mirror of https://github.com/CIRCL/lookyloo
chg: Refactoring and normalizing the known hashes lookups
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ from pathlib import Path
import pickle
import smtplib
import socket
from typing import Union, Dict, List, Tuple, Optional, Any, MutableMapping, Set, Iterable, Iterator
from typing import Union, Dict, List, Tuple, Optional, Any, MutableMapping, Set, Iterable
from urllib.parse import urlsplit
from uuid import uuid4
from zipfile import ZipFile
@ -138,16 +138,18 @@ class Indexing():
def get_body_hash_captures(self, body_hash: str, filter_url: Optional[str]=None) -> List[Tuple[str, str, str, bool]]:
def get_body_hash_captures(self, body_hash: str, filter_url: Optional[str]=None,
limit: int=20) -> Tuple[int, List[Tuple[str, str, str, bool]]]:
to_return: List[Tuple[str, str, str, bool]] = []
for capture_uuid in self.redis.smembers(f'bh|{body_hash}|captures'):
all_captures = self.redis.smembers(f'bh|{body_hash}|captures')
for capture_uuid in list(all_captures)[:limit]:
for entry in self.redis.zrevrange(f'bh|{body_hash}|captures|{capture_uuid}', 0, -1):
url_uuid, hostnode_uuid, url = entry.split('|', 2)
if filter_url:
to_return.append((capture_uuid, hostnode_uuid, urlsplit(url).hostname, url == filter_url))
to_return.append((capture_uuid, hostnode_uuid, urlsplit(url).hostname, False))
return to_return
return len(all_captures), to_return
def get_body_hash_domains(self, body_hash: str) -> List[Tuple[str, float]]:
return self.redis.zrevrange(f'bh|{body_hash}', 0, -1, withscores=True)
@ -182,87 +184,122 @@ class Context():
p = self.redis.pipeline()
for filename, file_content in load_known_content().items():
if filename == 'generic':
# 1px images, files with spaces, empty => non-relevant stuff
for k, type_content in file_content.items():
p.hmset('known_content', {h: type_content['description'] for h in type_content['entries']})
elif filename == 'malicious':
# User defined as malicious
for h, details in file_content.items():
p.sadd('bh|malicious', h)
if 'target' in details:
p.sadd(f'{h}|target', *details['target'])
if 'tag' in details:
p.sadd(f'{h}|tag', *details['tag'])
elif filename == 'legitimate':
# User defined as legitimate
for h, details in file_content.items():
if 'domain' in details and details['domain']:
p.sadd(f'bh|{h}|legitimate', *details['domain'])
elif 'description' in details:
p.hset('known_content', h, details['description'])
# Full captures marked as legitimate
for h, details in file_content.items():
p.sadd(f'bh|{h}|legitimate', *details['hostnames'])
def find_known_content(self, har2tree_container: Union[CrawledTree, HostNode, URLNode]) -> Dict[str, Union[str, List[str]]]:
def find_known_content(self, har2tree_container: Union[CrawledTree, HostNode, URLNode]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Return a dictionary of content resources found in the local known_content database, or in SaneJS (if enabled)"""
all_ressources_hashes = self._get_resources_hashes(har2tree_container)
