mirror of https://github.com/CIRCL/lookyloo
chg: Major refactoring of the contextualization of the body contents
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ from pathlib import Path
import pickle
import smtplib
import socket
from typing import Union, Dict, List, Tuple, Optional, Any, MutableMapping, Set, Iterable
from typing import Union, Dict, List, Tuple, Optional, Any, MutableMapping, Set, Iterable, Iterator
from urllib.parse import urlsplit
from uuid import uuid4
from zipfile import ZipFile
@ -147,74 +147,90 @@ class Indexing():
def get_body_hash_domains(self, body_hash: str) -> List[Tuple[str, float]]:
return self.redis.zrevrange(f'bh|{body_hash}', 0, -1, withscores=True)
def legitimate_capture(self, crawled_tree: CrawledTree) -> None:
pipeline = self.redis.pipeline()
for urlnode in crawled_tree.root_hartree.url_tree.traverse():
if urlnode.empty_response:
pipeline.sadd(f'bh|{urlnode.body_hash}|legitimate', urlnode.hostname)
def legitimate_hostnode(self, hostnode: HostNode) -> None:
pipeline = self.redis.pipeline()
for urlnode in hostnode.urls:
if urlnode.empty_response:
pipeline.sadd(f'bh|{urlnode.body_hash}|legitimate', urlnode.hostname)
class Context():
def legitimate_urlnode(self, urlnode: URLNode) -> None:
if urlnode.empty_response:
self.redis.sadd(f'bh|{urlnode.body_hash}|legitimate', urlnode.hostname)
def __init__(self):
self.redis: Redis = Redis(unix_socket_path=get_socket_path('indexing'), db=1, decode_responses=True)
def clear_context(self):
def _filter(self, urlnodes: Union[URLNode, List[URLNode]], known_hashes: Set[str]) -> Iterator[Tuple[URLNode, str]]:
if isinstance(urlnodes, URLNode):
_urlnodes = [urlnodes]
_urlnodes = urlnodes
for urlnode in _urlnodes:
for h in urlnode.resources_hashes:
if h not in known_hashes:
yield urlnode, h
def mark_as_legitimate(self, urlnodes: List[URLNode], known_hashes: Set[str]) -> None:
pipeline = self.redis.pipeline()
for urlnode, h in self._filter(urlnodes, known_hashes):
pipeline.sadd(f'bh|{h}|legitimate', urlnode.hostname)
def legitimate_body(self, body_hash: str, legitimate_hostname: str) -> None:
self.redis.sadd(f'bh|{body_hash}|legitimate', legitimate_hostname)
def malicious_node(self, urlnode: URLNode) -> None:
if urlnode.empty_response:
self.redis.sadd('bh|malicious', urlnode.body_hash)
def malicious_node(self, urlnode: URLNode, known_hashes: Set[str]) -> None:
for _, h in self._filter(urlnode, known_hashes):
self.redis.sadd('bh|malicious', h)
# Query DB
def is_legitimate(self, urlnode: URLNode) -> Optional[bool]:
if urlnode.empty_response:
return None
hostnames = self.redis.smembers(f'bh|{urlnode.body_hash}|legitimate')
if hostnames:
if urlnode.hostname in hostnames:
return True # Legitimate
return False # Malicious
elif self.redis.sismember('bh|malicious', urlnode.body_hash):
return False
return None # Unknown
def is_malicious(self, urlnode: URLNode) -> Optional[bool]:
if urlnode.empty_response:
return None
if self.redis.sismember('bh|malicious', urlnode.body_hash):
return True
legitimate = self.is_legitimate(urlnode)
if legitimate is True:
return False
if legitimate is False:
return True
return None
def legitimacy_details(self, urlnode: URLNode) -> Optional[Tuple[bool, Optional[List[str]]]]:
if urlnode.empty_response:
return None
hostnames = self.redis.smembers(f'bh|{urlnode.body_hash}|legitimate')
if hostnames:
if urlnode.hostname in hostnames:
return True, hostnames
def is_legitimate(self, urlnode: URLNode, known_hashes: Set[str]) -> Optional[bool]:
"""3 cases:
* True if *all* the contents are known legitimate
* False if *any* content is malicious
* None in all other cases
status: List[Optional[bool]] = []
for urlnode, h in self._filter(urlnode, known_hashes):
hostnames = self.redis.smembers(f'bh|{h}|legitimate')
if hostnames:
if urlnode.hostname in hostnames:
status.append(True) # legitimate
return False # Malicious
elif self.redis.sismember('bh|malicious', h):
return False # Malicious
return False, hostnames
elif self.redis.sismember('bh|malicious', urlnode.body_hash):
return False, None
# NOTE: we do not return here, because we want to return False if *any* of the contents is malicious
status.append(None) # Unknown
if status and all(status):
return True # All the contents are known legitimate
return None
def is_malicious(self, urlnode: URLNode, known_hashes: Set[str]) -> Optional[bool]:
"""3 cases:
* True if *any* content is malicious
* False if *all* the contents are known legitimate
* None in all other cases
legitimate = self.is_legitimate(urlnode, known_hashes)
if legitimate:
return False
elif legitimate is False:
return True
return None
def legitimacy_details(self, urlnode: URLNode, known_hashes: Set[str]) -> Dict[str, Tuple[bool, Optional[List[str]]]]:
to_return = {}
for urlnode, h in self._filter(urlnode, known_hashes):
hostnames = self.redis.smembers(f'bh|{h}|legitimate')
if hostnames:
if urlnode.hostname in hostnames:
to_return[h] = (True, hostnames)
to_return[h] = (False, hostnames)
elif self.redis.sismember('bh|malicious', urlnode.body_hash):
to_return[h] = (False, None)
return to_return
class Lookyloo():
@ -223,6 +239,7 @@ class Lookyloo():
self.configs: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = load_configs()
