#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import mimetypes import shlex import subprocess import time import zipfile import oletools.oleid import olefile import officedissector import warnings import exifread from PIL import Image # from PIL import PngImagePlugin from pdfid import PDFiD, cPDFiD from kittengroomer import FileBase, KittenGroomerBase, main SEVENZ_PATH = '/usr/bin/7z' # Prepare application/ mimes_ooxml = ['vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.'] mimes_office = ['msword', 'vnd.ms-'] mimes_libreoffice = ['vnd.oasis.opendocument'] mimes_rtf = ['rtf', 'richtext'] mimes_pdf = ['pdf', 'postscript'] mimes_xml = ['xml'] mimes_ms = ['dosexec'] mimes_compressed = ['zip', 'rar', 'bzip2', 'lzip', 'lzma', 'lzop', 'xz', 'compress', 'gzip', 'tar'] mimes_data = ['octet-stream'] # Prepare image/ mimes_exif = ['image/jpeg', 'image/tiff'] mimes_png = ['image/png'] # Mimetypes we can pull metadata from mimes_metadata = ['image/jpeg', 'image/tiff', 'image/png'] # Aliases aliases = { # Win executables 'application/x-msdos-program': 'application/x-dosexec', 'application/x-dosexec': 'application/x-msdos-program', # Other apps with confusing mimetypes 'application/rtf': 'text/rtf', } # Sometimes, mimetypes.guess_type is giving unexpected results, such as for the .tar.gz files: # In [12]: mimetypes.guess_type('toot.tar.gz', strict=False) # Out[12]: ('application/x-tar', 'gzip') # It works as expected if you do mimetypes.guess_type('application/gzip', strict=False) propertype = {'.gz': 'application/gzip'} # Commonly used malicious extensions # Sources: http://www.howtogeek.com/137270/50-file-extensions-that-are-potentially-dangerous-on-windows/ # https://github.com/wiregit/wirecode/blob/master/components/core-settings/src/main/java/org/limewire/core/settings/FilterSettings.java MAL_EXTS = ( # Applications ".exe", ".pif", ".application", ".gadget", ".msi", ".msp", ".com", ".scr", ".hta", ".cpl", ".msc", ".jar", # Scripts ".bat", ".cmd", ".vb", ".vbs", ".vbe", ".js", ".jse", ".ws", ".wsf", ".wsc", ".wsh", ".ps1", ".ps1xml", ".ps2", ".ps2xml", ".psc1", ".psc2", ".msh", ".msh1", ".msh2", ".mshxml", ".msh1xml", ".msh2xml", # Shortcuts ".scf", ".lnk", ".inf", # Other ".reg", ".dll", # Office macro (OOXML with macro enabled) ".docm", ".dotm", ".xlsm", ".xltm", ".xlam", ".pptm", ".potm", ".ppam", ".ppsm", ".sldm", # banned from wirecode ".asf", ".asx", ".au", ".htm", ".html", ".mht", ".vbs", ".wax", ".wm", ".wma", ".wmd", ".wmv", ".wmx", ".wmz", ".wvx", ) class File(FileBase): def __init__(self, src_path, dst_path): super(File, self).__init__(src_path, dst_path) self.is_recursive = False self._check_dangerous() if self.is_dangerous(): return self.log_details.update({'maintype': self.main_type, 'subtype': self.sub_type, 'extension': self.extension}) self._check_extension() self._check_mime() def _check_dangerous(self): if not self.has_mimetype(): # No mimetype, should not happen. self.make_dangerous() if not self.has_extension(): self.make_dangerous() if self.extension in MAL_EXTS: self.log_details.update({'malicious_extension': self.extension}) self.make_dangerous() def _check_extension(self): """Guesses the file's mimetype based on its extension. If the file's mimetype (as determined by libmagic) is contained in the mimetype module's list of valid mimetypes and the expected mimetype based on its extension differs from the mimetype determined by libmagic, then it marks the file as dangerous.""" if propertype.get(self.extension) is not None: expected_mimetype = propertype.get(self.extension) else: expected_mimetype, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(self.src_path, strict=False) if aliases.get(expected_mimetype) is not None: expected_mimetype = aliases.get(expected_mimetype) is_known_extension = self.extension in