#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*-coding:UTF-8 -* """ The Tags Module ================================ This module create tags. """ import time from pubsublogger import publisher from Helper import Process from packages import Tag if __name__ == '__main__': # Port of the redis instance used by pubsublogger publisher.port = 6380 # Script is the default channel used for the modules. publisher.channel = 'Script' # Section name in bin/packages/modules.cfg config_section = 'Tags' # Setup the I/O queues p = Process(config_section) # Sent to the logging a description of the module publisher.info("Tags module started") # Endless loop getting messages from the input queue while True: # Get one message from the input queue message = p.get_from_set() if message is None: publisher.debug("{} queue is empty, waiting 10s".format(config_section)) time.sleep(10) continue else: tag, item_id = message.split(';') Tag.add_tag("item", tag, item_id) p.populate_set_out(message, 'MISP_The_Hive_feeder')