Paste: {{ request.args.get('paste') }}

Date Source Encoding Language Size (Kb) Mime Number of lines Max line length
{{ date }} {{ source }} {{ encoding }} {{ language }} {{ size }} {{ mime }} {{ lineinfo.0 }} {{ lineinfo.1 }}
{% if item_parent %}
{% endif %}
{% with obj_type='item', obj_id=request.args.get('paste'), obj_lvl=0%} {% include 'import_export/block_add_user_object_to_export.html' %} {% endwith %} {% if hive %} {% endif %}
{% if duplicate_list|length == 0 %} {% else %}

Duplicate list:

{% set i = 0 %} {% for dup_path in duplicate_list %} {% endfor %}
Hash type Paste info Date Path Action
{{ hashtype_list[loop.index - 1] }} Similarity: {{ simil_list[loop.index - 1] }}% {{ date_list[loop.index - 1] }} {{ dup_path }}
{% endif %} {% if l_64|length != 0 %}

Hash files:

{% for b64 in l_64 %} {% endfor %}
estimated type hash saved_path Virus Total
  {{ b64[1] }} {{ b64[2] }} ({{ b64[4] }}) {{ b64[3] }} {% if vt_enabled %} {% if not b64[5] %} {% else %} VT Report {% endif %} {% else %} Virus Total submission is disabled {% endif %}
{% endif %} {% if crawler_metadata['get_metadata'] %}
Crawled Paste
Domain {{ crawler_metadata['domain'] }}
Father {{ crawler_metadata['paste_father'] }}
Source link {{ crawler_metadata['real_link'] }}
{% if crawler_metadata['har_file'] %} button {% endif %}
{% endif %}


[Raw content]

{{ content }}

{% if crawler_metadata['get_metadata'] %} {% endif %}