#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*-coding:UTF-8 -* ''' Flask functions and routes for the trending modules page ''' import redis from flask import Flask, render_template, jsonify, request, Blueprint, redirect, url_for from Role_Manager import login_admin, login_analyst, login_read_only from flask_login import login_required import json import datetime import Paste from pytaxonomies import Taxonomies from pymispgalaxies import Galaxies, Clusters # ============ VARIABLES ============ import Flask_config import Tag app = Flask_config.app baseUrl = Flask_config.baseUrl r_serv_tags = Flask_config.r_serv_tags r_serv_metadata = Flask_config.r_serv_metadata r_serv_statistics = Flask_config.r_serv_statistics max_preview_char = Flask_config.max_preview_char max_preview_modal = Flask_config.max_preview_modal bootstrap_label = Flask_config.bootstrap_label max_tags_result = Flask_config.max_tags_result PASTES_FOLDER = Flask_config.PASTES_FOLDER Tags = Blueprint('Tags', __name__, template_folder='templates') galaxies = Galaxies() clusters = Clusters(skip_duplicates=True) list_all_tags = {} for name, c in clusters.items(): #galaxy name + tags list_all_tags[name] = c list_galaxies = [] for g in galaxies.values(): list_galaxies.append(g.to_json()) list_clusters = [] for c in clusters.values(): list_clusters.append(c.to_json()) # tags numbers in galaxies total_tags = {} for name, tags in clusters.items(): #galaxie name + tags total_tags[name] = len(tags) # ============ FUNCTIONS ============ def one(): return 1 def get_tags_with_synonyms(tag): str_synonyms = ' - synonyms: ' synonyms = r_serv_tags.smembers('synonym_tag_' + tag) # synonyms to display for synonym in synonyms: str_synonyms = str_synonyms + synonym + ', ' # add real tag if str_synonyms != ' - synonyms: ': return {'name':tag + str_synonyms,'id':tag} else: return {'name':tag,'id':tag} def get_item_date(item_filename): l_directory = item_filename.split('/') return '{}{}{}'.format(l_directory[-4], l_directory[-3], l_directory[-2]) def substract_date(date_from, date_to): date_from = datetime.date(int(date_from[0:4]), int(date_from[4:6]), int(date_from[6:8])) date_to = datetime.date(int(date_to[0:4]), int(date_to[4:6]), int(date_to[6:8])) delta = date_to - date_from # timedelta l_date = [] for i in range(delta.days + 1): date = date_from + datetime.timedelta(i) l_date.append( date.strftime('%Y%m%d') ) return l_date def get_all_dates_range(date_from, date_to): all_dates = {} date_range = [] if date_from is not None and date_to is not None: #change format try: if len(date_from) != 8: date_from = date_from[0:4] + date_from[5:7] + date_from[8:10] date_to = date_to[0:4] + date_to[5:7] + date_to[8:10] date_range = substract_date(date_from, date_to) except: pass if not date_range: date_range.append(datetime.date.today().strftime("%Y%m%d")) date_from = date_range[0][0:4] + '-' + date_range[0][4:6] + '-' + date_range[0][6:8] date_to = date_from else: date_from = date_from[0:4] + '-' + date_from[4:6] + '-' + date_from[6:8] date_to = date_to[0:4] + '-' + date_to[4:6] + '-' + date_to[6:8] all_dates['date_from'] = date_from all_dates['date_to'] = date_to all_dates['date_range'] = date_range return all_dates def get_last_seen_from_tags_list(list_tags): min_last_seen = 99999999 for tag in list_tags: tag_last_seen = r_serv_tags.hget('tag_metadata:{}'.format(tag), 'last_seen') if tag_last_seen: tag_last_seen = int(tag_last_seen) if tag_last_seen < min_last_seen: min_last_seen = tag_last_seen