#!/bin/bash # Wait for all redis instances to start while true; do redis-cli -p 6379 PING && break; sleep 1; done while true; do redis-cli -p 6380 PING && break; sleep 1; done while true; do redis-cli -p 6381 PING && break; sleep 1; done while true; do redis-cli -p 6382 PING && break; sleep 1; done # Wait for redis to initialize - otherwise CurveManageTopSets.py # might crash sleep 10 source /opt/AIL-framework/AILENV/bin/activate cd /opt/AIL-framework/bin/ # Note: Before adding a script, test if it works and that all # dependencies are available. Otherwise the whole service will fail. /opt/AIL-framework/bin/ModuleInformation.py -k 0 -c 1 & /opt/AIL-framework/bin/Mixer.py & /opt/AIL-framework/bin/Global.py & /opt/AIL-framework/bin/Duplicates.py & /opt/AIL-framework/bin/Attributes.py & /opt/AIL-framework/bin/Lines.py & /opt/AIL-framework/bin/DomClassifier.py & /opt/AIL-framework/bin/Categ.py & /opt/AIL-framework/bin/Tokenize.py & /opt/AIL-framework/bin/CreditCards.py & /opt/AIL-framework/bin/Onion.py & /opt/AIL-framework/bin/Mail.py & /opt/AIL-framework/bin/Web.py & /opt/AIL-framework/bin/Credential.py & /opt/AIL-framework/bin/Curve.py & # This crashes if redis isn't ready - execute it in a loop bash -c "while true; do /opt/AIL-framework/bin/CurveManageTopSets.py; done" & /opt/AIL-framework/bin/Indexer.py & /opt/AIL-framework/bin/Keys.py & /opt/AIL-framework/bin/Phone.py & /opt/AIL-framework/bin/Release.py & /opt/AIL-framework/bin/Cve.py & /opt/AIL-framework/bin/WebStats.py & /opt/AIL-framework/bin/ModuleStats.py & /opt/AIL-framework/bin/SQLInjectionDetection.py & /opt/AIL-framework/bin/alertHandler.py & /opt/AIL-framework/bin/RegexForTermsFrequency.py & /opt/AIL-framework/bin/SetForTermsFrequency.py & /opt/AIL-framework/bin/SentimentAnalysis.py