#!/usr/bin/env python2 # -*-coding:UTF-8 -* """ The Duplicate module ==================== This huge module is, in short term, checking duplicates. Requirements: ------------- """ import redis import os import time from packages import Paste from pubsublogger import publisher from pybloomfilter import BloomFilter import Helper if __name__ == "__main__": publisher.channel = "Script" config_section = 'PubSub_Global' config_channel = 'channel' subscriber_name = 'duplicate' h = Helper.Redis_Queues(config_section, config_channel, subscriber_name) # Subscriber h.zmq_sub(config_section) # REDIS # r_serv_merge = redis.StrictRedis( host=h.config.get("Redis_Data_Merging", "host"), port=h.config.getint("Redis_Data_Merging", "port"), db=h.config.getint("Redis_Data_Merging", "db")) # REDIS # # DB OBJECT & HASHS ( DISK ) # FIXME increase flexibility dico_redis = {} for year in xrange(2013, 2015): for month in xrange(0, 16): dico_redis[str(year)+str(month).zfill(2)] = redis.StrictRedis( host=h.config.get("Redis_Level_DB", "host"), port=year, db=month) # FUNCTIONS # publisher.info("""Script duplicate subscribed to channel {0}""".format( h.config.get("PubSub_Global", "channel"))) set_limit = 100 bloompath = os.path.join(os.environ('AIL_BIN'), h.config.get("Directories", "bloomfilters")) bloop_path_set = set() while True: try: super_dico = {} hash_dico = {} dupl = [] nb_hash_current = 0 x = time.time() message = h.redis_rpop() if message is not None: path = message.split(" ", -1)[-1] PST = Paste.Paste(path) else: publisher.debug("Script Attribute is idling 10s") time.sleep(10) if h.redis_queue_shutdown(): print "Shutdown Flag Up: Terminating" publisher.warning("Shutdown Flag Up: Terminating.") break continue PST._set_p_hash_kind("md5") # Assignate the correct redis connexion r_serv1 = dico_redis[PST.p_date.year + PST.p_date.month] # Creating the bloom filter name: bloomyyyymm filebloompath = os.path.join(bloompath, 'bloom' + PST.p_date.year + PST.p_date.month) if os.path.exists(filebloompath): bloom = BloomFilter.open(filebloompath) else: bloom = BloomFilter(100000000, 0.01, filebloompath) bloop_path_set.add(filebloompath) # UNIQUE INDEX HASHS TABLE r_serv0 = dico_redis["201300"] r_serv0.incr("current_index") index = r_serv0.get("current_index")+str(PST.p_date) # HASHTABLES PER MONTH (because of r_serv1 changing db) r_serv1.set(index, PST.p_path) r_serv1.sadd("INDEX", index) # For each bloom filter opened_bloom = [] for bloo in bloop_path_set: # Opening blooms opened_bloom.append(BloomFilter.open(bloo)) # For each hash of the paste for line_hash in PST._get_hash_lines(min=5, start=1, jump=0): nb_hash_current += 1 # Adding the hash in Redis & limiting the set if r_serv1.scard(line_hash) <= set_limit: r_serv1.sadd(line_hash, index) r_serv1.sadd("HASHS", line_hash) # Adding the hash in the bloom of the month bloom.add(line_hash) # Go throught the Database of the bloom filter (of the month) for bloo in opened_bloom: if line_hash in bloo: db = bloo.name[-6:] # Go throught the Database of the bloom filter (month) r_serv_bloom = dico_redis[db] # set of index paste: set([1,2,4,65]) hash_current = r_serv_bloom.smembers(line_hash) # removing itself from the list hash_current = hash_current - set([index]) # if the hash is present at least in 1 files # (already processed) if len(hash_current) != 0: hash_dico[line_hash] = hash_current # if there is data in this dictionnary if len(hash_dico) != 0: super_dico[index] = hash_dico ########################################################################### # if there is data in this dictionnary if len(super_dico) != 0: # current = current paste, phash_dico = {hash: set, ...} occur_dico = {} for current, phash_dico in super_dico.items(): # phash = hash, pset = set([ pastes ...]) for phash, pset in hash_dico.items(): for p_fname in pset: occur_dico.setdefault(p_fname, 0) # Count how much hash is similar per file occuring # in the dictionnary if occur_dico[p_fname] >= 0: occur_dico[p_fname] = occur_dico[p_fname] + 1 for paste, count in occur_dico.items(): percentage = round((count/float(nb_hash_current))*100, 2) if percentage >= 50: dupl.append((paste, percentage)) # Creating the object attribute and save it. to_print = 'Duplicate;{};{};{};'.format( PST.p_source, PST.p_date, PST.p_name) if dupl != []: PST.__setattr__("p_duplicate", dupl) PST.save_attribute_redis(r_serv_merge, "p_duplicate", dupl) publisher.info('{}Detected {}'.format(to_print, len(dupl))) y = time.time() publisher.debug('{}Processed in {} sec'.format(to_print, y-x)) except IOError: print "CRC Checksum Failed on :", PST.p_path publisher.error('{}CRC Checksum Failed'.format(to_print))