initial commit - missing the pycirclean call - usbmounting working

Fabien Mathey 2017-02-07 15:13:50 +01:00
parent dd35d23162
commit e8023139c7
1 changed files with 148 additions and 0 deletions

usbmonitor/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Ubuntu: config changes needed
# disable automount of usbstick
# 1) install dconf-editor
# 2) go to
# --> automount -> false
# --> automount-open -> false
# The tools needed:
# - pmount
# Please install the following in Python
# - pyudev (Python 3)
import itertools
import os
from pyudev import Context
from pyudev import Monitor
from pyudev import MonitorObserver
# list of connected USB devices
usblist = []
def device_connected_event(observer,device):
# global is needed: this function runs in a separate thread!
global usblist
if device.action != "add":
# only allow the event "add" not any other - we need 2 sticks to perform a clean
print("do not remove the USB devices until done next time!")
usblist = []
# subsystem == block means the node will have a /dev/sdXX path - simply put ;)
if device.subsystem == "block":# and lastdevid != "":
# if the device has partitions and hence the device is not already a partition
if len([d for d in device.children]) > 0:
print ("{0} added to the list".format(device.device_node))
if __name__=="__main__":
context = Context()
monitor = Monitor.from_netlink(context)
# Start the observer thread
observer = MonitorObserver(monitor, device_connected_event)
# Once 2 two devices have been found
if len(usblist) >= 2:#
# we do not need to continue watching for partitions anymore so we can stop the monitoring
# if a partition choice is needed:
choiceCountNumber = 0
# remember that the first item in the list is the source USB and the second the destination
# print a list of the connected devices (USB Sticks) and their partitions
for item in usblist:
# we only need and want 2 devices. hence the others do not need to be considered!
if usblist.index(item) > 1:
if usblist.index(item) > 0:
print("The destination USB Stick {0} has the following partitions:".format(item.device_node))
print("The source USB Stick ({0}) has the following partitions:".format(item.device_node))
# as generators do not have an index number, an artificial index is needed
# - int this case we will use the choiceCountNumber
for child in item.children:
if usblist.index(item) > 0:
print (" - {0}: {1}".format(choiceCountNumber,child.device_node))
choiceCountNumber += 1
print (" - {0}".format(child.device_node))
# in case the second device has more than one partition, the user can choose to which partition
# they want to save the "cleaned" files
chosenPartition = 0
while (choiceCountNumber > 1):
chosenPartition = int(input("Choose the partition by number (see above): "))
# and, of course only alloy numbers within the range in which a partition can be found ;)
if (chosenPartition < choiceCountNumber and chosenPartition >= 0):
print("That's not a valid partition choice")
print("That's not a valid option!")
# get the chosen device node
destinationPartitionNode = (next(itertools.islice(usblist[1].children,chosenPartition,None))).device_node
print("The chosen destination partition is: {0}".format(destinationPartitionNode))
# pmount will mount the destination usb stick in /media/usbdestination as write only
os.system("pmount -w {0} {1}".format(destinationPartitionNode,"usbdestination"))
# only the source device will have an iteration over ALL the found partitions
for partition in usblist[0].children:
# pmount will mount the source usb stick in /media/sourceusb as read only
os.system("pmount -r {0} {1}".format(partition.device_node,"sourceusb"))
# Copy all the files using pyCirclean here!
print("do the needed stuff")
# it is done... so pumount to release the mounted source partition
os.system("pumount {0}".format(partition.device_node))
# pumount the destination partition
os.system("pumount {0}".format(destinationPartitionNode))
print("It is now safe to remove the devices")