# Get from local cache of known content all descriptions related to the ressources.
if not all_ressources_hashes:
return {}
known_content_table = dict(zip(all_ressources_hashes,
self.redis.hmget('known_content', all_ressources_hashes)))
to_lookup: Set[str] = self._get_resources_hashes(har2tree_container)
known_content_table: Dict[str, Any] = {}
if not to_lookup:
return known_content_table
# get generic known content
known_in_generic = zip(to_lookup, self.redis.hmget('known_content', to_lookup))
for h, details in known_in_generic:
if not details:
known_content_table[h] = {'type': 'generic', 'details': details}
if self.sanejs and self.sanejs.available:
to_lookup = to_lookup - set(known_content_table.keys())
if not to_lookup:
return known_content_table
# get known malicious
for h in to_lookup:
if self.redis.sismember('bh|malicious', h):
known_content_table[h] = {'type': 'malicious', 'details': {}}
targets = self.redis.smembers(f'{h}|target')
tags = self.redis.smembers(f'{h}|tag')
if targets:
known_content_table[h]['details']['target'] = targets
if tags:
known_content_table[h]['details']['tag'] = tags
to_lookup = to_lookup - set(known_content_table.keys())
if not to_lookup:
return known_content_table
# get known legitimate with domain
for h in to_lookup:
domains = self.redis.smembers(f'bh|{h}|legitimate')
if not domains:
known_content_table[h] = {'type': 'legitimate_on_domain', 'details': domains}
to_lookup = to_lookup - set(known_content_table.keys())
if not to_lookup:
return known_content_table
if to_lookup and self.sanejs and self.sanejs.available:
# Query sanejs on the remaining ones
to_lookup = [h for h, description in known_content_table.items() if not description]
for h, entry in self.sanejs.hashes_lookup(to_lookup).items():
libname, version, path = entry[0].split("|")
known_content_table[h] = (libname, version, path, len(entry))
return {h: details for h, details in known_content_table.items() if details}
def _filter(self, urlnodes: Union[URLNode, List[URLNode]], known_hashes: Iterable[str]) -> Iterator[Tuple[URLNode, str]]:
if isinstance(urlnodes, URLNode):
_urlnodes = [urlnodes]
_urlnodes = urlnodes
for urlnode in _urlnodes:
for h in urlnode.resources_hashes:
if h not in known_hashes:
yield urlnode, h
known_content_table[h] = {'type': 'sanejs',
'details': (libname, version, path, len(entry))}
return known_content_table
def store_known_legitimate_tree(self, tree: CrawledTree):
known_content = self.find_known_content(tree)
urlnodes = tree.root_hartree.url_tree.traverse()
root_hostname = urlsplit(tree.root_url).hostname
known_content_file: Path = get_homedir() / 'known_content' / f'{root_hostname}.json'
if known_content_file.exists():
with open(known_content_file) as f:
capture_file: Path = get_homedir() / 'known_content' / f'{urlsplit(tree.root_url).hostname}.json'
if capture_file.exists():
with open(capture_file) as f:
to_store = json.load(f)
to_store = {}
for urlnode, h in self._filter(urlnodes, known_content):
mimetype = ''
if h != urlnode.body_hash:
# this is the hash of an embeded content so it won't have a filename but has a different mimetype
# FIXME: this is ugly.
for ressource_mimetype, blobs in urlnode.embedded_ressources.items():
for ressource_h, b in blobs:
if ressource_h == h:
mimetype = ressource_mimetype.split(';')[0]
for urlnode in tree.root_hartree.url_tree.traverse():
for h in urlnode.resources_hashes:
if h in known_content and known_content[h]['type'] != 'malicious':
# when we mark a tree as legitimate, we may get a hash that was marked
# as malicious beforehand but turn out legitimate on that specific domain.
mimetype = ''
if h != urlnode.body_hash:
# this is the hash of an embeded content so it won't have a filename but has a different mimetype
# FIXME: this is ugly.
for ressource_mimetype, blobs in urlnode.embedded_ressources.items():
for ressource_h, b in blobs:
if ressource_h == h:
mimetype = ressource_mimetype.split(';')[0]
if mimetype:
if mimetype:
if urlnode.mimetype:
mimetype = urlnode.mimetype.split(';')[0]
if h not in to_store:
to_store[h] = {'filenames': set(), 'description': '', 'hostnames': set(), 'mimetype': mimetype}
to_store[h]['filenames'] = set(to_store[h]['filenames'])
to_store[h]['hostnames'] = set(to_store[h]['hostnames'])
if urlnode.mimetype:
mimetype = urlnode.mimetype.split(';')[0]
if h not in to_store:
to_store[h] = {'filenames': set(), 'description': '', 'hostnames': set(), 'mimetype': mimetype}
to_store[h]['filenames'] = set(to_store[h]['filenames'])
to_store[h]['hostnames'] = set(to_store[h]['hostnames'])
if urlnode.url_split.path:
filename = Path(urlnode.url_split.path).name
if filename:
if urlnode.url_split.path:
filename = Path(urlnode.url_split.path).name
if filename:
with open(known_content_file, 'w') as f:
with open(capture_file, 'w') as f:
json.dump(to_store, f, indent=2, default=dump_to_json)
def mark_as_legitimate(self, tree: CrawledTree, hostnode_uuid: Optional[str]=None, urlnode_uuid: Optional[str]=None) -> None:
@ -275,13 +312,23 @@ class Context():
known_content = self.find_known_content(tree)
pipeline = self.redis.pipeline()
for urlnode, h in self._filter(urlnodes, known_content):
for urlnode in urlnodes:
