#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*-coding:UTF-8 -* ''' submit your own pastes in AIL empty values must be initialized ''' import requests if __name__ == '__main__': #AIL url url = 'http://localhost:7000' ail_url = url + '/PasteSubmit/submit' # MIPS TAXONOMIE, need to be initialized (tags_taxonomies = '') tags_taxonomies = 'CERT-XLM:malicious-code=\"ransomware\",CERT-XLM:conformity=\"standard\"' # MISP GALAXY, need to be initialized (tags_galaxies = '') tags_galaxies = 'misp-galaxy:cert-seu-gocsector=\"Constituency\",misp-galaxy:cert-seu-gocsector=\"EU-Centric\"' # user paste input, need to be initialized (paste_content = '') paste_content = 'paste content test' #file full or relative path file_to_submit = 'test_file.zip' #compress file password, need to be initialized (password = '') password = '' ''' submit user text ''' r = requests.post(ail_url, data={ 'password': password, 'paste_content': paste_content, 'tags_taxonomies': tags_taxonomies, 'tags_galaxies': tags_galaxies}) print(r.status_code, r.reason) ''' submit a file ''' with open(file_submit,'rb') as f: r = requests.post(ail_url, data={ 'password': password, 'paste_content': paste_content, 'tags_taxonomies': tags_taxonomies, 'tags_galaxies': tags_galaxies}, files={'file': (file_to_submit, f.read() )}) print(r.status_code, r.reason)