mimetypes.types_map.keys() if is_known_extension and expected_mimetype != self.mimetype: self.log_details.update({'expected_mimetype': expected_mimetype}) self.make_dangerous() def _check_mime(self): """Takes the mimetype (as determined by libmagic) and determines whether the list of extensions that are normally associated with that extension contains the file's actual extension.""" if aliases.get(self.mimetype) is not None: mimetype = aliases.get(self.mimetype) else: mimetype = self.mimetype expected_extensions = mimetypes.guess_all_extensions(mimetype, strict=False) if expected_extensions: if len(self.extension) > 0 and self.extension not in expected_extensions: self.log_details.update({'expected_extensions': expected_extensions}) self.make_dangerous() def has_metadata(self): if self.mimetype in mimes_metadata: return True return False class KittenGroomerFileCheck(KittenGroomerBase): def __init__(self, root_src=None, root_dst=None, max_recursive_depth=2, debug=False): if root_src is None: root_src = os.path.join(os.sep, 'media', 'src') if root_dst is None: root_dst = os.path.join(os.sep, 'media', 'dst') super(KittenGroomerFileCheck, self).__init__(root_src, root_dst, debug) self.recursive_archive_depth = 0 self.max_recursive_depth = max_recursive_depth subtypes_apps = [ (mimes_office, self._winoffice), (mimes_ooxml, self._ooxml), (mimes_rtf, self.text), (mimes_libreoffice, self._libreoffice), (mimes_pdf, self._pdf), (mimes_xml, self.text), (mimes_ms, self._executables), (mimes_compressed, self._archive), (mimes_data, self._binary_app), ] self.subtypes_application = self._init_subtypes_application(subtypes_apps) types_metadata = [ (mimes_exif, self._metadata_exif), (mimes_png, self._metadata_png), ] self.metadata_processing_options = self._init_subtypes_application(types_metadata) self.mime_processing_options = { 'text': self.text, 'audio': self.audio, 'image': self.image, 'video': self.video, 'application': self.application, 'example': self.example, 'message': self.message, 'model': self.model, 'multipart': self.multipart, 'inode': self.inode, } # ##### Helper functions ##### def _init_subtypes_application(self, subtypes_application): """Creates a dictionary with the right method based on the sub mime type.""" subtype_dict = {} for list_subtypes, func in subtypes_application: for st in list_subtypes: subtype_dict[st] = func return subtype_dict def _print_log(self): """Print the logs related to the current file being processed.""" # TODO: change name to _write_log tmp_log = self.log_name.fields(**self.cur_file.log_details) if self.cur_file.is_dangerous(): tmp_log.warning(self.cur_file.log_string) elif self.cur_file.log_details.get('unknown') or self.cur_file.log_details.get('binary'): tmp_log.info(self.cur_file.log_string) else: tmp_log.debug(self.cur_file.log_string) def _run_process(self, command_string, timeout=0, background=False): """Run command_string in a subprocess, wait until it finishes.""" if timeout != 0: deadline = time.time() + timeout else: deadline = None args = shlex.split(command_string) with open(self.log_debug_err, 'ab') as stderr, open(self.log_debug_out, 'ab') as stdout: p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr) if background: # This timer is here to make sure the unoconv listener is properly started. time.sleep(10) return True while True: code = p.poll() if code is not None: break if deadline is not None and time.time() > deadline: p.kill() break time.sleep(1) return True ####################### # ##### Discarded mimetypes, reason in the docstring ###### def inode(self): """Empty file or symlink.""" if self.cur_file.is_symlink(): self.cur_file.log_string += 'Symlink to {}'.format(self.cur_file.log_details['symlink']) else: self.cur_file.log_string += 'Inode file' def unknown(self): """Main type should never be