#!/bin/bash usage() { echo "Usage: sudo $0 [-f ] [-p ] [-n ]" 1>&2; echo " -f: absolute path to splash docker proxy-profiles directory (used for proxy configuration)"; echo " -p: number of the first splash server port number. This number is incremented for the others splash server"; echo " -n: number of splash servers to start"; echo ""; echo " -options:"; echo " -u: max unbound in-memory cache (Mb, Restart Splash when full, default=3000 Mb)"; echo ""; echo "example:"; echo "sudo ./launch_splash_crawler.sh -f /home/my_user/AIL-framework/configs/docker/splash_onion/etc/splash/proxy-profiles/ -p 8050 -n 3"; exit 1; } while getopts ":p:f:n:u:" o; do case "${o}" in p) p=${OPTARG} ;; f) f=${OPTARG} ;; n) n=${OPTARG} ;; u) u=${OPTARG} ;; *) usage ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND-1)) if [ -z "${u}" ]; then u=3000; fi if [ -z "${p}" ] || [ -z "${f}" ] || [ -z "${n}" ]; then usage; fi RED="\\033[1;31m" DEFAULT="\\033[0;39m" GREEN="\\033[1;32m" WHITE="\\033[0;02m" if [ ! -d "${f}" ]; then printf "$RED\n Error -f, proxy-profiles directory: $WHITE${f}$RED not found\n$DEFAULT Please check if you enter the correct path\n" exit 1 fi if [ ! -f "${f}default.ini" ]; then printf "$RED\n Error -f, proxy configuration file:$WHITE default.ini$RED not found\n$DEFAULT Please check if you enter the correct path\n" exit 1 fi screen -dmS "Docker_Splash" sleep 0.1 for ((i=0;i<=$((${n} - 1));i++)); do port_number=$((${p} + $i)) screen -S "Docker_Splash" -X screen -t "docker_splash:$port_number" bash -c 'sudo docker run -d -p '$port_number':8050 --restart=always --cpus=1 --memory=4.5G -v '$f':/etc/splash/proxy-profiles/ --net="bridge" scrapinghub/splash --maxrss '$u'; read x' sleep 0.1 printf "$GREEN Splash server launched on port $port_number$DEFAULT\n" done