))?\d?|0\d?)(\d{6,8}|([-/\. ]{1}\d{2,3}){3,4})')
reg_phone = re.compile(r'(\+\d{1,4}(\(\d\))?\d?|0\d?)(\d{6,8}|([-/\. ]{1}\(?\d{2,4}\)?){3,4})')
# list of the regex results in the Paste, may be null
results = reg_phone.findall(content)
# reg_phone = re.compile(r'(\+\d{1,4}(\(\d\))?\d?|0\d?)(\d{6,8}|([-/\. ]{1}\d{2,3}){3,4})')
REG_PHONE = re.compile(r'(\+\d{1,4}(\(\d\))?\d?|0\d?)(\d{6,8}|([-/\. ]{1}\(?\d{2,4}\)?){3,4})')
# if the list is greater than 4, we consider the Paste may contain a list of phone numbers
if len(results) > 4:
publisher.warning('{} contains PID (phone numbers)'.format(paste.p_name))
msg = 'infoleak:automatic-detection="phone-number";{}'.format(message)
p.populate_set_out(msg, 'Tags')
def __init__(self):
super(Phone, self).__init__()
# Waiting time in secondes between to message proccessed
self.pending_seconds = 1
def compute(self, message):
paste = Paste.Paste(message)
content = paste.get_p_content()
# List of the regex results in the Paste, may be null
results = self.REG_PHONE.findall(content)
# If the list is greater than 4, we consider the Paste may contain a list of phone numbers
if len(results) > 4:
self.redis_logger.warning('{} contains PID (phone numbers)'.format(paste.p_name))
msg = 'infoleak:automatic-detection="phone-number";{}'.format(message)
self.process.populate_set_out(msg, 'Tags')
# Send to duplicate
self.process.populate_set_out(message, 'Duplicate')
stats = {}
for phone_number in results:
x = phonenumbers.parse(phone_number, None)
country_code = x.country_code
if stats.get(country_code) is None:
stats[country_code] = 1
stats[country_code] = stats[country_code] + 1
for country_code in stats:
if stats[country_code] > 4:
self.redis_logger.warning('{} contains Phone numbers with country code {}'.format(paste.p_name, country_code))
#Send to duplicate
p.populate_set_out(message, 'Duplicate')
stats = {}
for phone_number in results:
x = phonenumbers.parse(phone_number, None)
country_code = x.country_code
if stats.get(country_code) is None:
stats[country_code] = 1
stats[country_code] = stats[country_code] + 1
for country_code in stats:
if stats[country_code] > 4:
publisher.warning('{} contains Phone numbers with country code {}'.format(paste.p_name, country_code))
if __name__ == '__main__':
# If you wish to use an other port of channel, do not forget to run a subscriber accordingly (see launch_logs.sh)
# Port of the redis instance used by pubsublogger
publisher.port = 6380
# Script is the default channel used for the modules.
publisher.channel = 'Script'
# Section name in bin/packages/modules.cfg
config_section = 'Phone'
# Setup the I/O queues
p = Process(config_section)
# Sent to the logging a description of the module
publisher.info("Run Phone module")
# Endless loop getting messages from the input queue
while True:
# Get one message from the input queue
message = p.get_from_set()
if message is None:
publisher.debug("{} queue is empty, waiting".format(config_section))
# Do something with the message from the queue
module = Phone()

View File

@ -5,30 +5,26 @@ The TermTracker Module
# Import External packages
import os
import sys
import time
import signal
# Import Project packages
from Helper import Process
from pubsublogger import publisher
from module.abstract_module import AbstractModule
import NotificationHelper
from packages import Item
from packages import Term
from lib import Tracker
full_item_url = "/object/item?id="
mail_body_template = "AIL Framework,\nNew occurrence for term tracked term: {}\nitem id: {}\nurl: {}{}"
# loads tracked words
list_tracked_words = Term.get_tracked_words_list()
last_refresh_word = time.time()
set_tracked_words_list = Term.get_set_tracked_words_list()
last_refresh_set = time.time()
class TimeoutException(Exception):
@ -36,89 +32,105 @@ def timeout_handler(signum, frame):
raise TimeoutException
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, timeout_handler)
def new_term_found(term, term_type, item_id, item_date):
