#!/bin/bash set -e set -x [ -z "$AIL_HOME" ] && echo "Needs the env var AIL_HOME. Run the script from the virtual environment." && exit 1; [ -z "$AIL_REDIS" ] && echo "Needs the env var AIL_REDIS. Run the script from the virtual environment." && exit 1; [ -z "$AIL_LEVELDB" ] && echo "Needs the env var AIL_LEVELDB. Run the script from the virtual environment." && exit 1; conf_dir="${AIL_HOME}/configs/" screen -dmS "Redis" sleep 0.1 echo -e $GREEN"\t* Launching Redis servers"$DEFAULT screen -S "Redis" -X screen -t "6379" bash -c '../redis/src/redis-server '$conf_dir'6379.conf ; read x' sleep 0.1 screen -S "Redis" -X screen -t "6380" bash -c '../redis/src/redis-server '$conf_dir'6380.conf ; read x' sleep 0.1 screen -S "Redis" -X screen -t "6381" bash -c '../redis/src/redis-server '$conf_dir'6381.conf ; read x' # For Words and curves sleep 0.1 screen -S "Redis" -X screen -t "6382" bash -c '../redis/src/redis-server '$conf_dir'6382.conf ; read x'