return str(min_last_seen) # ============= ROUTES ============== # @Tags.route("/tags/", methods=['GET']) # @login_required # @login_read_only # def Tags_page(): # date_from = request.args.get('date_from') # date_to = request.args.get('date_to') # tags = request.args.get('ltags') # # if tags is None: # dates = get_all_dates_range(date_from, date_to) # return render_template("Tags.html", date_from=dates['date_from'], date_to=dates['date_to']) # # # unpack tags # list_tags = tags.split(',') # list_tag = [] # for tag in list_tags: # list_tag.append(tag.replace('"','\"')) # # #no search by date, use last_seen for date_from/date_to # if date_from is None and date_to is None and tags is not None: # date_from = get_last_seen_from_tags_list(list_tags) # date_to = date_from # # # TODO verify input # # dates = get_all_dates_range(date_from, date_to) # # if(type(list_tags) is list): # # no tag # if list_tags is False: # print('empty') # # 1 tag # elif len(list_tags) < 2: # tagged_pastes = [] # for date in dates['date_range']: # tagged_pastes.extend(r_serv_tags.smembers('{}:{}'.format(list_tags[0], date))) # # # 2 tags or more # else: # tagged_pastes = [] # for date in dates['date_range']: # tag_keys = [] # for tag in list_tags: # tag_keys.append('{}:{}'.format(tag, date)) # # if len(tag_keys) > 1: # daily_items = r_serv_tags.sinter(tag_keys[0], *tag_keys[1:]) # else: # daily_items = r_serv_tags.sinter(tag_keys[0]) # tagged_pastes.extend(daily_items) # # else : # return 'INCORRECT INPUT' # # all_content = [] # paste_date = [] # paste_linenum = [] # all_path = [] # allPastes = list(tagged_pastes) # paste_tags = [] # # try: # page = int(request.args.get('page')) # except: # page = 1 # if page <= 0: # page = 1 # nb_page_max = len(tagged_pastes)/(max_tags_result) # if not nb_page_max.is_integer(): # nb_page_max = int(nb_page_max)+1 # else: # nb_page_max = int(nb_page_max) # if page > nb_page_max: # page = nb_page_max # start = max_tags_result*(page -1) # stop = max_tags_result*page # # for path in allPastes[start:stop]: # all_path.append(path) # paste = Paste.Paste(path) # content = paste.get_p_content() # content_range = max_preview_char if len(content)>max_preview_char else len(content)-1 # all_content.append(content[0:content_range].replace("\"", "\'").replace("\r", " ").replace("\n", " ")) # curr_date = str(paste._get_p_date()) # curr_date = curr_date[0:4]+'/'+curr_date[4:6]+'/'+curr_date[6:] # paste_date.append(curr_date) # paste_linenum.append(paste.get_lines_info()[0]) # p_tags = r_serv_metadata.smembers('tag:'+path) # complete_tags = [] # l_tags = [] # for tag in p_tags: # complete_tag = tag # # tag = tag.split('=') # if len(tag) > 1: # if tag[1] != '': # tag = tag[1][1:-1] # # no value # else: # tag = tag[0][1:-1] # # use for custom tags # else: # tag = tag[0] # # l_tags.append( (tag,complete_tag) ) # # paste_tags.append(l_tags) # # if len(allPastes) > 10: # finished = False # else: # finished = True # # if len(list_tag) == 1: # tag_nav=tags.replace('"', '').replace('=', '').replace(':', '') # else: # tag_nav='empty' # # return render_template("Tags.html", # all_path=all_path, # tags=tags, # tag_nav=tag_nav, # list_tag = list_tag, # date_from=dates['date_from'], # date_to=dates['date_to'], # page=page, nb_page_max=nb_page_max, # paste_tags=paste_tags, # bootstrap_label=bootstrap_label, # content=all_content, # paste_date=paste_date, # paste_linenum=paste_linenum, # char_to_display=max_preview_modal, # finished=finished) @Tags.route("/Tags/get_all_tags") @login_required @login_read_only def get_all_tags(): all_tags = r_serv_tags.smembers('list_tags') list_tags = [] for tag in all_tags: t = tag.split(':')[0] # add synonym str_synonyms = ' - synonyms: ' if t == 'misp-galaxy': synonyms = r_serv_tags.smembers('synonym_tag_' + tag) for synonym in synonyms: str_synonyms = str_synonyms + synonym + ', ' # add real tag if str_synonyms != ' - synonyms: ': list_tags.append({'name':tag + str_synonyms,'id':tag}) else: list_tags.append({'name':tag,'id':tag}) return jsonify(list_tags) @Tags.route("/Tags/get_all_tags_taxonomies") @login_required @login_read_only def get_all_tags_taxonomies(): taxonomies = Taxonomies() list_taxonomies = list(taxonomies.keys()) active_taxonomie = r_serv_tags.smembers('active_taxonomies') list_tags = [] for taxonomie in active_taxonomie: #l_tags = taxonomies.get(taxonomie).machinetags() l_tags = r_serv_tags.smembers('active_tag_' + taxonomie) for tag in l_tags: list_tags.append( tag ) return jsonify(list_tags) @Tags.route("/Tags/get_all_tags_galaxies") @login_required @login_read_only def get_all_tags_galaxy(): active_galaxies = r_serv_tags.smembers('active_galaxies') list_tags = [] for galaxy in active_galaxies: l_tags = r_serv_tags.smembers('active_tag_galaxies_' + galaxy) for tag in l_tags: list_tags.append(get_tags_with_synonyms(tag)) return jsonify(list_tags) @Tags.route("/Tags/get_tags_taxonomie") @login_required @login_read_only def get_tags_taxonomie(): taxonomie = request.args.get('taxonomie') taxonomies = Taxonomies() list_taxonomies = list(taxonomies.keys()) active_taxonomie = r_serv_tags.smembers('active_taxonomies') #verify input if taxonomie in list_taxonomies: if taxonomie in active_taxonomie: list_tags = [] l_tags = r_serv_tags.smembers('active_tag_' + taxonomie) for tag in l_tags: list_tags.append( tag ) return jsonify(list_tags) else: return 'this taxonomie is disable' else: return 'INCORRECT INPUT' @Tags.route("/Tags/get_tags_galaxy") @login_required @login_read_only def get_tags_galaxy(): galaxy = request.args.get('galaxy') active_galaxies = r_serv_tags.smembers('active_galaxies') #verify input if galaxy in active_galaxies: list_tags = [] l_tags = r_serv_tags.smembers('active_tag_galaxies_' + galaxy) for tag in l_tags: list_tags.append(get_tags_with_synonyms(tag)) return jsonify(list_tags) else: return 'this galaxy is disable' @Tags.route("/Tags/remove_tag") @login_required @login_analyst def remove_tag(): #TODO remove me , used by showpaste path = request.args.get('paste') tag = request.args.get('tag') res = Tag.api_delete_obj_tags(tags=[tag], object_id=path, object_type="item") if res[1] != 200: return str(res[0]) return redirect(url_for('objects_item.showItem', id=path)) @Tags.route("/Tags/confirm_tag") @login_required @login_analyst def confirm_tag(): #TODO verify input path = request.args.get('paste') tag = request.args.get('tag') if(tag[9:28] == 'automatic-detection'): Tag.api_delete_obj_tags(tags=[tag], object_id=path, object_type="item") tag = tag.replace('automatic-detection','analyst-detection', 1) #add analyst tag Tag.add_tag('item', tag, path) return redirect(url_for('objects_item.showItem', id=path)) return 'incompatible tag' @Tags.route("/Tags/tag_validation") @login_required @login_analyst def tag_validation(): path = request.args.get('paste') tag = request.args.get('tag') status = request.args.get('status') if (status == 'fp' or status == 'tp') and r_serv_tags.sismember('list_tags', tag): if status == 