#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import argparse import os import time from pathlib import Path from subprocess import Popen from typing import Optional, List, Union from redis import Redis from redis.exceptions import ConnectionError from lookyloo.helpers import get_homedir, get_socket_path def check_running(name: str) -> bool: socket_path = get_socket_path(name) if not os.path.exists(socket_path): return False try: r = Redis(unix_socket_path=socket_path) return True if r.ping() else False except ConnectionError: return False def launch_cache(storage_directory: Optional[Path]=None): if not storage_directory: storage_directory = get_homedir() if not check_running('cache'): Popen(["./run_redis.sh"], cwd=(storage_directory / 'cache')) def shutdown_cache(storage_directory: Optional[Path]=None): if not storage_directory: storage_directory = get_homedir() Popen(["./shutdown_redis.sh"], cwd=(storage_directory / 'cache')) def launch_indexing(storage_directory: Optional[Path]=None): if not storage_directory: storage_directory = get_homedir() if not check_running('indexing'): Popen(["./run_redis.sh"], cwd=(storage_directory / 'indexing')) def shutdown_indexing(storage_directory: Optional[Path]=None): if not storage_directory: storage_directory = get_homedir() Popen(["./shutdown_redis.sh"], cwd=(storage_directory / 'indexing')) def launch_all(): launch_cache() launch_indexing() def check_all(stop: bool=False): backends: List[List[Union[str, bool]]] = [['cache', False], ['indexing', False]] while True: for b in backends: try: b[1] = check_running(b[0]) # type: ignore except Exception: b[1] = False if stop: if not any(b[1] for b in backends): break else: if all(b[1] for b in backends): break for b in backends: if not stop and not b[1]: print(f"Waiting on {b[0]}") if stop and b[1]: print(f"Waiting on {b[0]}") time.sleep(1) def stop_all(): shutdown_cache() shutdown_indexing() def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Manage backend DBs.') parser.add_argument("--start", action='store_true', default=False, help="Start all") parser.add_argument("--stop", action='store_true', default=False, help="Stop all") parser.add_argument("--status", action='store_true', default=True, help="Show status") args = parser.parse_args() if args.start: launch_all() if args.stop: stop_all() if not args.stop and args.status: check_all() if __name__ == '__main__': main()