{% include 'nav_bar.html' %}
{% include 'sidebars/sidebar_objects.html' %}
{% if dict_object["object_type"] == "pgp" %} {% include 'correlation/metadata_card_pgp.html' %} {% elif dict_object["object_type"] == "cryptocurrency" %} {% include 'correlation/metadata_card_cryptocurrency.html' %} {% elif dict_object["object_type"] == "username" %} {% include 'correlation/metadata_card_username.html' %} {% elif dict_object["object_type"] == "decoded" %} {% include 'correlation/metadata_card_decoded.html' %} {% elif dict_object["object_type"] == "chat" %} {% include 'chats_explorer/card_chat.html' %} {% elif dict_object["object_type"] == "cve" %} {% include 'correlation/metadata_card_cve.html' %} {% elif dict_object["object_type"] == "domain" %} {% include 'correlation/metadata_card_domain.html' %} {% elif dict_object["object_type"] == "screenshot" %} {% include 'correlation/metadata_card_screenshot.html' %} {% elif dict_object["object_type"] == "title" %} {% include 'correlation/metadata_card_title.html' %} {% elif dict_object["object_type"] == "cookie-name" %} {% include 'correlation/metadata_card_cookie_name.html' %} {% elif dict_object["object_type"] == "etag" %} {% include 'correlation/metadata_card_etag.html' %} {% elif dict_object["object_type"] == "hhhash" %} {% include 'correlation/metadata_card_hhhash.html' %} {% elif dict_object["object_type"] == "item" %} {% include 'correlation/metadata_card_item.html' %} {% endif %}
{# #} {# {% if dict_object["object_type"] != "" %}#} {# {% with obj_type=dict_object["object_type"], obj_id=dict_object["correlation_id"], obj_subtype=dict_object["metadata"]["type_id"],obj_lvl=1%}#} {# {% include 'import_export/block_add_user_object_to_export.html' %}#} {# {% endwith %}#} {# {% endif %}#} {# #}
 Graph Incomplete, Max Nodes Reached.

Press H on an object / node to hide it.

#} {# {% if dict_object["hidden"] %}#} {#
Hidden objects:
#} {# {% for obj_hidden in dict_object["hidden"] %}#} {# {{ obj_hidden }}
#} {# {% endfor %}#} {# {% endif %}#}
  • Relationship
  • {#
  • #} {#
    #} {# #} {# #} {#
    #} {#
    #} {# #} {# #} {#
    #} {##} {#
  • #}
  • Double click on a node to open this object

    Current Object

  • Direct Relationships
  • {% for relationship in dict_object['nb_relation'] %}
    {{ relationship }}
    {{ dict_object['nb_relation'][relationship] }}
    {% endfor %}
{% include 'correlation/legend_graph_correlation.html' %}

Tags All Objects

{% include 'tags/block_tags_selector.html' %}