mirror of https://github.com/CIRCL/AIL-framework
701 lines
25 KiB
701 lines
25 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*-coding:UTF-8 -*
Flask functions and routes for the trending modules page
import redis
import os
import datetime
import json
from Date import Date
from io import BytesIO
import zipfile
import requests
from flask import Flask, render_template, jsonify, request, Blueprint, redirect, url_for, send_file
# ============ VARIABLES ============
import Flask_config
app = Flask_config.app
cfg = Flask_config.cfg
baseUrl = Flask_config.baseUrl
r_serv_metadata = Flask_config.r_serv_metadata
vt_enabled = Flask_config.vt_enabled
vt_auth = Flask_config.vt_auth
hashDecoded = Blueprint('hashDecoded', __name__, template_folder='templates')
# ============ FUNCTIONS ============
def get_date_range(num_day):
curr_date = datetime.date.today()
date = Date(str(curr_date.year)+str(curr_date.month).zfill(2)+str(curr_date.day).zfill(2))
date_list = []
for i in range(0, num_day+1):
return list(reversed(date_list))
def substract_date(date_from, date_to):
date_from = datetime.date(int(date_from[0:4]), int(date_from[4:6]), int(date_from[6:8]))
date_to = datetime.date(int(date_to[0:4]), int(date_to[4:6]), int(date_to[6:8]))
delta = date_to - date_from # timedelta
l_date = []
for i in range(delta.days + 1):
date = date_from + datetime.timedelta(i)
l_date.append( date.strftime('%Y%m%d') )
return l_date
def list_sparkline_values(date_range_sparkline, hash):
sparklines_value = []
for date_day in date_range_sparkline:
nb_seen_this_day = r_serv_metadata.zscore('hash_date:'+date_day, hash)
if nb_seen_this_day is None:
nb_seen_this_day = 0
return sparklines_value
def get_file_icon(estimated_type):
file_type = estimated_type.split('/')[0]
# set file icon
if file_type == 'application':
file_icon = 'fa-file '
elif file_type == 'audio':
file_icon = 'fa-file-video-o '
elif file_type == 'image':
file_icon = 'fa-file-image-o'
elif file_type == 'text':
file_icon = 'fa-file-text-o'
file_icon = 'fa-file-o'
return file_icon
def get_file_icon_text(estimated_type):
file_type = estimated_type.split('/')[0]
# set file icon
if file_type == 'application':
file_icon_text = '\uf15b'
elif file_type == 'audio':
file_icon_text = '\uf1c7'
elif file_type == 'image':
file_icon_text = '\uf1c5'
elif file_type == 'text':
file_icon_text = '\uf15c'
file_icon_text = '\uf15b'
return file_icon_text
def one():
return 1
# ============= ROUTES ==============
@hashDecoded.route("/hashDecoded/all_hash_search", methods=['POST'])
def all_hash_search():
date_from = request.form.get('date_from')
date_to = request.form.get('date_to')
type = request.form.get('type')
encoding = request.form.get('encoding')
show_decoded_files = request.form.get('show_decoded_files')
return redirect(url_for('hashDecoded.hashDecoded_page', date_from=date_from, date_to=date_to, type=type, encoding=encoding, show_decoded_files=show_decoded_files))
@hashDecoded.route("/hashDecoded/", methods=['GET'])
def hashDecoded_page():
date_from = request.args.get('date_from')
date_to = request.args.get('date_to')
type = request.args.get('type')
encoding = request.args.get('encoding')
show_decoded_files = request.args.get('show_decoded_files')
if type == 'All types':
type = None
if encoding == 'All encoding':
encoding = None
