mirror of https://github.com/CIRCL/lookyloo
chg: Refactoring and documenting
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ from redis import Redis
from scrapysplashwrapper import crawl
from werkzeug.useragents import UserAgent
from .exceptions import NoValidHarFile, MissingUUID
from .exceptions import NoValidHarFile, MissingUUID, LookylooException
from .helpers import (get_homedir, get_socket_path, load_cookies, get_config,
safe_create_dir, get_email_template, load_pickle_tree,
remove_pickle_tree, get_resources_hashes, get_taxonomies, uniq_domains)
@ -80,10 +80,12 @@ class Lookyloo():
def cache_user_agents(self, user_agent: str, remote_ip: str) -> None:
'''Cache the useragents of the visitors'''
today = date.today().isoformat()
self.redis.zincrby(f'user_agents|{today}', 1, f'{remote_ip}|{user_agent}')
def build_ua_file(self) -> None:
'''Build a file in a format compatible with the capture page'''
yesterday = (date.today() - timedelta(days=1))
self_generated_ua_file_path = get_homedir() / 'own_user_agents' / str(yesterday.year) / f'{yesterday.month:02}'
@ -111,11 +113,9 @@ class Lookyloo():
with self_generated_ua_file.open('w') as f:
json.dump(to_store, f, indent=2)
def cache_tree(self, capture_uuid: str) -> None:
def _cache_capture(self, capture_uuid: str) -> None:
'''Generate the pickle, add capture in the indexes'''
capture_dir = self.lookup_capture_dir(capture_uuid)
if not capture_dir:
raise MissingUUID(f'Unable to find UUID {capture_uuid} in the cache')
with open((capture_dir / 'uuid'), 'r') as f:
uuid = f.read()
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ class Lookyloo():
ct = CrawledTree(har_files, uuid)
self._ensure_meta(capture_dir, ct)
# getting the cache triggers an update of the said cache. We want it there.
cache = self.capture_cache(capture_uuid)
if self.is_public_instance:
@ -144,6 +144,10 @@ class Lookyloo():
pickle.dump(ct, _p)
def _build_cname_chain(self, known_cnames: Dict[str, Optional[str]], hostname) -> List[str]:
'''Returns a list of CNAMEs starting from one hostname.
The CNAMEs resolutions are made in `_resolve_dns`. A hostname can have a CNAME entry
and the CNAME entry can have an other CNAME entry, and so on multiple times.
This method loops over the hostnames until there are no CNAMES.'''
cnames: List[str] = []
to_search = hostname
while True:
@ -154,7 +158,11 @@ class Lookyloo():
to_search = known_cnames[to_search]
return cnames
def resolve_dns(self, ct: CrawledTree):
def _resolve_dns(self, ct: CrawledTree):
'''Resolves all domains of the tree, keeps A (IPv4), AAAA (IPv6), and CNAME entries
and store them in ips.json and cnames.json, in the capture directory.
Updates the nodes of the tree accordingly so the information is available.
cnames_path = ct.root_hartree.har.path.parent / 'cnames.json'
ips_path = ct.root_hartree.har.path.parent / 'ips.json'
host_cnames: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {}
@ -198,88 +206,72 @@ class Lookyloo():
return ct
def get_crawled_tree(self, capture_uuid: str) -> CrawledTree:
'''Get the generated tree in ETE Toolkit format.
Loads the pickle if it exists, creates it otherwise.'''
capture_dir = self.lookup_capture_dir(capture_uuid)
if not capture_dir:
raise MissingUUID(f'Unable to find UUID {capture_uuid} in the cache')
ct = load_pickle_tree(capture_dir)
if not ct:
ct = load_pickle_tree(capture_dir)
if not ct:
raise NoValidHarFile(f'Unable to get tree from {capture_dir}')
return ct
def add_context(self, capture_uuid: str, urlnode_uuid: str, ressource_hash: str, legitimate: bool, malicious: bool, details: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]):
'''Adds context information to a capture or a URL node'''
if malicious:
self.context.add_malicious(ressource_hash, details['malicious'])
if legitimate:
self.context.add_legitimate(ressource_hash, details['legitimate'])
def add_to_legitimate(self, capture_uuid: str, hostnode_uuid: Optional[str]=None, urlnode_uuid: Optional[str]=None):
'''Mark a full captyre as legitimate.