uuid_list = Term.get_term_uuid_list(term, term_type)
print('new tracked term found: {} in {}'.format(term, item_id))
for term_uuid in uuid_list:
Term.add_tracked_item(term_uuid, item_id, item_date)
class TermTrackerMod(AbstractModule):
tags_to_add = Term.get_term_tags(term_uuid)
for tag in tags_to_add:
msg = '{};{}'.format(tag, item_id)
p.populate_set_out(msg, 'Tags')
mail_body_template = "AIL Framework,\nNew occurrence for term tracked term: {}\nitem id: {}\nurl: {}{}"
mail_to_notify = Term.get_term_mails(term_uuid)
if mail_to_notify:
mail_subject = Tracker.get_email_subject(term_uuid)
mail_body = mail_body_template.format(term, item_id, full_item_url, item_id)
for mail in mail_to_notify:
NotificationHelper.sendEmailNotification(mail, mail_subject, mail_body)
TermTrackerMod module for AIL framework
def __init__(self):
super(TermTrackerMod, self).__init__()
self.pending_seconds = 5
self.max_execution_time = self.process.config.getint('TermTrackerMod', "max_execution_time")
self.full_item_url = self.process.config.get("Notifications", "ail_domain") + "/object/item?id="
# loads tracked words
self.list_tracked_words = Term.get_tracked_words_list()
self.last_refresh_word = time.time()
self.set_tracked_words_list = Term.get_set_tracked_words_list()
self.last_refresh_set = time.time()
# Send module state to logs
self.redis_logger.info("Module %s initialized"%(self._module_name()))
if __name__ == "__main__":
def compute(self, item_id):
# Cast message as Item
item_date = Item.get_item_date(item_id)
item_content = Item.get_item_content(item_id)
publisher.port = 6380
publisher.channel = "Script"
publisher.info("Script TermTrackerMod started")
config_section = 'TermTrackerMod'
p = Process(config_section)
max_execution_time = p.config.getint(config_section, "max_execution_time")
full_item_url = p.config.get("Notifications", "ail_domain") + full_item_url
while True:
item_id = p.get_from_set()
if item_id is not None:
item_date = Item.get_item_date(item_id)
item_content = Item.get_item_content(item_id)
dict_words_freq = Term.get_text_word_frequency(item_content)
except TimeoutException:
print ("{0} processing timeout".format(item_id))
dict_words_freq = None
dict_words_freq = Term.get_text_word_frequency(item_content)
except TimeoutException:
self.redis_logger.warning("{0} processing timeout".format(item_id))
if dict_words_freq:
# create token statistics
#for word in dict_words_freq:
# Term.create_token_statistics(item_date, word, dict_words_freq[word])
# check solo words
for word in list_tracked_words:
for word in self.list_tracked_words:
if word in dict_words_freq:
new_term_found(word, 'word', item_id, item_date)
self.new_term_found(word, 'word', item_id, item_date)
# check words set
for elem in set_tracked_words_list:
list_words = elem[0]
nb_words_threshold = elem[1]
word_set = elem[2]
nb_uniq_word = 0
# check words set
for elem in self.set_tracked_words_list:
list_words = elem[0]
nb_words_threshold = elem[1]
word_set = elem[2]
nb_uniq_word = 0
for word in list_words:
if word in dict_words_freq:
nb_uniq_word += 1
if nb_uniq_word >= nb_words_threshold:
new_term_found(word_set, 'set', item_id, item_date)
for word in list_words:
if word in dict_words_freq:
nb_uniq_word += 1
if nb_uniq_word >= nb_words_threshold:
self.new_term_found(word_set, 'set', item_id, item_date)
# refresh Tracked term
if self.last_refresh_word < Term.get_tracked_term_last_updated_by_type('word'):
self.list_tracked_words = Term.get_tracked_words_list()
self.last_refresh_word = time.time()
self.redis_logger.debug('Tracked word refreshed')
if self.last_refresh_set < Term.get_tracked_term_last_updated_by_type('set'):
self.set_tracked_words_list = Term.get_set_tracked_words_list()
self.last_refresh_set = time.time()
self.redis_logger.debug('Tracked set refreshed')
# refresh Tracked term
if last_refresh_word < Term.get_tracked_term_last_updated_by_type('word'):
list_tracked_words = Term.get_tracked_words_list()
last_refresh_word = time.time()
print('Tracked word refreshed')