#date_from = '20180628' or date_from = '2018-06-28'
#date_to = '20180628' or date_to = '2018-06-28'
# verify file type input
if type is not None:
#retrieve + char
type = type.replace(' ', '+')
if type not in r_serv_metadata.smembers('hash_all_type'):
type = None
all_encoding = r_serv_metadata.smembers('all_decoder')
# verify encoding input
if encoding is not None:
if encoding not in all_encoding:
encoding = None
date_range = []
if date_from is not None and date_to is not None:
#change format
if len(date_from) != 8:
date_from = date_from[0:4] + date_from[5:7] + date_from[8:10]
date_to = date_to[0:4] + date_to[5:7] + date_to[8:10]
date_range = substract_date(date_from, date_to)
if not date_range:
date_from = date_range[0][0:4] + '-' + date_range[0][4:6] + '-' + date_range[0][6:8]
date_to = date_from
date_from = date_from[0:4] + '-' + date_from[4:6] + '-' + date_from[6:8]
date_to = date_to[0:4] + '-' + date_to[4:6] + '-' + date_to[6:8]
# display day type bar chart
if len(date_range) == 1 and type is None:
daily_type_chart = True
daily_date = date_range[0]
daily_type_chart = False
daily_date = None
l_64 = set()
if show_decoded_files:
show_decoded_files = True
for date in date_range:
if encoding is None:
l_hash = r_serv_metadata.zrange('hash_date:' +date, 0, -1)
l_hash = r_serv_metadata.zrange(encoding+'_date:' +date, 0, -1)
if l_hash:
for hash in l_hash:
num_day_sparkline = 6
date_range_sparkline = get_date_range(num_day_sparkline)
b64_metadata = []
l_64 = list(l_64)
for hash in l_64:
# select requested base 64 type
estimated_type = r_serv_metadata.hget('metadata_hash:'+hash, 'estimated_type')
if type is not None:
if estimated_type is not None:
if estimated_type != type:
first_seen = r_serv_metadata.hget('metadata_hash:'+hash, 'first_seen')
last_seen = r_serv_metadata.hget('metadata_hash:'+hash, 'last_seen')
nb_seen_in_paste = r_serv_metadata.hget('metadata_hash:'+hash, 'nb_seen_in_all_pastes')
size = r_serv_metadata.hget('metadata_hash:'+hash, 'size')
if hash is not None and first_seen is not None and \
last_seen is not None and \
nb_seen_in_paste is not None and \
size is not None:
file_icon = get_file_icon(estimated_type)
if r_serv_metadata.hexists('metadata_hash:'+hash, 'vt_link'):
b64_vt = True
b64_vt_link = r_serv_metadata.hget('metadata_hash:'+hash, 'vt_link')
b64_vt_report = r_serv_metadata.hget('metadata_hash:'+hash, 'vt_report')
b64_vt = False
b64_vt_link = ''
b64_vt_report = r_serv_metadata.hget('metadata_hash:'+hash, 'vt_report')
# hash never refreshed
if b64_vt_report is None:
b64_vt_report = ''
sparklines_value = list_sparkline_values(date_range_sparkline, hash)
b64_metadata.append( (file_icon, estimated_type, hash, nb_seen_in_paste, size, first_seen, last_seen, b64_vt, b64_vt_link, b64_vt_report, sparklines_value) )
l_type = r_serv_metadata.smembers('hash_all_type')
return render_template("hashDecoded.html", l_64=b64_metadata, vt_enabled=vt_enabled, l_type=l_type, type=type, daily_type_chart=daily_type_chart, daily_date=daily_date,
encoding=encoding, all_encoding=all_encoding, date_from=date_from, date_to=date_to, show_decoded_files=show_decoded_files)
def hash_by_type():
type = request.args.get('type')
type = 'text/plain'
return render_template('hash_type.html',type = type)
def hash_hash():
hash = request.args.get('hash')
return render_template('hash_hash.html')