Iterates over all the nodes and mark them all as legitimate too.'''
ct = self.get_crawled_tree(capture_uuid)
self.context.mark_as_legitimate(ct, hostnode_uuid, urlnode_uuid)
def load_tree(self, capture_uuid: str) -> Tuple[str, str, str, str, Dict[str, str]]:
capture_dir = self.lookup_capture_dir(capture_uuid)
if not capture_dir:
raise MissingUUID(f'Unable to find UUID {capture_uuid} in the cache')
ct = self.get_crawled_tree(capture_uuid)
ct = self.context.contextualize_tree(ct)
meta = {}
if (capture_dir / 'meta').exists():
with open((capture_dir / 'meta'), 'r') as f:
meta = json.load(f)
return ct.to_json(), ct.start_time.isoformat(), ct.user_agent, ct.root_url, meta
def remove_pickle(self, capture_uuid: str) -> None:
'''Remove the pickle from a specific capture.'''
capture_dir = self.lookup_capture_dir(capture_uuid)
if not capture_dir:
raise MissingUUID(f'Unable to find UUID {capture_uuid} in the cache')
def rebuild_cache(self) -> None:
'''Flush and rebuild the redis cache. Doesn't remove the pickles.'''
def rebuild_all(self) -> None:
for capture_dir in self.capture_dirs:
'''Flush and rebuild the redis cache, and delede all the pickles.'''
[remove_pickle_tree(capture_dir) for capture_dir in self.capture_dirs] # type: ignore
def get_urlnode_from_tree(self, capture_uuid: str, node_uuid: str) -> URLNode:
capture_dir = self.lookup_capture_dir(capture_uuid)
if not capture_dir:
raise MissingUUID(f'Unable to find UUID {capture_uuid} in the cache')
ct = load_pickle_tree(capture_dir)
if not ct:
raise MissingUUID(f'Unable to find UUID {node_uuid} in {capture_dir}')
'''Get a URL node from a tree, by UUID'''
ct = self.get_crawled_tree(capture_uuid)
return ct.root_hartree.get_url_node_by_uuid(node_uuid)
def get_hostnode_from_tree(self, capture_uuid: str, node_uuid: str) -> HostNode:
capture_dir = self.lookup_capture_dir(capture_uuid)
if not capture_dir:
raise MissingUUID(f'Unable to find UUID {capture_uuid} in the cache')
ct = load_pickle_tree(capture_dir)
if not ct:
raise MissingUUID(f'Unable to find UUID {node_uuid} in {capture_dir}')
'''Get a host node from a tree, by UUID'''
ct = self.get_crawled_tree(capture_uuid)
return ct.root_hartree.get_host_node_by_uuid(node_uuid)
def get_statistics(self, capture_uuid: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
capture_dir = self.lookup_capture_dir(capture_uuid)
if not capture_dir:
raise MissingUUID(f'Unable to find UUID {capture_uuid} in the cache')
ct = load_pickle_tree(capture_dir)
if not ct:
self.logger.warning(f'Unable to trigger the modules unless the tree ({capture_dir}) is cached.')
return {}
'''Get the statistics of a capture.'''
ct = self.get_crawled_tree(capture_uuid)
return ct.root_hartree.stats
def categories_capture(self, capture_uuid: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
def get_meta(self, capture_uuid: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
'''Get the meta informations from a capture (mostly, details about the User Agent used.)'''
capture_dir = self.lookup_capture_dir(capture_uuid)
meta = {}
if (capture_dir / 'meta').exists():
with open((capture_dir / 'meta'), 'r') as f:
meta = json.load(f)
return meta
def categories_capture(self, capture_uuid: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
'''Get all the categories related to a capture, in MISP Taxonomies format'''
capture_dir = self.lookup_capture_dir(capture_uuid)
if not capture_dir:
raise MissingUUID(f'Unable to find UUID {capture_uuid} in the cache')
# get existing categories if possible
if (capture_dir / 'categories').exists():
with (capture_dir / 'categories').open() as f:
@ -288,14 +280,13 @@ class Lookyloo():
return {}
def categorize_capture(self, capture_uuid: str, category: str) -> None:
'''Add a category (MISP Taxonomy tag) to a capture.'''