def new_term_found(self, term, term_type, item_id, item_date):
uuid_list = Term.get_term_uuid_list(term, term_type)
self.redis_logger.info('new tracked term found: {} in {}'.format(term, item_id))
if last_refresh_set < Term.get_tracked_term_last_updated_by_type('set'):
set_tracked_words_list = Term.get_set_tracked_words_list()
last_refresh_set = time.time()
print('Tracked set refreshed')
for term_uuid in uuid_list:
Term.add_tracked_item(term_uuid, item_id, item_date)
tags_to_add = Term.get_term_tags(term_uuid)
for tag in tags_to_add:
msg = '{};{}'.format(tag, item_id)
self.process.populate_set_out(msg, 'Tags')
mail_to_notify = Term.get_term_mails(term_uuid)
if mail_to_notify:
mail_subject = Tracker.get_email_subject(term_uuid)
mail_body = TermTrackerMod.mail_body_template.format(term, item_id, self.full_item_url, item_id)
for mail in mail_to_notify:
self.redis_logger.debug('Send Mail {}'.format(mail_subject))
NotificationHelper.sendEmailNotification(mail, mail_subject, mail_body)
if __name__ == '__main__':
module = TermTrackerMod()

View File

@ -9,152 +9,186 @@ This module tries to parse URLs and warns if some defined contry code are presen
# Import External packages
import redis
import pprint
import time
import os
import dns.exception
from packages import Paste
from packages import lib_refine
from pubsublogger import publisher
from pyfaup.faup import Faup
import re
# Country and ASN lookup
from cymru.ip2asn.dns import DNSClient as ip2asn
import socket
import pycountry
import ipaddress
# Import Project packages
from module.abstract_module import AbstractModule
from packages import Paste
from packages import lib_refine
from pubsublogger import publisher
from Helper import Process
# Used to prevent concat with empty fields due to url parsing
def avoidNone(a_string):
if a_string is None:
return ""
return a_string
if __name__ == "__main__":
publisher.port = 6380
publisher.channel = "Script"
config_section = 'Web'
p = Process(config_section)
r_serv2 = redis.StrictRedis(
host=p.config.get("Redis_Cache", "host"),
port=p.config.getint("Redis_Cache", "port"),
db=p.config.getint("Redis_Cache", "db"),
# Protocol file path
protocolsfile_path = os.path.join(os.environ['AIL_HOME'],
p.config.get("Directories", "protocolsfile"))
# Country to log as critical
cc_critical = p.config.get("Url", "cc_critical")
publisher.info("Script URL Started")
message = p.get_from_set()
prec_filename = None
faup = Faup()
# Get all uri from protocolsfile (Used for Curve)
uri_scheme = ""
with open(protocolsfile_path, 'r') as scheme_file:
for scheme in scheme_file:
uri_scheme += scheme[:-1]+"|"
uri_scheme = uri_scheme[:-1]
url_regex = "("+uri_scheme+")\://([a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+(\:[a-zA-Z0-9\.&%\$\-]+)*@)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9])\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9]|0)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9]|0)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[0-9])|localhost|([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.)*[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.(com|edu|gov|int|mil|net|org|biz|arpa|info|name|pro|aero|coop|museum|[a-zA-Z]{2}))(\:[0-9]+)*(/($|[a-zA-Z0-9\.\,\?\'\\\+&%\$#\=~_\-]+))*"
while True:
if message is not None:
filename, score = message.split()
if prec_filename is None or filename != prec_filename:
domains_list = []
PST = Paste.Paste(filename)
client = ip2asn()
for x in PST.get_regex(url_regex):
matching_url = re.search(url_regex, PST.get_p_content())
url = matching_url.group(0)
to_send = "{} {} {}".format(url, PST._get_p_date(), filename)
p.populate_set_out(to_send, 'Url')
domain = faup.get_domain()
subdomain = faup.get_subdomain()
publisher.debug('{} Published'.format(url))
if subdomain is not None:
## TODO: # FIXME: remove me
subdomain = subdomain.decode()
if domain is not None:
## TODO: # FIXME: remove me
domain = domain.decode()
hostl = avoidNone(subdomain) + avoidNone(domain)
ip = socket.gethostbyname(hostl)