self.indexing = Indexing()
self.context = Context()
self.is_public_instance = self.get_config('public_instance')
self.redis: Redis = Redis(unix_socket_path=get_socket_path('cache'), decode_responses=True)
@ -339,22 +356,21 @@ class Lookyloo():
def add_to_legitimate(self, capture_uuid: str, hostnode_uuid: Optional[str]=None, urlnode_uuid: Optional[str]=None):
ct = self.get_crawled_tree(capture_uuid)
if not hostnode_uuid and not urlnode_uuid:
known_content = self.find_known_content(ct)
if hostnode_uuid:
hostnode = ct.root_hartree.get_host_node_by_uuid(hostnode_uuid)
if urlnode_uuid:
urlnode = ct.root_hartree.get_url_node_by_uuid(urlnode_uuid)
urlnodes = ct.root_hartree.get_host_node_by_uuid(hostnode_uuid).urls
elif urlnode_uuid:
urlnodes = [ct.root_hartree.get_url_node_by_uuid(urlnode_uuid)]
urlnodes = ct.root_hartree.url_tree.traverse()
self.context.mark_as_legitimate(urlnodes, set(known_content.keys()))
def bodies_legitimacy_check(self, tree: CrawledTree) -> CrawledTree:
hostnodes_with_malicious_content = set()
known_content = self.find_known_content(tree)
for urlnode in tree.root_hartree.url_tree.traverse():
malicious = self.indexing.is_malicious(urlnode)
if malicious is not None:
malicious = self.context.is_malicious(urlnode, set(known_content.keys()))
if malicious is True:
urlnode.add_feature('malicious', malicious)
for hostnode_with_malicious_content in hostnodes_with_malicious_content:
@ -843,6 +859,35 @@ class Lookyloo():
captures_list['different_url'].append((h_capture_uuid, url_uuid, cache['title'], cache['timestamp'], url_hostname))
return captures_list
def _get_resources_hashes(self, har2tree_container: Union[CrawledTree, HostNode, URLNode]) -> Set[str]:
if isinstance(har2tree_container, CrawledTree):
urlnodes = har2tree_container.root_hartree.url_tree.traverse()
elif isinstance(har2tree_container, HostNode):
urlnodes = har2tree_container.urls
elif isinstance(har2tree_container, URLNode):
urlnodes = [har2tree_container]
raise Exception(f'har2tree_container cannot be {type(har2tree_container)}')
all_ressources_hashes: Set[str] = set()
for urlnode in urlnodes:
if hasattr(urlnode, 'resources_hashes'):
return all_ressources_hashes
def find_known_content(self, har2tree_container: Union[CrawledTree, HostNode, URLNode]) -> Dict[str, Union[str, List[str]]]:
all_ressources_hashes = self._get_resources_hashes(har2tree_container)
# Get from local cache of known content all descriptions related to the ressources.
known_content_table = dict(zip(all_ressources_hashes,
self.redis.hmget('known_content', all_ressources_hashes)))
if hasattr(self, 'sanejs') and self.sanejs.available:
# Query sanejs on the remaining ones
to_lookup = [h for h, description in known_content_table.items() if not description]
for h, entry in self.sanejs.hashes_lookup(to_lookup).items():
libname, version, path = entry[0].split("|")
known_content_table[h] = (libname, version, path, len(entry))
return {h: details for h, details in known_content_table.items() if details}
def get_hostnode_investigator(self, capture_uuid: str, node_uuid: str) -> Tuple[HostNode, List[Dict[str, Any]]]:
capture_dir = self.lookup_capture_dir(capture_uuid)
if not capture_dir:
@ -855,25 +900,7 @@ class Lookyloo():
if not hostnode:
raise MissingUUID(f'Unable to find UUID {node_uuid} in {capture_dir}')
# Gather all the ressources in the hostnode.
all_ressources_hashes = set()
for url in hostnode.urls:
if hasattr(url, 'body_hash'):
if hasattr(url, 'embedded_ressources') and url.embedded_ressources:
for mimetype, blobs in url.embedded_ressources.items():
all_ressources_hashes.update([h for h, b in blobs])
# Get from local cache of known content all descriptions related to the ressources.
known_content_table = dict(zip(all_ressources_hashes,
self.redis.hmget('known_content', all_ressources_hashes)))
if hasattr(self, 'sanejs') and self.sanejs.available:
# Query sanejs on the remaining ones
to_lookup = [h for h, description in known_content_table.items() if not description]
for h, entry in self.sanejs.hashes_lookup(to_lookup).items():
libname, version, path = entry[0].split("|")
known_content_table[h] = (libname, version, path, len(entry))
known_content_table = self.find_known_content(hostnode)
urls: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
for url in hostnode.urls:
@ -881,14 +908,15 @@ class Lookyloo():
# * https vs http
# * everything after the domain
# * the full URL
legit_details = self.context.legitimacy_details(url, set(known_content_table.keys()))
to_append: Dict[str, Any] = {
'encrypted': url.name.startswith('https'),
'url_path': url.name.split('/', 3)[-1],
'url_object': url,
'legitimacy': self.indexing.legitimacy_details(url)
if not url.empty_response:
to_append['legitimacy'] = legit_details.get(url.body_hash)
# Index lookup
# %%% Full body %%%
freq = self.indexing.body_hash_fequency(url.body_hash)
@ -898,6 +926,7 @@ class Lookyloo():
# %%% Embedded ressources %%%
if hasattr(url, 'embedded_ressources') and url.embedded_ressources:
# TODO: get entries from legit_details
to_append['embedded_ressources'] = {}
for mimetype, blobs in url.embedded_ressources.items():
for h, blob in blobs:
Reference in New Issue