mirror of https://github.com/CIRCL/lookyloo
new: Run SOA, MX and NS DNS queries foreach nodes
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import dns.rdatatype
from dns.resolver import Cache
from dns.asyncresolver import Resolver
from har2tree import CrawledTree, Har2TreeError, HarFile
from publicsuffixlist import PublicSuffixList # type: ignore[import-untyped]
from pyipasnhistory import IPASNHistory # type: ignore[attr-defined]
from redis import Redis
@ -126,10 +127,14 @@ class CapturesIndex(Mapping): # type: ignore[type-arg]
self.timeout = get_config('generic', 'max_tree_create_time')
self.psl = PublicSuffixList()
self.dnsresolver: Resolver = Resolver()
self.dnsresolver.cache = Cache(900)
self.dnsresolver.timeout = 4
self.dnsresolver.lifetime = 6
self.query_types = [dns.rdatatype.RdataType.A, dns.rdatatype.RdataType.AAAA,
dns.rdatatype.RdataType.SOA, dns.rdatatype.RdataType.NS,
self.ipasnhistory: IPASNHistory | None = IPASNHistory()
@ -476,18 +481,22 @@ class CapturesIndex(Mapping): # type: ignore[type-arg]
to_search = known_cnames[to_search]
return cnames
async def _dns_query(hostname: str) -> None:
query_types = [dns.rdatatype.RdataType.A, dns.rdatatype.RdataType.AAAA]
# dns.rdatatype.RdataType.SOA, dns.rdatatype.RdataType.NS]
for qt in query_types:
await self.dnsresolver.resolve(hostname, qt, search=True, raise_on_no_answer=False)
except Exception as e:
logger.warning(f'Unable to resolve DNS {hostname} - {qt}: {e}')
async def _dns_query(hostname: str, semaphore: asyncio.Semaphore) -> None:
domain = self.psl.privatesuffix(hostname)
async with semaphore:
for qt in self.query_types:
await self.dnsresolver.resolve(hostname, qt, search=True, raise_on_no_answer=False)
await self.dnsresolver.resolve(domain, qt, search=True, raise_on_no_answer=False)
except Exception as e:
logger.warning(f'Unable to resolve DNS {hostname} - {qt}: {e}')
cnames_path = ct.root_hartree.har.path.parent / 'cnames.json'
ips_path = ct.root_hartree.har.path.parent / 'ips.json'
ipasn_path = ct.root_hartree.har.path.parent / 'ipasn.json'
soa_path = ct.root_hartree.har.path.parent / 'soa.json'
ns_path = ct.root_hartree.har.path.parent / 'nameservers.json'
mx_path = ct.root_hartree.har.path.parent / 'mx.json'
host_cnames: dict[str, str] = {}
if cnames_path.exists():
@ -503,6 +512,20 @@ class CapturesIndex(Mapping): # type: ignore[type-arg]
with ips_path.open() as f:
host_ips = json.load(f)
for host, _ips in host_ips.items():
if 'v4' in _ips and 'v6' in _ips:
_ips['v4'] = set(_ips['v4'])
_ips['v6'] = set(_ips['v6'])
# old format
old_ips = _ips
_ips = {'v4': set(), 'v6': set()}
for ip in old_ips:
if '.' in ip:
elif ':' in ip:
host_ips[host] = _ips
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
# The json is broken, delete and re-trigger the requests
host_ips = {}
@ -516,109 +539,253 @@ class CapturesIndex(Mapping): # type: ignore[type-arg]
# The json is broken, delete and re-trigger the requests
ipasn = {}
host_soa: dict[str, set[str]] = {}
if soa_path.exists():
with soa_path.open() as f:
host_soa = {k: set(v) for k, v in json.load(f).items()}
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
# The json is broken, delete and re-trigger the requests
host_soa = {}
host_mx: dict[str, set[str]] = {}
if mx_path.exists():
with mx_path.open() as f:
host_mx = {k: set(v) for k, v in json.load(f).items()}
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
# The json is broken, delete and re-trigger the requests
host_mx = {}
host_ns: dict[str, set[str]] = {}
if ns_path.exists():
with ns_path.open() as f:
host_ns = {k: set(v) for k, v in json.load(f).items()}
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
# The json is broken, delete and re-trigger the requests
host_ns = {}
_all_ips = set()
_all_hostnames = {node.name for node in ct.root_hartree.hostname_tree.traverse()
if not getattr(node, 'hostname_is_ip', False)}
_all_hostnames: set[str] = {node.name for node in ct.root_hartree.hostname_tree.traverse()
if not getattr(node, 'hostname_is_ip', False)}
logger.info(f'Resolving DNS: {len(_all_hostnames)} hostnames.')
