fix: check if a tree.pickle.gz exists in the background indexer

Raphaël Vinot 2023-07-25 17:13:28 +02:00
parent 0c7b3d9106
commit 3c50474ce4
1 changed files with 4 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -34,9 +34,10 @@ class BackgroundIndexer(AbstractManager):
def _build_missing_pickles(self):
for uuid_path in sorted(self.lookyloo.capture_dir.glob('**/uuid'), reverse=True):
if ((uuid_path.parent / 'tree.pickle').exists()
or not list(uuid_path.parent.rglob('*.har'))
or not list(uuid_path.parent.rglob('*.har.gz'))):
if ((uuid_path.parent / 'tree.pickle.gz').exists()
or (uuid_path.parent / 'tree.pickle').exists()
or not list(uuid_path.parent.rglob('*.har.gz'))
or not list(uuid_path.parent.rglob('*.har'))):
lock_file = uuid_path.parent / 'lock'