#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*-coding:UTF-8 -* import configparser import os import sys import gzip import io import redis import base64 import datetime import time from sflock.main import unpack import sflock from Helper import Process from pubsublogger import publisher def create_paste(uuid, paste_content, ltags, ltagsgalaxies, name): now = datetime.datetime.now() save_path = 'submitted/' + now.strftime("%Y") + '/' + now.strftime("%m") + '/' + now.strftime("%d") + '/' + name + '.gz' full_path = filename = os.path.join(os.environ['AIL_HOME'], p.config.get("Directories", "pastes"), save_path) if os.path.isfile(full_path): addError(uuid, 'File: ' + save_path + ' already exist in submitted pastes') return 1 gzipencoded = gzip.compress(paste_content) gzip64encoded = base64.standard_b64encode(gzipencoded).decode() # send paste to Global module relay_message = "{0} {1}".format(save_path, gzip64encoded) p.populate_set_out(relay_message, 'Mixer') # add tags add_tags(ltags, ltagsgalaxies, full_path) r_serv_log_submit.incr(uuid + ':nb_end') r_serv_log_submit.incr(uuid + ':nb_sucess') if r_serv_log_submit.get(uuid + ':nb_end') == r_serv_log_submit.get(uuid + ':nb_total'): r_serv_log_submit.set(uuid + ':end', 1) print(' {} send to Global'.format(save_path)) r_serv_log_submit.sadd(uuid + ':paste_submit_link', full_path) curr_date = datetime.date.today() serv_statistics.hincrby(curr_date.strftime("%Y%m%d"),'submit_paste', 1) return 0 def addError(uuid, errorMessage): print(errorMessage) error = r_serv_log_submit.get(uuid + ':error') if error != None: r_serv_log_submit.set(uuid + ':error', error + '

' + errorMessage) r_serv_log_submit.incr(uuid + ':nb_end') def abord_file_submission(uuid, errorMessage): addError(uuid, errorMessage) r_serv_log_submit.set(uuid + ':end', 1) curr_date = datetime.date.today() serv_statistics.hincrby(curr_date.strftime("%Y%m%d"),'submit_abord', 1) remove_submit_uuid(uuid) def remove_submit_uuid(uuid): # save temp value on disk r_serv_db.delete(uuid + ':ltags') r_serv_db.delete(uuid + ':ltagsgalaxies') r_serv_db.delete(uuid + ':paste_content') r_serv_db.delete(uuid + ':isfile') r_serv_db.delete(uuid + ':password') r_serv_log_submit.expire(uuid + ':end', expire_time) r_serv_log_submit.expire(uuid + ':processing', expire_time) r_serv_log_submit.expire(uuid + ':nb_total', expire_time) r_serv_log_submit.expire(uuid + ':nb_sucess', expire_time) r_serv_log_submit.expire(uuid + ':nb_end', expire_time) r_serv_log_submit.expire(uuid + ':error', expire_time) r_serv_log_submit.srem(uuid + ':paste_submit_link', '') r_serv_log_submit.expire(uuid + ':paste_submit_link', expire_time) # delete uuid r_serv_db.srem('submitted:uuid', uuid) print('{} all file submitted'.format(uuid)) def add_tags(tags, tagsgalaxies, path): list_tag = tags.split(',') list_tag_galaxies = tagsgalaxies.split(',') if list_tag != ['']: for tag in list_tag: #add tag r_serv_metadata.sadd('tag:'+path, tag) r_serv_tags.sadd(tag, path) #add new tag in list of all used tags r_serv_tags.sadd('list_tags', tag) if list_tag_galaxies != ['']: for tag in list_tag_galaxies: #add tag r_serv_metadata.sadd('tag:'+path, tag) r_serv_tags.sadd(tag, path) #add new tag in list of all used tags r_serv_tags.sadd('list_tags', tag) def verify_extention_filename(filename): if not '.' in filename: return True else: file_type = filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1] #txt file if file_type in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS: return True else: return False if __name__ == "__main__": publisher.port = 6380 publisher.channel = "Script" configfile = os.path.join(os.environ['AIL_BIN'], 'packages/config.cfg') if not os.path.exists(configfile): raise Exception('Unable to find the configuration file. \ Did you set environment variables? \ Or activate the virtualenv.') cfg = configparser.ConfigParser() cfg.read(configfile) r_serv_db = redis.StrictRedis( host=cfg.get("ARDB_DB", "host"), port=cfg.getint("ARDB_DB", "port"), db=cfg.getint("ARDB_DB", "db"), decode_responses=True) r_serv_log_submit = redis.StrictRedis( host=cfg.get("Redis_Log_submit", "host"), port=cfg.getint("Redis_Log_submit", "port"), db=cfg.getint("Redis_Log_submit", "db"), decode_responses=True) r_serv_tags = redis.StrictRedis( host=cfg.get("ARDB_Tags", "host"), port=cfg.getint("ARDB_Tags", "port"), db=cfg.getint("ARDB_Tags", "db"), decode_responses=True) r_serv_metadata = redis.StrictRedis( host=cfg.get("ARDB_Metadata", "host"), port=cfg.getint("ARDB_Metadata", "port"), db=cfg.getint("ARDB_Metadata", "db"), decode_responses=True) serv_statistics = redis.StrictRedis( host=cfg.get('ARDB_Statistics', 'host'), port=cfg.getint('ARDB_Statistics', 'port'), db=cfg.getint('ARDB_Statistics', 'db'), decode_responses=True) expire_time = 120 MAX_FILE_SIZE = 1000000000 ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = ['txt', 'sh', 'pdf'] config_section = 'submit_paste' p = Process(config_section) while True: # paste submitted if r_serv_db.scard('submitted:uuid') > 0: uuid = r_serv_db.srandmember('submitted:uuid') # get temp value save on disk ltags = r_serv_db.get(uuid + ':ltags') ltagsgalaxies = r_serv_db.get(uuid + ':ltagsgalaxies') paste_content = r_serv_db.get(uuid + ':paste_content') isfile = r_serv_db.get(uuid + ':isfile') password = r_serv_db.get(uuid + ':password') # needed if redis is restarted r_serv_log_submit.set(uuid + ':end', 0) r_serv_log_submit.set(uuid + ':processing', 0) r_serv_log_submit.set(uuid + ':nb_total', -1) r_serv_log_submit.set(uuid + ':nb_end', 0) r_serv_log_submit.set(uuid + ':nb_sucess', 0) r_serv_log_submit.set(uuid + ':error', 'error:') r_serv_log_submit.sadd(uuid + ':paste_submit_link', '') r_serv_log_submit.set(uuid + ':processing', 1) if isfile == 'True': file_full_path = paste_content if not os.path.exists(file_full_path): abord_file_submission(uuid, "Server Error, the archive can't be found") continue #verify file lengh if os.stat(file_full_path).st_size > MAX_FILE_SIZE: abord_file_submission(uuid, 'File :{} too large'.format(file_full_path)) else: filename = file_full_path.split('/')[-1] if not '.' in filename: # read file try: with open(file_full_path,'r') as f: content = f.read() except: abord_file_submission(uuid, "file error") continue r_serv_log_submit.set(uuid + ':nb_total', 1) create_paste(uuid, content, ltags, ltagsgalaxies, uuid) remove_submit_uuid(uuid) else: file_type = filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1] #txt file if file_type in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS: with open(file_full_path,'r') as f: content = f.read() r_serv_log_submit.set(uuid + ':nb_total', 1) create_paste(uuid, content.encode(), ltags, ltagsgalaxies, uuid) remove_submit_uuid(uuid) #compressed file else: #decompress file try: if password == '': files = unpack(file_full_path.encode()) #print(files.children) else: try: files = unpack(file_full_path.encode(), password=password.encode()) #print(files.children) except sflock.exception.IncorrectUsageException: abord_file_submission(uuid, "Wrong Password") continue except: abord_file_submission(uuid, "file decompression error") continue print('unpacking {} file'.format(files.unpacker)) if(not files.children): abord_file_submission(uuid, "Empty compressed file") continue # set number of files to submit r_serv_log_submit.set(uuid + ':nb_total', len(files.children)) n = 1 for child in files.children: if verify_extention_filename(child.filename.decode()): create_paste(uuid, child.contents, ltags, ltagsgalaxies, uuid+'_'+ str(n) ) n = n + 1 else: print('bad extention') addError(uuid, 'Bad file extension: {}'.format(child.filename.decode()) ) except FileNotFoundError: print('file not found') addError(uuid, 'File not found: {}'.format(file_full_path), uuid ) remove_submit_uuid(uuid) # textarea input paste else: r_serv_log_submit.set(uuid + ':nb_total', 1) create_paste(uuid, paste_content.encode(), ltags, ltagsgalaxies, uuid) remove_submit_uuid(uuid) time.sleep(0.5) # wait for paste else: publisher.debug("Script submit_paste is Idling 10s") time.sleep(3)