all_requests = [_dns_query(hostname) for hostname in _all_hostnames]
# tun all the requests, cache them and let the rest of the code deal.
semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(20)
all_requests = [_dns_query(hostname, semaphore) for hostname in _all_hostnames]
# run all the requests, cache them and let the rest of the code deal.
# And if a few fail due to network issues, we retry later.
await asyncio.gather(*all_requests)
logger.info('Done resolving DNS.')
for node in ct.root_hartree.hostname_tree.traverse():
if 'hostname_is_ip' in node.features and node.hostname_is_ip:
if node.name not in host_cnames or node.name not in host_ips:
host_cnames[node.name] = ''
host_ips[node.name] = {'v4': set(), 'v6': set()}
# Resolve and cache
for query_type in [dns.rdatatype.RdataType.A, dns.rdatatype.RdataType.AAAA]:
response = await self.dnsresolver.resolve(node.name, query_type, search=True, raise_on_no_answer=False)
except Exception as e:
logger.warning(f'Unable to resolve DNS: {e}')
domain = self.psl.privatesuffix(node.name)
# A and AAAA records, they contain the CNAME responses, even if there are no A or AAAA records.
a_response = await self.dnsresolver.resolve(node.name, dns.rdatatype.RdataType.A, search=True, raise_on_no_answer=False)
except Exception as e:
logger.info(f'[A record] Unable to resolve DNS: {e}')
a_response = None
aaaa_response = await self.dnsresolver.resolve(node.name, dns.rdatatype.RdataType.AAAA, search=True, raise_on_no_answer=False)
except Exception as e:
logger.info(f'[AAAA record] Unable to resolve DNS: {e}')
aaaa_response = None
if a_response is None and aaaa_response is None:
# No A, AAAA or CNAME record, skip node
answers = []
if a_response:
answers += a_response.response.answer
if aaaa_response:
answers += aaaa_response.response.answer
for answer in answers:
name_to_cache = str(answer.name).rstrip('.')
if name_to_cache not in host_ips:
host_ips[name_to_cache] = {'v4': set(), 'v6': set()}
if answer.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.RdataType.A:
_all_ips |= {str(b) for b in answer}
host_ips[name_to_cache]['v4'] |= {str(b) for b in answer}
elif answer.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.RdataType.AAAA:
_all_ips |= {str(b) for b in answer}
host_ips[name_to_cache]['v6'] |= {str(b) for b in answer}
elif answer.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.RdataType.CNAME:
host_cnames[name_to_cache] = str(answer[0].target).rstrip('.')
# SOA section will be either in the answer (query on domain)
# or in the authority section (query on hostname)
# NOTE: the SOA will be the one of the *domain* of the last CNAME in the chain,
# and will vary depending on the subdomain queried. We cannot attach it to a domain.
soa_response = await self.dnsresolver.resolve(node.name, dns.rdatatype.RdataType.SOA, search=True, raise_on_no_answer=False)
except Exception as e:
logger.warning(f'[SOA record] Unable to resolve DNS: {e}')
for answer in soa_response.response.answer + soa_response.response.authority:
if answer.rdtype != dns.rdatatype.RdataType.SOA:
for answer in response.response.answer:
name_to_cache = str(answer.name).rstrip('.')
if name_to_cache not in host_ips:
host_ips[name_to_cache] = {'v4': set(), 'v6': set()}
if 'v4' in host_ips[name_to_cache] and 'v6' in host_ips[name_to_cache]:
host_ips[name_to_cache]['v4'] = set(host_ips[name_to_cache]['v4'])
host_ips[name_to_cache]['v6'] = set(host_ips[name_to_cache]['v6'])
# old format
old_ips = host_ips[name_to_cache]
host_ips[name_to_cache] = {'v4': set(), 'v6': set()}
for ip in old_ips:
if '.' in ip:
elif ':' in ip:
name_to_cache = str(answer.name).rstrip('.')
if name_to_cache not in host_soa:
host_soa[name_to_cache] = set()
# we also need to map the request with the response,
# because the answer.name may be different from the node.name AND the last CNAME in the chain.
if node.name not in host_soa:
host_soa[node.name] = set()
if answer.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.RdataType.CNAME:
host_cnames[name_to_cache] = str(answer[0].target).rstrip('.')
