new: Very basic capture comparator, API only.

Raphaël Vinot 2023-01-18 16:31:12 +01:00
parent fdf1069c76
commit 190d5a7118
2 changed files with 134 additions and 0 deletions

lookyloo/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import logging
from typing import Dict, Any, Union, List
from redis import ConnectionPool, Redis
from redis.connection import UnixDomainSocketConnection
from .context import Context
from .capturecache import CapturesIndex
from .default import get_config, get_socket_path
from .exceptions import MissingUUID
class Comparator():
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.logger = logging.getLogger(f'{self.__class__.__name__}')
self.logger.setLevel(get_config('generic', 'loglevel'))
self.redis_pool: ConnectionPool = ConnectionPool(connection_class=UnixDomainSocketConnection,
path=get_socket_path('cache'), decode_responses=True)
self.context = Context()
self._captures_index = CapturesIndex(self.redis, self.context)
def redis(self):
return Redis(connection_pool=self.redis_pool)
def compare_nodes(self, one, two, /) -> Dict[str, Any]:
to_return = {}
if !=
to_return['url'] = {'message': 'The nodes have different URLs.',
'details': [,]}
# Hostname
if one.hostname != two.hostname:
to_return['hostname'] = {'message': 'The nodes have different hostnames.',
'details': [one.hostname, two.hostname]}
to_return['hostname'] = {'message': 'The nodes have the same hostname.',
'details': one.hostname}
to_return['url'] = {'message': 'The nodes have the same URL.',
# IP in HAR
if one.ip_address != two.ip_address:
to_return['ip'] = {'message': 'The nodes load content from different IPs.',
'details': [str(one.ip_address), str(two.ip_address)]}
to_return['ip'] = {'message': 'The nodes load content from the same IP.',
'details': str(one.ip_address)}
# IPs in hostnode + ASNs
return to_return
def compare_captures(self, capture_one, capture_two, /) -> Dict[str, Any]:
if capture_one not in self._captures_index:
raise MissingUUID(f'{capture_one} does not exists.')
if capture_two not in self._captures_index:
raise MissingUUID(f'{capture_two} does not exists.')
to_return: Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[str,
List[Union[str, Dict[str, Any]]],
Dict[str, Union[int, str,
List[Union[int, str, Dict[str, Any]]]]]]]] = {}
one = self._captures_index[capture_one]
two = self._captures_index[capture_two]
# Compare initial URL (first entry in HAR)
if one.tree.root_url != two.tree.root_url:
to_return['root_url'] = {'message': 'The captures are for different URLs.',
'details': [one.tree.root_url, two.tree.root_url]}
to_return['root_url'] = {'message': 'The captures are the same URL.',
'details': one.tree.root_url}
# Compare landing page (URL in browser)
if one.tree.root_hartree.har.final_redirect != two.tree.root_hartree.har.final_redirect:
to_return['final_url'] = {'message': 'The landing page is different.',
'details': [one.tree.root_hartree.har.final_redirect, two.tree.root_hartree.har.final_redirect]}
# => if different, check if the hostname is the same
if one.tree.root_hartree.rendered_node.hostname != two.tree.root_hartree.rendered_node.hostname:
to_return['final_hostname'] = {'message': 'The hostname of the rendered page is different.',
'details': [one.tree.root_hartree.rendered_node.hostname, two.tree.root_hartree.rendered_node.hostname]}
to_return['final_hostname'] = {'message': 'The hostname of the rendered page is the same.',
'details': one.tree.root_hartree.rendered_node.hostname}
to_return['final_url'] = {'message': 'The landing page is the same.',
'details': one.tree.root_hartree.har.final_redirect}
to_return['redirects'] = {'length': {}, 'nodes': []}
if len(one.tree.redirects) != len(two.tree.redirects):
to_return['redirects']['length'] = {'message': 'The captures have a different amount of redirects',
'details': [len(one.tree.redirects), len(two.tree.redirects)]}
to_return['redirects']['length'] = {'message': 'The captures have the same number of redirects',
'details': len(one.tree.redirects)}
# Compare chain of redirects
redirect_nodes_one = [a for a in reversed(one.tree.root_hartree.rendered_node.get_ancestors())] + [one.tree.root_hartree.rendered_node]
redirect_nodes_two = [a for a in reversed(two.tree.root_hartree.rendered_node.get_ancestors())] + [two.tree.root_hartree.rendered_node]
for redirect_one, redirect_two in zip(redirect_nodes_one, redirect_nodes_two):
if isinstance(to_return['redirects']['nodes'], list):
to_return['redirects']['nodes'].append(self.compare_nodes(redirect_one, redirect_two))
# IP/ASN checks - Note: there is the IP in the HAR, and the ones resolved manually - if the IP is different, but part of the list, it's cool
# For each node up to the landing page
# Compare IPs
# Compare ASNs
return to_return

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@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ from import check_password_hash
from lacuscore import CaptureStatus as CaptureStatusCore
from pylacus import CaptureStatus as CaptureStatusPy
from lookyloo.lookyloo import Lookyloo
from lookyloo.comparator import Comparator
from .helpers import build_users_table, load_user_from_request, src_request_ip
@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ api = Namespace('GenericAPI', description='Generic Lookyloo API', path='/')
lookyloo: Lookyloo = Lookyloo()
comaprator: Comparator = Comparator()
def api_auth_check(method):
@ -437,6 +439,25 @@ class CaptureExport(Resource):
return send_file(lookyloo.get_capture(capture_uuid), mimetype='application/zip')
# Compare captures (WiP)
compare_captures_fields = api.model('CompareCapturesFields', {
'capture_one': fields.String(description="The first capture to compare.", required=True),
'capture_two': fields.String(description="The second capture to compare.", required=True),
@api.doc(description='Compare two captures (WiP)')
class CompareCaptures(Resource):
def post(self):
parameters: Dict = request.get_json(force=True) # type: ignore
result = comaprator.compare_captures(parameters.get('capture_one'), parameters.get('capture_two'))
return result
# Admin stuff