# If the resolver is not giving any IPv4 address,
# ASN/CC lookup is skip.
l = client.lookup(ip, qType='IP')
except ipaddress.AddressValueError:
cc = getattr(l, 'cc')
asn = ''
if getattr(l, 'asn') is not None:
asn = getattr(l, 'asn')[2:] #remobe b'
# EU is not an official ISO 3166 code (but used by RIPE
# IP allocation)
if cc is not None and cc != "EU":
print(hostl, asn, cc, \
if cc == cc_critical:
to_print = 'Url;{};{};{};Detected {} {}'.format(
PST.p_source, PST.p_date, PST.p_name,
hostl, cc)
print(hostl, asn, cc)
A_values = lib_refine.checking_A_record(r_serv2,
if A_values[0] >= 1:
publisher.info('Url;{};{};{};Checked {} URL;{}'.format(
PST.p_source, PST.p_date, PST.p_name, A_values[0], PST.p_rel_path))
prec_filename = filename
class Web(AbstractModule):
Web module for AIL framework
# Used to prevent concat with empty fields due to url parsing
def avoidNone(self, a_string):
if a_string is None:
return ""
publisher.debug("Script url is Idling 10s")
return a_string
message = p.get_from_set()
def __init__(self):
Init Web
super(Web, self).__init__()
# REDIS Cache
self.r_serv2 = redis.StrictRedis(
host=self.process.config.get("Redis_Cache", "host"),
port=self.process.config.getint("Redis_Cache", "port"),
db=self.process.config.getint("Redis_Cache", "db"),
# Country to log as critical
self.cc_critical = self.process.config.get("Url", "cc_critical")
self.redis_logger.info("Script URL subscribed to channel web_categ")
# FIXME For retro compatibility
self.channel = 'web_categ'
self.faup = Faup()
# Protocol file path
protocolsfile_path = os.path.join(os.environ['AIL_HOME'],
self.process.config.get("Directories", "protocolsfile"))
# Get all uri from protocolsfile (Used for Curve)
uri_scheme = ""
with open(protocolsfile_path, 'r') as scheme_file:
for scheme in scheme_file:
uri_scheme += scheme[:-1]+"|"
uri_scheme = uri_scheme[:-1]
self.url_regex = "((?i:"+uri_scheme + \
self.prec_filename = None
# Send module state to logs
self.redis_logger.info("Module %s initialized" % (self.module_name))
def compute(self, message):
Search for Web links from given message
# Extract item
filename, score = message.split()
if self.prec_filename is None or filename != self.prec_filename:
domains_list = set()
PST = Paste.Paste(filename)
client = ip2asn()
detected_urls = PST.get_regex(self.url_regex)
if len(detected_urls) > 0:
to_print = 'Web;{};{};{};'.format(
PST.p_source, PST.p_date, PST.p_name)
self.redis_logger.info('{}Detected {} URL;{}'.format(
to_print, len(detected_urls), PST.p_rel_path))
for url in detected_urls:
self.redis_logger.debug("match regex: %s" % (url))
# self.redis_logger.debug("match regex search: %s"%(url))
to_send = "{} {} {}".format(url, PST._get_p_date(), filename)
self.process.populate_set_out(to_send, 'Url')
self.redis_logger.debug("url_parsed: %s" % (to_send))
domain = self.faup.get_domain()
subdomain = self.faup.get_subdomain()
self.redis_logger.debug('{} Published'.format(url))
if subdomain is not None:
# TODO: # FIXME: remove me
subdomain = subdomain.decode()
if domain is not None:
# TODO: # FIXME: remove me
domain = domain.decode()
hostl = self.avoidNone(subdomain) + self.avoidNone(domain)
ip = socket.gethostbyname(hostl)