def showHash():
hash = request.args.get('hash')
#hash = 'e02055d3efaad5d656345f6a8b1b6be4fe8cb5ea'
# TODO FIXME show error
if hash is None:
return hashDecoded_page()
estimated_type = r_serv_metadata.hget('metadata_hash:'+hash, 'estimated_type')
# hash not found
# TODO FIXME show error
if estimated_type is None:
return hashDecoded_page()
file_icon = get_file_icon(estimated_type)
size = r_serv_metadata.hget('metadata_hash:'+hash, 'size')
first_seen = r_serv_metadata.hget('metadata_hash:'+hash, 'first_seen')
last_seen = r_serv_metadata.hget('metadata_hash:'+hash, 'last_seen')
nb_seen_in_all_pastes = r_serv_metadata.hget('metadata_hash:'+hash, 'nb_seen_in_all_pastes')
# get all encoding for this hash
list_hash_decoder = []
list_decoder = r_serv_metadata.smembers('all_decoder')
for decoder in list_decoder:
encoding = r_serv_metadata.hget('metadata_hash:'+hash, decoder+'_decoder')
if encoding is not None:
list_hash_decoder.append({'encoding': decoder, 'nb_seen': encoding})
num_day_type = 6
date_range_sparkline = get_date_range(num_day_type)
sparkline_values = list_sparkline_values(date_range_sparkline, hash)
if r_serv_metadata.hexists('metadata_hash:'+hash, 'vt_link'):
b64_vt = True
b64_vt_link = r_serv_metadata.hget('metadata_hash:'+hash, 'vt_link')
b64_vt_report = r_serv_metadata.hget('metadata_hash:'+hash, 'vt_report')
b64_vt = False
b64_vt_link = ''
b64_vt_report = r_serv_metadata.hget('metadata_hash:'+hash, 'vt_report')
# hash never refreshed
if b64_vt_report is None:
b64_vt_report = ''
return render_template('showHash.html', hash=hash, vt_enabled=vt_enabled, b64_vt=b64_vt, b64_vt_link=b64_vt_link,
size=size, estimated_type=estimated_type, file_icon=file_icon,
first_seen=first_seen, list_hash_decoder=list_hash_decoder,
last_seen=last_seen, nb_seen_in_all_pastes=nb_seen_in_all_pastes, sparkline_values=sparkline_values)
def downloadHash():
hash = request.args.get('hash')
# sanitize hash
hash = hash.split('/')[0]
# hash exist
if r_serv_metadata.hget('metadata_hash:'+hash, 'estimated_type') is not None:
b64_path = r_serv_metadata.hget('metadata_hash:'+hash, 'saved_path')
b64_full_path = os.path.join(os.environ['AIL_HOME'], b64_path)
hash_content = ''
with open(b64_full_path, 'rb') as f:
hash_content = f.read()
# zip buffer
result = BytesIO()
temp = BytesIO()
with zipfile.ZipFile(result, "w") as zf:
zf.writestr( hash, temp.getvalue())
filename = hash + '.zip'
return send_file(result, attachment_filename=filename, as_attachment=True)
except Exception as e:
return 'Server Error'
return 'hash: ' + hash + " don't exist"
def hash_by_type_json():
type = request.args.get('type')
#retrieve + char
type = type.replace(' ', '+')
num_day_type = 30
date_range = get_date_range(num_day_type)
#verify input
if type in r_serv_metadata.smembers('hash_all_type'):
type_value = []
all_decoder = r_serv_metadata.smembers('all_decoder')
range_decoder = []
for date in date_range:
day_decoder = {}
day_decoder['date']= date[0:4] + '-' + date[4:6] + '-' + date[6:8]
for decoder in all_decoder:
num_day_decoder = r_serv_metadata.zscore(decoder+'_type:'+type, date)
if num_day_decoder is None:
num_day_decoder = 0
day_decoder[decoder]= num_day_decoder
return jsonify(range_decoder)
return jsonify()
def decoder_type_json():
date_from = request.args.get('date_from')