if not get_config('generic', 'enable_categorization'):
# Make sure the category is mappable to a taxonomy.
capture_dir = self.lookup_capture_dir(capture_uuid)
if not capture_dir:
raise MissingUUID(f'Unable to find UUID {capture_uuid} in the cache')
# get existing categories if possible
if (capture_dir / 'categories').exists():
with (capture_dir / 'categories').open() as f:
@ -307,11 +298,10 @@ class Lookyloo():
f.writelines(f'{t}\n' for t in current_categories)
def uncategorize_capture(self, capture_uuid: str, category: str) -> None:
'''Remove a category (MISP Taxonomy tag) from a capture.'''
if not get_config('generic', 'enable_categorization'):
capture_dir = self.lookup_capture_dir(capture_uuid)
if not capture_dir:
raise MissingUUID(f'Unable to find UUID {capture_uuid} in the cache')
# get existing categories if possible
if (capture_dir / 'categories').exists():
with (capture_dir / 'categories').open() as f:
@ -323,12 +313,13 @@ class Lookyloo():
f.writelines(f'{t}\n' for t in current_categories)
def trigger_modules(self, capture_uuid: str, force: bool=False) -> None:
capture_dir = self.lookup_capture_dir(capture_uuid)
if not capture_dir:
raise MissingUUID(f'Unable to find UUID {capture_uuid} in the cache')
ct = load_pickle_tree(capture_dir)
if not ct:
self.logger.warning(f'Unable to trigger the modules unless the tree ({capture_dir}) is cached.')
'''Launch the 3rd party modules on a capture.
It uses the cached result *if* the module was triggered the same day.
The `force` flag re-triggers the module regardless of the cache.'''
ct = self.get_crawled_tree(capture_uuid)
except LookylooException:
self.logger.warning(f'Unable to trigger the modules unless the tree ({capture_uuid}) is cached.')
if self.pi.available:
@ -346,12 +337,11 @@ class Lookyloo():
self.vt.url_lookup(ct.root_hartree.har.root_url, force)
def get_modules_responses(self, capture_uuid: str) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:
capture_dir = self.lookup_capture_dir(capture_uuid)
if not capture_dir:
raise MissingUUID(f'Unable to find UUID {capture_uuid} in the cache')
ct = load_pickle_tree(capture_dir)
if not ct:
self.logger.warning(f'Unable to get the modules responses unless the tree ({capture_dir}) is cached.')
'''Get the responses of the modules from the cached responses on the disk'''
ct = self.get_crawled_tree(capture_uuid)
except LookylooException:
self.logger.warning(f'Unable to get the modules responses unless the tree ({capture_uuid}) is cached.')
return None
to_return: Dict[str, Any] = {}
if self.vt.available:
@ -371,6 +361,7 @@ class Lookyloo():
return to_return
def _set_capture_cache(self, capture_dir: Path, force: bool=False, redis_pipeline: Optional[Redis]=None) -> None:
'''Populate the redis cache for a capture. Mostly used on the index page.'''
if force or not self.redis.exists(str(capture_dir)):
# (re)build cache
@ -455,17 +446,17 @@ class Lookyloo():
NOTE: it won't remove the correlations until they are rebuilt.
capture_dir = self.lookup_capture_dir(capture_uuid)
if not capture_dir:
raise MissingUUID(f'Unable to find UUID {capture_uuid} in the cache')
self.redis.hset(str(capture_dir), 'no_index', 1)
(capture_dir / 'no_index').touch()
def capture_uuids(self):
'''All the capture UUIDs present in the cache.'''
return self.redis.hkeys('lookup_dirs')
def sorted_cache(self):
'''Get all the captures in the cache, sorted by timestamp (new -> old).'''
all_cache: List[Dict[str, Union[str, Path]]] = []
p = self.redis.pipeline()
capture_uuids = self.capture_uuids
@ -497,8 +488,6 @@ class Lookyloo():
"""Get the cache from redis.
NOTE: Doesn't try to build the pickle"""
capture_dir = self.lookup_capture_dir(capture_uuid)
if not capture_dir:
raise MissingUUID(f'Unable to find UUID {capture_uuid} in the cache')
if self.redis.hget(str(capture_dir), 'incomplete_redirects') == '1':
# try to rebuild the cache
self._set_capture_cache(capture_dir, force=True)
@ -516,6 +505,7 @@ class Lookyloo():
return {}
def _init_existing_dumps(self) -> None:
'''Initialize the cache for all the captures'''
p = self.redis.pipeline()
for capture_dir in self.capture_dirs:
if capture_dir.exists():
@ -525,6 +515,7 @@ class Lookyloo():
def capture_dirs(self) -> List[Path]:
'''Get all the capture directories, sorder from newest to oldest.'''
