#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import mimetypes import shlex import subprocess import zipfile import argparse import shutil import oletools.oleid import olefile import officedissector import warnings import exifread from PIL import Image # TODO: why do we have this import? How does filecheck handle pngs? # from PIL import PngImagePlugin from pdfid import PDFiD, cPDFiD from kittengroomer import FileBase, KittenGroomerBase, Logging SEVENZ_PATH = '/usr/bin/7z' class Config: """Configuration information for Filecheck.""" # Application subtypes (mimetype: 'application/') mimes_ooxml = ['vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.'] mimes_office = ['msword', 'vnd.ms-'] mimes_libreoffice = ['vnd.oasis.opendocument'] mimes_rtf = ['rtf', 'richtext'] mimes_pdf = ['pdf', 'postscript'] mimes_xml = ['xml'] mimes_ms = ['dosexec'] mimes_compressed = ['zip', 'rar', 'bzip2', 'lzip', 'lzma', 'lzop', 'xz', 'compress', 'gzip', 'tar'] mimes_data = ['octet-stream'] # Image subtypes mimes_exif = ['image/jpeg', 'image/tiff'] mimes_png = ['image/png'] # Mimetypes with metadata mimes_metadata = ['image/jpeg', 'image/tiff', 'image/png'] # Commonly used malicious extensions # Sources: http://www.howtogeek.com/137270/50-file-extensions-that-are-potentially-dangerous-on-windows/ # https://github.com/wiregit/wirecode/blob/master/components/core-settings/src/main/java/org/limewire/core/settings/FilterSettings.java malicious_exts = ( # Applications ".exe", ".pif", ".application", ".gadget", ".msi", ".msp", ".com", ".scr", ".hta", ".cpl", ".msc", ".jar", # Scripts ".bat", ".cmd", ".vb", ".vbs", ".vbe", ".js", ".jse", ".ws", ".wsf", ".wsc", ".wsh", ".ps1", ".ps1xml", ".ps2", ".ps2xml", ".psc1", ".psc2", ".msh", ".msh1", ".msh2", ".mshxml", ".msh1xml", ".msh2xml", # Shortcuts ".scf", ".lnk", ".inf", # Other ".reg", ".dll", # Office macro (OOXML with macro enabled) ".docm", ".dotm", ".xlsm", ".xltm", ".xlam", ".pptm", ".potm", ".ppam", ".ppsm", ".sldm", # banned from wirecode ".asf", ".asx", ".au", ".htm", ".html", ".mht", ".vbs", ".wax", ".wm", ".wma", ".wmd", ".wmv", ".wmx", ".wmz", ".wvx", ) # Aliases aliases = { # Win executables 'application/x-msdos-program': 'application/x-dosexec', 'application/x-dosexec': 'application/x-msdos-program', # Other apps with confusing mimetypes 'application/rtf': 'text/rtf', } # Sometimes, mimetypes.guess_type gives unexpected results, such as for .tar.gz files: # In [12]: mimetypes.guess_type('toot.tar.gz', strict=False) # Out[12]: ('application/x-tar', 'gzip') # It works as expected if you do mimetypes.guess_type('application/gzip', strict=False) override_ext = {'.gz': 'application/gzip'} class File(FileBase): def __init__(self, src_path, dst_path, logger): super(File, self).__init__(src_path, dst_path) self.is_recursive = False self.logger = logger self.tempdir_path = self.dst_path + '_temp' subtypes_apps = [ (Config.mimes_office, self._winoffice), (Config.mimes_ooxml, self._ooxml), (Config.mimes_rtf, self.text), (Config.mimes_libreoffice, self._libreoffice), (Config.mimes_pdf, self._pdf), (Config.mimes_xml, self.text), (Config.mimes_ms, self._executables), (Config.mimes_compressed, self._archive), (Config.mimes_data, self._binary_app), ] self.app_subtype_methods = self._make_method_dict(subtypes_apps) types_metadata = [ (Config.mimes_exif, self._metadata_exif), (Config.mimes_png, self._metadata_png), ] self.metadata_mimetype_methods = self._make_method_dict(types_metadata) self.mime_processing_options = { 'text': self.text, 'audio': self.audio, 'image': self.image, 'video': self.video, 'application': self.application, 'example': self.example, 'message': self.message, 'model': self.model, 'multipart': self.multipart, 'inode': self.inode, } def _check_dangerous(self): if not self.has_mimetype: self.make_dangerous('File has no mimetype') if not self.has_extension: self.make_dangerous('File has no extension') if self.extension in Config.malicious_exts: self.make_dangerous('Extension identifies file as potentially dangerous') def _check_extension(self): """ Guess the file's mimetype based on its extension. If the file's mimetype (as determined by libmagic) is contained in the `mimetype` module's list of valid mimetypes and the expected mimetype based on its extension differs from the mimetype determined by libmagic, then mark the file as dangerous. """ if self.extension in Config.override_ext: expected_mimetype = Config.override_ext[self.extension] else: expected_mimetype, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(self.src_path, strict=False) if expected_mimetype in Config.aliases: expected_mimetype = Config.aliases[expected_mimetype] is_known_extension = self.extension in mimetypes.types_map.keys() if is_known_extension and expected_mimetype != self.mimetype: self.make_dangerous('Mimetype does not match expected mimetype for this extension') def _check_mimetype(self): """ Compare mimetype (as determined by libmagic) to extension. Determine whether the extension that are normally associated with the mimetype include the file's actual extension. """ if self.mimetype in Config.aliases: mimetype = Config.aliases[self.mimetype] else: mimetype = self.mimetype expected_extensions = mimetypes.guess_all_extensions(mimetype, strict=False) if expected_extensions: if self.has_extension and self.extension not in expected_extensions: self.make_dangerous('Extension does not match expected extensions for this mimetype') def _check_filename(self): if self.filename[0] is '.': # TODO: handle dotfiles here pass right_to_left_override = u"\u202E" if right_to_left_override in self.filename: self.make_dangerous('Filename contains dangerous character') self.dst_path = self.dst_path.replace(right_to_left_override, '') # TODO: change self.filename and'filename' property? Or should those reflect the values on the source key def check(self): self._check_dangerous() self._check_filename() if self.has_extension: self._check_extension() if self.has_mimetype: self._check_mimetype() if not self.is_dangerous: self.mime_processing_options.get(self.main_type, self.unknown)() def write_log(self): props = self.get_all_props() if not self.is_recursive: if os.path.exists(self.tempdir_path): # Hack to make images appear at the correct tree depth in log self.logger.add_file(self.src_path, props, in_tempdir=True) return self.logger.add_file(self.src_path, props) # ##### Helper functions ##### def _make_method_dict(self, list_of_tuples): """Returns a dictionary with mimetype: method pairs.""" dict_to_return = {} for list_of_subtypes, method in list_of_tuples: for subtype in list_of_subtypes: dict_to_return[subtype] = method return dict_to_return @property def has_metadata(self): """True if filetype typically contains metadata, else False.""" if self.mimetype in Config.mimes_metadata: return True return False def make_tempdir(self): """Make a temporary directory at self.tempdir_path.""" if not os.path.exists(self.tempdir_path): os.makedirs(self.tempdir_path) return self.tempdir_path ####################### # ##### Discarded mimetypes, reason in the docstring ###### def inode(self): """Empty file or symlink.""" if self.is_symlink: symlink_path = self.get_property('symlink') self.add_description('File is a symlink to {}'.format(symlink_path)) else: self.add_description('File is an inode (empty file)') self.should_copy = False def unknown(self): """Main type should never be unknown.""" self.add_description('Unknown mimetype') self.should_copy = False def example(self): """Used in examples, should never be returned by libmagic.""" self.add_description('Example file') self.should_copy = False def multipart(self): """Used in web apps, should never be returned by libmagic""" self.add_description('Multipart file - usually found in web apps') self.should_copy = False # ##### Treated as malicious, no reason to have it on a USB key ###### def message(self): """Process a message file.""" self.make_dangerous('Message file - should not be found on USB key') def model(self): """Process a model file.""" self.make_dangerous('Model file - should not be found on USB key') # ##### Files that will be converted ###### def text(self): """Process an rtf, ooxml, or plaintext file.""" for mt in Config.mimes_rtf: if mt in self.sub_type: self.add_description('Rich Text (rtf) file') # TODO: need a way to convert it to plain text self.force_ext('.txt') return for mt in Config.mimes_ooxml: if mt in self.sub_type: self.add_description('OOXML (openoffice) file') self._ooxml() return self.add_description('Plain text file') self.force_ext('.txt') def application(self): """Process an application specific file according to its subtype.""" for subtype, method in self.app_subtype_methods.items(): if subtype in self.sub_type: # TODO: should we change the logic so we don't iterate through all of the subtype methods? # TODO: should these methods return a value? method() return self._unknown_app() def _executables(self): """Process an executable file.""" # LOG: change the processing_type property to some other name or include in file_string self.make_dangerous('Executable file') def _winoffice(self): """Process a winoffice file using olefile/oletools.""" oid = oletools.oleid.OleID(self.src_path) # First assume a valid file if not olefile.isOleFile(self.src_path): # Manual processing, may already count as suspicious try: ole = olefile.OleFileIO(self.src_path, raise_defects=olefile.DEFECT_INCORRECT) except: self.make_dangerous('Unparsable WinOffice file') if ole.parsing_issues: self.make_dangerous('Parsing issues with WinOffice file') else: if ole.exists('macros/vba') or ole.exists('Macros') \ or ole.exists('_VBA_PROJECT_CUR') or ole.exists('VBA'): self.make_dangerous('WinOffice file containing a macro') else: indicators = oid.check() # Encrypted can be set by multiple checks on the script if oid.encrypted.value: self.make_dangerous('Encrypted WinOffice file') if oid.macros.value or oid.ole.exists('macros/vba') or oid.ole.exists('Macros') \ or oid.ole.exists('_VBA_PROJECT_CUR') or oid.ole.exists('VBA'): self.make_dangerous('WinOffice file containing a macro') for i in indicators: if i.id == 'ObjectPool' and i.value: # TODO: is having an ObjectPool suspicious? # LOG: user defined property self.add_description('WinOffice file containing an object pool') elif i.id == 'flash' and i.value: self.make_dangerous('WinOffice file with embedded flash') self.add_description('WinOffice file') def _ooxml(self): """Process an ooxml file.""" try: doc = officedissector.doc.Document(self.src_path) except Exception: self.make_dangerous('Invalid ooxml file') return # There are probably other potentially malicious features: # fonts, custom props, custom XML if doc.is_macro_enabled or len(doc.features.macros) > 0: self.make_dangerous('Ooxml file containing macro') if len(doc.features.embedded_controls) > 0: self.make_dangerous('Ooxml file with activex') if len(doc.features.embedded_objects) > 0: # Exploited by CVE-2014-4114 (OLE) self.make_dangerous('Ooxml file with embedded objects') if len(doc.features.embedded_packages) > 0: self.make_dangerous('Ooxml file with embedded packages') def _libreoffice(self): """Process a libreoffice file.""" # As long as there is no way to do a sanity check on the files => dangerous try: lodoc = zipfile.ZipFile(self.src_path, 'r') except: # TODO: are there specific exceptions we should catch here? Or should it be everything self.make_dangerous('Invalid libreoffice file') for f in lodoc.infolist(): fname = f.filename.lower() if fname.startswith('script') or fname.startswith('basic') or \ fname.startswith('object') or fname.endswith('.bin'): self.make_dangerous('Libreoffice file containing executable code') if not self.is_dangerous: self.add_description('Libreoffice file') def _pdf(self): """Process a PDF file.""" xmlDoc = PDFiD(self.src_path) oPDFiD = cPDFiD(xmlDoc, True) # TODO: are there other pdf characteristics which should be dangerous? if oPDFiD.encrypt.count > 0: self.make_dangerous('Encrypted pdf') if oPDFiD.js.count > 0 or oPDFiD.javascript.count > 0: self.make_dangerous('Pdf with embedded javascript') if oPDFiD.aa.count > 0 or oPDFiD.openaction.count > 0: self.make_dangerous('Pdf with openaction(s)') if oPDFiD.richmedia.count > 0: self.make_dangerous('Pdf containing flash') if oPDFiD.launch.count > 0: self.make_dangerous('Pdf with launch action(s)') if not self.is_dangerous: self.add_description('Pdf file') def _archive(self): """ Process an archive using 7zip. The archive is extracted to a temporary directory and self.process_dir is called on that directory. The recursive archive depth is increased to protect against archive bombs. """ # TODO: change this to something archive type specific instead of generic 'Archive' self.add_description('Archive') self.should_copy = False self.is_recursive = True def _unknown_app(self): """Process an unknown file.""" self.add_description('Unknown application file') self.make_unknown() def _binary_app(self): """Process an unknown binary file.""" self.add_description('Unknown binary file') self.make_binary() ####################### # Metadata extractors def _metadata_exif(self, metadata_file_path): """Read exif metadata from a jpg or tiff file using exifread.""" # TODO: can we shorten this method somehow? img = open(self.src_path, 'rb') tags = None try: tags = exifread.process_file(img, debug=True) except Exception as e: self.add_error(e, "Error while trying to grab full metadata for file {}; retrying for partial data.".format(self.src_path)) if tags is None: try: tags = exifread.process_file(img, debug=True) except Exception as e: self.add_error(e, "Failed to get any metadata for file {}.".format(self.src_path)) img.close() return False for tag in sorted(tags.keys()): # These tags are long and obnoxious/binary so we don't add them if tag