# Note: we can have multiple hahes on the same urlnode (see embedded resources).
# They are expected to be on the same domain as urlnode. This code work as expected.
pipeline.sadd(f'bh|{h}|legitimate', urlnode.hostname)
for h in urlnode.resources_hashes:
if h in known_content and known_content[h]['type'] != 'malicious':
# when we mark a tree as legitimate, we may get a hash that was marked
# as malicious beforehand but turn out legitimate on that specific domain.
pipeline.sadd(f'bh|{h}|legitimate', urlnode.hostname)
def contextualize_tree(self, tree: CrawledTree) -> CrawledTree:
"""Iterate through all the URL nodes in the tree, add context to Host nodes accordingly
* malicious: At least one URLnode in the Hostnode is marked as malicious
* legitimate: All the URLnodes in the Hostnode are marked as legitimate
* empty: All the the URLnodes in the Hostnode have an empty body in their response
hostnodes_with_malicious_content = set()
known_content = self.find_known_content(tree)
for urlnode in tree.root_hartree.url_tree.traverse():
@ -290,28 +337,24 @@ class Context():
malicious = self.is_malicious(urlnode, known_content)
if malicious is True:
urlnode.add_feature('malicious', malicious)
urlnode.add_feature('malicious', True)
elif malicious is False:
# Marked as legitimate
urlnode.add_feature('legitimate', True)
elif not urlnode.empty_response and urlnode.body_hash in known_content:
urlnode.add_feature('legitimate', True)
for hostnode_with_malicious_content in hostnodes_with_malicious_content:
hostnode = tree.root_hartree.get_host_node_by_uuid(hostnode_with_malicious_content)
hostnode.add_feature('malicious', malicious)
# malicious is None => we cannot say.
for hostnode in tree.root_hartree.hostname_tree.traverse():
if 'malicious' not in hostnode.features:
if all(urlnode.empty_response for urlnode in hostnode.urls):
hostnode.add_feature('all_empty', True)
legit = [urlnode.legitimate for urlnode in hostnode.urls if hasattr(urlnode, 'legitimate')]
if len(legit) == len(hostnode.urls) and all(legit):
if hostnode.uuid in hostnodes_with_malicious_content:
hostnode.add_feature('malicious', True)
elif all(urlnode.empty_response for urlnode in hostnode.urls):
hostnode.add_feature('all_empty', True)
legit = [True for urlnode in hostnode.urls if hasattr(urlnode, 'legitimate')]
if len(legit) == len(hostnode.urls):
hostnode.add_feature('legitimate', True)
return tree
def legitimate_body(self, body_hash: str, legitimate_hostname: str) -> None:
@ -381,28 +424,29 @@ class Context():
# Query DB
def is_legitimate(self, urlnode: URLNode, known_hashes: Iterable[str]) -> Optional[bool]:
"""3 cases:
If legitimate if generic, marked as legitimate or known on sanejs, loaded from the right domain
3 cases:
* True if *all* the contents are known legitimate
* False if *any* content is malicious
* None in all other cases
status: List[Optional[bool]] = []
for urlnode, h in self._filter(urlnode, known_hashes):
# Note: we can have multiple hahes on the same urlnode (see embedded resources).
# They are expected to be on the same domain as urlnode. This code work as expected.
if self.redis.sismember('bh|malicious', h):
# Malicious, no need to go any further
return False
hostnames = self.redis.smembers(f'bh|{h}|legitimate')
if hostnames:
if urlnode.hostname in hostnames:
status.append(True) # legitimate
return False # Malicious
# NOTE: we do not return here, because we want to return False if *any* of the contents is malicious
for h in urlnode.resources_hashes:
