{% include 'nav_bar.html' %}
{% include 'crawler/menu_sidebar.html' %}
{% if dict_domain["status"] %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}

{{ dict_domain['domain'] }} :

First Seen Last Check Ports Languages
{%if "first_seen" in dict_domain%}{{ dict_domain['first_seen'] }}{%endif%} {%if "last_check" in dict_domain%}{{ dict_domain['last_check'] }}{%endif%} {%if dict_domain["ports"]%}{{ dict_domain["ports"] }}{%endif%} {% for languages in dict_domain['languages'] %} {{languages}} {% endfor %}
{% include 'modals/edit_tag.html' %} {% for tag in dict_domain['tags'] %} {% endfor %}
{% include 'modals/add_tags.html' %}
{% if 'father' in dict_domain %} {% if dict_domain['father']=='manual' or dict_domain['father']=='auto' %} {%else%} {% if dict_domain['father']['domain_father'] %} {%endif%}

{%endif%} {%endif%}

Last Origin:
{{ dict_domain['father'] }}
{{ dict_domain['father']['item_father'] }}
{{ dict_domain['father']['domain_father'] }}
{% if 'correlation_nb' in dict_domain %} {% if dict_domain["correlation_nb"] > 0 %}
{%endif%} {%endif%} {% with obj_type='domain', obj_id=dict_domain['domain'], obj_subtype=''%} {% include 'modals/investigations_register_obj.html' %} {% endwith %}
{% with obj_type='domain', obj_id=dict_domain['domain'], obj_lvl=0%} {% include 'import_export/block_add_user_object_to_export.html' %} {% endwith %}
{% if 'decoded' in dict_domain%}
{% for decoded in dict_domain['decoded']%} {% endfor %}
{{ decoded }}
{% endif %} {% if 'pgp' in dict_domain%}
PGP Dumps  
{% for dict_key in dict_domain['pgp']%} {% if dict_key != "nb" %} {% if dict_key=="mail" %} {% set var_icon = "fas fa-at" %} {% elif dict_key=="name" %} {% set var_icon = "fas fa-user-tag" %} {% else %} {% set var_icon = "fas fa-key" %} {% endif %} {% for key_id in dict_domain['pgp'][dict_key]%} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
PGP Type Key ID
  {{ dict_key }} {{ key_id }}
{% endif %} {% if 'cryptocurrency' in dict_domain%}
{% for dict_key in dict_domain['cryptocurrency']%} {% if dict_key != "nb" %} {% if dict_key=="bitcoin" %} {% set var_icon = "fab fa-bitcoin" %} {% elif dict_key=="monero" %} {% set var_icon = "fab fa-monero" %} {% else %} {% set var_icon = "fas fa-coins" %} {% endif %} {% for key_id in dict_domain['cryptocurrency'][dict_key]%} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
Currency address
  {{ dict_key }} {{ key_id }}
{% endif %} {% if 'screenshot' in dict_domain%}
{% for screenshot in dict_domain['screenshot']%} {% endfor %}
{{ screenshot }}
{% endif %} {% if dict_domain["crawler_history"] %}
Date: {{dict_domain["crawler_history"]["date"]}}   PORT: {{dict_domain["crawler_history"]["port"]}}
Crawled Items {% if not dict_domain["crawler_history"]["items"] %}: DOWN{% endif %}
{% if dict_domain["crawler_history"]["items"] %} {% for item in dict_domain["crawler_history"]["items"] %} {% endfor %}
Crawled Pastes
{{ item["link"] }}
{% for tag in item["tags"] %} {{ tag["min_tag"] }} {% endfor %}
{%if item["screenshot"]%} {%endif%}
{%endif%} {%endif%} {% if dict_domain["history"] %} {% for dom_history in dict_domain["history"] %} {% endfor %}
Domain History
{% if dom_history["status"] %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{{ dom_history["date"] }}