for capture_dir in self.capture_dir.iterdir():
if capture_dir.is_dir() and not capture_dir.iterdir():
# Cleanup self.capture_dir of failed runs.
@ -535,13 +526,15 @@ class Lookyloo():
return sorted(self.capture_dir.iterdir(), reverse=True)
def lookup_capture_dir(self, capture_uuid: str) -> Union[Path, None]:
def lookup_capture_dir(self, capture_uuid: str) -> Path:
'''Use the cache to get a capture directory from a capture UUID'''
capture_dir: str = self.redis.hget('lookup_dirs', capture_uuid) # type: ignore
if capture_dir:
return Path(capture_dir)
return None
if not capture_dir:
raise MissingUUID(f'Unable to find UUID {capture_uuid} in the cache')
return Path(capture_dir)
def enqueue_capture(self, query: MutableMapping[str, Any]) -> str:
'''Enqueue a query in the capture queue (used by the API for asynchronous processing)'''
perma_uuid = str(uuid4())
p = self.redis.pipeline()
for key, value in query.items():
@ -554,6 +547,7 @@ class Lookyloo():
return perma_uuid
def process_capture_queue(self) -> Union[bool, None]:
'''Process a query from the capture queue'''
uuid = self.redis.spop('to_capture')
if not uuid:
return None
@ -566,6 +560,7 @@ class Lookyloo():
return False
def send_mail(self, capture_uuid: str, email: str='', comment: str='') -> None:
'''Send an email notification regarding a specific capture'''
if not get_config('generic', 'enable_mail_notification'):
@ -607,6 +602,7 @@ class Lookyloo():
def _ensure_meta(self, capture_dir: Path, tree: CrawledTree) -> None:
'''Make sure the meta file is present, it contains information about the User Agent used for the capture.'''
metafile = capture_dir / 'meta'
if metafile.exists():
@ -630,9 +626,8 @@ class Lookyloo():
json.dump(to_dump, f)
def _get_raw(self, capture_uuid: str, extension: str='*', all_files: bool=True) -> BytesIO:
'''Get file(s) from the capture directory'''
capture_dir = self.lookup_capture_dir(capture_uuid)
if not capture_dir:
raise MissingUUID(f'Unable to find UUID {capture_uuid} in the cache')
all_paths = sorted(list(capture_dir.glob(f'*.{extension}')))
if not all_files:
# Only get the first one in the list
@ -648,15 +643,19 @@ class Lookyloo():
return to_return
def get_html(self, capture_uuid: str, all_html: bool=False) -> BytesIO:
'''Get rendered HTML'''
return self._get_raw(capture_uuid, 'html', all_html)
def get_cookies(self, capture_uuid: str, all_cookies: bool=False) -> BytesIO:
'''Get the cookie(s)'''
return self._get_raw(capture_uuid, 'cookies.json', all_cookies)
def get_screenshot(self, capture_uuid: str, all_images: bool=False) -> BytesIO:
'''Get the screenshot(s) of the rendered page'''
return self._get_raw(capture_uuid, 'png', all_images)
def get_screenshot_thumbnail(self, capture_uuid: str, all_images: bool=False, for_datauri=False) -> Union[str, BytesIO]:
'''Get the thumbnail of the rendered page'''
size = 64, 64
screenshot = Image.open(self._get_raw(capture_uuid, 'png', all_images))
c_screenshot = screenshot.crop((0, 0, screenshot.width, screenshot.width))
@ -669,12 +668,14 @@ class Lookyloo():
return to_return
def get_capture(self, capture_uuid: str) -> BytesIO:
'''Get all the files related to this capture.'''
return self._get_raw(capture_uuid)
def capture(self, url: str, cookies_pseudofile: Optional[Union[BufferedIOBase, str]]=None,
depth: int=1, listing: bool=True, user_agent: Optional[str]=None,
referer: str='', perma_uuid: Optional[str]=None, os: Optional[str]=None,
browser: Optional[str]=None) -> Union[bool, str]:
'''Launch a capture'''
url = url.strip()
url = refang(url)
if not url.startswith('http'):
@ -762,6 +763,7 @@ class Lookyloo():
return perma_uuid
def get_body_hash_investigator(self, body_hash: str) -> Tuple[List[Tuple[str, str]], List[Tuple[str, float]]]:
'''Returns all the captures related to a hash (sha512), used in the web interface.'''
captures: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
total_captures, details = self.indexing.get_body_hash_captures(body_hash, limit=-1)
for capture_uuid, url_uuid, url_hostname, _ in details:
@ -772,17 +774,13 @@ class Lookyloo():
return captures, domains
def get_body_hash_full(self, body_hash: str) -> Tuple[Dict[str, List[Dict[str, str]]], BytesIO]:
'''Returns a lot of information about the hash (sha512) and the hits in the instance.
