new: Monitoring script (CLI)

Raphaël Vinot 2021-08-31 14:57:12 +02:00
parent 9042b73e69
commit 0535614c32
1 changed files with 57 additions and 0 deletions

tools/ Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json
import logging
from redis import Redis
from lookyloo.helpers import get_config, get_socket_path, splash_status
class Monitoring():
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.logger = logging.getLogger(f'{self.__class__.__name__}')
self.logger.setLevel(get_config('generic', 'loglevel'))
self.redis_cache: Redis = Redis(unix_socket_path=get_socket_path('cache'), decode_responses=True)
self.redis_indexing: Redis = Redis(unix_socket_path=get_socket_path('indexing'), decode_responses=True)
def queues(self):
return self.redis_cache.zrevrangebyscore('queues', 'Inf', '-Inf', withscores=True)
def ongoing_captures(self):
captures_uuid = self.redis_cache.zrevrangebyscore('to_capture', 'Inf', '-Inf', withscores=True)
if not captures_uuid:
return []
to_return = []
for uuid, rank in captures_uuid:
capture_params = self.redis_cache.hgetall(uuid)
if capture_params:
to_return.append((uuid, rank, capture_params))
return to_return
if __name__ == '__main__':
status, message = splash_status()
if status:
print('Splash is down: ', message)
m = Monitoring()
print('Current queues:')
for q in m.queues:
# ------------------
print('Captures details:')
captures = m.ongoing_captures
print('Queue length', len(captures))
for uuid, rank, d in captures:
print(uuid, rank)
print(json.dumps(d, indent=2))