Improve description strings in filecheck

* Description strings that appear in the log improved in filecheck for various
file types
* Added various comments
Dan Puttick 2017-04-10 13:00:34 +02:00
parent c85ad27221
commit f0e7607a3f
1 changed files with 54 additions and 60 deletions

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import officedissector
import warnings
import exifread
from PIL import Image
# TODO: why do we have this import? How does filecheck handle pngs?
# from PIL import PngImagePlugin
from pdfid import PDFiD, cPDFiD
@ -124,11 +125,11 @@ class File(FileBase):
def _check_dangerous(self):
if not self.has_mimetype:
self.make_dangerous('no mimetype')
self.make_dangerous('File has no mimetype')
if not self.has_extension:
self.make_dangerous('no extension')
self.make_dangerous('File has no extension')
if self.extension in Config.malicious_exts:
self.make_dangerous('Extension identifies file as potentially dangerous')
def _check_extension(self):
@ -148,8 +149,7 @@ class File(FileBase):
expected_mimetype = Config.aliases[expected_mimetype]
is_known_extension = self.extension in mimetypes.types_map.keys()
if is_known_extension and expected_mimetype != self.mimetype:
# LOG: improve this string
self.make_dangerous('Mimetype does not match expected mimetype for this extension')
def _check_mimetype(self):
@ -166,18 +166,17 @@ class File(FileBase):
if expected_extensions:
if self.has_extension and self.extension not in expected_extensions:
# LOG: improve this string
self.make_dangerous('expected extensions')
self.make_dangerous('Extension does not match expected extensions for this mimetype')
def _check_filename(self):
if self.filename[0] is '.':
# TODO: handle dotfiles?
# TODO: handle dotfiles here
right_to_left_override = u"\u202E"
if right_to_left_override in self.filename:
self.make_dangerous('Filename contains dangerous character')
self.dst_path = self.dst_path.replace(right_to_left_override, '')
# TODO: change self.filename and'filename' property?
# TODO: change self.filename and'filename' property? Or should those reflect the values on the source key
def check(self):
@ -222,14 +221,14 @@ class File(FileBase):
"""Empty file or symlink."""
if self.is_symlink:
symlink_path = self.get_property('symlink')
self.add_description('Symlink to {}'.format(symlink_path))
self.add_description('File is a symlink to {}'.format(symlink_path))
self.add_description('Inode file')
self.add_description('File is an inode (empty file)')
self.should_copy = False
def unknown(self):
"""Main type should never be unknown."""
self.add_description('Unknown file')
self.add_description('Unknown mimetype')
self.should_copy = False
def example(self):
@ -239,35 +238,33 @@ class File(FileBase):
def multipart(self):
"""Used in web apps, should never be returned by libmagic"""
self.add_description('Multipart file')
self.add_description('Multipart file - usually found in web apps')
self.should_copy = False
# ##### Treated as malicious, no reason to have it on a USB key ######
def message(self):
"""Process a message file."""
self.add_description('Message file')
self.make_dangerous('Message file')
self.make_dangerous('Message file - should not be found on USB key')
def model(self):
"""Process a model file."""
self.add_description('Model file')
self.make_dangerous('Model file')
self.make_dangerous('Model file - should not be found on USB key')
# ##### Files that will be converted ######
def text(self):
"""Process an rtf, ooxml, or plaintext file."""
for mt in Config.mimes_rtf:
if mt in self.sub_type:
self.add_description('Rich Text file')
self.add_description('Rich Text (rtf) file')
# TODO: need a way to convert it to plain text
for mt in Config.mimes_ooxml:
if mt in self.sub_type:
self.add_description('OOXML File')
self.add_description('OOXML (openoffice) file')
self.add_description('Text file')
self.add_description('Plain text file')
def application(self):
@ -277,103 +274,98 @@ class File(FileBase):
# TODO: should we change the logic so we don't iterate through all of the subtype methods?
# TODO: should these methods return a value?
self.add_description('Application file')
self.add_description('Unknown Application file')
def _executables(self):
"""Process an executable file."""
# LOG: change the processing_type property to some other name or include in file_string
self.set_property('processing_type', 'executable')
self.make_dangerous('Executable file')
def _winoffice(self):
"""Process a winoffice file using olefile/oletools."""
# LOG: processing_type property
self.set_property('processing_type', 'WinOffice')
oid = oletools.oleid.OleID(self.src_path) # First assume a valid file
if not olefile.isOleFile(self.src_path):
# Manual processing, may already count as suspicious
ole = olefile.OleFileIO(self.src_path, raise_defects=olefile.DEFECT_INCORRECT)
self.make_dangerous('not parsable')
self.make_dangerous('Unparsable WinOffice file')
if ole.parsing_issues:
self.make_dangerous('parsing issues')
self.make_dangerous('Parsing issues with WinOffice file')
if ole.exists('macros/vba') or ole.exists('Macros') \
or ole.exists('_VBA_PROJECT_CUR') or ole.exists('VBA'):
self.make_dangerous('WinOffice file containing a macro')
indicators = oid.check()
# Encrypted can be set by multiple checks on the script
if oid.encrypted.value:
self.make_dangerous('Encrypted WinOffice file')
if oid.macros.value or oid.ole.exists('macros/vba') or oid.ole.exists('Macros') \
or oid.ole.exists('_VBA_PROJECT_CUR') or oid.ole.exists('VBA'):
self.make_dangerous('WinOffice file containing a macro')
for i in indicators:
if == 'ObjectPool' and i.value:
# TODO: Is it suspicious?
# TODO: is having an ObjectPool suspicious?
# LOG: user defined property
self.set_property('objpool', True)
self.add_description('WinOffice file containing an object pool')
elif == 'flash' and i.value:
self.make_dangerous('WinOffice file with embedded flash')
self.add_description('WinOffice file')
def _ooxml(self):
"""Process an ooxml file."""