Also contains the data (base64 encoded)'''
details = self.indexing.get_body_hash_urls(body_hash)
body_content = BytesIO()
# get the body from the first entry in the details list
for url, entries in details.items():
capture_dir = self.lookup_capture_dir(entries[0]['capture'])
if not capture_dir:
raise MissingUUID(f"Unable to find {entries[0]['capture']}")
ct = load_pickle_tree(capture_dir)
if not ct:
raise MissingUUID(f'Unable to find {capture_dir}')
ct = self.get_crawled_tree(entries[0]['capture'])
urlnode = ct.root_hartree.get_url_node_by_uuid(entries[0]['urlnode'])
if urlnode.body_hash == body_hash:
# the hash we're looking for is the whole file
@ -798,16 +796,11 @@ class Lookyloo():
return details, body_content
def get_url_occurrences(self, url: str):
'''Get all the captures and URL nodes the URL has been seen on the instance.'''
capture_uuids = self.indexing.get_captures_url(url)
to_return: Dict[str, Dict] = {cuuid: {} for cuuid in capture_uuids}
for capture_uuid in capture_uuids:
capture_dir = self.lookup_capture_dir(capture_uuid)
if not capture_dir:
raise MissingUUID(f"Unable to find {capture_uuid}")
ct = load_pickle_tree(capture_dir)
if not ct:
raise MissingUUID(f'Unable to find {capture_dir}')
ct = self.get_crawled_tree(capture_uuid)
to_return[capture_uuid]['start_timestamp'] = ct.root_hartree.start_time.isoformat()
to_return[capture_uuid]['urlnodes'] = {}
for urlnode in ct.root_hartree.url_tree.search_nodes(name=url):
@ -818,16 +811,11 @@ class Lookyloo():
return to_return
def get_hostname_occurrences(self, hostname: str, with_urls_occurrences: bool=False):
'''Get all the captures and URL nodes the hostname has been seen on the instance.'''
capture_uuids = self.indexing.get_captures_hostname(hostname)
to_return: Dict[str, Dict] = {cuuid: {} for cuuid in capture_uuids}
for capture_uuid in capture_uuids:
capture_dir = self.lookup_capture_dir(capture_uuid)
if not capture_dir:
raise MissingUUID(f"Unable to find {capture_uuid}")
ct = load_pickle_tree(capture_dir)
if not ct:
raise MissingUUID(f'Unable to find {capture_dir}')
ct = self.get_crawled_tree(capture_uuid)
to_return[capture_uuid]['start_timestamp'] = ct.root_hartree.start_time.isoformat()
to_return[capture_uuid]['hostnodes'] = []
if with_urls_occurrences:
@ -844,6 +832,7 @@ class Lookyloo():
return to_return
def get_cookie_name_investigator(self, cookie_name: str):
'''Returns all the captures related to a cookie name entry, used in the web interface.'''
captures = []
for capture_uuid, url_uuid in self.indexing.get_cookies_names_captures(cookie_name):
cache = self.capture_cache(capture_uuid)
@ -854,6 +843,9 @@ class Lookyloo():
return captures, domains
def hash_lookup(self, blob_hash: str, url: str, capture_uuid: str) -> Tuple[int, Dict[str, List[Tuple[str, str, str, str, str]]]]:
'''Search all the captures a specific hash was seen.
If a URL is given, it splits the results if the hash is seen on the same URL or an other one.
