#!/usr/bin/python3 """ API Helper =================== """ import base64 import gzip import hashlib import json import os import pickle import re import sys import time import uuid from enum import IntEnum, unique from datetime import datetime, timedelta from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta from urllib.parse import urlparse, urljoin from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from pylacus import PyLacus from pyfaup.faup import Faup # interact with splash_crawler API import requests requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) sys.path.append(os.environ['AIL_BIN']) ################################## # Import Project packages ################################## from packages import git_status from packages import Date from lib.ConfigLoader import ConfigLoader from lib.objects.Domains import Domain from lib.objects.Items import Item config_loader = ConfigLoader() r_db = config_loader.get_db_conn("Kvrocks_DB") r_crawler = config_loader.get_db_conn("Kvrocks_Crawler") r_cache = config_loader.get_redis_conn("Redis_Cache") ITEMS_FOLDER = config_loader.get_config_str("Directories", "pastes") HAR_DIR = config_loader.get_files_directory('har') activate_crawler = config_loader.get_config_str("Crawler", "activate_crawler") config_loader = None faup = Faup() # # # # # # # # # # # COMMON # # # # # # # # # # # def gen_uuid(): return str(uuid.uuid4()) def generate_uuid(): return str(uuid.uuid4()).replace('-', '') # # TODO: remove me ? def get_current_date(separator=False): if separator: return datetime.now().strftime("%Y/%m/%d") else: return datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d") def get_date_crawled_items_source(date): return os.path.join('crawled', date) def get_har_dir(): return HAR_DIR def is_valid_onion_domain(domain): if not domain.endswith('.onion'): return False domain = domain.replace('.onion', '', 1) if len(domain) == 16: # v2 address r_onion = r'[a-z0-9]{16}' if re.match(r_onion, domain): return True elif len(domain) == 56: # v3 address r_onion = r'[a-z0-9]{56}' if re.fullmatch(r_onion, domain): return True return False def is_valid_domain(domain): faup.decode(domain) url_unpack = faup.get() unpack_domain = url_unpack['domain'].lower() return domain == unpack_domain def get_faup(): return faup def unpack_url(url): f = get_faup() f.decode(url) url_decoded = f.get() port = url_decoded['port'] if not port: if url_decoded['scheme'] == 'http': port = 80 elif url_decoded['scheme'] == 'https': port = 443 else: port = 80 url_decoded['port'] = port # decode URL try: url = url_decoded['url'].decode() except AttributeError: url = url_decoded['url'] # if not url_decoded['scheme']: # url = f'http://{url}' # Fix case url_decoded['domain'] = url_decoded['domain'].lower() url_decoded['url'] = url.replace(url_decoded['host'], url_decoded['host'].lower(), 1) return url_decoded # # # # # # # # # # # FAVICON # TODO REWRITE ME # # # # # # # # # # TODO CREATE NEW OBJECT def get_favicon_from_html(html, domain, url): favicon_urls, favicons = extract_favicon_from_html(html, url) # add root favicon if not favicon_urls: favicon_urls.add(f'{urlparse(url).scheme}://{domain}/favicon.ico') print(favicon_urls) return favicon_urls def extract_favicon_from_html(html, url): favicons = set() favicons_urls = set() soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser') all_icons = set() # If there are multiple s, the browser uses their media, # type, and sizes attributes to select the most appropriate icon. # If several icons are equally appropriate, the last one is used. # If the most appropriate icon is later found to be inappropriate, # for example because it uses an unsupported format, # the browser proceeds to the next-most appropriate, and so on. # # DEBUG: /!\ firefox load all favicon ??? # iOS Safari 'apple-touch-icon' # Safari pinned tabs 'mask-icon' # Android Chrome 'manifest' # Edge and IE 12: # - # - # Root Favicon f = get_faup() f.decode(url) url_decoded = f.get() root_domain = f"{url_decoded['scheme']}://{url_decoded['domain']}" default_icon = f'{root_domain}/favicon.ico' favicons_urls.add(default_icon) # print(default_icon) # shortcut for shortcut in soup.find_all('link', rel='shortcut icon'): all_icons.add(shortcut) # icons for icon in soup.find_all('link', rel='icon'): all_icons.add(icon) for mask_icon in soup.find_all('link', rel='mask-icon'): all_icons.add(mask_icon) for apple_touche_icon in soup.find_all('link', rel='apple-touch-icon'): all_icons.add(apple_touche_icon) for msapplication in soup.find_all('meta', attrs={'name': 'msapplication-TileImage'}): # msapplication-TileColor all_icons.add(msapplication) # msapplication-TileImage # print(all_icons) for tag in all_icons: icon_url = tag.get('href') if icon_url: if icon_url.startswith('data:'): data = icon_url.split(',', 1) if len(data) > 1: data = ''.join(data[1].split()) favicon = base64.b64decode(data) if favicon: favicons.add(favicon) else: favicon_url = urljoin(url, icon_url) favicons_urls.add(favicon_url) elif tag.get('name') == 'msapplication-TileImage': icon_url = tag.get('content') if icon_url: if icon_url.startswith('data:'): data = icon_url.split(',', 1) if len(data) > 1: data = ''.join(data[1].split()) favicon = base64.b64decode(data) if favicon: favicons.add(favicon) else: favicon_url = urljoin(url, icon_url) favicons_urls.add(favicon_url) print(favicon_url) # print(favicons_urls) return favicons_urls, favicons # mmh3.hash(favicon) # # # - - # # # # # # # # # # # # # # TITLE # # # # # # # # # # # def extract_title_from_html(html): soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser') title = soup.title if title: return str(title.string) return '' def extract_description_from_html(html): soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser') description = soup.find('meta', attrs={'name': 'description'}) if description: return description['content'] return '' def extract_keywords_from_html(html): soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser') keywords = soup.find('meta', attrs={'name': 'keywords'}) if keywords: return keywords['content'] return '' def extract_author_from_html(html): soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser') keywords = soup.find('meta', attrs={'name': 'author'}) if keywords: return keywords['content'] return '' # # # - - # # # # # # # # # # # # # # HAR # # # # # # # # # # # def create_har_id(date, item_id): item_id = item_id.split('/')[-1] return os.path.join(date, f'{item_id}.json') def save_har(har_id, har_content): # create dir har_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.join(get_har_dir(), har_id)) if not os.path.exists(har_dir): os.makedirs(har_dir) # save HAR filename = os.path.join(get_har_dir(), har_id) with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(har_content)) def