============ This is the script used by the [CIRCLean]( USB key sanitizer. It is designed to handle a range of file types, and will mark them as dangerous if they meet certain criteria. Before installing the depenencies, make sure to install the PyCIRCLean dependencies: ``` pip install . ``` Dependencies by type of document: * Microsoft office: oletools, olefile * OOXML: officedissector * PDF: pdfid * Archives: p7zip-full, p7zip-rar * Metadata: exifread * Images: pillow Note: pdfid is a not installable with pip. It must be downloaded and installed manually in the directory where filecheck will be run. ``` sudo apt-get install p7zip-full p7zip-rar libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev pip install lxml oletools olefile pillow exifread pip install git+ # installing pdfid manually wget unzip ```