'tp': r_serv_statistics.sadd('tp:'+tag, path) r_serv_statistics.srem('fp:'+tag, path) else: r_serv_statistics.sadd('fp:'+tag, path) r_serv_statistics.srem('tp:'+tag, path) return redirect(url_for('objects_item.showItem', id=path)) else: return 'input error' @Tags.route("/Tags/taxonomies") @login_required @login_read_only def taxonomies(): active_taxonomies = r_serv_tags.smembers('active_taxonomies') taxonomies = Taxonomies() list_taxonomies = list(taxonomies.keys()) id = [] name = [] description = [] version = [] enabled = [] n_tags = [] for taxonomie in list_taxonomies: id.append(taxonomie) name.append(taxonomies.get(taxonomie).name) description.append(taxonomies.get(taxonomie).description) version.append(taxonomies.get(taxonomie).version) if taxonomie in active_taxonomies: enabled.append(True) else: enabled.append(False) n = str(r_serv_tags.scard('active_tag_' + taxonomie)) n_tags.append(n + '/' + str(len(taxonomies.get(taxonomie).machinetags())) ) return render_template("taxonomies.html", id=id, all_name = name, description = description, version = version, enabled = enabled, n_tags=n_tags) @Tags.route("/Tags/edit_taxonomie") @login_required @login_analyst def edit_taxonomie(): taxonomies = Taxonomies() list_taxonomies = list(taxonomies.keys()) id = request.args.get('taxonomie') #verify input if id in list(taxonomies.keys()): active_tag = r_serv_tags.smembers('active_tag_' + id) list_tag = taxonomies.get(id).machinetags() list_tag_desc = taxonomies.get(id).machinetags_expanded() active_taxonomies = r_serv_tags.smembers('active_taxonomies') if id in active_taxonomies: active = True else: active = False n = str(r_serv_tags.scard('active_tag_' + id)) badge = n + '/' + str(len(taxonomies.get(id).machinetags())) name = taxonomies.get(id).name description = taxonomies.get(id).description version = taxonomies.get(id).version status = [] for tag in list_tag: if tag in active_tag: status.append(True) else: status.append(False) return render_template("edit_taxonomie.html", id=id, name=name, badge = badge, description = description, version = version, active=active, all_tags = list_tag, list_tag_desc=list_tag_desc, status = status) else: return 'INVALID TAXONOMIE' @Tags.route("/Tags/disable_taxonomie") @login_required @login_analyst def disable_taxonomie(): taxonomies = Taxonomies() list_taxonomies = list(taxonomies.keys()) id = request.args.get('taxonomie') if id in list_taxonomies: r_serv_tags.srem('active_taxonomies', id) for tag in taxonomies.get(id).machinetags(): r_serv_tags.srem('active_tag_' + id, tag) return redirect(url_for('Tags.taxonomies')) else: return "INCORRECT INPUT" @Tags.route("/Tags/active_taxonomie") @login_required @login_analyst def active_taxonomie(): taxonomies = Taxonomies() list_taxonomies = list(taxonomies.keys()) id = request.args.get('taxonomie') # verify input if id in list_taxonomies: r_serv_tags.sadd('active_taxonomies', id) for tag in taxonomies.get(id).machinetags(): r_serv_tags.sadd('active_tag_' + id, tag) return redirect(url_for('Tags.taxonomies')) else: return "INCORRECT INPUT" @Tags.route("/Tags/edit_taxonomie_tag") @login_required @login_analyst def edit_taxonomie_tag(): taxonomies = Taxonomies() list_taxonomies = list(taxonomies.keys()) arg1 = request.args.getlist('tag_enabled') arg2 = request.args.getlist('tag_disabled') id = request.args.get('taxonomie') #verify input if id in list_taxonomies: list_tag = taxonomies.get(id).machinetags() #check tags validity if ( all(elem in list_tag for elem in arg1) or (len(arg1) == 