* Download qemu, qemu-user-static, and proot if not already installed * Download the newest raspbian-lite image from raspberrypi.org * Verify the sha1 hash of the downloaded .zip file * Unzip the image * Expand the image by 2GB using dd * Expand the root partition using fdisk * Mount both partitions in loop mode using /shell_utils/basic_mount_image.sh * Use df to find the larger partition, and resize the filesystem to fill it * Copy circlean_fs/root_partition/etc/systemd/system/rc-local.service into the equivalent location * Use proot to enter a chroot in the image: sudo proot -q qemu-arm -S /mnt/rpi-root -b /mnt/rpi-boot:/boot /bin/bash * Run dpkg-reconfigure locales * apt-get update * apt-get dist-upgrade (might have to run this and autoremove several times) * apt-get autoremove * apt-get install the linux dependencies: - timidity - git - p7zip-full - pmount ntfs-3g - python3 python3-pip - python3-lxml - libjpeg-dev libtiff-dev libwebp-dev liblcms2-dev tcl-dev * Compile p7zip-rar from source - Change your source.list file - Make a new directory and cd to it - apt-get build-dep p7zip-rar - dpkg -i * Make sure the right pip executable is called by `pip3`, change your path if necessary * Upgrade pip: pip3 install -U pip * pip3 install python dependencies - exifread - pillow - olefile - git+https://github.com/decalage2/oletools.git - git+https://github.com/grierforensics/officedissector.git - git+https://github.com/CIRCL/PyCIRCLean.git * Add a user named "kitten" * Symlink /proc/mounts to /etc/mtab * Turn on rc-local.service `systemctl enable rc-local.service` - If it doesn't work, read these instructions: https://www.linuxbabe.com/linux-server/how-to-enable-etcrc-local-with-systemd * apt-get autoclean * apt-get autoremove * Exit from proot * Copy all of the project files from circlean_fs/ into the two partitions: - rsync -vnri will do a dry run of what will be copied, remove the -n to copy. See the rsync manpage for details. - diode_controller/ if you're using the led functionality and have an external led - midi/ files into /opt/midi/ - you might want to double check all of the permissions of the new files/directories * Copy the image over to the SD card: sudo dd bs=4M if= of=/dev/sd - In newer versions of dd, you can add status=progress * Optional: fsck the root partition (sudo e2fsck -f /dev/sd2). * Test with an rpi - FAT32 filesystem - NTFS filesystem