get_all_har_ids(): har_ids = [] today_root_dir = os.path.join(HAR_DIR, Date.get_today_date_str(separator=True)) dirs_year = set() for ydir in next(os.walk(HAR_DIR))[1]: if len(ydir) == 4: try: int(ydir) dirs_year.add(ydir) except (TypeError, ValueError): pass if os.path.exists(today_root_dir): for file in [f for f in os.listdir(today_root_dir) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(today_root_dir, f))]: har_id = os.path.relpath(os.path.join(today_root_dir, file), HAR_DIR) har_ids.append(har_id) for ydir in sorted(dirs_year, reverse=False): search_dear = os.path.join(HAR_DIR, ydir) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(search_dear): for file in files: if root != today_root_dir: har_id = os.path.relpath(os.path.join(root, file), HAR_DIR) har_ids.append(har_id) return har_ids def get_har_content(har_id): har_path = os.path.join(HAR_DIR, har_id) with open(har_path) as f: try: return json.loads(f.read()) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: return {} def extract_cookies_names_from_har(har): cookies = set() for entrie in har.get('log', {}).get('entries', []): for cookie in entrie.get('request', {}).get('cookies', []): name = cookie.get('name') if name: cookies.add(name) for cookie in entrie.get('response', {}).get('cookies', []): name = cookie.get('name') if name: cookies.add(name) return cookies def _reprocess_all_hars_cookie_name(): from lib.objects import CookiesNames for har_id in get_all_har_ids(): domain = har_id.split('/')[-1] domain = domain[:-41] date = har_id.split('/') date = f'{date[-4]}{date[-3]}{date[-2]}' for cookie_name in extract_cookies_names_from_har(get_har_content(har_id)): print(domain, date, cookie_name) cookie = CookiesNames.create(cookie_name) cookie.add(date, domain) def extract_etag_from_har(har): # TODO check response url etags = set() for entrie in har.get('log', {}).get('entries', []): for header in entrie.get('response', {}).get('headers', []): if header.get('name') == 'etag': # print(header) etag = header.get('value') if etag: etags.add(etag) return etags def _reprocess_all_hars_etag(): from lib.objects import Etags for har_id in get_all_har_ids(): domain = har_id.split('/')[-1] domain = domain[:-41] date = har_id.split('/') date = f'{date[-4]}{date[-3]}{date[-2]}' for etag_content in extract_etag_from_har(get_har_content(har_id)): print(domain, date, etag_content) etag = Etags.create(etag_content) etag.add(date, domain) # # # - - # # # ################################################################################ # # TODO: # # TODO: REVIEW ME THEN REMOVE ME def create_cookie_crawler(cookie_dict, domain, crawler_type='web'): # check cookie domain filed if not 'domain' in cookie_dict: cookie_dict['domain'] = f'.{domain}' # tor browser: disable secure cookie if crawler_type == 'onion': cookie_dict['secure'] = False # force cookie domain # url = urlparse(browser_cookie['Host raw']) # domain = url.netloc.split(':', 1)[0] # cookie_dict['domain'] = '.{}'.format(domain) # change expire date cookie_dict['expires'] = (datetime.now() + timedelta(days=10)).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') + 'Z' return cookie_dict ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ def get_cookiejars(): return r_crawler.smembers('cookiejars:all') def get_cookiejars_global(): cookiejars = r_crawler.smembers('cookiejars:global') if not cookiejars: cookiejars = [] return cookiejars def get_cookiejars_user(user_id): cookiejars = r_crawler.smembers(f'cookiejars:user:{user_id}') if not cookiejars: cookiejars = [] return cookiejars class Cookiejar: def __init__(self, cookiejar_uuid): self.uuid = cookiejar_uuid def exists(self): return r_crawler.exists(f'cookiejar:meta:{self.uuid}') # or cookiejar:uuid def get_date(self): return r_crawler.hget(f'cookiejar:meta:{self.uuid}', 'date') def _set_date(self, date): r_crawler.hset(f'cookiejar:meta:{self.uuid}', 'date', date) def get_description(self): return r_crawler.hget(f'cookiejar:meta:{self.uuid}', 'description') def set_description(self, description): r_crawler.hset(f'cookiejar:meta:{self.uuid}', 'description', description) def get_user(self): return r_crawler.hget(f'cookiejar:meta:{self.uuid}', 'user') def _set_user(self, user_id): return r_crawler.hset(f'cookiejar:meta:{self.uuid}', 'user', user_id) def get_level(self): level = r_crawler.hget(f'cookiejar:meta:{self.uuid}', 'level') if level: level = 1 else: level = 0 return level def _set_level(self, level): if level: level = 1 else: level = 0 r_crawler.hset(f'cookiejar:meta:{self.uuid}', 'level', level) def is_cookie_in_jar(self, cookie_uuid): # kvrocks sismember TEMP fix try: return r_crawler.sismember(f'cookiejar:cookies:{self.uuid}', cookie_uuid) except: return False def get_cookies_uuid(self): return r_crawler.smembers(f'cookiejar:cookies:{self.uuid}') def get_cookies(self, r_json=False): l_cookies = [] for cookie_uuid in self.get_cookies_uuid(): cookies = Cookie(cookie_uuid) l_cookies.append(cookies.get_meta(r_json=r_json)) return l_cookies def get_nb_cookies(self): return r_crawler.scard(f'cookiejar:cookies:{self.uuid}') def get_meta(self, level=False, nb_cookies=False, cookies=False, r_json=False): meta = {'uuid': self.uuid, 'date': self.get_date(), 'description': self.get_description(), 'user': self.get_user()} if level: meta['level'] = self.get_level() if nb_cookies: meta['nb_cookies'] = self.get_nb_cookies() if cookies: meta['cookies'] = self.get_cookies(r_json=r_json) return meta def add_cookie(self, name, value, cookie_uuid=None, domain=None, httponly=None, path=None, secure=None, text=None): if cookie_uuid: cookie = Cookie(cookie_uuid) if cookie.exists(): cookie_uuid = generate_uuid() else: cookie_uuid = generate_uuid() r_crawler.sadd(f'cookiejar:cookies:{self.uuid}', cookie_uuid) cookie = Cookie(cookie_uuid) cookie.set_cookiejar(self.uuid) cookie.set_field('name', name) cookie.set_field('value', value) if domain: cookie.set_field('domain', domain) if httponly: cookie.set_field('httpOnly', str(httponly)) if path: cookie.set_field('path', path) if secure: cookie.set_field('secure', str(secure)) if text: cookie.set_field('path', text) return cookie_uuid def delete_cookie(self, cookie_uuid): if self.is_cookie_in_jar(cookie_uuid): cookie = Cookie(cookie_uuid) cookie.delete() def create(self, user_id, description=None, level=1): if self.exists(): raise Exception('Cookiejar already exists') r_crawler.sadd('cookiejars:all', self.uuid) if level == 0: r_crawler.sadd(f'cookiejars:user:{user_id}', self.uuid) else: r_crawler.sadd('cookiejars:global', self.uuid) self._set_user(user_id) self._set_date(datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d")) self._set_level(level) if description: self.set_description(description) def delete(self): for cookie_uuid in