mirror of https://github.com/CIRCL/Circlean
initial commit
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How To
0. power off device
1. insert source USB in the TOP usb slot
2. insert target USB in the BOTTOM usb slot
3. wait. wait some more. it's slow and can take 30-60 minutes depending on how
many document conversions take place
4. when the only status LED left is the power indicator on the rPI, the process
is finished
5. power off the device and disconnect the drives
* don't plug in USB devices with a hub because there's no way to tell it which
is source and target - its the first drive enumerated (top port) that is the
source and the second (bootom port) is the target
* don't turn it off without shuting down the system, when grooming is done it
shuts down automatically: losing power while it's running can trash the OS
on the SD cards because SD cards don't always like dirty shutdowns (ie power loss)
* Using a target usb stick that has a status light as long as the device has
power is a really useful thing as there the other status lights on the groomer
are less than indicative at times: because teh 'OK' led on the rPi toggles on activity
it can be off for a long time while processing something and only comes back
on when that process finishes - hence why a USB that has some sort of LED activity
when jsut plugged in (even if not reading or writing but while the USB port is
powered) is helpful in determining when the process is finished - when
teh rPI is shutdown, the USB port power is shut off and that LED will also
then be off on the USB device
* Use a larger target device as all zip files get unpacked and processed onto
the target
* if you have an hdmi monitor plugged in you can watch what's happening for about
30 mintues until the rPI's power saving's kick in and turn off the monitor
* if only one usb stick is present at power up, it doesn't groom and looks like
a normal rPi
* if you want to ssh into the rPi username is 'pi' password 'raspberry' as per defaults
Technical notes
* groomer script is in /opt/groomer/ with the other required files
* dependancies are libre-office and OpenJRE
* and the ip address is
* the groomer process is kicked off in /etc/rc.local
* the heavy lifting takes place or is dispatched from /opt/groomer/groomer.sh
in that script file is what file types get processed (or if not listed there,
get ignored)
* there are two ways pdf's can get handled -right now they have their text extracted
to the target device, the otherway copies it and extracts the text
* the pdf text extraction isn't perfect and is the slowest part of it, but should
be able to handle unicode stuff and currently doesn't do image extraction from
pdf's but could do that too
* however image exports of pdf pages only have the images and no text so it's not
like saving each page to a jpg which would be a really handy and safe way of
converting pdf's
* spread sheets and presentations get converted to pdfs to kill off any embedded
macros and it's assumed that it's not producing evil pdf's on export but does
nothing to sanitize any embedded links within those documents
* for spreadsheets, if they are longer than a page, only a page worth from that
sheet is exported right from the middle of the sheet (ie the top and bottom of
that sheet will get cut off and only the contents in teh middle exported to pdf)
dumb but i figure if you want to go back to the source because it's interesting
enough on teh groomed side of it, then you can take the extra precautions
* the groomed target only copies "safe" files, and does its best to convert any
potentiall unsafe files to a safer format
* safe files being one that i know of that can't contain malicious embedded macros
or other crap like that, and those than can get converted to something that wont
contain code after conversion
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
* the script locations should be changed in the next version so they don't sit
next to teh rPi's example development code that ships with teh stock rPi
* the system isn't optimised and should be : cleanup and making it as close to
stock as possible
* Starting process should be more obfuscated
* strip exif data and leave it in a .txt file next to the image it came from
=> exiftool
* set filesystem of OS in RO (physical switch and/or remount OS)
* mount source key in RO and noexec
* mount target key with noexec
* convert spreadsheets in csv ?
* convert documents (pdfs/*office/...) in images ?
* Have a look at Ghostscript to work on PDFs (.pdf -> .eps -> .png?)
* do not run the conversions as root
* take eth0 down in /etc/netowrk/interfaces or in the groomer script disable the
interface before anything happens
* hdmi should stay up: solveable by poking the power management timer
(better not to disable the PM completely)
* get rid of pdfbox ?
* scripts to generate a SD card automatically (win/mac/linux)
* move the scripts away from /opt/
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
#!/bin/sh -e
# rc.local
# This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel.
# Make sure that the script will "exit 0" on success or any other
# value on error.
# In order to enable or disable this script just change the execution
# bits.
# By default this script does nothing.
# Print the IP address
_IP=$(hostname -I) || true
if [ "$_IP" ]; then
printf "My IP address is %s\n" "$_IP"