host_cnames[name_to_cache] = ''
if answer.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.RdataType.A:
_all_ips |= {str(b) for b in answer}
host_ips[name_to_cache]['v4'] |= {str(b) for b in answer}
elif answer.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.RdataType.AAAA:
_all_ips |= {str(b) for b in answer}
host_ips[name_to_cache]['v6'] |= {str(b) for b in answer}
if (cnames := _build_cname_chain(host_cnames, node.name)):
node.add_feature('cname', cnames)
if cnames[-1] in host_ips:
node.add_feature('resolved_ips', host_ips[cnames[-1]])
elif node.name in host_ips:
node.add_feature('resolved_ips', host_ips[node.name])
cflare_hits = {}
if self.cloudflare:
cflare_hits = self.cloudflare.ips_lookup(_all_ips)
if self.ipasnhistory:
# Throw all the IPs to IPASN History for query later.
if ips := [{'ip': ip} for ip in _all_ips]:
# NS, and MX records that may not be in the response for the hostname
# trigger the request on domains if needed.
mx_response = await self.dnsresolver.resolve(node.name, dns.rdatatype.RdataType.MX, search=True, raise_on_no_answer=True)
except dns.resolver.NoAnswer:
# logger.info(f'No MX record for {node.name}.')
# Try again on the domain
mx_response = await self.dnsresolver.resolve(domain, dns.rdatatype.RdataType.MX, search=True, raise_on_no_answer=True)
except dns.resolver.NoAnswer:
logger.debug(f'No MX record for {domain}.')
mx_response = None
except Exception as e:
logger.warning(f'[MX record] Unable to resolve DNS: {e}')
mx_response = None
except Exception as e:
logger.warning(f'[MX record] Unable to resolve DNS: {e}')
mx_response = None
if mx_response:
for answer in mx_response.response.answer:
name_to_cache = str(answer.name).rstrip('.')
if name_to_cache not in host_mx:
host_mx[name_to_cache] = set()
host_mx[name_to_cache] |= {str(b.exchange) for b in answer}
ns_response = await self.dnsresolver.resolve(node.name, dns.rdatatype.RdataType.NS, search=True, raise_on_no_answer=True)
except dns.resolver.NoAnswer:
# logger.info(f'No NS record for {node.name}.')
# Try again on the domain
ns_response = await self.dnsresolver.resolve(domain, dns.rdatatype.RdataType.NS, search=True, raise_on_no_answer=True)
except dns.resolver.NoAnswer:
logger.info(f'No NS record for {domain}.')
ns_response = None
except Exception as e:
logger.warning(f'[NS record] Unable to resolve DNS: {e}')
ns_response = None
except Exception as e:
logger.warning(f'[NS record] Unable to resolve DNS: {e}')
ns_response = None
if ns_response:
for answer in ns_response.response.answer:
name_to_cache = str(answer.name).rstrip('.')
if name_to_cache not in host_ns:
host_ns[name_to_cache] = set()
host_ns[name_to_cache] |= {str(b) for b in answer}
cnames = _build_cname_chain(host_cnames, node.name)
if cnames:
# NOTE: if we have cnames, the relevant DNS lookups are the ones related to the last one in the chain.
last_cname = cnames[-1]
last_cname_domain = self.psl.privatesuffix(last_cname)
node.add_feature('cname', cnames)
if last_cname in host_ips:
node.add_feature('resolved_ips', host_ips[last_cname])
if last_cname in host_soa:
node.add_feature('soa', (last_cname, host_soa[last_cname]))
elif last_cname_domain in host_soa:
node.add_feature('soa', (last_cname_domain, host_soa[last_cname_domain]))
elif node.name in host_soa:
# if the last CNAME in the chain has no SOA, we use the SOA of the node.
node.add_feature('soa', (node.name, host_soa[node.name]))
if last_cname in host_mx:
node.add_feature('mx', (last_cname, host_mx[last_cname]))
elif last_cname_domain in host_mx:
node.add_feature('mx', (last_cname_domain, host_mx[last_cname_domain]))
if last_cname in host_ns:
node.add_feature('ns', (last_cname, host_ns[last_cname]))
elif last_cname_domain in host_ns:
node.add_feature('ns', (last_cname_domain, host_ns[last_cname_domain]))
if node.name in host_ips:
node.add_feature('resolved_ips', host_ips[node.name])
if node.name in host_soa:
node.add_feature('soa', (node.name, host_soa[node.name]))
elif domain in host_soa:
node.add_feature('soa', (domain, host_soa[domain]))
if node.name in host_mx:
node.add_feature('mx', (node.name, host_mx[node.name]))
elif domain in host_mx:
node.add_feature('mx', (domain, host_mx[domain]))
if node.name in host_ns:
node.add_feature('ns', (node.name, host_ns[node.name]))
elif domain in host_ns:
node.add_feature('ns', (domain, host_ns[domain]))
_all_nodes_ips = set()
if 'resolved_ips' in node.features:
if 'v4' in node.resolved_ips and 'v6' in node.resolved_ips:
_all_nodes_ips = set(node.resolved_ips['v4']) | set(node.resolved_ips['v6'])
# old format
_all_nodes_ips = node.resolved_ips
if not _all_nodes_ips:
# No IPs in the node.
# check if the resolved IPs are cloudflare IPs
if self.cloudflare:
# we just want the cloudflare IPs
if hits := {ip: hit for ip, hit in self.cloudflare.ips_lookup(_all_nodes_ips).items() if hit}:
node.add_feature('cloudflare', hits)
# trigger ipasnhistory cache in that loop
if self.ipasnhistory:
self.ipasnhistory.mass_cache([{'ip': ip} for ip in _all_nodes_ips])
except Exception as e:
logger.warning(f'Unable to submit IPs to IPASNHistory, disabling: {e}')
self.ipasnhistory = None
ipasn_responses = self.ipasnhistory.mass_query(ips)
if 'responses' in ipasn_responses:
for response in ipasn_responses['responses']:
ip = response['meta']['ip']
if responses := list(response['response'].values()):
if ip not in ipasn and responses[0]:
ipasn[ip] = responses[0]
if ipasn or cflare_hits:
# for performances reasons, we need to batch the requests to IPASN History,
# and re-traverse the tree.
if self.ipasnhistory:
if query_ips := [{'ip': ip} for ip in _all_ips]:
ipasn_responses = self.ipasnhistory.mass_query(query_ips)
if 'responses' in ipasn_responses:
for response in ipasn_responses['responses']:
ip = response['meta']['ip']
if responses := list(response['response'].values()):
if ip not in ipasn and responses[0]:
ipasn[ip] = responses[0]
if ipasn:
# retraverse tree to populate it with the features
for node in ct.root_hartree.hostname_tree.traverse():
if 'resolved_ips' not in node.features:
ipasn_entries = {}
cflare_entries = {}
if 'v4' in node.resolved_ips and 'v6' in node.resolved_ips:
_all_ips = set(node.resolved_ips['v4']) | set(node.resolved_ips['v6'])
_all_nodes_ips = set(node.resolved_ips['v4']) | set(node.resolved_ips['v6'])
# old format
_all_ips = node.resolved_ips
for ip in _all_ips:
if ip in ipasn:
ipasn_entries[ip] = ipasn[ip]
if ip in cflare_hits and cflare_hits[ip] is True:
cflare_entries[ip] = True
if ipasn_entries:
_all_nodes_ips = node.resolved_ips
if ipasn_entries := {ip: ipasn[ip] for ip in _all_nodes_ips if ip in ipasn}:
node.add_feature('ipasn', ipasn_entries)
if cflare_entries:
node.add_feature('cloudflare', cflare_entries)
with cnames_path.open('w') as f:
json.dump(host_cnames, f)
@ -626,3 +793,11 @@ class CapturesIndex(Mapping): # type: ignore[type-arg]
json.dump(host_ips, f, default=serialize_sets)
with ipasn_path.open('w') as f:
json.dump(ipasn, f)
with soa_path.open('w') as f:
json.dump(host_soa, f, default=serialize_sets)
with ns_path.open('w') as f:
json.dump(host_ns, f, default=serialize_sets)
with mx_path.open('w') as f:
json.dump(host_mx, f, default=serialize_sets)
logger.info('Done with DNS.')
