DEV_SRC='/dev/sda' DEV_DST='/dev/sdb1' # User allowed to do the following commands without password USERNAME='kitten' HOME="/home/${USERNAME}" TMP="/tmp/" # Paths used in multiple scripts SRC="${TMP}/src" DST="${TMP}/dst" TEMP="${DST}/temp" ZIPTEMP="${DST}/ziptemp" LOGS="${DST}/logs" # commands SUDO='/usr/bin/sudo' ID=`/usr/bin/id -u` SYNC='/bin/sync' # root commands. # To avoid the risk that an attacker use -o remount on mount and other nasty # commands, we use our own scripts to invoke mount and umount. MOUNT_DST="${HOME}/kitten_mount_dst" MOUNT_SRC="${HOME}/kitten_mount_src" UMOUNT="${HOME}/kitten_umount"