if [ -e /dev/sda ]; then
if [ -e /dev/sdb ]; then
/sbin/shutdown -h now
exit 0
@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
# groom da kitteh!
# copy all pdf's over to their relative same locations
find $1 -iname "*.pdf" -printf 'X=`echo %h | sed -f $GH/sedKillSpace -e s:${1}::`; mkdir -p ${2}${X}; F=`echo %f | sed -f $GH/sedKillSpace`; cp -fv "%p" ${2}$X/$F \n' | while read l; do eval $l; done
# extract all the txt we can from potentially evil pdf's
find $2 -iname "*.pdf" -printf 'echo %p extracting text to %p-extracted.txt; $JAVA -jar $GH/pdfbox-app-1.7.1.jar ExtractText %p %p-extracted.txt 2> /dev/null \n' | while read l; do eval $l; done
# convert pdf's on the fly from src to relative dst location
find $1 -iname "*.pdf" -printf 'X=`echo %h | sed -f $GH/sedKillSpace -e s:${1}::`; mkdir -p ${2}${X}; F=`echo %f | sed -f $GH/sedKillSpace`; echo "%p" extracting text to ${2}$X/$F-extracted.txt; $JAVA -jar $GH/pdfbox-app-1.7.1.jar ExtractText "%p" ${2}$X/$F-extracted.txt 2> /dev/null \n' | while read l; do eval $l; done
jpg jpeg gif png tif tga raw \
mp4 avi mov \
mp3 wav \
txt xml csv tsv \
for type in $TYPES
find $1 -iname "*.$type" -printf 'X=`echo %h | sed -f $GH/sedKillSpace -e s:${1}::`; mkdir -p ${2}${X}; F=`echo %f | sed -f $GH/sedKillSpace`; cp -fv "%p" ${2}$X/$F \n' | while read l; do eval $l; done
# wordy documents
TYPES="doc docx odt sxw rtf wpd htm html"
FILTER=Text; OUT=txt
convertCopyFilesHelper $1 $2 $3 $TYPES $OUT $FILTER
# spreadsheets
TYPES="xls xslx ods sxc"
FILTER=calc_pdf_Export; OUT=pdf
convertCopyFilesHelper $1 $2 $3 $TYPES $OUT $FILTER
# presentation files
TYPES="ppt pptx odp sxi"
FILTER=impress_pdf_Export; OUT=pdf
convertCopyFilesHelper $1 $2 $3 $TYPES $OUT $FILTER
for type in $TYPES
find $1 -iname "*.$type" -printf 'X=`echo %h | sed -f $GH/sedKillSpace -e s:${1}::`; mkdir -p ${3}${X}; F=`echo %f | sed -f $GH/sedKillSpace`; cp -fv "%p" ${3}$X/$F \n' | while read l; do eval $l; done
find $3 -iname "*.$type" -printf 'X=`echo %h | sed s:${3}::`; mkdir -p ${2}${X}; soffice --headless --convert-to ${type}-extraced.$OUT:$FILTER %p --outdir ${2}${X} \n' | while read l; do eval $l; done
find $1 -iname "*.zip" -printf 'X=`echo %h | sed -f $GH/sedKillSpace -e s:${1}::`; mkdir -p ${3}${X}; F=`echo %f | sed -f $GH/sedKillSpace`; cp -fv "%p" ${3}$X/$F \n' | while read l; do eval $l; done
find $3 -iname "*.zip" -printf 'X=`echo %h | sed s:${3}::`; mkdir -p ${ZIPTEMP}/${X}/UNZIPPED_%f/; unzip "%p" -d ${ZIPTEMP}${X}/UNZIPPED_%f/ 2> /dev/null; \n' | while read l; do eval $l; done
find $3 -iname "*.zip" -printf 'rm -rf %p \n' | while read l; do eval $l; done
if [ -d ${ZIPTEMP} ]; then
if [ $COPYDIRTYPDF -eq 1 ]; then
pdfCopyDirty $ZIPTEMP $targetDir
pdfCopyClean $ZIPTEMP $targetDir
copySafeFiles $ZIPTEMP $2 $3
convertCopyFiles $ZIPTEMP $2 $3
rm -rf ${TEMP}/*
rm -rf ${ZIPTEMP}/*
if [ ! -d $SRC ]; then
mkdir $SRC
if [ ! -d $DST ]; then
mkdir $DST
umount $DST 2> /dev/null
mount /dev/sdb1 $DST
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
# echo Could not mount target USB stick!
exit 1
echo Target USB device mounted at $DST
# mount temp and make sure it's empty
mkdir -p $TEMP
mkdir -p $ZIPTEMP
rm -rf ${TEMP}/*
rm -rf ${ZIPTEMP}/*
echo Full file list from source USB > $FL
PARTITIONS=`ls /dev/sda* | grep '/dev/sda[1-9][0-6]*'`
for partition in $PARTITIONS
echo Processing partition: ${PARTCOUNT} $partition
umount $SRC 2> /dev/null
mount -r $partition $SRC
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo could not mount $partition at /$SRC
echo $partition mounted at $SRC
find $SRC/* -printf 'echo %p | sed s:$SRC:: >> $FL \n' | while read l; do eval $l; done
# create a director on sdb named PARTION_n
echo copying to: $targetDir
mkdir -p $targetDir
if [ $COPYDIRTYPDF -eq 1 ]; then
pdfCopyDirty $SRC $targetDir
pdfCopyClean $SRC $targetDir
# copy stuff
copySafeFiles $SRC $targetDir
convertCopyFiles $SRC $targetDir $TEMP
rm -rf ${TEMP}/*
# unpack and process archives
unpackZip $SRC $targetDir $TEMP
rm -rf ${TEMP}*
rm -rf ${ZIPTEMP}*
umount $SRC
umount $DST
/sbin/shutdown -h now
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s:\ :_:g
Reference in New Issue