#!/usr/bin/python3 """ The ``Domain`` =================== """ import os import sys import time import redis import random sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.environ['AIL_BIN'], 'packages/')) import Cryptocurrency from Pgp import pgp import Date import Decoded import Item import Tag cryptocurrency = Cryptocurrency.cryptocurrency sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.environ['AIL_BIN'], 'lib/')) import ConfigLoader import Correlate_object config_loader = ConfigLoader.ConfigLoader() r_serv_onion = config_loader.get_redis_conn("ARDB_Onion") config_loader = None ######## DB KEYS ######## def get_db_keys_domain_up(domain_type, date_type): # sanitise domain_type # get key name if date_type=='day': key_value = "{}_up:".format(domain_type) key_value += "{}" elif date_type=='month': key_value = "month_{}_up:".format(domain_type) key_value += "{}" else: key_value = None return key_value def get_list_db_keys_domain_up(domain_type, l_dates, date_type): l_keys_name = [] key_name = get_db_keys_domain_up(domain_type, date_type) if key_name: for str_date in l_dates: l_keys_name.append(key_name.format(str_date)) return l_keys_name ######## UTIL ######## def sanitize_domain_type(domain_type): if domain_type in ['onion', 'regular']: return domain_type else: return 'regular' ######## DOMAINS ######## def get_all_domains_up(domain_type): ''' Get all domain up (at least one time) :param domain_type: domain type :type domain_type: str :return: list of domain :rtype: list ''' return list(r_serv_onion.smembers("full_{}_up".format(domain_type))) def get_domains_up_by_month(date_year_month, domain_type, rlist=False): ''' Get all domain up (at least one time) :param domain_type: date_year_month YYYYMM :type domain_type: str :return: list of domain :rtype: list ''' res = r_serv_onion.smembers( get_db_keys_domain_up(domain_type, "month").format(date_year_month) ) if rlist: return list(res) else: return res def get_domain_up_by_day(date_year_month, domain_type, rlist=False): ''' Get all domain up (at least one time) :param domain_type: date YYYYMMDD :type domain_type: str :return: list of domain :rtype: list ''' res = r_serv_onion.smembers(get_db_keys_domain_up(domain_type, "day").format(date_year_month)) if rlist: return list(res) else: return res def get_domains_up_by_daterange(date_from, date_to, domain_type): ''' Get all domain up (at least one time) by daterange :param domain_type: date YYYYMMDD :type domain_type: str :return: list of domain :rtype: list ''' days_list, month_list = Date.get_date_range_full_month_and_days(date_from, date_to) l_keys_name = get_list_db_keys_domain_up(domain_type, days_list, 'day') l_keys_name.extend(get_list_db_keys_domain_up(domain_type, month_list, 'month')) if len(l_keys_name) > 1: domains_up = list(r_serv_onion.sunion(l_keys_name[0], *l_keys_name[1:])) elif l_keys_name: domains_up = list(r_serv_onion.smembers(l_keys_name[0])) else: domains_up = [] return domains_up ######## DOMAIN ######## def get_domain_type(domain): if str(domain).endswith('.onion'): return 'onion' else: return 'regular' def sanathyse_port(port, domain, domain_type, strict=False, current_port=None): ''' Retun a port number, If the port number is invalid, a port of the provided domain is randomly selected ''' try: port = int(port) except (TypeError, ValueError): if strict: port = current_port else: port = get_random_domain_port(domain, domain_type) return port def domain_was_up(domain, domain_type): return r_serv_onion.hexists('{}_metadata:{}'.format(domain_type, domain), 'ports') def is_domain_up(domain, domain_type, ports=[]): if not ports: ports = get_domain_all_ports(domain, domain_type) for port in ports: res = r_serv_onion.zrevrange('crawler_history_{}:{}:{}'.format(domain_type, domain, port), 0, 0, withscores=True) if res: item_core, epoch = res[0] epoch = int(epoch) if item_core != str(epoch): return True return False def get_domain_first_up(domain, domain_type, ports=None): ''' Get all domain up (at least one time) :param ports: list of ports, optional :type ports: list :return: domain last up epoch :rtype: int ''' if ports is None: ports = get_domain_all_ports(domain, domain_type) epoch_min = None for port in ports: res = r_serv_onion.zrange('crawler_history_{}:{}:{}'.format(domain_type, domain, port), 0, 0, withscores=True)[0] if not epoch_min: epoch_min = int(res[1]) elif res[1] < epoch_min: epoch_min = int(res[1]) return epoch_min def get_last_domain_up_by_port(domain, domain_type, port): current_index = 0 while True: res = r_serv_onion.zrevrange('crawler_history_{}:{}:{}'.format(domain_type, domain, port), current_index, current_index, withscores=True) # history found if res: item_core, epoch = res[0] epoch = int(epoch) if item_core == str(epoch): current_index +=1 else: return epoch else: return None def get_domain_last_up(domain, domain_type, ports=None): if ports is None: ports = get_domain_all_ports(domain, domain_type) epoch_max = 0 for port in ports: last_epoch_up = get_last_domain_up_by_port(domain, domain_type, port) if last_epoch_up > epoch_max: epoch_max = last_epoch_up return epoch_max def get_domain_up_range(domain, domain_type): domain_metadata = {} domain_metadata['first_seen'] = get_domain_first_up(domain, domain_type) domain_metadata['last_seen'] = get_domain_last_up(domain, domain_type) return domain_metadata def get_domain_all_ports(domain, domain_type): ''' Return a list of all crawled ports ''' l_ports = r_serv_onion.hget('{}_metadata:{}'.format(domain_type, domain), 'ports') if l_ports: return l_ports.split(";") return [] def get_random_domain_port(domain, domain_type): return random.choice(get_domain_all_ports(domain, domain_type)) def get_all_domain_up_by_type(domain_type): if domain_type in domains: list_domain = list(r_serv_onion.smembers('full_{}_up'.format(domain_type))) return ({'type': domain_type, 'domains': list_domain}, 200) else: return ({"status": "error", "reason": "Invalid domain type"}, 400) def get_domain_items(domain, root_item_id): dom_item = get_domain_item_children(domain, root_item_id) dom_item.append(root_item_id) return dom_item def get_domain_item_children(domain, root_item_id): all_items = [] for item_id in Item.get_item_children(root_item_id): if Item.is_item_in_domain(domain, item_id): all_items.append(item_id) all_items.extend(get_domain_item_children(domain, item_id)) return all_items def get_domain_last_crawled_item_root(domain, domain_type, port): ''' Retun last_crawled_item_core dict ''' res = r_serv_onion.zrevrange('crawler_history_{}:{}:{}'.format(domain_type, domain, port), 0, 0, withscores=True) if res: return {"root_item": res[0][0], "epoch": int(res[0][1])} else: return {} def get_domain_crawled_item_root(domain, domain_type, port, epoch=None): ''' Retun the first item crawled for a given domain:port (and epoch) ''' if epoch: res = r_serv_onion.zrevrangebyscore('crawler_history_{}:{}:{}'.format(domain_type, domain, port), int(epoch), int(epoch)) if res: return {"root_item": res[0], "epoch": int(epoch)} # invalid epoch epoch = None if not epoch: return get_domain_last_crawled_item_root(domain, domain_type, port) def get_domain_items_crawled(domain, domain_type, port, epoch=None, items_link=False, item_screenshot=False, item_tag=False): ''' ''' item_crawled = {} item_root = get_domain_crawled_item_root(domain, domain_type, port, epoch=epoch) if item_root: item_crawled['port'] = port item_crawled['epoch'] = item_root['epoch'] item_crawled['date'] = time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d - %H:%M.%S', time.gmtime(item_root['epoch'])) item_crawled['items'] = [] if item_root['root_item'] != str(item_root['epoch']): for item in get_domain_items(domain, item_root['root_item']): dict_item = {"id": item} if items_link: dict_item['link'] = Item.get_item_link(item) if item_screenshot: dict_item['screenshot'] = Item.get_item_screenshot(item) if item_tag: dict_item['tags'] = Tag.get_item_tags_minimal(item) item_crawled['items'].append(dict_item) return item_crawled def get_link_tree(): pass def get_domain_first_seen(domain, domain_type=None, r_format="str"): ''' Get domain first seen date :param domain: crawled domain :type domain: str :param domain_type: domain type :type domain_type: str :return: domain first seen date :rtype: str ''' if not domain_type: domain_type = get_domain_type(domain) first_seen = r_serv_onion.hget('{}_metadata:{}'.format(domain_type, domain), 'first_seen') if first_seen is not None: if r_format=="int": first_seen = int(first_seen) else: first_seen = '{}/{}/{}'.format(first_seen[0:4], first_seen[4:6], first_seen[6:8]) return first_seen def get_domain_last_check(domain, domain_type=None, r_format="str"): ''' Get domain last check date :param domain: crawled domain :type domain: str :param domain_type: domain type :type domain_type: str :return: domain last check date :rtype: str ''' if not domain_type: domain_type = get_domain_type(domain) last_check = r_serv_onion.hget('{}_metadata:{}'.format(domain_type, domain), 'last_check') if last_check is not None: if r_format=="int": last_check = int(last_check) # str else: last_check = '{}/{}/{}'.format(last_check[0:4], last_check[4:6], last_check[6:8]) return last_check def get_domain_last_origin(domain, domain_type): ''' Get domain last origin :param domain: crawled domain :type domain: str :param domain_type: domain type :type domain_type: str :return: last orgin item_id :rtype: str ''' origin_item = r_serv_onion.hget('{}_metadata:{}'.format(domain_type, domain), 'paste_parent') return origin_item def get_domain_tags(domain): ''' Retun all tags of a given domain. :param domain: crawled domain ''' return Tag.get_item_tags(domain) def get_domain_metadata(domain, domain_type, first_seen=True, last_ckeck=True, status=True, ports=True, tags=False): ''' Get Domain basic metadata :param first_seen: get domain first_seen :type first_seen: boolean :param last_ckeck: get domain last_check :type last_ckeck: boolean :param ports: get all domain ports :type ports: boolean :param tags: get all domain tags :type tags: boolean :return: a dict of all metadata for a given domain :rtype: dict ''' dict_metadata = {} if first_seen: res = get_domain_first_seen(domain, domain_type=domain_type) if res is not None: dict_metadata['first_seen'] = res if last_ckeck: res = get_domain_last_check(domain, domain_type=domain_type) if res is not None: dict_metadata['last_check'] = res if status: dict_metadata['status'] = is_domain_up(domain, domain_type) if ports: dict_metadata['ports'] = get_domain_all_ports(domain, domain_type) if tags: dict_metadata['tags'] = get_domain_tags(domain) return dict_metadata def get_domain_metadata_basic(domain, domain_type=None): if not domain_type: domain_type = get_domain_type(domain) return get_domain_metadata(domain, domain_type, first_seen=True, last_ckeck=True, status=True, ports=False) def get_domain_cryptocurrency(domain, currencies_type=None, get_nb=False): ''' Retun all cryptocurrencies of a given domain. :param domain: crawled domain :param currencies_type: list of cryptocurrencies type :type currencies_type: list, optional ''' return cryptocurrency.get_domain_correlation_dict(domain, correlation_type=currencies_type, get_nb=get_nb) def get_domain_pgp(domain, currencies_type=None, get_nb=False): ''' Retun all pgp of a given domain. :param domain: crawled domain :param currencies_type: list of pgp type :type currencies_type: list, optional ''' return pgp.get_domain_correlation_dict(domain, correlation_type=currencies_type, get_nb=get_nb) def get_domain_decoded(domain): ''' Retun all decoded item of a given domain. :param domain: crawled domain ''' return Decoded.get_domain_decoded_item(domain) def get_domain_all_correlation(domain, correlation_names=[], get_nb=False): ''' Retun all correlation of a given domain. :param domain: crawled domain :type domain: str :return: a dict of all correlation for a given domain :rtype: dict ''' if not correlation_names: correlation_names = Correlate_object.get_all_correlation_names() domain_correl = {} for correlation_name in correlation_names: if correlation_name=='cryptocurrency': res = get_domain_cryptocurrency(domain, get_nb=get_nb) elif correlation_name=='pgp': res = get_domain_pgp(domain, get_nb=get_nb) elif correlation_name=='decoded': res = get_domain_decoded(domain) else: res = None # add correllation to dict if res: domain_correl[correlation_name] = res return domain_correl def get_domain_total_nb_correlation(correlation_dict): total_correlation = 0 if 'decoded' in correlation_dict: total_correlation += len(correlation_dict['decoded']) if 'cryptocurrency' in correlation_dict: total_correlation += correlation_dict['cryptocurrency'].get('nb', 0) if 'pgp' in correlation_dict: total_correlation += correlation_dict['pgp'].get('nb', 0) return total_correlation # TODO: handle port def get_domain_history(domain, domain_type, port): # TODO: add date_range: from to + nb_elem ''' Retun . :param domain: crawled domain :type domain: str :return: :rtype: list of tuple (item_core, epoch) ''' return r_serv_onion.zrange('crawler_history_{}:{}:{}'.format(domain_type, domain, port), 0, -1, withscores=True) def get_domain_history_with_status(domain, domain_type, port): # TODO: add date_range: from to + nb_elem ''' Retun . :param domain: crawled domain :type domain: str :return: :rtype: list of dict (epoch, date: %Y/%m/%d - %H:%M.