Capture UUID avoids duplicates on the same capture'''
captures_list: Dict[str, List[Tuple[str, str, str, str, str]]] = {'same_url': [], 'different_url': []}
total_captures, details = self.indexing.get_body_hash_captures(blob_hash, url, filter_capture_uuid=capture_uuid)
for h_capture_uuid, url_uuid, url_hostname, same_url in details:
@ -866,6 +858,8 @@ class Lookyloo():
return total_captures, captures_list
def _normalize_known_content(self, h: str, known_content: Dict[str, Any], url: URLNode):
''' There are a few different sources to figure out known vs. legitimate content,
this method normalize it for the web interface.'''
known: Optional[Union[str, List[Any]]] = None
legitimate: Optional[Tuple[bool, Any]] = None
if h not in known_content:
@ -884,6 +878,7 @@ class Lookyloo():
return known, legitimate
def get_ressource(self, tree_uuid: str, urlnode_uuid: str, h: Optional[str]) -> Optional[Tuple[str, BytesIO, str]]:
'''Get a specific resource from a URL node. If a hash s also given, we want an embeded resource'''
url = self.get_urlnode_from_tree(tree_uuid, urlnode_uuid)
if url.empty_response:
return None
@ -901,21 +896,17 @@ class Lookyloo():
return None
def misp_export(self, capture_uuid: str) -> Union[MISPEvent, Dict[str, str]]:
'''Export a capture in MISP format. You can POST the return of this method
directly to a MISP instance and it will create an event.'''
cache = self.capture_cache(capture_uuid)
if not cache:
return {'error': 'UUID missing in cache, try again later.'}
if cache['incomplete_redirects']:
cache = self.capture_cache(capture_uuid)
capture_dir = self.lookup_capture_dir(capture_uuid)
if not capture_dir:
raise MissingUUID(f'Unable to find {capture_uuid}')
ct = load_pickle_tree(capture_dir)
if not ct:
raise MissingUUID(f'Unable to find {capture_dir}')
ct = self.get_crawled_tree(capture_uuid)
event = MISPEvent()
event.info = f'Lookyloo Capture ({cache["url"]})'
@ -961,16 +952,11 @@ class Lookyloo():
return get_resources_hashes(container)
def get_hostnode_investigator(self, capture_uuid: str, node_uuid: str) -> Tuple[HostNode, List[Dict[str, Any]]]:
capture_dir = self.lookup_capture_dir(capture_uuid)
if not capture_dir:
raise MissingUUID(f'Unable to find {capture_uuid}')
ct = load_pickle_tree(capture_dir)
if not ct:
raise MissingUUID(f'Unable to find {capture_dir}')
'''Gather all the informations needed to display the Hostnode investigator popup.'''
ct = self.get_crawled_tree(capture_uuid)
hostnode = ct.root_hartree.get_host_node_by_uuid(node_uuid)
if not hostnode:
raise MissingUUID(f'Unable to find UUID {node_uuid} in {capture_dir}')
raise MissingUUID(f'Unable to find UUID {node_uuid} in {node_uuid}')
cnames_path = ct.root_hartree.har.path.parent / 'cnames.json'
if cnames_path.exists():
@ -1064,6 +1050,7 @@ class Lookyloo():
return hostnode, urls
def get_stats(self) -> Dict[str, List]:
'''Gather statistics about the lookyloo instance'''
today = date.today()
calendar_week = today.isocalendar()[1]
@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ def hide_capture(tree_uuid: str):
@app.route('/tree/<string:tree_uuid>/cache', methods=['GET'])
def cache_tree(tree_uuid: str):
return redirect(url_for('index'))
@ -354,10 +354,14 @@ def tree(tree_uuid: str, urlnode_uuid: Optional[str]=None):
flash(cache['error'], 'error')
tree_json, start_time, user_agent, root_url, meta = lookyloo.load_tree(tree_uuid)
ct = lookyloo.get_crawled_tree(tree_uuid)
ct = lookyloo.context.contextualize_tree(ct)
b64_thumbnail = lookyloo.get_screenshot_thumbnail(tree_uuid, for_datauri=True)
return render_template('tree.html', tree_json=tree_json, start_time=start_time,
user_agent=user_agent, root_url=root_url, tree_uuid=tree_uuid,
meta = lookyloo.get_meta(tree_uuid)
return render_template('tree.html', tree_json=ct.to_json(),
user_agent=ct.user_agent, root_url=ct.root_url,
screenshot_thumbnail=b64_thumbnail, page_title=cache['title'],
meta=meta, enable_mail_notification=enable_mail_notification,
@ -702,7 +706,7 @@ def json_redirects(tree_uuid: str):
return to_return
if cache['incomplete_redirects']:
# Trigger tree build, get all redirects
cache = lookyloo.capture_cache(tree_uuid)
if cache:
to_return['response']['redirects'] = cache['redirects']
Reference in New Issue