#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import magic from kittengroomer import FileBase, KittenGroomerBase, main # Extension configfiles = {'.conf': 'text/plain'} class FileSpec(FileBase): def __init__(self, src_path, dst_path): ''' Init file object, set the extension ''' super(FileSpec, self).__init__(src_path, dst_path) a, self.extension = os.path.splitext(self.src_path) self.mimetype = magic.from_file(self.src_path, mime=True).decode("utf-8") class KittenGroomerSpec(KittenGroomerBase): def __init__(self, root_src=None, root_dst=None): ''' Initialize the basics of the copy ''' if root_src is None: root_src = os.path.join(os.sep, 'media', 'src') if root_dst is None: root_dst = os.path.join(os.sep, 'media', 'dst') super(KittenGroomerSpec, self).__init__(root_src, root_dst) self.valid_files = {} # The initial version will only accept the file extensions/mimetypes listed here. self.valid_files.update(configfiles) def _print_log(self): ''' Print the logs related to the current file being processed ''' tmp_log = self.log_name.fields(**self.cur_file.log_details) if not self.cur_file.log_details.get('valid'): tmp_log.warning(self.cur_file.log_string) else: tmp_log.debug(self.cur_file.log_string) def processdir(self): ''' Main function doing the processing ''' to_copy = [] error = [] for srcpath in self._list_all_files(self.src_root_dir): valid = True self.log_name.info('Processing {}', srcpath.replace(self.src_root_dir + '/', '')) self.cur_file = FileSpec(srcpath, srcpath.replace(self.src_root_dir, self.dst_root_dir)) expected_mime = self.valid_files.get(self.cur_file.extension) compare_ext = None compare_mime = None if expected_mime is None: # Unexpected extension => disallowed valid = False compare_ext = 'Extension: {} - Expected: {}'.format(self.cur_file.extension, ', '.join(self.valid_files.keys())) elif self.cur_file.mimetype != expected_mime: # Unexpected mimetype => dissalowed valid = False compare_mime = 'Mime: {} - Expected: {}'.format(self.cur_file.mimetype, expected_mime) self.cur_file.add_log_details('valid', valid) if valid: to_copy.append(self.cur_file) self.cur_file.log_string = 'Extension: {} - MimeType: {}'.format(self.cur_file.extension, self.cur_file.mimetype) else: error.append(self.cur_file) if compare_ext is not None: self.cur_file.log_string = compare_ext else: self.cur_file.log_string = compare_mime if len(error) > 0: for f in error + to_copy: self.cur_file = f self._print_log() else: for f in to_copy: self.cur_file = f self._safe_copy() self._print_log() if __name__ == '__main__': main(KittenGroomerSpec, ' Only copy some files, returns an error is anything else is found') exit(0)