# Note: we can have multiple hashes on the same urlnode (see embedded resources).
if h not in known_hashes:
# We do not return here, because we want to return False if
# *any* of the contents is malicious
status.append(None) # Unknown
elif known_hashes[h]['type'] == 'malicious':
return False
elif known_hashes[h]['type'] in ['generic', 'sanejs']:
elif known_hashes[h]['type'] == 'legitimate_on_domain':
if urlnode.hostname in known_hashes[h]['details']:
return False
if status and all(status):
return True # All the contents are known legitimate
return None
@ -420,21 +464,6 @@ class Context():
return True
return None
def legitimacy_details(self, urlnode: URLNode, known_hashes: Iterable[str]) -> Dict[str, Tuple[bool, Optional[List[str]]]]:
to_return = {}
for urlnode, h in self._filter(urlnode, known_hashes):
# Note: we can have multiple hahes on the same urlnode (see embedded resources).
# They are expected to be on the same domain as urlnode. This code work as expected.
hostnames = self.redis.smembers(f'bh|{h}|legitimate')
if hostnames:
if urlnode.hostname in hostnames:
to_return[h] = (True, hostnames)
to_return[h] = (False, hostnames)
elif self.redis.sismember('bh|malicious', urlnode.body_hash):
to_return[h] = (False, None)
return to_return
class Lookyloo():
@ -1013,7 +1042,8 @@ class Lookyloo():
def get_body_hash_investigator(self, body_hash: str) -> Tuple[List[Tuple[str, str]], List[Tuple[str, float]]]:
captures = []
for capture_uuid, url_uuid, url_hostname, _ in self.indexing.get_body_hash_captures(body_hash):
total_captures, details = self.indexing.get_body_hash_captures(body_hash, limit=-1)
for capture_uuid, url_uuid, url_hostname, _ in details:
cache = self.capture_cache(capture_uuid)
if cache:
captures.append((capture_uuid, cache['title']))
@ -1032,7 +1062,8 @@ class Lookyloo():
def hash_lookup(self, blob_hash: str, url: str, capture_uuid: str) -> Dict[str, List[Tuple[str, str, str, str, str]]]:
captures_list: Dict[str, List[Tuple[str, str, str, str, str]]] = {'same_url': [], 'different_url': []}
for h_capture_uuid, url_uuid, url_hostname, same_url in self.indexing.get_body_hash_captures(blob_hash, url):
total_captures, details = self.indexing.get_body_hash_captures(blob_hash, url)
for h_capture_uuid, url_uuid, url_hostname, same_url in details:
if h_capture_uuid == capture_uuid:
# Skip self.
@ -1042,7 +1073,25 @@ class Lookyloo():
captures_list['same_url'].append((h_capture_uuid, url_uuid, cache['title'], cache['timestamp'], url_hostname))
captures_list['different_url'].append((h_capture_uuid, url_uuid, cache['title'], cache['timestamp'], url_hostname))
return captures_list
return total_captures, captures_list
def _normalize_known_content(self, h: str, known_content: Dict[str, Any], url: URLNode):
known: Optional[Union[str, List[Any]]] = None
legitimate: Optional[Tuple[bool, Any]] = None
if h not in known_content:
return known, legitimate
if known_content[h]['type'] in ['generic', 'sanejs']:
known = known_content[h]['details']
elif known_content[h]['type'] == 'legitimate_on_domain':
legit = False
if url.hostname in known_content[h]['details']:
legit = True
legitimate = (legit, known_content[h]['details'])
elif known_content[h]['type'] == 'malicious':
legitimate = (False, known_content[h]['details'])
return known, legitimate
def get_hostnode_investigator(self, capture_uuid: str, node_uuid: str) -> Tuple[HostNode, List[Dict[str, Any]]]:
capture_dir = self.lookup_capture_dir(capture_uuid)
@ -1064,7 +1113,6 @@ class Lookyloo():
# * https vs http
# * everything after the domain
# * the full URL
legit_details = self.context.legitimacy_details(url, known_content)
to_append: Dict[str, Any] = {
'encrypted': url.name.startswith('https'),
'url_path': url.name.split('/', 3)[-1],
@ -1094,11 +1142,17 @@ class Lookyloo():
if freq_embedded['hash_freq'] > 1:
to_append['embedded_ressources'][h]['other_captures'] = self.hash_lookup(h, url.name, capture_uuid)
for h in to_append['embedded_ressources'].keys():
to_append['embedded_ressources'][h]['known_content'] = known_content.get(h)