date_to = request.args.get('date_to')
typ = request.args.get('type')
if typ == 'All types':
typ = None
# verify file type input
if typ is not None:
#retrieve + char
typ = typ.replace(' ', '+')
if typ not in r_serv_metadata.smembers('hash_all_type'):
typ = None
all_decoder = r_serv_metadata.smembers('all_decoder')
# sort DESC decoder for color
all_decoder = sorted(all_decoder)
date_range = []
if date_from is not None and date_to is not None:
#change format
if len(date_from) != 8:
date_from = date_from[0:4] + date_from[5:7] + date_from[8:10]
date_to = date_to[0:4] + date_to[5:7] + date_to[8:10]
date_range = substract_date(date_from, date_to)
if not date_range:
nb_decoded = {}
for decoder in all_decoder:
nb_decoded[decoder] = 0
for date in date_range:
for decoder in all_decoder:
if typ is None:
nb_decod = r_serv_metadata.get(decoder+'_decoded:'+date)
nb_decod = r_serv_metadata.zscore(decoder+'_type:'+typ, date)
if nb_decod is not None:
nb_decoded[decoder] = nb_decoded[decoder] + int(nb_decod)
to_json = []
for decoder in all_decoder:
to_json.append({'name': decoder, 'value': nb_decoded[decoder]})
return jsonify(to_json)
def top5_type_json():
date_from = request.args.get('date_from')
date_to = request.args.get('date_to')
typ = request.args.get('type')
decoder = request.args.get('encoding')
if decoder == 'All encoding' or decoder is None:
all_decoder = r_serv_metadata.smembers('all_decoder')
if not r_serv_metadata.sismember('all_decoder', decoder):
return jsonify({'Error': 'This decoder do not exist'})
all_decoder = [decoder]
if typ == 'All types' or typ is None or typ=='None':
all_type = r_serv_metadata.smembers('hash_all_type')
typ = typ.replace(' ', '+')
if not r_serv_metadata.sismember('hash_all_type', typ):
return jsonify({'Error': 'This type do not exist'})
all_type = [typ]
date_range = []
if date_from is not None and date_to is not None:
#change format
if len(date_from) != 8:
date_from = date_from[0:4] + date_from[5:7] + date_from[8:10]
date_to = date_to[0:4] + date_to[5:7] + date_to[8:10]
date_range = substract_date(date_from, date_to)
if not date_range:
# TODO replace with ZUNIONSTORE
nb_types_decoded = {}
for date in date_range:
for typ in all_type:
for decoder in all_decoder:
nb_decoded = r_serv_metadata.zscore('{}_type:{}'.format(decoder, typ), date)
if nb_decoded is not None:
if typ in nb_types_decoded:
nb_types_decoded[typ] = nb_types_decoded[typ] + int(nb_decoded)
nb_types_decoded[typ] = int(nb_decoded)
to_json = []
top5_types = sorted(nb_types_decoded, key=nb_types_decoded.get, reverse=True)[:5]
for typ in top5_types:
to_json.append({'name': typ, 'value': nb_types_decoded[typ]})
return jsonify(to_json)
def daily_type_json():
date = request.args.get('date')
daily_type = set()
l_b64 = r_serv_metadata.zrange('hash_date:' +date, 0, -1)
for hash in l_b64:
estimated_type = r_serv_metadata.hget('metadata_hash:'+hash, 'estimated_type')
if estimated_type is not None:
type_value = []
for day_type in daily_type:
num_day_type = r_serv_metadata.zscore('hash_type:'+day_type, date)
type_value.append({ 'date' : day_type, 'value' : int( num_day_type )})
return jsonify(type_value)
def range_type_json():
date_from = request.args.get('date_from')
date_to = request.args.get('date_to')
date_range = []
if date_from is not None and date_to is not None:
#change format