0) ) and ( all(elem in list_tag for elem in arg2) or (len(arg2) == 0) ): active_tag = r_serv_tags.smembers('active_tag_' + id) diff = list(set(arg1) ^ set(list_tag)) #remove tags for tag in diff: r_serv_tags.srem('active_tag_' + id, tag) #all tags unchecked if len(arg1) == 0 and len(arg2) == 0: r_serv_tags.srem('active_taxonomies', id) #add new tags for tag in arg2: r_serv_tags.sadd('active_taxonomies', id) r_serv_tags.sadd('active_tag_' + id, tag) return redirect(url_for('Tags.taxonomies')) else: return "INCORRECT INPUT" else: return "INCORRECT INPUT" @Tags.route("/Tags/galaxies") @login_required @login_read_only def galaxies(): active_galaxies = r_serv_tags.smembers('active_galaxies') name = [] icon = [] version = [] all_type = [] namespace = [] description = [] enabled = [] n_tags = [] for galaxie_json in list_galaxies: galaxie = json.loads(galaxie_json) name.append(galaxie['name']) icon.append(galaxie['icon']) version.append(galaxie['version']) type = galaxie['type'] all_type.append(type) namespace.append(galaxie['namespace']) description.append(galaxie['description']) if type in active_galaxies: enabled.append(True) else: enabled.append(False) n = str(r_serv_tags.scard('active_tag_galaxies_' + type)) n_tags.append(n + '/' + str(total_tags[type]) ) return render_template("galaxies.html", name=name, icon = icon, version = version, description = description, namespace = namespace, all_type = all_type, enabled = enabled, n_tags=n_tags) @Tags.route("/Tags/edit_galaxy") @login_required @login_analyst def edit_galaxy(): id = request.args.get('galaxy') for clusters_json in list_clusters: #get clusters cluster = json.loads(clusters_json) if cluster['type'] == id: type = id active_tag = r_serv_tags.smembers('active_tag_galaxies_' + type) n = str(r_serv_tags.scard('active_tag_galaxies_' + type)) badge = n + '/' + str(total_tags[type]) name = cluster['name'] description = cluster['description'] version = cluster['version'] source = cluster['source'] val = cluster['values'] tags = [] for data in val: try: meta = data['meta'] except KeyError: meta = [] tag_name = data['value'] tag_name = 'misp-galaxy:{}="{}"'.format(type, tag_name) try: tag_description = data['description'] except KeyError: tag_description = '' tags.append( (tag_name, tag_description, meta) ) status = [] for tag in tags: if tag[0] in active_tag: status.append(True) else: status.append(False) active_galaxies = r_serv_tags.smembers('active_galaxies') if id in active_galaxies: active = True else: active = False return render_template("edit_galaxy.html", id = type, name = name, badge = badge, description = description, version = version, active = active, tags = tags, status = status) return 'INVALID GALAXY' @Tags.route("/Tags/active_galaxy") @login_required @login_analyst def active_galaxy(): id = request.args.get('galaxy') # verify input try: l_tags = list_all_tags[id] except KeyError: return "INCORRECT INPUT" r_serv_tags.sadd('active_galaxies', id) for tag in l_tags: r_serv_tags.sadd('active_tag_galaxies_' + id, 'misp-galaxy:{}="{}"'.format(id, tag)) #save synonyms for clusters_json in list_clusters: #get clusters cluster = json.loads(clusters_json) if cluster['type'] == id: val = cluster['values'] tags = [] for data in val: try: meta = data['meta'] synonyms = meta['synonyms'] tag_name = data['value'] tag_name = 'misp-galaxy:{}="{}"'.format(id, tag_name) #save synonyms for synonym in synonyms: r_serv_tags.sadd('synonym_tag_' + tag_name, synonym) except KeyError: pass break