self.get_cookies_uuid(): self.delete_cookie(cookie_uuid) r_crawler.srem(f'cookiejars:user:{self.get_user()}', self.uuid) r_crawler.srem('cookiejars:global', self.uuid) r_crawler.srem('cookiejars:all', self.uuid) r_crawler.delete(f'cookiejar:meta:{self.uuid}') def create_cookiejar(user_id, description=None, level=1, cookiejar_uuid=None): if cookiejar_uuid: cookiejar = Cookiejar(cookiejar_uuid) if cookiejar.exists(): cookiejar_uuid = generate_uuid() else: cookiejar_uuid = generate_uuid() cookiejar = Cookiejar(cookiejar_uuid) cookiejar.create(user_id, description=description, level=level) return cookiejar_uuid def get_cookiejars_meta_by_iterator(iter_cookiejar_uuid): cookiejars_meta = [] for cookiejar_uuid in iter_cookiejar_uuid: cookiejar = Cookiejar(cookiejar_uuid) cookiejars_meta.append(cookiejar.get_meta(nb_cookies=True)) return cookiejars_meta def get_cookiejars_by_user(user_id): cookiejars_global = get_cookiejars_global() cookiejars_user = get_cookiejars_user(user_id) return [*cookiejars_user, *cookiejars_global] ## API ## def api_get_cookiejars_selector(user_id): cookiejars = [] for cookiejar_uuid in get_cookiejars_by_user(user_id): cookiejar = Cookiejar(cookiejar_uuid) description = cookiejar.get_description() if not description: description = '' cookiejars.append(f'{description} : {cookiejar.uuid}') return sorted(cookiejars) def api_verify_cookiejar_acl(cookiejar_uuid, user_id): cookiejar = Cookiejar(cookiejar_uuid) if not cookiejar.exists(): return {'error': 'unknown cookiejar uuid', 'cookiejar_uuid': cookiejar_uuid}, 404 if cookiejar.get_level() == 0: # TODO: check if user is admin if cookiejar.get_user() != user_id: return {'error': 'The access to this cookiejar is restricted'}, 403 def api_edit_cookiejar_description(user_id, cookiejar_uuid, description): resp = api_verify_cookiejar_acl(cookiejar_uuid, user_id) if resp: return resp cookiejar = Cookiejar(cookiejar_uuid) cookiejar.set_description(description) return {'cookiejar_uuid': cookiejar_uuid}, 200 def api_delete_cookiejar(user_id, cookiejar_uuid): resp = api_verify_cookiejar_acl(cookiejar_uuid, user_id) if resp: return resp cookiejar = Cookiejar(cookiejar_uuid) cookiejar.delete() return {'cookiejar_uuid': cookiejar_uuid}, 200 def api_get_cookiejar(cookiejar_uuid, user_id): resp = api_verify_cookiejar_acl(cookiejar_uuid, user_id) if resp: return resp cookiejar = Cookiejar(cookiejar_uuid) meta = cookiejar.get_meta(level=True, cookies=True, r_json=True) return meta, 200 # # # # # # # # # # # COOKIES # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Cookies Fields: # - name # - value # - path (optional) # - domain (optional) # - secure (optional) # - httpOnly (optional) # - text (optional) # # # # # TODO MISP Import class Cookie: def __init__(self, cookie_uuid): self.uuid = cookie_uuid def exists(self): return r_crawler.exists(f'cookie:meta:{self.uuid}') def get_cookiejar(self): return r_crawler.hget(f'cookie:meta:{self.uuid}', 'cookiejar') def set_cookiejar(self, cookiejar_uuid): r_crawler.hset(f'cookie:meta:{self.uuid}', 'cookiejar', cookiejar_uuid) def get_name(self): return r_crawler.hget(f'cookie:meta:{self.uuid}', 'name') def get_value(self): return r_crawler.hget(f'cookie:meta:{self.uuid}', 'value') def _get_field(self, field): return r_crawler.hget(f'cookie:meta:{self.uuid}', field) def set_field(self, field, value): return r_crawler.hset(f'cookie:meta:{self.uuid}', field, value) def remove_field(self, field): return r_crawler.hdel(f'cookie:meta:{self.uuid}', field) def get_fields(self): fields = set(r_crawler.hkeys(f'cookie:meta:{self.uuid}')) if 'cookiejar' in fields: fields.remove('cookiejar') return fields # def get_domain(self): # return r_crawler.hget(f'cookie:meta:{self.uuid}', 'domain') # # def get_path(self): # return r_crawler.hget(f'cookie:meta:{self.uuid}', 'path') # # def get_httpOnly(self): # return r_crawler.hget(f'cookie:meta:{self.uuid}', 'httpOnly') # # def get_secure(self): # return r_crawler.hget(f'cookie:meta:{self.uuid}', 'secure') # TODO expire ???? def get_meta(self, r_json=False): meta = {} # ['domain', 'path', 'httpOnly', 'secure'] + name + value for field in self.get_fields(): value = self._get_field(field) if value: meta[field] = value if r_json: data = json.dumps(meta, indent=4, sort_keys=True) meta = {'data': data, 'uuid': self.uuid} return meta def edit(self, cookie_dict): # remove old keys for field in self.get_fields(): if field not in cookie_dict: self.remove_field(field) # add new keys for field in cookie_dict: value = cookie_dict[field] if value: if field == 'secure' or field == 'httpOnly': value = str(value) self.set_field(field, value) def delete(self): cookiejar_uuid = self.get_cookiejar() r_crawler.delete(f'cookie:meta:{self.uuid}') r_crawler.srem(f'cookiejar:cookies:{cookiejar_uuid}', self.uuid) ## API ## def api_get_cookie(user_id, cookie_uuid): cookie = Cookie(cookie_uuid) if not cookie.exists(): return {'error': 'unknown cookie uuid', 'cookie_uuid': cookie_uuid}, 404 resp = api_verify_cookiejar_acl(cookie.get_cookiejar(), user_id) if resp: return resp return cookie.get_meta() def api_edit_cookie(user_id, cookie_uuid, cookie_dict): cookie = Cookie(cookie_uuid) if not cookie.exists(): return {'error': 'unknown cookie uuid', 'cookie_uuid': cookie_uuid}, 404 resp = api_verify_cookiejar_acl(cookie.get_cookiejar(), user_id) if resp: return resp if 'name' not in cookie_dict or 'value' not in cookie_dict or not cookie_dict['name'] or not cookie_dict['value']: return {'error': 'cookie name or value not provided'}, 400 cookie.edit(cookie_dict) return cookie.get_meta(), 200 def api_create_cookie(user_id, cookiejar_uuid, cookie_dict): resp = api_verify_cookiejar_acl(cookiejar_uuid, user_id) if resp: return resp if 'name' not in cookie_dict or 'value' not in cookie_dict or not cookie_dict['name'] or not cookie_dict['value']: return {'error': 'cookie name or value not provided'}, 400 cookiejar = Cookiejar(cookiejar_uuid) name = cookie_dict.get('name') value = cookie_dict.get('value') domain = cookie_dict.get('domain') path = cookie_dict.get('path') text = cookie_dict.get('text') httponly = bool(cookie_dict.get('httponly')) secure = bool(cookie_dict.get('secure')) cookiejar.add_cookie(name, value, domain=domain, httponly=httponly, path=path, secure=secure, text=text) return resp, 200 def api_delete_cookie(user_id, cookie_uuid): cookie = Cookie(cookie_uuid) if not cookie.exists(): return {'error': 'unknown cookie uuid', 'cookie_uuid': cookie_uuid}, 404 cookiejar_uuid = cookie.get_cookiejar() resp = api_verify_cookiejar_acl(cookiejar_uuid, user_id) if resp: return resp cookiejar = Cookiejar(cookiejar_uuid) if not cookiejar.is_cookie_in_jar(cookie_uuid): return {'error': 'Cookie isn\'t in the jar', 'cookiejar_uuid': cookiejar_uuid}, 404 cookiejar.delete_cookie(cookie_uuid) return {'cookiejar_uuid': cookiejar_uuid, 