# If the resolver is not giving any IPv4 address,
# ASN/CC lookup is skip.
l = client.lookup(ip, qType='IP')
except ipaddress.AddressValueError:
'ASN/CC lookup failed for IP {}'.format(ip))
'Resolver IPv4 address failed for host {}'.format(hostl))
cc = getattr(l, 'cc')
asn = ''
if getattr(l, 'asn') is not None:
asn = getattr(l, 'asn')[2:] # remobe b'
# EU is not an official ISO 3166 code (but used by RIPE
# IP allocation)
if cc is not None and cc != "EU":
self.redis_logger.debug('{};{};{};{}'.format(hostl, asn, cc,
if cc == self.cc_critical:
to_print = 'Url;{};{};{};Detected {} {}'.format(
PST.p_source, PST.p_date, PST.p_name,
hostl, cc)
self.redis_logger.debug('{};{};{}'.format(hostl, asn, cc))
A_values = lib_refine.checking_A_record(self.r_serv2,
if A_values[0] >= 1:
PST.__setattr__(self.channel, A_values)
PST.save_attribute_redis(self.channel, (A_values[0],
# self.redis_logger.info('Url;{};{};{};Checked {} URL;{}'.format(
# PST.p_source, PST.p_date, PST.p_name, A_values[0], PST.p_rel_path))
self.prec_filename = filename
if __name__ == '__main__':
module = Web()

View File

@ -10,182 +10,198 @@ It consider the TLD, Domain and protocol.
# Import External packages
import time
import datetime
import redis
import os
from packages import lib_words
from packages.Date import Date
from pubsublogger import publisher
from Helper import Process
from pyfaup.faup import Faup
# Config Var
threshold_total_sum = 200 # Above this value, a keyword is eligible for a progression
threshold_increase = 1.0 # The percentage representing the keyword occurence since num_day_to_look
max_set_cardinality = 10 # The cardinality of the progression set
num_day_to_look = 5 # the detection of the progression start num_day_to_look in the past
def analyse(server, field_name, date, url_parsed):
field = url_parsed[field_name]
if field is not None:
try: # faup version
field = field.decode()
server.hincrby(field, date, 1)
if field_name == "domain": #save domain in a set for the monthly plot
domain_set_name = "domain_set_" + date[0:6]
server.sadd(domain_set_name, field)
print("added in " + domain_set_name +": "+ field)
def get_date_range(num_day):
curr_date = datetime.date.today()
date = Date(str(curr_date.year)+str(curr_date.month).zfill(2)+str(curr_date.day).zfill(2))
date_list = []
for i in range(0, num_day+1):
return date_list
# Compute the progression for one keyword
def compute_progression_word(server, num_day, keyword):
date_range = get_date_range(num_day)
# check if this keyword is eligible for progression
keyword_total_sum = 0
value_list = []
for date in date_range: # get value up to date_range
curr_value = server.hget(keyword, date)
value_list.append(int(curr_value if curr_value is not None else 0))
keyword_total_sum += int(curr_value) if curr_value is not None else 0
oldest_value = value_list[-1] if value_list[-1] != 0 else 1 #Avoid zero division
# The progression is based on the ratio: value[i] / value[i-1]
keyword_increase = 0
value_list_reversed = value_list[:]
for i in range(1, len(value_list_reversed)):
divisor = value_list_reversed[i-1] if value_list_reversed[i-1] != 0 else 1
keyword_increase += value_list_reversed[i] / divisor
return (keyword_increase, keyword_total_sum)
# Import Project packages
from module.abstract_module import AbstractModule
from packages import lib_words
from packages.Date import Date
from Helper import Process
recompute the set top_progression zset
- Compute the current field progression
- re-compute the current progression for each first 2*max_set_cardinality fields in the top_progression_zset
def compute_progression(server, field_name, num_day, url_parsed):
redis_progression_name_set = "z_top_progression_"+field_name
class WebStats(AbstractModule):
WebStats module for AIL framework
keyword = url_parsed[field_name]
if keyword is not None:
# Config Var
THRESHOLD_TOTAL_SUM = 200 # Above this value, a keyword is eligible for a progression
THRESHOLD_INCREASE = 1.0 # The percentage representing the keyword occurence since num_day_to_look
MAX_SET_CARDINALITY = 10 # The cardinality of the progression set
NUM_DAY_TO_LOOK = 5 # the detection of the progression start num_day_to_look in the past