return redirect(url_for('Tags.galaxies')) @Tags.route("/Tags/disable_galaxy") @login_required @login_analyst def disable_galaxy(): id = request.args.get('galaxy') # verify input try: l_tags = list_all_tags[id] except KeyError: return "INCORRECT INPUT" r_serv_tags.srem('active_galaxies', id) for tag in l_tags: tag_name = 'misp-galaxy:{}="{}"'.format(id, tag) r_serv_tags.srem('active_tag_galaxies_' + id, tag_name) r_serv_tags.delete('synonym_tag_' + tag_name) return redirect(url_for('Tags.galaxies')) @Tags.route("/Tags/edit_galaxy_tag") @login_required @login_analyst def edit_galaxy_tag(): arg1 = request.args.getlist('tag_enabled') arg2 = request.args.getlist('tag_disabled') id = request.args.get('galaxy') #verify input try: l_tags = list_all_tags[id] except KeyError: return "INCORRECT INPUT" #get full tags list_tag = [] for tag in l_tags: list_tag.append('misp-galaxy:{}="{}"'.format(id, tag)) #check tags validity if ( all(elem in list_tag for elem in arg1) or (len(arg1) == 0) ) and ( all(elem in list_tag for elem in arg2) or (len(arg2) == 0) ): active_tag = r_serv_tags.smembers('active_tag_galaxies_' + id) diff = list(set(arg1) ^ set(list_tag)) #remove tags for tag in diff: r_serv_tags.srem('active_tag_galaxies_' + id, tag) r_serv_tags.delete('synonym_tag_' + tag) #all tags unchecked if len(arg1) == 0 and len(arg2) == 0: r_serv_tags.srem('active_galaxies', id) #add new tags for tag in arg2: r_serv_tags.sadd('active_galaxies', id) r_serv_tags.sadd('active_tag_galaxies_' + id, tag) #get tags synonyms for clusters_json in list_clusters: #get clusters cluster = json.loads(clusters_json) if cluster['type'] == id: val = cluster['values'] tags = [] for data in val: try: meta = data['meta'] synonyms = meta['synonyms'] tag_name = data['value'] tag_name = 'misp-galaxy:{}="{}"'.format(id, tag_name) if tag_name in arg2: #save synonyms for synonym in synonyms: r_serv_tags.sadd('synonym_tag_' + tag_name, synonym) except KeyError: pass break return redirect(url_for('Tags.galaxies')) else: return "INCORRECT INPUT" @Tags.route("/Tags/tag_galaxy_info") @login_required @login_read_only def tag_galaxy_info(): galaxy = request.args.get('galaxy') tag = request.args.get('tag') full_tag = tag title = tag.split(':')[1] tag = tag.split('=')[1] tag = tag[1:-1] #get clusters for clusters_json in list_clusters: cluster = json.loads(clusters_json) if cluster['type'] == galaxy: val = cluster['values'] source = cluster['source'] for data in val: if tag == data['value']: try: description = data['description'] except KeyError: description = '' if r_serv_tags.sismember('active_tag_galaxies_' + galaxy, full_tag): active = True else: active = False synonyms = [] metadata = [] list_metadata = [] try: meta = data['meta'] for key in meta: if key != 'synonyms': if type(meta[key]) is list: for item in meta[key]: list_metadata.append(key + ' : ' + item) else: list_metadata.append(key + ' : ' + meta[key]) try: synonyms = meta['synonyms'] bool_synonyms = True except KeyError: synonyms = [] bool_synonyms = False except KeyError: pass if synonyms: bool_synonyms = True else: bool_synonyms = False if list_metadata: metadata = True else: metadata = False return render_template("tag_galaxy_info.html", title = title, description = description, source = source, active = active, synonyms = synonyms, bool_synonyms = bool_synonyms, metadata = metadata, list_metadata = list_metadata) return 'INVALID INPUT' # ========= REGISTRATION ========= app.register_blueprint(Tags, url_prefix=baseUrl)