to_append['embedded_ressources'][h]['legitimacy'] = legit_details.get(h)
known, legitimate = self._normalize_known_content(h, known_content, url)
if known:
to_append['embedded_ressources'][h]['known_content'] = known
elif legitimate:
to_append['embedded_ressources'][h]['legitimacy'] = legitimate
to_append['known_content'] = known_content.get(url.body_hash)
to_append['legitimacy'] = legit_details.get(url.body_hash)
known, legitimate = self._normalize_known_content(url.body_hash, known_content, url)
if known:
to_append['known_content'] = known
elif legitimate:
to_append['legitimacy'] = legitimate
# Optional: Cookies sent to server in request -> map to nodes who set the cookie in response
if hasattr(url, 'cookies_sent'):
@ -40,10 +40,10 @@ class SaneJavaScript():
today_dir = self.storage_dir / date.today().isoformat()
today_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
sanejs_unknowns = today_dir / 'unknown'
unknown_hashes = []
unknown_hashes = set()
if sanejs_unknowns.exists():
with sanejs_unknowns.open() as f:
unknown_hashes = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()]
unknown_hashes = set(line.strip() for line in f.readlines())
to_return: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}
@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ class SaneJavaScript():
to_lookup = [h for h in hashes if (h not in unknown_hashes
and not (today_dir / h).exists())]
has_new_unknown = False
for h in to_lookup:
response = self.client.sha512(h)
if 'error' in response:
@ -63,7 +64,8 @@ class SaneJavaScript():
json.dump(response['response'], f)
to_return[h] = response['response']
has_new_unknown = True
for h in hashes:
cached_path = today_dir / h
@ -73,8 +75,10 @@ class SaneJavaScript():
with cached_path.open() as f:
to_return[h] = json.load(f)
with sanejs_unknowns.open('w') as f:
f.writelines(f'{h}\n' for h in unknown_hashes)
if has_new_unknown:
with sanejs_unknowns.open('w') as f:
f.writelines(f'{h}\n' for h in unknown_hashes)
return to_return
@ -19,21 +19,28 @@
Body size: {{ sizeof_fmt(ressource_size) }}
{% if details %}
{% if details[0] %}
- This file is known <b>legitimate</b>.
- This file is known <b>legitimate</b> on the following domains: {{ ', '.join(details[1]) }}.
{% elif details[0] == False %}
{% if details[1] is iterable %}
The response sould be considered as <b>phishing</b> unless it is served by <b>the following domain(s)</b>: {{ ', '.join(details[1]) }}
The response sould be considered as
{% if details[1] is mapping and details[1].get('tag') %}
<b>{{ ', '.join(details[1]['tag']) }}</b>
{% else %}
- The response is known <b>malicious</b>.
{% if details[1] is mapping and details[1].get('target') %}
unless it is served by <b>the following domain(s)</b>: {{ ', '.join(details[1]['target']) }}
{% else %}
unless it is served by <b>the following domain(s)</b>: {{ ', '.join(details[1]) }}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro indexed_hash(details, identifier_for_toggle) %}
{% set total_captures = details['different_url']|length + details['same_url']|length %}
{% set total_captures = details[0] %}
{% set other_captures = details[1] %}
{# Only show details if the hits are in an other capture #}
{% if total_captures > 0 %}
@ -46,19 +53,19 @@ Body size: {{ sizeof_fmt(ressource_size) }}
{# Lists of other captures loading the same content... #}
<div class="collapse" id="captureslist_{{ identifier_for_toggle }}">
<div class="card card-body">
{% if details['different_url']|length > 0 %}
{% if other_captures['different_url']|length > 0 %}
{# ... on other URLs #}
<p>The following captures get the same file from a <b>different URL</b></p>
{{ other_captures_table(details['different_url']) }}
{{ other_captures_table(other_captures['different_url']) }}
{% endif %}
{% if details['same_url']|length > 0 %}
{% if other_captures['same_url']|length > 0 %}
{# ... on the same URL #}
<p>The following captures get the same file from the <b>same URL</b></p>
{{ other_captures_table(details['same_url']) }}
{{ other_captures_table(other_captures['same_url']) }}
{% endif %}
Reference in New Issue