'cookie_uuid': cookie_uuid}, 200 # def get_cookie_all_keys_name(): # return ['name', 'value', 'domain', 'path', 'httpOnly', 'secure'] ## - - ## ## Cookies import ## # TODO: add browser type ? def import_cookies_from_json(json_cookies, cookiejar_uuid): cookiejar = Cookiejar(cookiejar_uuid) for cookie in json_cookies: try: cookie_dict = unpack_imported_json_cookie(cookie) name = cookie_dict.get('name') value = cookie_dict.get('value') domain = cookie_dict.get('domain') httponly = cookie_dict.get('httponly') path = cookie_dict.get('path') secure = cookie_dict.get('secure') text = cookie_dict.get('text') cookiejar.add_cookie(name, value, domain=domain, httponly=httponly, path=path, secure=secure, text=text) except KeyError: return {'error': 'Invalid cookie key, please submit a valid JSON', 'cookiejar_uuid': cookiejar_uuid}, 400 # # TODO: add text field def unpack_imported_json_cookie(json_cookie): cookie_dict = {'name': json_cookie['Name raw'], 'value': json_cookie['Content raw']} if 'Path raw' in json_cookie: cookie_dict['path'] = json_cookie['Path raw'] if 'HTTP only raw' in json_cookie: cookie_dict['httponly'] = json_cookie['HTTP only raw'] == 'true' if 'Send for' in json_cookie: cookie_dict['secure'] = json_cookie['Send for'] == 'Encrypted connections only' if 'Host raw' in json_cookie: url = urlparse(json_cookie['Host raw']) cookie_dict['domain'] = url.netloc.split(':', 1)[0] return cookie_dict ## - - ## #### COOKIEJAR API #### def api_import_cookies_from_json(user_id, cookiejar_uuid, json_cookies_str): # # TODO: add catch resp = api_verify_cookiejar_acl(cookiejar_uuid, user_id) if resp: return resp json_cookies = json.loads(json_cookies_str) resp = import_cookies_from_json(json_cookies, cookiejar_uuid) if resp: return resp, 400 #### #### # # # # # # # # # # # CRAWLER # ################################################################################### # # # # # # # # # # def get_default_user_agent(): return 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/102.0' def get_last_crawled_domains(domain_type): return r_crawler.lrange(f'last_{domain_type}', 0, -1) def update_last_crawled_domain(domain_type, domain, epoch): # update list, last crawled domains r_crawler.lpush(f'last_{domain_type}', f'{domain}:{epoch}') r_crawler.ltrim(f'last_{domain_type}', 0, 15) def create_item_metadata(item_id, url, item_father): item = Item(item_id) item.set_crawled(url, item_father) def get_gzipped_b64_item(item_id, content): try: gzipencoded = gzip.compress(content.encode()) gzip64encoded = base64.standard_b64encode(gzipencoded).decode() return gzip64encoded except: print(f'file error: {item_id}') return False def get_crawlers_stats_by_day(date, domain_type): return { 'date': date[0:4] + '-' + date[4:6] + '-' + date[6:8], 'up': r_crawler.scard(f'{domain_type}_up:{date}'), 'down': r_crawler.scard(f'{domain_type}_down:{date}'), } def get_crawlers_stats(domain_type=None): stats = {} date = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d") if domain_type: domain_types = [domain_type] else: domain_types = get_crawler_all_types() for domain_type in domain_types: queue = r_crawler.scard(f'crawler:queue:type:{domain_type}') up = r_crawler.scard(f'{domain_type}_up:{date}') down = r_crawler.scard(f'{domain_type}_down:{date}') crawled = up + down stats[domain_type] = {'queue': queue, 'up': up, 'down': down, 'crawled': crawled} return stats #### Blocklist #### def get_blacklist(): return r_crawler.smembers('blacklist:domain') def is_blacklisted_domain(domain): # kvrocks sismember TEMP fix try: return r_crawler.sismember('blacklist:domain', domain) except: return False def blacklist_domain(domain): return r_crawler.sadd('blacklist:domain', domain) def unblacklist_domain(domain): return r_crawler.srem('blacklist:domain', domain) def load_blacklist(): try: with open(os.path.join(os.environ['AIL_BIN'], 'crawlers/blacklist.txt'), 'r') as f: r_crawler.delete('blacklist:domain') lines = f.read().splitlines() for line in lines: blacklist_domain(line) # TODO LOG except Exception as e: print(e) def api_blacklist_domain(data): domain = str(data.get('domain', '')).lower() if not is_valid_domain(domain): return {'error': 'invalid domain'}, 400 if is_blacklisted_domain(domain): return {'error': 'domain already blacklisted'}, 400 return blacklist_domain(domain), 200 def api_unblacklist_domain(data): domain = str(data.get('domain', '')).lower() if not is_valid_domain(domain): return {'error': 'invalid domain'}, 400 if not is_blacklisted_domain(domain): return {'error': 'domain not blacklisted'}, 404 return unblacklist_domain(domain), 200 #### CRAWLER Scheduler #### @unique class ScheduleStatus(IntEnum): """The status of the capture""" UNKNOWN = -1 QUEUED = 0 SCHEDULED = 1 ONGOING = 2 def get_schedulers_uuid(): return r_crawler.smembers('scheduler:schedules') def get_schedulers_metas(): schedulers = [] for schedule_uuid in get_schedulers_uuid(): schedule = CrawlerSchedule(schedule_uuid) schedulers.append(schedule.get_meta_status()) return schedulers class CrawlerScheduler: def __init__(self): self.min_frequency = 60 # TODO ADD IN CONFIG def update_queue(self): for schedule_uuid in get_schedulers_uuid(): schedule = CrawlerSchedule(schedule_uuid) # check if already in scheduler queue if schedule.is_scheduled(): continue if schedule.is_tasked(): continue # EXPIRE ???? time_next_run = 0.0 frequency = schedule.get_frequency() # optional or later -> cron if frequency == 'hourly': time_next_run = (datetime.now() + timedelta(hours=1)).timestamp() elif frequency == 'daily': time_next_run = (datetime.now() + timedelta(days=1)).timestamp() elif frequency == 'weekly': time_next_run = (datetime.now() + timedelta(weeks=1)).timestamp() elif frequency == 'monthly': time_next_run = (datetime.now() + relativedelta(months=1)).timestamp() else: months, weeks, days, hours, minutes = frequency.split(':') if not months: months = 0 if not weeks: weeks = 0 if not days: days = 0 if not hours: hours = 0 if not minutes: minutes = 0 current_time = datetime.now().timestamp() time_next_run = (datetime.now() + relativedelta(months=int(months), weeks=int(weeks), days=int(days), hours=int(hours), minutes=int(minutes))).timestamp() # Make sure the next capture is not scheduled for in a too short interval interval_next_capture = time_next_run - current_time if interval_next_capture < self.min_frequency: # self.logger.warning(f'The next capture is scheduled too soon: {interval_next_capture}s. Minimal interval: {self.min_frequency}s.') print(f'The next capture is scheduled too soon: {interval_next_capture}s. Minimal interval: {self.min_frequency}s.') time_next_run = (datetime.now() + timedelta(seconds=self.min_frequency)).timestamp() schedule.set_next_run(time_next_run) print('scheduled:', schedule_uuid) def process_queue(self): now = datetime.now().timestamp() for raw_schedule in r_crawler.zrangebyscore('scheduler:queue', '-inf', int(now), withscores=True): schedule_uuid, next_run = raw_schedule schedule = CrawlerSchedule(schedule_uuid) if not schedule.exists(): return None meta = schedule.get_meta() task_uuid = create_task(meta['url'], depth=meta['depth'], har=meta['har'], screenshot=meta['screenshot'], header=meta['header'], cookiejar=meta['cookiejar'], proxy=meta['proxy'], tags=meta['tags'], user_agent=meta['user_agent'], parent='scheduler', priority=40) if task_uuid: schedule.set_task(task_uuid) r_crawler.zrem('scheduler:queue', schedule_uuid) # TODO Expire -> stuck in crawler queue or reached delta class CrawlerSchedule: def __init__(self, schedule_uuid): self.uuid = schedule_uuid def exists(self): return r_crawler.exists(f'schedule:{self.uuid}') def get_frequency(self): return r_crawler.hget(f'schedule:{self.uuid}', 'frequency') def get_user(self): return r_crawler.hget(f'schedule:{self.uuid}', 'user') def get_date(self): return r_crawler.hget(f'schedule:{self.uuid}', 'date') def get_captures(self): # only scheduled capture ????? exclude manual/discovery pass def get_status(self): if self.is_scheduled(): return ScheduleStatus.SCHEDULED if self.is_tasked(): if self.is_ongoing(): return ScheduleStatus.ONGOING else: return ScheduleStatus.QUEUED return ScheduleStatus.UNKNOWN def get_task_uuid(self): return r_crawler.hget(f'schedule:{self.uuid}', 'task') def is_tasked(self): task_uuid = self.get_task_uuid() if task_uuid: task = CrawlerTask(task_uuid) tasked = task.exists() if not tasked: r_crawler.hdel(f'schedule:{self.uuid}', 'task') return tasked return False def get_task(self): task_uuid = self.get_task_uuid() if task_uuid: return CrawlerTask(task_uuid) def set_task(self, task_uuid): return r_crawler.hset(f'schedule:{self.uuid}', 'task', task_uuid) def is_ongoing(self): task = self.get_task() if task: return task.is_ongoing() return False def get_next_run(self, r_str=False): next_run = r_crawler.zscore('scheduler:queue', self.uuid) if next_run and r_str: next_run = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d - %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(int(next_run))) return next_run def set_next_run(self, time_next_run): r_crawler.zadd('scheduler:queue', mapping={self.uuid: time_next_run}) def is_scheduled(self): return bool(r_crawler.zscore('scheduler:queue', self.uuid)) def get_url(self): return r_crawler.hget(f'schedule:{self.uuid}', 'url') def get_depth(self): return r_crawler.hget(f'schedule:{self.uuid}', 'depth') def get_har(self): return r_crawler.hget(f'schedule:{self.uuid}', 'har') == 'True' def get_screenshot(self): return r_crawler.hget(f'schedule:{self.uuid}', 'screenshot') == 'True' def get_header(self): r_crawler.hget(f'schedule:{self.uuid}', 'header') def get_cookiejar(self): return r_crawler.hget(f'schedule:{self.uuid}', 'cookiejar') def get_proxy(self): return r_crawler.hget(f'schedule:{self.uuid}', 'proxy') def get_user_agent(self): return r_crawler.hget(f'schedule:{self.uuid}', 'user_agent') def _set_field(self, field, value): return r_crawler.hset(f'schedule:{self.uuid}', field, value) def get_tags(self): return r_crawler.smembers(f'schedule:tags:{self.uuid}') def set_tags(self, tags=[]): for tag in tags: r_crawler.sadd(f'schedule:tags:{self.uuid}', tag) # Tag.create_custom_tag(tag) def get_meta(self, ui=False): meta = { 'uuid': self.uuid, 'date': self.get_date(), 'frequency': self.get_frequency(), 'user': self.get_user(), 'url': self.get_url(), 'depth': self.get_depth(), 'har': self.get_har(), 'screenshot': self.get_screenshot(), 'user_agent': self.get_user_agent(), 'cookiejar': self.get_cookiejar(), 'header': self.get_header(), 'proxy': self.get_proxy(), 'tags': self.get_tags(), } status = self.get_status() if ui: status = status.name r_str = True else: r_str = False meta['status'] = status meta['next_run'] = self.get_next_run(r_str=r_str) return meta def get_meta_status(self): # TODO: Description ? Frequency ??? meta = {'uuid': self.uuid, 'url': self.get_url(), 'user': self.get_user(), 'tags': self.get_tags(), 'next_run': self.get_next_run(r_str=True)} status = self.get_status() if isinstance(status, ScheduleStatus): status = status.name meta['status'] = status return meta def create(self, frequency, user, url, depth=1, har=True, screenshot=True, header=None, cookiejar=None, proxy=None, user_agent=None, tags=[]): if self.exists(): raise Exception('Error: Monitor already exists') url_decoded = unpack_url(url) url = url_decoded['url'] self._set_field('date', datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) self._set_field('frequency', frequency) self._set_field('user', user) self._set_field('url', url) self._set_field('depth', int(depth)) self._set_field('har', str(har)) self._set_field('screenshot', str(screenshot)) if cookiejar: self._set_field('cookiejar', cookiejar) if header: self._set_field('header', header) if proxy: if proxy == 'web': proxy = None elif proxy == 'force_tor' or proxy == 'tor' or proxy == 'onion': proxy = 'force_tor' self._set_field('proxy', proxy) if user_agent: self._set_field('user_agent', user_agent) if tags: self.set_tags(tags) r_crawler.sadd('scheduler:schedules', self.uuid) def delete(self): # remove from schedule queue r_crawler.zrem('scheduler:queue', self.uuid) # delete task task = self.get_task() if task: task.delete() # delete meta r_crawler.delete(f'schedule:{self.uuid}') r_crawler.delete(f'schedule:tags:{self.uuid}') r_crawler.srem('scheduler:schedules', self.uuid) def create_schedule(frequency, user, url, depth=1, har=True, screenshot=True, header=None, cookiejar=None, proxy=None, user_agent=None, tags=[]): schedule_uuid = gen_uuid() schedule = CrawlerSchedule(schedule_uuid) schedule.create(frequency, user, url, depth=depth, har=har, screenshot=screenshot, header=header, cookiejar=cookiejar, proxy=proxy, user_agent=user_agent, tags=tags) return schedule_uuid # TODO sanityze UUID def api_delete_schedule(data): schedule_uuid = data.get('uuid') schedule = CrawlerSchedule(schedule_uuid) if not schedule.exists(): return {'error': 'unknown schedule uuid', 'uuid': schedule}, 404 return schedule.delete(), 200 #### CRAWLER CAPTURE #### def get_nb_crawler_captures(): return r_cache.zcard('crawler:captures') def get_crawler_captures(): return r_crawler.zrange('crawler:captures', 0, -1) def reload_crawler_captures(): r_cache.delete('crawler:captures') for capture_uuid in get_crawler_captures(): capture = CrawlerCapture(capture_uuid) capture.update(None) def _clear_captures(): for capture_uuid in get_crawler_captures(): capture = CrawlerCapture(capture_uuid) task = capture.get_task() task.delete() capture.delete() print(capture_uuid, 'deleted') @unique class CaptureStatus(IntEnum): """The status of the capture""" UNKNOWN = -1 QUEUED = 0 DONE = 1 ONGOING = 2 class CrawlerCapture: def __init__(self, task_uuid): self.uuid = task_uuid def exists(self): return r_crawler.hexists('crawler:captures:tasks', self.uuid) def get_task_uuid(self): return r_crawler.hget('crawler:captures:tasks', self.uuid) def get_task(self): task_uuid = self.get_task_uuid() if task_uuid: return CrawlerTask(task_uuid) def get_start_time(self, r_str=True): start_time = self.get_task().get_start_time() if r_str: return start_time else: start_time = datetime.strptime(start_time, "%Y/%m/%d - %H:%M.