@ -46,46 +46,89 @@
{% if hostnode.cname %}
<h5>CNAME(s) for this domain:</h5>
{% for cname in hostnode.cname %}
<li>{{ cname }}{% if uwhois_available %} (<a href="{{ url_for('whois', query=cname)}}">whois</a>){% endif %}</li>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if hostnode.resolved_ips %}
<h5>Domain IPs from a standalone DNS lookup:</h5>
{% if 'v4' in hostnode.resolved_ips and 'v6' in hostnode.resolved_ips%}
{% for ip in hostnode.resolved_ips['v4'] %}
<div class="accordion" id="accordionDNS">
<div class="accordion-item">
<h2 class="accordion-header">
<button class="accordion-button" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#collapseDNS" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseDNS">
Show DNS details from standalone queries
<div id="collapseDNS" class="accordion-collapse collapse" data-bs-parent="#accordionDNS">
<div class="accordion-body">
{% if hostnode.cname %}
<h5>Chain of CNAME(s) for this domain:</h5>
{% for cname in hostnode.cname %}
<li>{{ cname }}{% if uwhois_available %} (<a href="{{ url_for('whois', query=cname)}}">whois</a>){% endif %}</li>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if hostnode.resolved_ips %}
<h5>Domain IPs from a standalone DNS lookup:</h5>
{% if 'v4' in hostnode.resolved_ips and 'v6' in hostnode.resolved_ips%}
{% for ip in hostnode.resolved_ips['v4'] %}
{{ ip }}{% if uwhois_available %} (<a href="{{ url_for('whois', query=ip)}}">whois</a>){% endif %}
{% if 'ipasn' in hostnode.features and hostnode.ipasn.get(ip) %}- AS{{ hostnode.ipasn[ip]['asn'] }} {% if uwhois_available %} (<a href="{{ url_for('whois', query='AS'+hostnode.ipasn[ip]['asn'])}}">whois</a>){% endif %}{% endif %}
{% if 'cloudflare' in hostnode.features and hostnode.cloudflare.get(ip) %} - Known Cloudflare IP{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for ip in hostnode.resolved_ips['v6'] %}
{{ ip }}{% if uwhois_available %} (<a href="{{ url_for('whois', query=ip)}}">whois</a>){% endif %}
{% if 'ipasn' in hostnode.features and hostnode.ipasn.get(ip) %}- AS{{ hostnode.ipasn[ip]['asn'] }} {% if uwhois_available %} (<a href="{{ url_for('whois', query='AS'+hostnode.ipasn[ip]['asn'])}}">whois</a>){% endif %}{% endif %}
{% if 'cloudflare' in hostnode.features and hostnode.cloudflare.get(ip) %} - Known Cloudflare IP{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for ip in hostnode.resolved_ips %}
{{ ip }}{% if uwhois_available %} (<a href="{{ url_for('whois', query=ip)}}">whois</a>){% endif %}
{% if 'ipasn' in hostnode.features and hostnode.ipasn.get(ip) %}- AS{{ hostnode.ipasn[ip]['asn'] }} {% if uwhois_available %} (<a href="{{ url_for('whois', query='AS'+hostnode.ipasn[ip]['asn'])}}">whois</a>){% endif %}{% endif %}
{% if 'cloudflare' in hostnode.features and hostnode.cloudflare.get(ip) %} - Known Cloudflare IP{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for ip in hostnode.resolved_ips['v6'] %}
{{ ip }}{% if uwhois_available %} (<a href="{{ url_for('whois', query=ip)}}">whois</a>){% endif %}
{% if 'ipasn' in hostnode.features and hostnode.ipasn.get(ip) %}- AS{{ hostnode.ipasn[ip]['asn'] }} {% if uwhois_available %} (<a href="{{ url_for('whois', query='AS'+hostnode.ipasn[ip]['asn'])}}">whois</a>){% endif %}{% endif %}
{% if 'cloudflare' in hostnode.features and hostnode.cloudflare.get(ip) %} - Known Cloudflare IP{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for ip in hostnode.resolved_ips %}
{{ ip }}{% if uwhois_available %} (<a href="{{ url_for('whois', query=ip)}}">whois</a>){% endif %}
{% if 'ipasn' in hostnode.features and hostnode.ipasn.get(ip) %}- AS{{ hostnode.ipasn[ip]['asn'] }} {% if uwhois_available %} (<a href="{{ url_for('whois', query='AS'+hostnode.ipasn[ip]['asn'])}}">whois</a>){% endif %}{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if hostnode.mx %}
<h5>MX record for {{hostnode.mx[0]}}:</h5>
{% for record in hostnode.mx[1] %}
<li>{{ record }}</li>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if hostnode.ns %}
<h5>NS record for {{hostnode.ns[0]}}:</h5>
{% for record in hostnode.ns[1] %}
<li>{{ record }}</li>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if hostnode.soa %}
<h5>SOA record for {{hostnode.soa[0]}}:</h5>
{% for record in hostnode.soa[1] %}
<li>{{ record }}</li>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{# Start list of URLs #}
<ul class="list-group-flush">
{% for url in urls %}
Reference in New Issue