% DO NOT COMPILE THIS FILE DIRECTLY! % This is included by the other .tex files. \begin{frame}[t,plain] %\titlepage \end{frame} \section{Useful commands} \begin{frame} \frametitle{Useful commands} \begin{tcblisting}{colback=black!85,coltext=green,listing only, title=Setting up AIL-Framework from source, fonttitle=\bfseries} git clone https://github.com/ail-project/ail-framework.git cd AIL-framework ./installing_deps.sh cd var/www/ ./update_thirdparty.sh \end{tcblisting} % \begin{tcblisting}{colback=black!85,coltext=green,listing only, % title=Accessing the environment and starting AIL, fonttitle=\bfseries} %# Activate the virtualenv %. ./AILENV/bin/activate % %# Launch the system %cd bin/ %./LAUNCH % # check options 1->5 % %# Start web interface %cd var/www/ %./Flask_server.py % # -> Browse http://localhost:7000/ %\end{tcblisting} % % \lstset{style=default} % \begin{lstlisting} %Web interface (default network settings): % %Shell/SSH: % ail/Password1234 %\end{lstlisting} \end{frame}