mirror of https://github.com/CIRCL/PyCIRCLean
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
class Config:
"""Configuration information for filecheck.py."""
# Application subtypes (mimetype: 'application/<subtype>')
mimes_ooxml = ('vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.',)
mimes_office = ('msword', 'vnd.ms-',)
mimes_libreoffice = ('vnd.oasis.opendocument',)
mimes_rtf = ('rtf', 'richtext',)
mimes_pdf = ('pdf', 'postscript',)
mimes_xml = ('xml',)
mimes_ms = ('dosexec',)
mimes_compressed = ('zip', 'rar', 'bzip2', 'lzip', 'lzma', 'lzop',
'xz', 'compress', 'gzip', 'tar',)
mimes_data = ('octet-stream',)
# Image subtypes
mimes_exif = ('image/jpeg', 'image/tiff',)
mimes_png = ('image/png',)
# Mimetypes with metadata
mimes_metadata = ('image/jpeg', 'image/tiff', 'image/png',)
# Mimetype aliases
aliases = {
# Win executables
'application/x-msdos-program': 'application/x-dosexec',
'application/x-dosexec': 'application/x-msdos-program',
# Other apps with confusing mimetypes
'application/rtf': 'text/rtf',
# Commonly used malicious extensions
# Sources: http://www.howtogeek.com/137270/50-file-extensions-that-are-potentially-dangerous-on-windows/
# https://github.com/wiregit/wirecode/blob/master/components/core-settings/src/main/java/org/limewire/core/settings/FilterSettings.java
malicious_exts = (
# Applications
".exe", ".pif", ".application", ".gadget", ".msi", ".msp", ".com", ".scr",
".hta", ".cpl", ".msc", ".jar",
# Scripts
".bat", ".cmd", ".vb", ".vbs", ".vbe", ".js", ".jse", ".ws", ".wsf",
".wsc", ".wsh", ".ps1", ".ps1xml", ".ps2", ".ps2xml", ".psc1", ".psc2",
".msh", ".msh1", ".msh2", ".mshxml", ".msh1xml", ".msh2xml",
# Shortcuts
".scf", ".lnk", ".inf",
# Other
".reg", ".dll",
# Office macro (OOXML with macro enabled)
".docm", ".dotm", ".xlsm", ".xltm", ".xlam", ".pptm", ".potm", ".ppam",
".ppsm", ".sldm",
# banned from wirecode
".asf", ".asx", ".au", ".htm", ".html", ".mht", ".vbs",
".wax", ".wm", ".wma", ".wmd", ".wmv", ".wmx", ".wmz", ".wvx",
# Google chrome malicious extensions
".ad", ".ade", ".adp", ".ah", ".apk", ".app", ".application", ".asp",
".asx", ".bas", ".bash", ".bat", ".cfg", ".chi", ".chm", ".class",
".cmd", ".com", ".command", ".crt", ".crx", ".csh", ".deb", ".dex",
".dll", ".drv", ".exe", ".fxp", ".grp", ".hlp", ".hta", ".htm", ".html",
".htt", ".inf", ".ini", ".ins", ".isp", ".jar", ".jnlp", ".user.js",
".js", ".jse", ".ksh", ".lnk", ".local", ".mad", ".maf", ".mag", ".mam",
".manifest", ".maq", ".mar", ".mas", ".mat", ".mau", ".mav", ".maw",
".mda", ".mdb", ".mde", ".mdt", ".mdw", ".mdz", ".mht", ".mhtml", ".mmc",
".mof", ".msc", ".msh", ".mshxml", ".msi", ".msp", ".mst", ".ocx", ".ops",
".pcd", ".pif", ".pkg", ".pl", ".plg", ".prf", ".prg", ".pst", ".py",
".pyc", ".pyw", ".rb", ".reg", ".rpm", ".scf", ".scr", ".sct", ".sh",
".shar", ".shb", ".shs", ".shtm", ".shtml", ".spl", ".svg", ".swf", ".sys",
".tcsh", ".url", ".vb", ".vbe", ".vbs", ".vsd", ".vsmacros", ".vss",
".vst", ".vsw", ".ws", ".wsc", ".wsf", ".wsh", ".xbap", ".xht", ".xhtm",
".xhtml", ".xml", ".xsl", ".xslt", ".website", ".msh1", ".msh2", ".msh1xml",
".msh2xml", ".ps1", ".ps1xml", ".ps2", ".ps2xml", ".psc1", ".psc2", ".xnk",
".appref-ms", ".gadget", ".efi", ".fon", ".partial", ".svg", ".xml",
".xrm_ms", ".xsl", ".action", ".bin", ".inx", ".ipa", ".isu", ".job",
".out", ".pad", ".paf", ".rgs", ".u3p", ".vbscript", ".workflow", ".001",
".ace", ".arc", ".arj", ".b64", ".balz", ".bhx", ".cab", ".cpio", ".fat",
".hfs", ".hqx", ".iso", ".lha", ".lpaq1", ".lpaq5", ".lpaq8", ".lzh",
".mim", ".ntfs", ".paq8f", ".paq8jd", ".paq8l", ".paq8o", ".pea", ".quad",
".r00", ".r01", ".r02", ".r03", ".r04", ".r05", ".r06", ".r07", ".r08",
".r09", ".r10", ".r11", ".r12", ".r13", ".r14", ".r15", ".r16", ".r17",
".r18", ".r19", ".r20", ".r21", ".r22", ".r23", ".r24", ".r25", ".r26",
".r27", ".r28", ".r29", ".squashfs", ".swm", ".tpz", ".txz", ".tz", ".udf",
".uu", ".uue", ".vhd", ".vmdk", ".wim", ".wrc", ".xar", ".xxe", ".z",
".zipx", ".zpaq", ".cdr", ".dart", ".dc42", ".diskcopy42", ".dmg",
".dmgpart", ".dvdr", ".img", ".imgpart", ".ndif", ".smi", ".sparsebundle",
".sparseimage", ".toast", ".udif",
# Sometimes, mimetypes.guess_type gives unexpected results, such as for .tar.gz files:
# In [12]: mimetypes.guess_type('toot.tar.gz', strict=False)
# Out[12]: ('application/x-tar', 'gzip')
# It works as expected if you do mimetypes.guess_type('application/gzip', strict=False)
override_ext = {'.gz': 'application/gzip'}