# LOG: processing_type property
self.set_property('processing_type', 'ooxml')
doc = officedissector.doc.Document(self.src_path)
except Exception:
self.make_dangerous('invalid ooxml file')
self.make_dangerous('Invalid ooxml file')
# There are probably other potentially malicious features:
# fonts, custom props, custom XML
if doc.is_macro_enabled or len(doc.features.macros) > 0:
self.make_dangerous('Ooxml file containing macro')
if len(doc.features.embedded_controls) > 0:
self.make_dangerous('Ooxml file with activex')
if len(doc.features.embedded_objects) > 0:
# Exploited by CVE-2014-4114 (OLE)
self.make_dangerous('embedded obj')
self.make_dangerous('Ooxml file with embedded objects')
if len(doc.features.embedded_packages) > 0:
self.make_dangerous('embedded pack')
self.make_dangerous('Ooxml file with embedded packages')
def _libreoffice(self):
"""Process a libreoffice file."""
self.set_property('processing_type', 'libreoffice')
# As long as there is no way to do a sanity check on the files => dangerous
lodoc = zipfile.ZipFile(self.src_path, 'r')
# TODO: are there specific exceptions we should catch here? Or is anything ok
self.make_dangerous('invalid libreoffice file')
# TODO: are there specific exceptions we should catch here? Or should it be everything
self.make_dangerous('Invalid libreoffice file')
for f in lodoc.infolist():
fname = f.filename.lower()
if fname.startswith('script') or fname.startswith('basic') or \
fname.startswith('object') or fname.endswith('.bin'):
self.make_dangerous('Libreoffice file containing executable code')
if not self.is_dangerous:
self.add_description('Libreoffice file')
def _pdf(self):
"""Process a PDF file."""
# LOG: processing_type property
self.set_property('processing_type', 'pdf')
xmlDoc = PDFiD(self.src_path)
oPDFiD = cPDFiD(xmlDoc, True)
# TODO: are there other characteristics which should be dangerous?
# TODO: are there other pdf characteristics which should be dangerous?
if oPDFiD.encrypt.count > 0:
self.make_dangerous('encrypted pdf')
self.make_dangerous('Encrypted pdf')
if oPDFiD.js.count > 0 or oPDFiD.javascript.count > 0:
self.make_dangerous('pdf with javascript')
self.make_dangerous('Pdf with embedded javascript')
if oPDFiD.aa.count > 0 or oPDFiD.openaction.count > 0:
self.make_dangerous('Pdf with openaction(s)')
if oPDFiD.richmedia.count > 0:
self.make_dangerous('Pdf containing flash')
if oPDFiD.launch.count > 0:
self.make_dangerous('Pdf with launch action(s)')
if not self.is_dangerous:
self.add_description('Pdf file')
def _archive(self):
@ -383,24 +375,26 @@ class File(FileBase):
is called on that directory. The recursive archive depth is increased
to protect against archive bombs.
# LOG: change this to something archive specific
self.set_property('processing_type', 'archive')
# TODO: change this to something archive type specific instead of generic 'Archive'
self.should_copy = False
self.is_recursive = True
def _unknown_app(self):
"""Process an unknown file."""
self.add_description('Unknown application file')
def _binary_app(self):
"""Process an unknown binary file."""
self.add_description('Unknown binary file')
# Metadata extractors
def _metadata_exif(self, metadata_file_path):
"""Read exif metadata from a jpg or tiff file using exifread."""
# TODO: this method is kind of long, can we shorten it somehow?
# TODO: can we shorten this method somehow?
img = open(self.src_path, 'rb')
tags = None
@ -424,7 +418,7 @@ class File(FileBase):
tag_string = str(tag_value)
with open(metadata_file_path, 'w+') as metadata_file:
metadata_file.write("Key: {}\tValue: {}\n".format(tag, tag_string))
# LOG: how do we want to log metadata?
# TODO: how do we want to log metadata?
self.set_property('metadata', 'exif')
return True
@ -461,17 +455,17 @@ class File(FileBase):
# ##### Media - audio and video aren't converted ######
def audio(self):
"""Process an audio file."""
self.log_string += 'Audio file'
self.add_description('Audio file')
def video(self):
"""Process a video."""
self.log_string += 'Video file'
self.add_description('Video file')
def _media_processing(self):
"""Generic way to process all media files."""
self.set_property('processing_type', 'media')
self.add_description('Media file')
def image(self):