%S").timestamp() return int(start_time) def get_status(self): status = r_cache.hget(f'crawler:capture:{self.uuid}', 'status') if not status: status = -1 return status def is_ongoing(self): return self.get_status() == CaptureStatus.ONGOING def create(self, task_uuid): if self.exists(): print(f'Capture {self.uuid} already exists') # TODO LOGS return None launch_time = int(time.time()) r_crawler.hset(f'crawler:task:{task_uuid}', 'capture', self.uuid) r_crawler.hset('crawler:captures:tasks', self.uuid, task_uuid) r_crawler.zadd('crawler:captures', {self.uuid: launch_time}) r_cache.hset(f'crawler:capture:{self.uuid}', 'launch_time', launch_time) r_cache.zadd('crawler:captures', {self.uuid: launch_time}) def update(self, status): # Error or Reload if not status: r_cache.hset(f'crawler:capture:{self.uuid}', 'status', CaptureStatus.UNKNOWN.value) r_cache.zadd('crawler:captures', {self.uuid: 0}) else: last_check = int(time.time()) r_cache.hset(f'crawler:capture:{self.uuid}', 'status', status) r_cache.zadd('crawler:captures', {self.uuid: last_check}) # Crawler def remove(self): r_crawler.zrem('crawler:captures', self.uuid) r_cache.delete(f'crawler:capture:{self.uuid}') r_crawler.hdel('crawler:captures:tasks', self.uuid) # Manual def delete(self): # remove Capture from crawler queue r_cache.zrem('crawler:captures', self.uuid) self.remove() def create_capture(capture_uuid, task_uuid): capture = CrawlerCapture(capture_uuid) capture.create(task_uuid) def get_crawler_capture(): capture = r_cache.zpopmin('crawler:captures') if capture: capture = CrawlerCapture(capture[0][0]) else: capture = None return capture # TODO add capture times def get_captures_status(): status = [] for capture_uuid in get_crawler_captures(): capture = CrawlerCapture(capture_uuid) task = capture.get_task() domain = task.get_domain() dom = Domain(domain) meta = { 'uuid': task.uuid, 'domain': dom.get_id(), 'type': dom.get_domain_type(), 'start_time': capture.get_start_time(), 'status': capture.get_status(), } capture_status = capture.get_status() if capture_status: capture_status = CaptureStatus(int(capture_status)).name meta['status'] = capture_status status.append(meta) return status def delete_captures(): for capture_uuid in get_crawler_captures(): capture = CrawlerCapture(capture_uuid) capture.delete() ##-- CRAWLER STATE --## #### CRAWLER TASK #### class CrawlerTask: def __init__(self, task_uuid): self.uuid = task_uuid def exists(self): return r_crawler.exists(f'crawler:task:{self.uuid}') def get_url(self): return r_crawler.hget(f'crawler:task:{self.uuid}', 'url') def get_domain(self): return r_crawler.hget(f'crawler:task:{self.uuid}', 'domain') def get_depth(self): depth = r_crawler.hget(f'crawler:task:{self.uuid}', 'depth') if not depth: depth = 1 return int(depth) def get_har(self): return r_crawler.hget(f'crawler:task:{self.uuid}', 'har') == '1' def get_screenshot(self): return r_crawler.hget(f'crawler:task:{self.uuid}', 'screenshot') == '1' def get_queue(self): return r_crawler.hget(f'crawler:task:{self.uuid}', 'queue') def get_user_agent(self): user_agent = r_crawler.hget(f'crawler:task:{self.uuid}', 'user_agent') if not user_agent: user_agent = get_default_user_agent() return user_agent def get_cookiejar(self): return r_crawler.hget(f'crawler:task:{self.uuid}', 'cookiejar') def get_cookies(self): cookiejar = self.get_cookiejar() if cookiejar: cookiejar = Cookiejar(cookiejar) return cookiejar.get_cookies() else: return [] def get_header(self): return r_crawler.hget(f'crawler:task:{self.uuid}', 'header') def get_proxy(self): return r_crawler.hget(f'crawler:task:{self.uuid}', 'proxy') def get_parent(self): return r_crawler.hget(f'crawler:task:{self.uuid}', 'parent') def get_hash(self): return r_crawler.hget(f'crawler:task:{self.uuid}', 'hash') def get_start_time(self): return r_crawler.hget(f'crawler:task:{self.uuid}', 'start_time') # TODO def get_status(self): return r_crawler.hget(f'crawler:task:{self.uuid}', 'status') ####################################### def get_capture(self): return r_crawler.hget(f'crawler:task:{self.uuid}', 'capture') def is_ongoing(self): capture_uuid = self.get_capture() if capture_uuid: return CrawlerCapture(capture_uuid).is_ongoing() return False def _set_field(self, field, value): return r_crawler.hset(f'crawler:task:{self.uuid}', field, value) def get_tags(self): return r_crawler.smembers(f'crawler:task:tags:{self.uuid}') def set_tags(self, tags): for tag in tags: r_crawler.sadd(f'crawler:task:tags:{self.uuid}', tag) # Tag.create_custom_tag(tag) def get_meta(self): meta = { 'uuid': self.uuid, 'url': self.get_url(), 'domain': self.get_domain(), 'depth': self.get_depth(), 'har': self.get_har(), 'screenshot': self.get_screenshot(), 'type': self.get_queue(), 'user_agent': self.get_user_agent(), 'cookiejar': self.get_cookiejar(), 'header': self.get_header(), 'proxy': self.get_proxy(), 'parent': self.get_parent(), 'tags': self.get_tags(), } return meta # TODO STATUS UPDATE # TODO SANITIZE PRIORITY # PRIORITY: discovery = 0/10, feeder = 10, manual = 50, auto = 40, test = 100 def create(self, url, depth=1, har=True, screenshot=True, header=None, cookiejar=None, proxy=None, user_agent=None, tags=[], parent='manual', priority=0): if self.exists(): raise Exception('Error: Task already exists') url_decoded = unpack_url(url) url = url_decoded['url'] domain = url_decoded['domain'] dom = Domain(domain) # Discovery crawler if priority == 0: if is_blacklisted_domain(dom.get_id()): return None if not dom.exists(): priority = 10 # Domain Crawled today or UP this month if dom.is_down_today() or dom.is_up_this_month(): return None har = int(har) screenshot = int(screenshot) if proxy == 'web': proxy = None elif proxy == 'force_tor' or proxy == 'tor' or proxy == 'onion': proxy = 'force_tor' # TODO SANITIZE COOKIEJAR -> UUID # Check if already in queue hash_query = get_task_hash(url, domain, depth, har, screenshot, priority, proxy, cookiejar, user_agent, header, tags) if r_crawler.hexists(f'crawler:queue:hash', hash_query): self.uuid = r_crawler.hget(f'crawler:queue:hash', hash_query) return self.uuid self._set_field('domain', domain) self._set_field('url', url) self._set_field('depth', int(depth)) self._set_field('har', har) self._set_field('screenshot', screenshot) self._set_field('parent', parent) if cookiejar: self._set_field('cookiejar', cookiejar) if header: self._set_field('header', header) if proxy: self._set_field('proxy', proxy) if user_agent: self._set_field('user_agent', user_agent) if tags: self.set_tags(tags) r_crawler.hset('crawler:queue:hash', hash_query, self.uuid) self._set_field('hash', hash_query) r_crawler.zadd('crawler:queue', {self.uuid: priority}) self.add_to_db_crawler_queue(priority) # UI domain_type = dom.get_domain_type() r_crawler.sadd(f'crawler:queue:type:{domain_type}', self.uuid) self._set_field('queue', domain_type) return self.uuid def add_to_db_crawler_queue(self, priority): r_crawler.zadd('crawler:queue', {self.uuid: priority}) def start(self): self._set_field('start_time', datetime.now().strftime("%Y/%m/%d - %H:%M.