#!/bin/bash if [ -z "$1" ] then echo "No tags version supplied" fi [ -z "$AIL_HOME" ] && echo "Needs the env var AIL_HOME. Run the script from the virtual environment." && exit 1; [ -z "$AIL_REDIS" ] && echo "Needs the env var AIL_REDIS. Run the script from the virtual environment." && exit 1; [ -z "$AIL_KVROCKS" ] && echo "Needs the env var AIL_KVROCKS. Run the script from the virtual environment." && exit 1; [ -z "$AIL_BIN" ] && echo "Needs the env var AIL_BIN. Run the script from the virtual environment." && exit 1; [ -z "$AIL_FLASK" ] && echo "Needs the env var AIL_FLASK. Run the script from the virtual environment." && exit 1; export PATH=$AIL_HOME:$PATH export PATH=$AIL_REDIS:$PATH export PATH=AIL_KVROCKS:$PATH export PATH=$AIL_BIN:$PATH export PATH=$AIL_FLASK:$PATH GREEN="\\033[1;32m" DEFAULT="\\033[0;39m" echo -e $GREEN"Shutting down AIL Script ..."$DEFAULT bash ${AIL_BIN}/LAUNCH.sh -ks wait echo "" bash ${AIL_BIN}/LAUNCH.sh -lkv wait echo "" echo -e $GREEN"Updating AIL VERSION ..."$DEFAULT echo "" python ${AIL_HOME}/update/default_update/Update.py "-t $1" wait echo "" echo "" echo "" echo -e $GREEN"Killing Script ..."$DEFAULT bash ${AIL_BIN}/LAUNCH.sh -ks wait echo "" echo -e $GREEN"Update thirdparty ..."$DEFAULT bash ${AIL_BIN}/LAUNCH.sh -t wait echo "" exit 0