#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*-coding:UTF-8 -* """ The Hosts Module ====================== This module is consuming the Redis-list created by the Global module. It is looking for Hosts """ ################################## # Import External packages ################################## import os import re import sys import time sys.path.append(os.environ['AIL_BIN']) ################################## # Import Project packages ################################## from modules.abstract_module import AbstractModule from lib.ConfigLoader import ConfigLoader from lib import regex_helper #from lib.objects.Items import Item from packages.Item import Item class Hosts(AbstractModule): """ Hosts module for AIL framework """ def __init__(self): super(Hosts, self).__init__() config_loader = ConfigLoader() self.r_cache = config_loader.get_redis_conn("Redis_Cache") self.redis_cache_key = regex_helper.generate_redis_cache_key(self.module_name) # regex timeout self.regex_timeout = 30 # Waiting time in secondes between to message proccessed self.pending_seconds = 1 self.host_regex = r'\b([a-zA-Z\d-]{,63}(?:\.[a-zA-Z\d-]{,63})+)\b' re.compile(self.host_regex) self.redis_logger.info(f"Module: {self.module_name} Launched") def compute(self, message): item = Item(message) # mimetype = item_basic.get_item_mimetype(item.get_id()) # if mimetype.split('/')[0] == "text": content = item.get_content() hosts = regex_helper.regex_findall(self.module_name, self.redis_cache_key, self.host_regex, item.get_id(), content) for host in hosts: #print(host) msg = f'{host} {item.get_id()}' self.send_message_to_queue(msg, 'Host') if __name__ == '__main__': module = Hosts() module.run()