fix: Better initialization of cache, avoid missing the error message.

Raphaël Vinot 2021-09-08 16:34:54 +02:00
parent 39c7d14264
commit 5abc264159
1 changed files with 34 additions and 43 deletions

View File

@ -222,9 +222,7 @@ class Lookyloo():
with (capture_dir / 'uuid').open() as f:
uuid =
har_files = sorted(capture_dir.glob('*.har'))
cache: Dict[str, Union[str, int]] = {}
cache: Dict[str, Union[str, int]] = {'uuid': uuid, 'capture_dir': str(capture_dir)}
if (capture_dir / 'error.txt').exists():
# Something went wrong
with (capture_dir / 'error.txt').open() as _error:
@ -238,58 +236,51 @@ class Lookyloo():
error_to_cache = content
cache['error'] = f'The capture {} has an error: {error_to_cache}'
fatal_error = False
if har_files:
if (har_files := sorted(capture_dir.glob('*.har'))):
har = HarFile(har_files[0], uuid)
cache['title'] = har.initial_title
cache['timestamp'] = har.initial_start_time
cache['url'] = har.root_url
if har.initial_redirects and har.need_tree_redirects:
# try to load tree from disk, get redirects
if (ct := load_pickle_tree(capture_dir)):
cache['redirects'] = json.dumps(ct.redirects)
cache['incomplete_redirects'] = 0
# Pickle not available
cache['redirects'] = json.dumps(har.initial_redirects)
cache['incomplete_redirects'] = 1
cache['redirects'] = json.dumps(har.initial_redirects)
cache['incomplete_redirects'] = 0
except Har2TreeError as e:
cache['error'] = str(e)
fatal_error = True
cache['error'] = f'No har files in {}'
fatal_error = True
if (cache.get('error')
and isinstance(cache['error'], str)
and 'HTTP Error' not in cache['error']):
if (capture_dir / 'categories').exists():
with (capture_dir / 'categories').open() as _categories:
categories = [c.strip() for c in _categories.readlines()]
categories = []
cache['categories'] = json.dumps([c.strip() for c in _categories.readlines()])
if (capture_dir / 'no_index').exists():
# If the folders claims anonymity
cache['no_index'] = 1
if (capture_dir / 'parent').exists():
# The capture was initiated from an other one
with (capture_dir / 'parent').open() as f:
cache['parent'] =
p = self.redis.pipeline()
p.hset('lookup_dirs', uuid, str(capture_dir))
if cache:
if isinstance(cache['error'], str) and 'HTTP Error' not in cache['error']:
p.hmset(str(capture_dir), cache)
if not fatal_error:
redirects = har.initial_redirects
incomplete_redirects = False
if redirects and har.need_tree_redirects:
# load tree from disk, get redirects
ct = load_pickle_tree(capture_dir)
if ct:
redirects = ct.redirects
# Pickle not available
incomplete_redirects = True
cache = {'uuid': uuid,
'title': har.initial_title,
'timestamp': har.initial_start_time,
'url': har.root_url,
'redirects': json.dumps(redirects),
'categories': json.dumps(categories),
'capture_dir': str(capture_dir),
'incomplete_redirects': 1 if incomplete_redirects else 0}
if (capture_dir / 'no_index').exists(): # If the folders claims anonymity
cache['no_index'] = 1
if (capture_dir / 'parent').exists(): # The capture was initiated from an other one
with (capture_dir / 'parent').open() as f:
cache['parent'] =
p.hmset(str(capture_dir), cache)
p.hmset(str(capture_dir), cache)
self._captures_index[uuid] = CaptureCache(cache)