#compute the progression of the current word
keyword_increase, keyword_total_sum = compute_progression_word(server, num_day, keyword)
#re-compute the progression of 2*max_set_cardinality
current_top = server.zrevrangebyscore(redis_progression_name_set, '+inf', '-inf', withscores=True, start=0, num=2*max_set_cardinality)
for word, value in current_top:
word_inc, word_tot_sum = compute_progression_word(server, num_day, word)
server.zrem(redis_progression_name_set, word)
if (word_tot_sum > threshold_total_sum) and (word_inc > threshold_increase):
server.zadd(redis_progression_name_set, float(word_inc), word)
def __init__(self):
super(WebStats, self).__init__()
# filter before adding
if (keyword_total_sum > threshold_total_sum) and (keyword_increase > threshold_increase):
server.zadd(redis_progression_name_set, float(keyword_increase), keyword)
# Send module state to logs
self.redis_logger.info("Module %s initialized"%(self.module_name))
# Sent to the logging a description of the module
self.redis_logger.info("Makes statistics about valid URL")
self.pending_seconds = 5*60
self.r_serv_trend = redis.StrictRedis(
host=self.process.config.get("ARDB_Trending", "host"),
port=self.process.config.get("ARDB_Trending", "port"),
db=self.process.config.get("ARDB_Trending", "db"),
self.csv_path_proto = os.path.join(os.environ['AIL_HOME'],
self.process.config.get("Directories", "protocolstrending_csv"))
self.protocolsfile_path = os.path.join(os.environ['AIL_HOME'],
self.process.config.get("Directories", "protocolsfile"))
self.csv_path_tld = os.path.join(os.environ['AIL_HOME'],
self.process.config.get("Directories", "tldstrending_csv"))
self.tldsfile_path = os.path.join(os.environ['AIL_HOME'],
self.process.config.get("Directories", "tldsfile"))
self.csv_path_domain = os.path.join(os.environ['AIL_HOME'],
self.process.config.get("Directories", "domainstrending_csv"))
self.faup = Faup()
self.generate_new_graph = False
def computeNone(self):
if self.generate_new_graph:
self.generate_new_graph = False
today = datetime.date.today()
year = today.year
month = today.month
self.redis_logger.debug('Building protocol graph')
lib_words.create_curve_with_word_file(self.r_serv_trend, csv_path_proto,
protocolsfile_path, year,
self.redis_logger.debug('Building tld graph')
lib_words.create_curve_with_word_file(self.r_serv_trend, csv_path_tld,
tldsfile_path, year,
self.redis_logger.debug('Building domain graph')
lib_words.create_curve_from_redis_set(self.r_serv_trend, csv_path_domain,
"domain", year,
self.redis_logger.debug('end building')
def compute(self, message):
self.generate_new_graph = True
# Do something with the message from the queue
url, date, path = message.split()
url_parsed = self.faup.get()
# Scheme analysis
self.analyse('scheme', date, url_parsed)
# Tld analysis
self.analyse('tld', date, url_parsed)
# Domain analysis
self.analyse('domain', date, url_parsed)
self.compute_progression('scheme', self.NUM_DAY_TO_LOOK, url_parsed)
self.compute_progression('tld', self.NUM_DAY_TO_LOOK, url_parsed)
self.compute_progression('domain', self.NUM_DAY_TO_LOOK, url_parsed)
def analyse(self, field_name, date, url_parsed):
field = url_parsed[field_name]
if field is not None:
try: # faup version
field = field.decode()
self.r_serv_trend.hincrby(field, date, 1)
if field_name == "domain": #save domain in a set for the monthly plot
domain_set_name = "domain_set_" + date[0:6]
self.r_serv_trend.sadd(domain_set_name, field)
self.redis_logger.debug("added in " + domain_set_name +": "+ field)
def get_date_range(self, num_day):
curr_date = datetime.date.today()
date = Date(str(curr_date.year)+str(curr_date.month).zfill(2)+str(curr_date.day).zfill(2))
date_list = []
for i in range(0, num_day+1):
return date_list
def compute_progression_word(self, num_day, keyword):
Compute the progression for one keyword
date_range = self.get_date_range(num_day)
# check if this keyword is eligible for progression
keyword_total_sum = 0
value_list = []
for date in date_range: # get value up to date_range
curr_value = self.r_serv_trend.hget(keyword, date)
