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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import base64
import ipaddress
import json
import logging
import socket
from datetime import datetime
2021-09-07 12:59:31 +02:00
from io import BufferedIOBase
from pathlib import Path
2021-09-07 12:59:31 +02:00
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
from urllib.parse import urlsplit
from defang import refang # type: ignore
from redis import Redis
from scrapysplashwrapper import crawl
from lookyloo.abstractmanager import AbstractManager
2021-09-07 12:59:31 +02:00
from lookyloo.helpers import (get_captures_dir, get_config, get_socket_path,
get_splash_url, load_cookies, safe_create_dir,
2019-01-30 14:30:01 +01:00
from lookyloo.lookyloo import Lookyloo
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s:%(message)s',
2020-11-05 14:14:33 +01:00
class AsyncCapture(AbstractManager):
2021-03-12 16:49:04 +01:00
def __init__(self, loglevel: int=logging.INFO):
self.lookyloo = Lookyloo()
self.script_name = 'async_capture'
self.only_global_lookups: bool = get_config('generic', 'only_global_lookups')
self.capture_dir: Path = get_captures_dir()
self.splash_url: str = get_splash_url()
self.redis = Redis(unix_socket_path=get_socket_path('cache'), decode_responses=True)
def process_capture_queue(self) -> None:
'''Process a query from the capture queue'''
value: Optional[List[Tuple[str, int]]] = self.redis.zpopmax('to_capture') # type: ignore
if not value or not value[0]:
# The queue was consumed by an other process.
uuid, _score = value[0]
queue: Optional[str] = self.redis.get(f'{uuid}_mgmt')
self.redis.sadd('ongoing', uuid)
lazy_cleanup = self.redis.pipeline()
if queue:
# queue shouldn't be none, but if it is, just ignore.
lazy_cleanup.zincrby('queues', -1, queue)
to_capture: Dict[str, str] = self.redis.hgetall(uuid)
2021-09-01 14:08:25 +02:00
self.logger.info(f'Capturing {to_capture["url"]} - {uuid}')
success, error_message = self._capture(
cookies_pseudofile=to_capture.get('cookies', None),
depth=int(to_capture.get('depth', 1)),
# By default, the captures are on the index, unless the user mark them as un-listed
listing=False if ('listing' in to_capture and to_capture['listing'].lower() in ['false', '0', '']) else True,
user_agent=to_capture.get('user_agent', None),
referer=to_capture.get('referer', None),
proxy=to_capture.get('proxy', None),
os=to_capture.get('os', None),
browser=to_capture.get('browser', None),
parent=to_capture.get('parent', None)
if success:
2021-09-01 14:08:25 +02:00
self.logger.info(f'Successfully captured {to_capture["url"]} - {uuid}')
self.logger.warning(f'Unable to capture {to_capture["url"]} - {uuid}: {error_message}')
lazy_cleanup.setex(f'error_{uuid}', 36000, f'{error_message} - {to_capture["url"]} - {uuid}')
lazy_cleanup.srem('ongoing', uuid)
# make sure to expire the key if nothing was processed for a while (= queues empty)
lazy_cleanup.expire('queues', 600)
def _capture(self, url: str, *, perma_uuid: str, cookies_pseudofile: Optional[Union[BufferedIOBase, str]]=None,
depth: int=1, listing: bool=True, user_agent: Optional[str]=None,
referer: Optional[str]=None, proxy: Optional[str]=None, os: Optional[str]=None,
browser: Optional[str]=None, parent: Optional[str]=None) -> Tuple[bool, str]:
'''Launch a capture'''
url = url.strip()
url = refang(url)
if not url.startswith('http'):
url = f'http://{url}'
if self.only_global_lookups:
splitted_url = urlsplit(url)
if splitted_url.netloc:
if splitted_url.hostname:
if splitted_url.hostname.split('.')[-1] != 'onion':
ip = socket.gethostbyname(splitted_url.hostname)
except socket.gaierror:
self.logger.info('Name or service not known')
return False, 'Name or service not known.'
if not ipaddress.ip_address(ip).is_global:
return False, 'Capturing ressources on private IPs is disabled.'
return False, 'Unable to find hostname or IP in the query.'
cookies = load_cookies(cookies_pseudofile)
if not user_agent:
# Catch case where the UA is broken on the UI, and the async submission.
ua: str = get_config('generic', 'default_user_agent')
ua = user_agent
if int(depth) > int(get_config('generic', 'max_depth')):
self.logger.warning(f'Not allowed to capture on a depth higher than {get_config("generic", "max_depth")}: {depth}')
depth = int(get_config('generic', 'max_depth'))
self.logger.info(f'Capturing {url}')
items = crawl(self.splash_url, url, cookies=cookies, depth=depth, user_agent=ua,
referer=referer, proxy=proxy, log_enabled=True, log_level=get_config('generic', 'splash_loglevel'))
except Exception as e:
self.logger.critical(f'Something went terribly wrong when capturing {url}.')
raise e
if not items:
# broken
self.logger.critical(f'Something went terribly wrong when capturing {url}.')
return False, 'Something went terribly wrong when capturing {url}.'
width = len(str(len(items)))
now = datetime.now()
dirpath = self.capture_dir / str(now.year) / f'{now.month:02}' / now.isoformat()
if os or browser:
meta = {}
if os:
meta['os'] = os
if browser:
meta['browser'] = browser
with (dirpath / 'meta').open('w') as _meta:
json.dump(meta, _meta)
# Write UUID
with (dirpath / 'uuid').open('w') as _uuid:
# Write no_index marker (optional)
if not listing:
(dirpath / 'no_index').touch()
# Write parent UUID (optional)
if parent:
with (dirpath / 'parent').open('w') as _parent:
for i, item in enumerate(items):
if 'error' in item:
with (dirpath / 'error.txt').open('w') as _error:
json.dump(item['error'], _error)
# The capture went fine
harfile = item['har']
png = base64.b64decode(item['png'])
html = item['html']
last_redirect = item['last_redirected_url']
with (dirpath / '{0:0{width}}.har'.format(i, width=width)).open('w') as _har:
json.dump(harfile, _har)
with (dirpath / '{0:0{width}}.png'.format(i, width=width)).open('wb') as _img:
with (dirpath / '{0:0{width}}.html'.format(i, width=width)).open('w') as _html:
with (dirpath / '{0:0{width}}.last_redirect.txt'.format(i, width=width)).open('w') as _redir:
if 'childFrames' in item:
child_frames = item['childFrames']
with (dirpath / '{0:0{width}}.frames.json'.format(i, width=width)).open('w') as _iframes:
json.dump(child_frames, _iframes)
if 'cookies' in item:
cookies = item['cookies']
with (dirpath / '{0:0{width}}.cookies.json'.format(i, width=width)).open('w') as _cookies:
json.dump(cookies, _cookies)
self.redis.hset('lookup_dirs', perma_uuid, str(dirpath))
return True, 'All good!'
def _to_run_forever(self):
while self.redis.exists('to_capture'):
status, message = splash_status()
if not status:
self.logger.critical(f'Splash is not running, unable to process the capture queue: {message}')
if self.shutdown_requested():
2019-04-05 16:12:54 +02:00
def main():
2020-11-05 14:14:33 +01:00
m = AsyncCapture()
if __name__ == '__main__':