#!/usr/bin/env python2 # -*-coding:UTF-8 -* """ Queue helper module ============================ This module subscribe to a Publisher stream and put the received messages into a Redis-list waiting to be popped later by others scripts. ..note:: Module ZMQ_Something_Q and ZMQ_Something are closely bound, always put the same Subscriber name in both of them. """ import redis import ConfigParser import os import zmq class Redis_Queues(object): def __init__(self, conf_section, conf_channel, subscriber_name): configfile = os.path.join(os.environ('AIL_BIN'), 'packages/config.cfg') if not os.path.exists(configfile): raise Exception('Unable to find the configuration file. \ Did you set environment variables? \ Or activate the virtualenv.') self.config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() self.config.read(configfile) self.subscriber_name = subscriber_name self.sub_channel = self.config.get(conf_section, conf_channel) self.redis_channel = self.sub_channel + self.subscriber_name # Redis Queue config_section = "Redis_Queues" self.r_queues = redis.StrictRedis( host=self.config.get(config_section, "host"), port=self.config.getint(config_section, "port"), db=self.config.getint(config_section, "db")) def zmq_sub(self, conf_section): sub_address = self.config.get(conf_section, 'adress') context = zmq.Context() self.sub_socket = context.socket(zmq.SUB) self.sub_socket.connect(sub_address) self.sub_socket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, self.sub_channel) def zmq_pub(self, config_section, config_channel): context = zmq.Context() self.pub_socket = context.socket(zmq.PUB) self.pub_socket.bind(self.config.get(config_section, 'adress')) if config_channel is not None: self.pub_channel = self.config.get(config_section, config_channel) else: # The publishing channel is defined dynamically self.pub_channel = None def zmq_pub_send(self, msg): if self.pub_channel is None: raise Exception('A channel is reqired to send a message.') self.pub_socket.send('{} {}'.format(self.pub_channel, msg)) def redis_rpop(self): return self.r_queues.rpop(self.redis_channel) def redis_queue_shutdown(self, is_queue=False): if is_queue: flag = self.subscriber_name + '_Q' else: flag = self.subscriber_name # srem returns False if the element does not exists return self.r_queues.srem('SHUTDOWN_FLAGS', flag) def redis_queue_subscribe(self, publisher): publisher.info("Suscribed to channel {}".format(self.sub_channel)) while True: msg = self.sub_socket.recv() p = self.r_queues.pipeline() p.sadd("queues", self.redis_channel) p.lpush(self.redis_channel, msg) p.execute() if self.redis_queue_shutdown(True): print "Shutdown Flag Up: Terminating" publisher.warning("Shutdown Flag Up: Terminating.") break