unknown.""" self.cur_file.log_string += 'Unknown file' def example(self): """Used in examples, should never be returned by libmagic.""" self.cur_file.log_string += 'Example file' def multipart(self): """Used in web apps, should never be returned by libmagic""" self.cur_file.log_string += 'Multipart file' # ##### Treated as malicious, no reason to have it on a USB key ###### def message(self): """Process a message file.""" self.cur_file.log_string += 'Message file' self.cur_file.make_dangerous() self._safe_copy() def model(self): """Process a model file.""" self.cur_file.log_string += 'Model file' self.cur_file.make_dangerous() self._safe_copy() # ##### Files that will be converted ###### def text(self): """Process an rtf, ooxml, or plaintext file.""" for r in mimes_rtf: if r in self.cur_file.sub_type: self.cur_file.log_string += 'Rich Text file' # TODO: need a way to convert it to plain text self.cur_file.force_ext('.txt') self._safe_copy() return for o in mimes_ooxml: if o in self.cur_file.sub_type: self.cur_file.log_string += 'OOXML File' self._ooxml() return self.cur_file.log_string += 'Text file' self.cur_file.force_ext('.txt') self._safe_copy() def application(self): """Processes an application specific file according to its subtype.""" for subtype, fct in self.subtypes_application.items(): if subtype in self.cur_file.sub_type: fct() self.cur_file.log_string += 'Application file' return self.cur_file.log_string += 'Unknown Application file' self._unknown_app() def _executables(self): """Processes an executable file.""" self.cur_file.add_log_details('processing_type', 'executable') self.cur_file.make_dangerous() self._safe_copy() def _winoffice(self): """Processes a winoffice file using olefile/oletools.""" self.cur_file.add_log_details('processing_type', 'WinOffice') # Try as if it is a valid document oid = oletools.oleid.OleID(self.cur_file.src_path) if not olefile.isOleFile(self.cur_file.src_path): # Manual processing, may already count as suspicious try: ole = olefile.OleFileIO(self.cur_file.src_path, raise_defects=olefile.DEFECT_INCORRECT) except: self.cur_file.add_log_details('not_parsable', True) self.cur_file.make_dangerous() if ole.parsing_issues: self.cur_file.add_log_details('parsing_issues', True) self.cur_file.make_dangerous() else: if ole.exists('macros/vba') or ole.exists('Macros') \ or ole.exists('_VBA_PROJECT_CUR') or ole.exists('VBA'): self.cur_file.add_log_details('macro', True) self.cur_file.make_dangerous() else: indicators = oid.check() # Encrypted ban be set by multiple checks on the script if oid.encrypted.value: self.cur_file.add_log_details('encrypted', True) self.cur_file.make_dangerous() if oid.macros.value or oid.ole.exists('macros/vba') or oid.ole.exists('Macros') \ or oid.ole.exists('_VBA_PROJECT_CUR') or oid.ole.exists('VBA'): self.cur_file.add_log_details('macro', True) self.cur_file.make_dangerous() for i in indicators: if i.id == 'ObjectPool' and i.value: # FIXME: Is it suspicious? self.cur_file.add_log_details('objpool', True) elif i.id == 'flash' and i.value: self.cur_file.add_log_details('flash', True) self.cur_file.make_dangerous() self._safe_copy() def _ooxml(self): """Processes an ooxml file.""" self.cur_file.add_log_details('processing_type', 'ooxml') try: doc = officedissector.doc.Document(self.cur_file.src_path) except Exception: # Invalid file self.cur_file.make_dangerous() self._safe_copy() return # There are probably other potentially malicious features: # fonts, custom props, custom XML if doc.is_macro_enabled or len(doc.features.macros) > 0: self.cur_file.add_log_details('macro', True) self.cur_file.make_dangerous() if len(doc.features.embedded_controls) > 0: self.cur_file.add_log_details('activex', True) self.cur_file.make_dangerous() if len(doc.features.embedded_objects) > 0: # Exploited by CVE-2014-4114 (OLE) self.cur_file.add_log_details('embedded_obj', True) self.cur_file.make_dangerous() if len(doc.features.embedded_packages) > 0: self.cur_file.add_log_details('embedded_pack', True) self.cur_file.make_dangerous() self._safe_copy() def _libreoffice(self): """Processes a libreoffice file.""" self.cur_file.add_log_details('processing_type', 'libreoffice') # As long as there ar no way to do a sanity check on the files => dangerous try: lodoc = zipfile.ZipFile(self.cur_file.src_path, 'r') except: self.cur_file.add_log_details('invalid', True) self.cur_file.make_dangerous() for f in lodoc.infolist(): fname = f.filename.lower() if fname.startswith('script') or fname.startswith('basic') or \ fname.startswith('object') or fname.endswith('.bin'): self.cur_file.add_log_details('macro', True) self.cur_file.make_dangerous() self._safe_copy() def _pdf(self): """Processes a PDF file.""" self.cur_file.add_log_details('processing_type', 'pdf') xmlDoc = PDFiD(self.cur_file.src_path) oPDFiD = cPDFiD(xmlDoc, True) # TODO: other keywords? if oPDFiD.encrypt.count > 0: self.cur_file.add_log_details('encrypted', True) self.cur_file.make_dangerous() if oPDFiD.js.count > 0 or oPDFiD.javascript.count > 0: self.cur_file.add_log_details('javascript', True) self.cur_file.make_dangerous() if oPDFiD.aa.count > 0 or oPDFiD.openaction.count > 0: self.cur_file.add_log_details('openaction', True) self.cur_file.make_dangerous() if oPDFiD.richmedia.count > 0: self.cur_file.add_log_details('flash', True) self.cur_file.make_dangerous() if oPDFiD.launch.count > 0: self.cur_file.add_log_details('launch', True) self.cur_file.make_dangerous() def _archive(self): """Processes an archive using 7zip. The archive is extracted to a temporary directory and self.processdir is called on that directory. The recursive archive depth is increased to protect against archive bombs.""" self.cur_file.add_log_details('processing_type', 'archive') self.cur_file.is_recursive = True self.cur_file.log_string += 'Archive extracted, processing content.' tmpdir = self.cur_file.dst_path + '_temp' self._safe_mkdir(tmpdir) extract_command = '{} -p1 x "{}" -o"{}" -bd -aoa'.format(SEVENZ_PATH, self.cur_file.src_path, tmpdir) self._run_process(extract_command) self.recursive_archive_depth += 1 self.tree(tmpdir) self.processdir(tmpdir, self.cur_file.dst_path) self.recursive_archive_depth -= 1 self._safe_rmtree(tmpdir) def _handle_archivebomb(self, src_dir): self.cur_file.make_dangerous() self.cur_file.add_log_details('Archive Bomb', True) self.log_name.warning('ARCHIVE BOMB.') self.log_name.warning('The content of the archive contains recursively other archives.') self.log_name.warning('This is a bad sign so the archive is not extracted to the destination key.') self._safe_rmtree(src_dir) if src_dir.endswith('_temp'): bomb_path = src_dir[:-len('_temp')] self._safe_remove(bomb_path) def _unknown_app(self): """Processes an unknown file.""" self.cur_file.make_unknown() self._safe_copy() def _binary_app(self): """Processses an unknown binary file.""" self.cur_file.make_binary() self._safe_copy() ####################### # Metadata extractors def _metadata_exif(self, metadata_file): img = open(self.cur_file.src_path, 'rb') tags = None try: tags = exifread.process_file(img, debug=True) except Exception as e: print("Error while trying to grab full metadata for file {}; retrying for partial data.".format(self.cur_file.src_path)) print(e) if tags is None: try: tags = exifread.process_file(img, debug=True) except Exception as e: print("Failed to get any metadata for file {}.".format(self.cur_file.src_path)) print(e) img.close() return False for tag in sorted(tags.keys()): # These are long and obnoxious/binary if tag not in ('JPEGThumbnail', 'TIFFThumbnail'): printable = str(tags[tag]) # Exifreader truncates data. if len(printable) > 25 and