{# #} {# #} {% include 'nav_bar.html' %}
{% include 'sidebars/sidebar_objects.html' %}
{% with meta=subchannel %} {% include 'chats_explorer/card_chat_subchannel.html' %} {% endwith %} {% if subchannel['threads'] %} {% for thread in subchannel['threads'] %} {% endfor %}
Name Created at First seen Last seen Nb Messages
{{ thread['name'] }} {{ thread['nb_messages'] }} Messages {{ thread["created_at"] }} {% if thread['first_seen'] %} {{ thread['first_seen'][0:4] }}-{{ thread['first_seen'][4:6] }}-{{ thread['first_seen'][6:8] }} {% endif %} {% if thread['last_seen'] %} {{ thread['last_seen'][0:4] }}-{{ thread['last_seen'][4:6] }}-{{ thread['last_seen'][6:8] }} {% endif %} {{ thread['nb_messages'] }}
{% endif %} {% for tag in subchannel['tags_messages'] %} {{ tag }} {{ subchannel['tags_messages'][tag] }} {% endfor %}
All Messages:
This week:
{% for date in messages %} {{ date }} {% endfor %}
{% include 'objects/image/block_blur_img_slider.html' %} {% with translate_url=url_for('chats_explorer.objects_subchannel_messages', subtype=subchannel['subtype']), obj_id=subchannel['id'], pagination=subchannel['pagination'] %} {% include 'chats_explorer/block_translation.html' %} {% endwith %} {% with obj_subtype=subchannel['subtype'], obj_id=subchannel['id'], url_endpoint=url_for("chats_explorer.objects_subchannel_messages"), nb=subchannel['pagination']['nb'] %} {% set date_from=subchannel['first_seen'] %} {% set date_to=subchannel['last_seen'] %} {% include 'block_obj_time_search.html' %} {% endwith %} {% with endpoint_url=url_for('chats_explorer.objects_subchannel_messages', subtype=subchannel['subtype']), pagination=subchannel['pagination'] %} {% set endpoint_url = endpoint_url + "&id=" + subchannel['id'] + "&nb=" + subchannel['pagination']['nb'] | string %} {% if translation_target %} {% set endpoint_url = endpoint_url + "&target=" + translation_target %} {% endif %} {% include 'chats_explorer/pagination.html' %} {% endwith %}
{% for date in subchannel['messages'] %}

{{ date }}

{% for mess in subchannel['messages'][date] %} {% with message=mess %} {% include 'chats_explorer/block_message.html' %} {% endwith %} {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% with endpoint_url=url_for('chats_explorer.objects_subchannel_messages', subtype=subchannel['subtype']), pagination=subchannel['pagination'] %} {% set endpoint_url = endpoint_url + "&id=" + subchannel['id'] + "&nb=" + subchannel['pagination']['nb'] | string %} {% if translation_target %} {% set endpoint_url = endpoint_url + "&target=" + translation_target %} {% endif %} {% include 'chats_explorer/pagination.html' %} {% endwith %}