%S")) def reset(self): priority = 49 r_crawler.hdel(f'crawler:task:{self.uuid}', 'start_time') self.add_to_db_crawler_queue(priority) # Crawler def remove(self): # zrem cache + DB capture_uuid = self.get_capture() if capture_uuid: capture = CrawlerCapture(capture_uuid) capture.remove() queue_type = self.get_queue() if queue_type: r_crawler.srem(f'crawler:queue:type:{queue_type}', self.uuid) task_hash = self.get_hash() if task_hash: r_crawler.hdel('crawler:queue:hash', task_hash) # meta r_crawler.delete(f'crawler:task:{self.uuid}') # Manual def delete(self): # queue r_crawler.zrem('crawler:queue', self.uuid) self.remove() # TODO move to class ??? def get_task_hash(url, domain, depth, har, screenshot, priority, proxy, cookiejar, user_agent, header, tags): to_enqueue = {'domain': domain, 'depth': depth, 'har': har, 'screenshot': screenshot, 'priority': priority, 'proxy': proxy, 'cookiejar': cookiejar, 'user_agent': user_agent, 'header': header, 'tags': tags} if priority != 0: to_enqueue['url'] = url return hashlib.sha512(pickle.dumps(to_enqueue)).hexdigest() def add_task_to_lacus_queue(): task_uuid = r_crawler.zpopmax('crawler:queue') if not task_uuid or not task_uuid[0]: return None task_uuid, priority = task_uuid[0] task = CrawlerTask(task_uuid) task.start() return task.uuid, priority # PRIORITY: discovery = 0/10, feeder = 10, manual = 50, auto = 40, test = 100 def create_task(url, depth=1, har=True, screenshot=True, header=None, cookiejar=None, proxy=None, user_agent=None, tags=[], parent='manual', priority=0, task_uuid=None): if task_uuid: if CrawlerTask(task_uuid).exists(): task_uuid = gen_uuid() else: task_uuid = gen_uuid() task = CrawlerTask(task_uuid) task_uuid = task.create(url, depth=depth, har=har, screenshot=screenshot, header=header, cookiejar=cookiejar, proxy=proxy, user_agent=user_agent, tags=tags, parent=parent, priority=priority) return task_uuid ## -- CRAWLER TASK -- ## #### CRAWLER TASK API #### # # TODO: ADD user agent # # TODO: sanitize URL def api_add_crawler_task(data, user_id=None): url = data.get('url', None) if not url or url == '\n': return {'status': 'error', 'reason': 'No url supplied'}, 400 screenshot = data.get('screenshot', False) if screenshot: screenshot = True else: screenshot = False har = data.get('har', False) if har: har = True else: har = False depth_limit = data.get('depth', 1) if depth_limit: try: depth_limit = int(depth_limit) if depth_limit < 0: depth_limit = 0 except ValueError: return {'error': 'invalid depth limit'}, 400 else: depth_limit = 0 cookiejar_uuid = data.get('cookiejar', None) if cookiejar_uuid: cookiejar = Cookiejar(cookiejar_uuid) if not cookiejar.exists(): return {'error': 'unknown cookiejar uuid', 'cookiejar_uuid': cookiejar_uuid}, 404 level = cookiejar.get_level() if level == 0: # # TODO: check if user is admin if cookiejar.get_user() != user_id: return {'error': 'The access to this cookiejar is restricted'}, 403 cookiejar_uuid = cookiejar.uuid frequency = data.get('frequency', None) if frequency: if frequency not in ['monthly', 'weekly', 'daily', 'hourly']: if not isinstance(frequency, dict): return {'error': 'Invalid frequency'}, 400 else: try: months = int(frequency.get('months', 0)) weeks = int(frequency.get('weeks', 0)) days = int(frequency.get('days', 0)) hours = int(frequency.get('hours', 0)) minutes = int(frequency.get('minutes', 0)) except (TypeError, ValueError): return {'error': 'Invalid frequency'}, 400 if min(months, weeks, days, hours, minutes) < 0: return {'error': 'Invalid frequency'}, 400 if max(months, weeks, days, hours, minutes) <= 0: return {'error': 'Invalid frequency'}, 400 frequency = f'{months}:{weeks}:{days}:{hours}:{minutes}' # PROXY proxy = data.get('proxy', None) if proxy == 'onion' or proxy == 'tor' or proxy == 'force_tor': proxy = 'force_tor' elif proxy: verify = api_verify_proxy(proxy) if verify[1] != 200: return verify tags = data.get('tags', []) if frequency: # TODO verify user return create_schedule(frequency, user_id, url, depth=depth_limit, har=har, screenshot=screenshot, header=None, cookiejar=cookiejar_uuid, proxy=proxy, user_agent=None, tags=tags), 200 else: # TODO HEADERS # TODO USER AGENT return create_task(url, depth=depth_limit, har=har, screenshot=screenshot, header=None, cookiejar=cookiejar_uuid, proxy=proxy, user_agent=None, tags=tags, parent='manual', priority=90), 200 #### #### ################################################################################### ################################################################################### ################################################################################### ################################################################################### #### CRAWLER GLOBAL #### # TODO: # FIXME: config db, dynamic load def is_crawler_activated(): return activate_crawler == 'True' def get_crawler_all_types(): return ['onion', 'web'] ##-- CRAWLER GLOBAL --## #### #### def is_redirection(domain, last_url): url = urlparse(last_url) last_domain = url.netloc last_domain = last_domain.split('.') last_domain = '{}.{}'.format(last_domain[-2], last_domain[-1]) return domain != last_domain def create_item_id(item_dir, domain): # remove / domain = domain.replace('/', '_') if len(domain) > 215: UUID = domain[-215:]+str(uuid.uuid4()) else: UUID = domain+str(uuid.uuid4()) return os.path.join(item_dir, UUID) # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # CRAWLER MANAGER # TODO REFACTOR ME # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #### PROXY #### def api_verify_proxy(proxy_url): parsed_proxy = urlparse(proxy_url) if parsed_proxy.scheme and parsed_proxy.hostname and parsed_proxy.port: if parsed_proxy.scheme in ['http', 'https', 'socks5']: if (parsed_proxy.username and parsed_proxy.password) != ( not parsed_proxy.username and not parsed_proxy.password): return proxy_url, 200 else: return {'error': 'You need to enter a username AND a password for your proxy.'}, 400 else: return {'error': 'Proxy scheme not supported: must be http(s) or socks5.'