value_list.append(int(curr_value if curr_value is not None else 0))
keyword_total_sum += int(curr_value) if curr_value is not None else 0
oldest_value = value_list[-1] if value_list[-1] != 0 else 1 #Avoid zero division
# The progression is based on the ratio: value[i] / value[i-1]
keyword_increase = 0
value_list_reversed = value_list[:]
for i in range(1, len(value_list_reversed)):
divisor = value_list_reversed[i-1] if value_list_reversed[i-1] != 0 else 1
keyword_increase += value_list_reversed[i] / divisor
return (keyword_increase, keyword_total_sum)
def compute_progression(self, field_name, num_day, url_parsed):
recompute the set top_progression zset
- Compute the current field progression
- re-compute the current progression for each first 2*self.MAX_SET_CARDINALITY fields in the top_progression_zset
redis_progression_name_set = "z_top_progression_"+field_name
keyword = url_parsed[field_name]
if keyword is not None:
#compute the progression of the current word
keyword_increase, keyword_total_sum = self.compute_progression_word(num_day, keyword)
#re-compute the progression of 2*self.MAX_SET_CARDINALITY
current_top = self.r_serv_trend.zrevrangebyscore(redis_progression_name_set, '+inf', '-inf', withscores=True, start=0, num=2*self.MAX_SET_CARDINALITY)
for word, value in current_top:
word_inc, word_tot_sum = self.compute_progression_word(num_day, word)
self.r_serv_trend.zrem(redis_progression_name_set, word)
if (word_tot_sum > self.THRESHOLD_TOTAL_SUM) and (word_inc > self.THRESHOLD_INCREASE):
self.r_serv_trend.zadd(redis_progression_name_set, float(word_inc), word)
# filter before adding
if (keyword_total_sum > self.THRESHOLD_TOTAL_SUM) and (keyword_increase > self.THRESHOLD_INCREASE):
self.r_serv_trend.zadd(redis_progression_name_set, float(keyword_increase), keyword)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# If you wish to use an other port of channel, do not forget to run a subscriber accordingly (see launch_logs.sh)
# Port of the redis instance used by pubsublogger
publisher.port = 6380
# Script is the default channel used for the modules.
publisher.channel = 'Script'
# Section name in bin/packages/modules.cfg
config_section = 'WebStats'
# Setup the I/O queues
p = Process(config_section)
# Sent to the logging a description of the module
publisher.info("Makes statistics about valid URL")
r_serv_trend = redis.StrictRedis(
host=p.config.get("ARDB_Trending", "host"),
port=p.config.get("ARDB_Trending", "port"),
db=p.config.get("ARDB_Trending", "db"),
csv_path_proto = os.path.join(os.environ['AIL_HOME'],
p.config.get("Directories", "protocolstrending_csv"))
protocolsfile_path = os.path.join(os.environ['AIL_HOME'],
p.config.get("Directories", "protocolsfile"))
csv_path_tld = os.path.join(os.environ['AIL_HOME'],
p.config.get("Directories", "tldstrending_csv"))
tldsfile_path = os.path.join(os.environ['AIL_HOME'],
p.config.get("Directories", "tldsfile"))
csv_path_domain = os.path.join(os.environ['AIL_HOME'],
p.config.get("Directories", "domainstrending_csv"))
faup = Faup()
generate_new_graph = False
# Endless loop getting messages from the input queue
while True:
# Get one message from the input queue
message = p.get_from_set()
if message is None:
if generate_new_graph:
generate_new_graph = False
today = datetime.date.today()
year = today.year
month = today.month
print('Building protocol graph')
lib_words.create_curve_with_word_file(r_serv_trend, csv_path_proto,
protocolsfile_path, year,
print('Building tld graph')
lib_words.create_curve_with_word_file(r_serv_trend, csv_path_tld,
tldsfile_path, year,
print('Building domain graph')
lib_words.create_curve_from_redis_set(r_serv_trend, csv_path_domain,
"domain", year,
print('end building')
publisher.debug("{} queue is empty, waiting".format(config_section))
generate_new_graph = True
# Do something with the message from the queue
url, date, path = message.split()
url_parsed = faup.get()
# Scheme analysis
analyse(r_serv_trend, 'scheme', date, url_parsed)
# Tld analysis
analyse(r_serv_trend, 'tld', date, url_parsed)
# Domain analysis
analyse(r_serv_trend, 'domain', date, url_parsed)
compute_progression(r_serv_trend, 'scheme', num_day_to_look, url_parsed)