not in ('JPEGThumbnail', 'TIFFThumbnail'): tag_string = str(tags[tag]) # Exifreader truncates data. if len(tag_string) > 25 and tag_string.endswith(", ... ]"): tag_value = tags[tag].values tag_string = str(tag_value) with open(metadata_file_path, 'w+') as metadata_file: metadata_file.write("Key: {}\tValue: {}\n".format(tag, tag_string)) # TODO: how do we want to log metadata? self.set_property('metadata', 'exif') img.close() return True def _metadata_png(self, metadata_file_path): """Extract metadata from a png file using PIL/Pillow.""" warnings.simplefilter('error', Image.DecompressionBombWarning) try: img = Image.open(self.src_path) for tag in sorted(img.info.keys()): # These are long and obnoxious/binary if tag not in ('icc_profile'): with open(metadata_file_path, 'w+') as metadata_file: metadata_file.write("Key: {}\tValue: {}\n".format(tag, img.info[tag])) # LOG: handle metadata self.set_property('metadata', 'png') img.close() except Exception as e: # Catch decompression bombs # TODO: only catch DecompressionBombWarnings here? self.add_error(e, "Caught exception processing metadata for {}".format(self.src_path)) self.make_dangerous('exception processing metadata') return False def extract_metadata(self): """Create metadata file and call correct metadata extraction method.""" metadata_file_path = self.create_metadata_file(".metadata.txt") mt = self.mimetype metadata_processing_method = self.metadata_mimetype_methods.get(mt) if metadata_processing_method: # TODO: should we return metadata and write it here instead of in processing method? metadata_processing_method(metadata_file_path) ####################### # ##### Media - audio and video aren't converted ###### def audio(self): """Process an audio file.""" self.add_description('Audio file') self._media_processing() def video(self): """Process a video.""" self.add_description('Video file') self._media_processing() def _media_processing(self): """Generic way to process all media files.""" self.add_description('Media file') def image(self): """ Process an image. Extracts metadata to dest key using self.extract_metada() if metadata is present. Creates a temporary directory on dest key, opens the image using PIL.Image, saves it to the temporary directory, and copies it to the destination. """ # TODO: make sure this method works for png, gif, tiff if self.has_metadata: self.extract_metadata() tempdir_path = self.make_tempdir() tempfile_path = os.path.join(tempdir_path, self.filename) warnings.simplefilter('error', Image.DecompressionBombWarning) try: # Do image conversions img_in = Image.open(self.src_path) img_out = Image.frombytes(img_in.mode, img_in.size, img_in.tobytes()) img_out.save(tempfile_path) self.src_path = tempfile_path except Exception as e: # Catch decompression bombs # TODO: change this from all Exceptions to specific DecompressionBombWarning self.add_error(e, "Caught exception (possible decompression bomb?) while translating file {}.".format(self.src_path)) self.make_dangerous('Image file containing decompression bomb') if not self.is_dangerous: self.add_description('Image file') class GroomerLogger(object): """Groomer logging interface.""" def __init__(self, src_root_path, dst_root_path, debug=False): self._src_root_path = src_root_path self._dst_root_path = dst_root_path self._log_dir_path = self._make_log_dir(dst_root_path) self.log_path = os.path.join(self._log_dir_path, 'circlean_log.txt') self._add_root_dir(src_root_path) if debug: self.log_debug_err = os.path.join(self._log_dir_path, 'debug_stderr.log') self.log_debug_out = os.path.join(self._log_dir_path, 'debug_stdout.log') else: self.log_debug_err = os.devnull self.log_debug_out = os.devnull def _make_log_dir(self, root_dir_path): """Make the directory in the dest dir that will hold the logs""" log_dir_path = os.path.join(root_dir_path, 'logs') if os.path.exists(log_dir_path): shutil.rmtree(log_dir_path) os.makedirs(log_dir_path) return log_dir_path def _add_root_dir(self, root_path): dirname = os.path.split(root_path)[1] + '/' with open(self.log_path, mode='ab') as lf: lf.write(bytes(dirname, 'utf-8')) lf.write(b'\n') def add_file(self, file_path, file_props, in_tempdir=False): """Add a file to the log. Takes a dict of file properties.""" # TODO: fix var names in this method # TODO: handle symlinks better: symlink_string = '{}+-- {}\t- Symbolic link to {}\n'.format(padding, f, os.readlink(curpath)) props = file_props depth = self._get_path_depth(file_path) description_string = ', '.join(props['description_string']) file_hash = Logging.computehash(file_path)[:6] if props['safety_category'] is