}, 400 else: return {'error': 'Invalid proxy: Check that you entered a scheme, a hostname and a port.'}, 400 def get_proxies(): return r_crawler.smembers('crawler:proxies') class CrawlerProxy: def __init__(self, proxy_uuid): self.uuid = proxy_uuid def get_description(self): return r_crawler.hget(f'crawler:proxy:{self.uuid}', 'description') # Host # Port # Type -> need test def get_url(self): return r_crawler.hget(f'crawler:proxy:{self.uuid}', 'url') #### CRAWLER LACUS #### def get_lacus_url(): return r_db.hget('crawler:lacus', 'url') def get_lacus_api_key(): return r_db.hget('crawler:lacus', 'key') # TODO Rewrite with new API key def get_hidden_lacus_api_key(): key = get_lacus_api_key() if key: if len(key) == 41: return f'{key[:4]}*********************************{key[-4:]}' # TODO Rewrite with new API key def is_valid_api_key(api_key, search=re.compile(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]').search): if len(api_key) != 41: return False return not bool(search(api_key)) def save_lacus_url_api(url, api_key): r_db.hset('crawler:lacus', 'url', url) # r_db.hset('crawler:lacus', 'key', api_key) def is_lacus_connected(delta_check=30): last_check = r_cache.hget('crawler:lacus', 'last_check') if last_check: if int(time.time()) - int(last_check) > delta_check: ping_lacus() else: ping_lacus() is_connected = r_cache.hget('crawler:lacus', 'connected') return is_connected == 'True' def get_lacus_connection_metadata(force_ping=False): dict_manager = {} if force_ping: dict_manager['status'] = ping_lacus() else: dict_manager['status'] = is_lacus_connected() if not dict_manager['status']: dict_manager['status_code'] = r_cache.hget('crawler:lacus', 'status_code') dict_manager['error'] = r_cache.hget('crawler:lacus', 'error') return dict_manager def get_lacus(): url = get_lacus_url() if url: return PyLacus(get_lacus_url()) # TODO CATCH EXCEPTIONS def ping_lacus(): # TODO CATCH EXCEPTION req_error = None lacus = get_lacus() if not lacus: ping = False req_error = {'error': 'Lacus URL undefined', 'status_code': 400} else: try: ping = lacus.is_up except: req_error = {'error': 'Failed to connect Lacus URL', 'status_code': 400} ping = False update_lacus_connection_status(ping, req_error=req_error) return ping def update_lacus_connection_status(is_connected, req_error=None): r_cache.hset('crawler:lacus', 'connected', str(is_connected)) r_cache.hset('crawler:lacus', 'last_check', int(time.time())) if not req_error: r_cache.hdel('crawler:lacus', 'error') else: r_cache.hset('crawler:lacus', 'status_code', req_error['status_code']) r_cache.hset('crawler:lacus', 'error', req_error['error']) def api_save_lacus_url_key(data): # unpack json manager_url = data.get('url', None) api_key = data.get('api_key', None) if not manager_url: # or not api_key: return {'status': 'error', 'reason': 'No url or API key supplied'}, 400 # check if is valid url try: result = urlparse(manager_url) if not all([result.scheme, result.netloc]): return {'status': 'error', 'reason': 'Invalid url'}, 400 except: return {'status': 'error', 'reason': 'Invalid url'}, 400 # # check if is valid key CURRENTLY DISABLE # if not is_valid_api_key(api_key): # return ({'status': 'error', 'reason': 'Invalid API key'}, 400) save_lacus_url_api(manager_url, api_key) return {'url': manager_url, 'api_key': get_hidden_lacus_api_key()}, 200 def get_crawler_max_captures(): nb_captures = r_cache.hget('crawler:lacus', 'nb_captures') if not nb_captures: nb_captures = r_db.hget('crawler:lacus', 'nb_captures') if not nb_captures: nb_captures = 10 save_nb_max_captures(nb_captures) else: r_cache.hset('crawler:lacus', 'nb_captures', int(nb_captures)) return int(nb_captures) def save_nb_max_captures(nb_captures): r_db.hset('crawler:lacus', 'nb_captures', int(nb_captures)) r_cache.hset('crawler:lacus', 'nb_captures', int(nb_captures)) def api_set_crawler_max_captures(data): nb_captures = data.get('nb', 10) try: nb_captures = int(nb_captures) if nb_captures < 1: nb_captures = 1 except (TypeError, ValueError): return {'error': 'Invalid number of crawlers to launch'}, 400 save_nb_max_captures(nb_captures) return nb_captures, 200 ## TEST ## def is_test_ail_crawlers_successful(): return r_db.hget('crawler:tor:test', 'success') == 'True' def get_test_ail_crawlers_message(): return r_db.hget('crawler:tor:test', 'message') def save_test_ail_crawlers_result(test_success, message): r_db.hset('crawler:tor:test', 'success', str(test_success)) r_db.hset('crawler:tor:test', 'message', message) def test_ail_crawlers(): # # TODO: test web domain if not ping_lacus(): lacus_url = get_lacus_url() error_message = f'Error: Can\'t connect to AIL Lacus, {lacus_url}' print(error_message) save_test_ail_crawlers_result(False, error_message) return False lacus = get_lacus() commit_id = git_status.get_last_commit_id_from_local() user_agent = f'{commit_id}-AIL LACUS CRAWLER' # domain = 'eswpccgr5xyovsahffkehgleqthrasfpfdblwbs4lstd345dwq5qumqd.onion' url = 'http://eswpccgr5xyovsahffkehgleqthrasfpfdblwbs4lstd345dwq5qumqd.onion' ## LAUNCH CRAWLER, TEST MODE ## # set_current_crawler_status(splash_url, 'CRAWLER TEST', started_time=True, # crawled_domain='TEST DOMAIN', crawler_type='onion') capture_uuid = lacus.enqueue(url=url, depth=0, user_agent=user_agent, proxy='force_tor', force=True, general_timeout_in_sec=90) status = lacus.get_capture_status(capture_uuid) launch_time = int(time.time()) # capture timeout while int(time.time()) - launch_time < 90 and status != CaptureStatus.DONE: # DEBUG print(int(time.time()) - launch_time) print(status) time.sleep(1) status = lacus.get_capture_status(capture_uuid) # TODO CRAWLER STATUS OR QUEUED CAPTURE LIST entries = lacus.get_capture(capture_uuid) if 'error' in entries: save_test_ail_crawlers_result(False, entries['error']) return False elif 'html' in entries and entries['html']: mess = 'It works!' if mess in entries['html']: save_test_ail_crawlers_result(True, mess) return True else: return False elif status == 2: save_test_ail_crawlers_result(False, 'Timeout Error') else: save_test_ail_crawlers_result(False, 'Error') return False #### ---- #### # TODO CHECK MIGRATION - Rest API # TODO MIGRATE ME # def api_create_crawler_task(user_id, url, screenshot=True, har=True, depth_limit=1, max_pages=100, auto_crawler=False, crawler_delta=3600, crawler_type=None, cookiejar_uuid=None, user_agent=None): # # validate url # if url is None or url=='' or url=='\n': # return ({'error':'invalid depth limit'}, 400) # TODO MOVE ME IN CRAWLER OR FLASK load_blacklist() # if __name__ == '__main__': # delete_captures() # item_id = 'crawled/2023/02/20/data.gz' # item = Item(item_id) # content = item.get_content() # temp_url = '' # r = extract_favicon_from_html(content, temp_url) # print(r) # _reprocess_all_hars_cookie_name() # _reprocess_all_hars_etag()