fix: Missing file in last commit

Raphaël Vinot 2023-04-28 18:30:38 +02:00
parent 3db72a7039
commit f8c2639c96
2 changed files with 10 additions and 10 deletions

poetry.lock generated
View File

@ -3137,4 +3137,4 @@ testing = ["big-O", "flake8 (<5)", "jaraco.functools", "jaraco.itertools", "more
lock-version = "2.0"
python-versions = ">=3.8,<3.12"
content-hash = "b7cc8ded9a7fc5723a2d3ae12caff3277f7d9bc17ab8cb9c8fbb62538aef99c5"
content-hash = "af15b9f3776e9689ced63e9960b7e2bff04f12da5fa557cf83342c3972cf95ad"

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ start_website = "bin.start_website:main"
python = ">=3.8,<3.12"
requests = "^2.28.2"
requests = "^2.29.0"
flask = "^2.3.1"
gunicorn = "^20.1.0"
charset-normalizer = "^3.1.0"
@ -53,20 +53,20 @@ pytaxonomies = "^1.5.0"
pymisp = {version = "^", extras = ["url", "fileobjects"]}
Pillow = "^9.5.0"
flask-restx = "^1.1.0"
rich = "^13.3.4"
rich = "^13.3.5"
pyphishtanklookup = "^1.2"
Flask-Cors = "^3.0.10"
pyhashlookup = "^1.2.1"
lief = "^0.13.0"
ua-parser = "^0.16.1"
Flask-Login = "^0.6.2"
har2tree = "^1.19.0"
har2tree = "^1.19.2"
passivetotal = "^2.5.9"
werkzeug = "^2.3.0"
werkzeug = "^2.3.1"
filetype = "^1.2.0"
pypandora = "^1.4.0"
lacuscore = "^1.4.9"
pylacus = "^1.4.0"
lacuscore = "^1.4.10"
pylacus = "^1.4.1"
pyipasnhistory = "^2.1.2"
publicsuffixlist = "^0.9.4"
pyfaup = "^1.2"
@ -76,17 +76,17 @@ pylookyloomonitoring = "^1.0.2"
mypy = "^1.2.0"
ipython = "^8.12.0"
ipython = "^8.13.0"
types-redis = {version = "^"}
types-requests = "^"
types-pkg-resources = "^0.1.3"
types-Deprecated = "^"
types-python-dateutil = "^"
types-beautifulsoup4 = "^"
types-Pillow = "^"
types-Pillow = "^"
requires = ["poetry_core>=1.1"]
requires = ["poetry_core"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"