%S, boolean status) ''' l_history = [] history = get_domain_history(domain, domain_type, port) for root_item, epoch_val in history: epoch_val = int(epoch_val) # force int # domain down, root_item==epoch_val try: int(root_item) status = False # domain up, root_item=str except ValueError: status = True l_history.append({"epoch": epoch_val, "date": time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d - %H:%M.%S', time.gmtime(epoch_val)), "status": status}) return l_history def verify_if_domain_exist(domain): return r_serv_onion.exists('{}_metadata:{}'.format(get_domain_type(domain), domain)) ## API ## def api_verify_if_domain_exist(domain): if not verify_if_domain_exist(domain): return {'status': 'error', 'reason': 'Domain not found'}, 404 else: return None def api_get_domain_up_range(domain, domain_type=None): res = api_verify_if_domain_exist(domain) if res: return res if not domain_type: domain_type = get_domain_type(domain) res = get_domain_up_range(domain, domain_type) res['domain'] = domain return res, 200 def api_get_domains_by_status_daterange(date_from, date_to, domain_type): sanitize_domain_type(domain_type) res = {'domains': get_domains_up_by_daterange(date_from, date_to, domain_type)} return res, 200 ## CLASS ## class Domain(object): """docstring for Domain.""" def __init__(self, domain, port=None): self.domain = str(domain) self.type = get_domain_type(domain) if self.domain_was_up(): self.current_port = sanathyse_port(port, self.domain, self.type) def get_domain_name(self): return self.domain def get_domain_type(self): return self.type def get_current_port(self): return self.current_port def get_domain_first_seen(self): ''' Get domain first seen date :return: domain first seen date :rtype: str ''' return get_domain_first_seen(self.domain, domain_type=self.type) def get_domain_last_check(self): ''' Get domain last check date :return: domain last check date :rtype: str ''' return get_domain_last_check(self.domain, domain_type=self.type) def get_domain_last_origin(self): ''' Get domain last origin :param domain: crawled domain :type domain: str :param domain_type: domain type :type domain_type: str :return: last orgin item_id :rtype: str ''' return get_domain_last_origin(self.domain, self.type) def domain_was_up(self): ''' Return True if this domain was UP at least one time ''' return domain_was_up(self.domain, self.type) def is_domain_up(self): # # TODO: handle multiple ports ''' Return True if this domain is UP ''' return is_domain_up(self.domain, self.type) def get_domain_all_ports(self): return get_domain_all_ports(self.domain, self.type) def get_domain_metadata(self, first_seen=True, last_ckeck=True, status=True, ports=True, tags=False): ''' Get Domain basic metadata :param first_seen: get domain first_seen :type first_seen: boolean :param last_ckeck: get domain last_check :type last_ckeck: boolean :param ports: get all domain ports :type ports: boolean :param tags: get all domain tags :type tags: boolean :return: a dict of all metadata for a given domain :rtype: dict ''' return get_domain_metadata(self.domain, self.type, first_seen=first_seen, last_ckeck=last_ckeck, status=status, ports=ports, tags=tags) def get_domain_tags(self): ''' Retun all tags of a given domain. :param domain: crawled domain ''' return get_domain_tags(self.domain) def get_domain_correlation(self): ''' Retun all correlation of a given domain. ''' return get_domain_all_correlation(self.domain, get_nb=True) def get_domain_history(self): ''' Retun the full history of a given domain and port. ''' return get_domain_history(self.domain, self.type, 80) def get_domain_history_with_status(self): ''' Retun the full history (with status) of a given domain and port. ''' return get_domain_history_with_status(self.domain, self.type, 80) def get_domain_items_crawled(self, port=None, epoch=None, items_link=False, item_screenshot=False, item_tag=False): ''' Return ........................ ''' port = sanathyse_port(port, self.domain, self.type, strict=True, current_port=self.current_port) return get_domain_items_crawled(self.domain, self.type, port, epoch=epoch, items_link=items_link, item_screenshot=item_screenshot, item_tag=item_tag)