if len(date_from) != 8:
date_from = date_from[0:4] + date_from[5:7] + date_from[8:10]
date_to = date_to[0:4] + date_to[5:7] + date_to[8:10]
date_range = substract_date(date_from, date_to)
if not date_range:
all_type = set()
for date in date_range:
l_hash = r_serv_metadata.zrange('hash_date:' +date, 0, -1)
if l_hash:
for hash in l_hash:
estimated_type = r_serv_metadata.hget('metadata_hash:'+hash, 'estimated_type')
range_type = []
list_decoder = r_serv_metadata.smembers('all_decoder')
for date in date_range:
if len(date_range) == 1:
if date==date_from and date==date_to:
for type in all_type:
day_type = {}
day_type['date']= type
for decoder in list_decoder:
num_day_decoder = r_serv_metadata.zscore(decoder+'_type:'+type, date)
if num_day_decoder is None:
num_day_decoder = 0
day_type[decoder]= num_day_decoder
range_type = ''
day_type = {}
day_type['date']= date[0:4] + '-' + date[4:6] + '-' + date[6:8]
for type in all_type:
num_day_type = 0
for decoder in list_decoder:
num_day_type_decoder = r_serv_metadata.zscore(decoder+'_type:'+type, date)
if num_day_type_decoder is not None:
num_day_type += num_day_type_decoder
day_type[type]= num_day_type
return jsonify(range_type)
def hash_graph_line_json():
hash = request.args.get('hash')
date_from = request.args.get('date_from')
date_to = request.args.get('date_to')
#hash = '9c748d28d78a64aef99e7ba866a433eb635c6d7a'
if date_from is None or date_to is None:
nb_days_seen_in_pastes = 30
# # TODO: # FIXME:
nb_days_seen_in_pastes = 30
date_range_seen_in_pastes = get_date_range(nb_days_seen_in_pastes)
#verify input
if r_serv_metadata.hget('metadata_hash:'+hash, 'estimated_type') is not None:
json_seen_in_paste = []
for date in date_range_seen_in_pastes:
nb_seen_this_day = r_serv_metadata.zscore('hash_date:'+date, hash)
if nb_seen_this_day is None:
nb_seen_this_day = 0
date = date[0:4] + '-' + date[4:6] + '-' + date[6:8]
json_seen_in_paste.append({ 'date' : date, 'value' : int( nb_seen_this_day )})
return jsonify(json_seen_in_paste)
return jsonify()
def hash_graph_node_json():
hash = request.args.get('hash')
estimated_type = r_serv_metadata.hget('metadata_hash:'+hash, 'estimated_type')
if hash is not None and estimated_type is not None:
nodes_set_hash = set()
nodes_set_paste = set()
links_set = set()
url = hash
first_seen = r_serv_metadata.hget('metadata_hash:'+hash, 'first_seen')
last_seen = r_serv_metadata.hget('metadata_hash:'+hash, 'last_seen')
nb_seen_in_paste = r_serv_metadata.hget('metadata_hash:'+hash, 'nb_seen_in_all_pastes')
size = r_serv_metadata.hget('metadata_hash:'+hash, 'size')
nodes_set_hash.add((hash, 1, first_seen, last_seen, estimated_type, nb_seen_in_paste, size, url))
#get related paste
l_pastes = r_serv_metadata.zrange('nb_seen_hash:'+hash, 0, -1)
for paste in l_pastes:
# dynamic update
if PASTES_FOLDER in paste:
score = r_serv_metadata.zscore('nb_seen_hash:{}'.format(hash), paste)
r_serv_metadata.zrem('nb_seen_hash:{}'.format(hash), paste)
paste = paste.replace(PASTES_FOLDER, '', 1)
r_serv_metadata.zadd('nb_seen_hash:{}'.format(hash), score, paste)
url = paste
#nb_seen_in_this_paste = nb_in_file = int(r_serv_metadata.zscore('nb_seen_hash:'+hash, paste))
nb_hash_in_paste = r_serv_metadata.scard('hash_paste:'+paste)
nodes_set_paste.add((paste, 2,nb_hash_in_paste,url))
links_set.add((hash, paste))