compute_progression(r_serv_trend, 'tld', num_day_to_look, url_parsed)
compute_progression(r_serv_trend, 'domain', num_day_to_look, url_parsed)
module = WebStats()

bin/module/__init__.py Normal file
View File

View File

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
# coding: utf-8
Base Class for AIL Modules
# Import External packages
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import time
# Import Project packages
from pubsublogger import publisher
from Helper import Process
class AbstractModule(ABC):
Abstract Module class
def __init__(self, module_name=None, queue_name=None):
Init Module
module_name: str; set the module name if different from the instance ClassName
# Module name if provided else instance className
self.module_name = module_name if module_name else self._module_name()
# Module name if provided else instance className
self.queue_name = queue_name if queue_name else self._module_name()
# Init Redis Logger
self.redis_logger = publisher
# Port of the redis instance used by pubsublogger
self.redis_logger.port = 6380
# Channel name to publish logs
self.redis_logger.channel = 'Script'
# TODO modify generic channel Script to a namespaced channel like:
# publish module logs to script:<ModuleName> channel
# self.redis_logger.channel = 'script:%s'%(self.module_name)
# Run module endlessly
self.proceed = True
# Waiting time in secondes between two proccessed messages
self.pending_seconds = 10
# Setup the I/O queues
self.process = Process(self.queue_name)
def run(self):
Run Module endless process
# Endless loop processing messages from the input queue
while self.proceed:
# Get one message (paste) from the QueueIn (copy of Redis_Global publish)
message = self.process.get_from_set()
if message is None:
# Wait before next process
self.redis_logger.debug('%s, waiting for new message, Idling %ds'%(self.module_name, self.pending_seconds))
# Module processing with the message from the queue
except Exception as err:
self.redis_logger.error("Error in module %s: %s"%(self.module_name, err))
def _module_name(self):
Returns the instance class name (ie. the Module Name)
return self.__class__.__name__
def compute(self, message):
Main method of the Module to implement
def computeNone(self):
Method of the Module when there is no message

View File

@ -1,45 +1,57 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*-coding:UTF-8 -*
Template for new modules
The Template Module
This module is a template for Template for new modules
# Import External packages
import time
from pubsublogger import publisher
# Import Project packages
from module.abstract_module import AbstractModule
from Helper import Process
def do_something(message):
return None
class Template(AbstractModule):
Template module for AIL framework
def __init__(self):
super(Template, self).__init__()
# Send module state to logs
self.redis_logger.info("Module %s initialized"%(self.module_name))
# Pending time between two computation in seconds
self.pending_seconds = 10
def computeNone(self):
Compute when no message in queue
self.redis_logger.debug("No message in queue")
def compute(self, message):
Compute a message in queue
self.redis_logger.debug("Compute message in queue")
if __name__ == '__main__':
# If you wish to use an other port of channel, do not forget to run a subscriber accordingly (see launch_logs.sh)
# Port of the redis instance used by pubsublogger
publisher.port = 6380
# Script is the default channel used for the modules.
publisher.channel = 'Script'
# Section name in bin/packages/modules.cfg
config_section = '<section name>'
# Setup the I/O queues
p = Process(config_section)
# Sent to the logging a description of the module
publisher.info("<description of the module>")
# Endless loop getting messages from the input queue
while True:
# Get one message from the input queue
message = p.get_from_set()
if message is None:
publisher.debug("{} queue is empty, waiting".format(config_section))
# Do something with the message from the queue
something_has_been_done = do_something(message)
# (Optional) Send that thing to the next queue
module = Template()