None: descr_cat = "Normal" else: descr_cat = props['safety_category'].capitalize() # TODO: make size adjust to MB/GB for large files size = str(props['file_size']) + 'B' file_template = "+- {name} ({sha_hash}): {size}, {mt}/{st}. {desc}: {desc_str}" file_string = file_template.format( name=props['filename'], sha_hash=file_hash, size=size, mt=props['maintype'], st=props['subtype'], desc=descr_cat, desc_str=description_string, # errs='' # TODO: add errors in human readable form here ) if in_tempdir: depth -= 1 self._write_line_to_log(file_string, depth) def add_dir(self, dir_path): path_depth = self._get_path_depth(dir_path) dirname = os.path.split(dir_path)[1] + '/' log_line = '+- ' + dirname self._write_line_to_log(log_line, path_depth) def _get_path_depth(self, path): if self._dst_root_path in path: base_path = self._dst_root_path elif self._src_root_path in path: base_path = self._src_root_path relpath = os.path.relpath(path, base_path) path_depth = relpath.count(os.path.sep) return path_depth def _write_line_to_log(self, line, indentation_depth): padding = b' ' padding += b'| ' * indentation_depth line_bytes = os.fsencode(line) with open(self.log_path, mode='ab') as lf: lf.write(padding) lf.write(line_bytes) lf.write(b'\n') class KittenGroomerFileCheck(KittenGroomerBase): def __init__(self, root_src, root_dst, max_recursive_depth=2, debug=False): super(KittenGroomerFileCheck, self).__init__(root_src, root_dst) self.recursive_archive_depth = 0 self.max_recursive_depth = max_recursive_depth self.cur_file = None self.logger = GroomerLogger(root_src, root_dst, debug) def process_dir(self, src_dir, dst_dir): """Process a directory on the source key.""" for srcpath in self.list_files_dirs(src_dir): if os.path.isdir(srcpath): self.logger.add_dir(srcpath) else: dstpath = os.path.join(dst_dir, os.path.basename(srcpath)) self.cur_file = File(srcpath, dstpath, self.logger) self.process_file(self.cur_file) def process_file(self, file): """ Process an individual file. Check the file, handle archives using self.process_archive, copy the file to the destionation key, and clean up temporary directory. """ file.check() if file.should_copy: file.safe_copy() file.set_property('copied', True) file.write_log() if file.is_recursive: self.process_archive(file) # TODO: Can probably handle cleaning up the tempdir better if hasattr(file, 'tempdir_path'): self.safe_rmtree(file.tempdir_path) def process_archive(self, file): """ Unpack an archive using 7zip and process contents using process_dir. Should be given a Kittengroomer file object whose src_path points to an archive. """ self.recursive_archive_depth += 1 if self.recursive_archive_depth >= self.max_recursive_depth: file.make_dangerous('Archive bomb') else: tempdir_path = file.make_tempdir() # TODO: double check we are properly escaping file.src_path # otherwise we are running unsanitized user input directly in the shell command_str = '{} -p1 x "{}" -o"{}" -bd -aoa' unpack_command = command_str.format(SEVENZ_PATH, file.src_path, tempdir_path) self._run_process(unpack_command) file.write_log() self.process_dir(tempdir_path, file.dst_path) self.safe_rmtree(tempdir_path) self.recursive_archive_depth -= 1 def _run_process(self, command_string, timeout=None): """Run command_string in a subprocess, wait until it finishes.""" args = shlex.split(command_string) with open(self.logger.log_debug_err, 'ab') as stderr, open(self.logger.log_debug_out, 'ab') as stdout: try: subprocess.check_call(args, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, timeout=timeout) except (subprocess.TimeoutExpired, subprocess.CalledProcessError): return return True def list_files_dirs(self, root_dir_path): queue = [] for path in sorted(os.listdir(root_dir_path), key=lambda x: str.lower(x)): full_path = os.path.join(root_dir_path, path) if os.path.isdir(full_path): queue.append(full_path) queue += self.list_files_dirs(full_path) # if path is a dir, recurse through its contents elif os.path.isfile(full_path): queue.append(full_path) return queue def run(self): self.process_dir(self.src_root_path, self.dst_root_path) def main(kg_implementation, description): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='KittenGroomer', description=description) parser.add_argument('-s', '--source', type=str, help='Source directory') parser.add_argument('-d', '--destination', type=str, help='Destination directory') args = parser.parse_args() kg = kg_implementation(args.source, args.destination) kg.run() if __name__ == '__main__': main(KittenGroomerFileCheck, 'File sanitizer used in CIRCLean. Renames potentially dangerous files.')