l_hash = r_serv_metadata.smembers('hash_paste:'+paste)
for child_hash in l_hash:
if child_hash != hash:
url = child_hash
first_seen = r_serv_metadata.hget('metadata_hash:'+child_hash, 'first_seen')
last_seen = r_serv_metadata.hget('metadata_hash:'+child_hash, 'last_seen')
nb_seen_in_paste = r_serv_metadata.hget('metadata_hash:'+child_hash, 'nb_seen_in_all_pastes')
size = r_serv_metadata.hget('metadata_hash:'+child_hash, 'size')
estimated_type = r_serv_metadata.hget('metadata_hash:'+child_hash, 'estimated_type')
nodes_set_hash.add((child_hash, 3, first_seen, last_seen, estimated_type, nb_seen_in_paste, size, url))
links_set.add((child_hash, paste))
#l_pastes_child = r_serv_metadata.zrange('nb_seen_hash:'+child_hash, 0, -1)
#for child_paste in l_pastes_child:
nodes = []
for node in nodes_set_hash:
nodes.append({"id": node[0], "group": node[1], "first_seen": node[2], "last_seen": node[3], 'estimated_type': node[4], "nb_seen_in_paste": node[5], "size": node[6], 'icon': get_file_icon_text(node[4]),"url": url_for('hashDecoded.showHash', hash=node[7]), 'hash': True})
for node in nodes_set_paste:
nodes.append({"id": node[0], "group": node[1], "nb_seen_in_paste": node[2],"url": url_for('showsavedpastes.showsavedpaste', paste=node[3]), 'hash': False})
links = []
for link in links_set:
links.append({"source": link[0], "target": link[1]})
json = {"nodes": nodes, "links": links}
return jsonify(json)
return jsonify({})
def hash_types():
date_from = 20180701
date_to = 20180706
return render_template('hash_types.html', date_from=date_from, date_to=date_to)
def send_file_to_vt_js():
hash = request.args.get('hash')
b64_path = r_serv_metadata.hget('metadata_hash:'+hash, 'saved_path')
b64_full_path = os.path.join(os.environ['AIL_HOME'], b64_path)
b64_content = ''
with open(b64_full_path, 'rb') as f:
b64_content = f.read()
files = {'file': (hash, b64_content)}
response = requests.post('https://www.virustotal.com/vtapi/v2/file/scan', files=files, params= {'apikey': vt_auth})
json_response = response.json()
vt_link = json_response['permalink'].split('analysis')[0] + 'analysis/'
r_serv_metadata.hset('metadata_hash:'+hash, 'vt_link', vt_link)
vt_report = 'Please Refresh'
r_serv_metadata.hset('metadata_hash:'+hash, 'vt_report', vt_report)
return jsonify({'vt_link': vt_link, 'vt_report': vt_report})
def update_vt_result():
hash = request.args.get('hash')
params = {'apikey': vt_auth, 'resource': hash}
response = requests.get('https://www.virustotal.com/vtapi/v2/file/report',params=params)
if response.status_code == 200:
json_response = response.json()
response_code = json_response['response_code']
# report exist
if response_code == 1:
total = json_response['total']
positive = json_response['positives']
b64_vt_report = 'Detection {}/{}'.format(positive,total)
# no report found
elif response_code == 0:
b64_vt_report = 'No report found'
# file in queue
elif response_code == -2:
b64_vt_report = 'File in queue'
r_serv_metadata.hset('metadata_hash:'+hash, 'vt_report', b64_vt_report)
return jsonify(hash=hash, report_vt=b64_vt_report)
elif response.status_code == 403:
Flask_config.vt_enabled = False
print('VT is disabled')
return jsonify()
# TODO FIXME make json response
return jsonify()
# ========= REGISTRATION =========
app.register_blueprint(hashDecoded, url_prefix=baseUrl)