printable.endswith(", ... ]"): value = tags[tag].values if isinstance(value, str): printable = value else: printable = str(value) metadata_file.write("Key: {}\tValue: {}\n".format(tag, printable)) self.cur_file.add_log_details('metadata', 'exif') img.close() return True def _metadata_png(self, metadataFile): warnings.simplefilter('error', Image.DecompressionBombWarning) try: img = Image.open(self.cur_file.src_path) for tag in sorted(img.info.keys()): # These are long and obnoxious/binary if tag not in ('icc_profile'): metadataFile.write("Key: {}\tValue: {}\n".format(tag, img.info[tag])) self.cur_file.add_log_details('metadata', 'png') img.close() # Catch decompression bombs except Exception as e: print("Caught exception processing metadata for {}".format(self.cur_file.src_path)) print(e) self.cur_file.make_dangerous() self._safe_copy() return False def extract_metadata(self): metadata_file = self._safe_metadata_split(".metadata.txt") success = self.metadata_processing_options.get(self.cur_file.mimetype)(metadata_file) metadata_file.close() if not success: # FIXME Delete empty metadata file pass ####################### # ##### Media - audio and video aren't converted ###### def audio(self): """Processes an audio file.""" self.cur_file.log_string += 'Audio file' self._media_processing() def video(self): """Processes a video.""" self.cur_file.log_string += 'Video file' self._media_processing() def _media_processing(self): """Generic way to process all media files.""" self.cur_file.add_log_details('processing_type', 'media') self._safe_copy() def image(self): """Processes an image. Extracts metadata if metadata is present. Creates a temporary directory, opens the using PIL.Image, saves it to the temporary directory, and copies it to the destination.""" if self.cur_file.has_metadata(): self.extract_metadata() # FIXME make sure this works for png, gif, tiff # Create a temp directory dst_dir, filename = os.path.split(self.cur_file.dst_path) tmpdir = os.path.join(dst_dir, 'temp') tmppath = os.path.join(tmpdir, filename) self._safe_mkdir(tmpdir) # Do our image conversions warnings.simplefilter('error', Image.DecompressionBombWarning) try: imIn = Image.open(self.cur_file.src_path) imOut = Image.frombytes(imIn.mode, imIn.size, imIn.tobytes()) imOut.save(tmppath) # Copy the file back out and cleanup self._safe_copy(tmppath) self._safe_rmtree(tmpdir) # Catch decompression bombs except Exception as e: print("Caught exception (possible decompression bomb?) while translating file {}.".format(self.cur_file.src_path)) print(e) self.cur_file.make_dangerous() self._safe_copy() self.cur_file.log_string += 'Image file' self.cur_file.add_log_details('processing_type', 'image') ####################### def process_file(self, srcpath, dstpath, relative_path): self.cur_file = File(srcpath, dstpath) self.log_name.info('Processing {} ({}/{})', relative_path, self.cur_file.main_type, self.cur_file.sub_type) if not self.cur_file.is_dangerous(): self.mime_processing_options.get(self.cur_file.main_type, self.unknown)() else: self._safe_copy() if not self.cur_file.is_recursive: self._print_log() def processdir(self, src_dir=None, dst_dir=None): """Main function coordinating file processing.""" if src_dir is None: src_dir = self.src_root_dir if dst_dir is None: dst_dir = self.dst_root_dir if self.recursive_archive_depth > 0: self._print_log() if self.recursive_archive_depth >= self.max_recursive_depth: self._handle_archivebomb(src_dir) for srcpath in self._list_all_files(src_dir): dstpath = srcpath.replace(src_dir, dst_dir) relative_path = srcpath.replace(src_dir + '/', '') # which path do we want in the log? self.process_file(srcpath, dstpath, relative_path) if __name__ == '__main__': main(KittenGroomerFileCheck, 'File sanitizer used in CIRCLean. Renames potentially dangerous files.')