#!/usr/bin/env python3 from __future__ import annotations import asyncio import json import logging import logging.config import signal from pathlib import Path from lacuscore import LacusCore, CaptureStatus as CaptureStatusCore, CaptureResponse as CaptureResponseCore from pylacus import PyLacus, CaptureStatus as CaptureStatusPy, CaptureResponse as CaptureResponsePy from lookyloo import Lookyloo, CaptureSettings from lookyloo.default import AbstractManager, get_config from lookyloo.helpers import get_captures_dir from lookyloo.modules import FOX logging.config.dictConfig(get_config('logging')) class AsyncCapture(AbstractManager): def __init__(self, loglevel: int | None=None) -> None: super().__init__(loglevel) self.script_name = 'async_capture' self.only_global_lookups: bool = get_config('generic', 'only_global_lookups') self.capture_dir: Path = get_captures_dir() self.lookyloo = Lookyloo() if isinstance(self.lookyloo.lacus, LacusCore): self.captures: set[asyncio.Task] = set() # type: ignore[type-arg] self.fox = FOX(config_name='FOX') if not self.fox.available: self.logger.warning('Unable to setup the FOX module') def thirdparty_submit(self, url: str) -> None: if self.fox.available: self.fox.capture_default_trigger(url, auto_trigger=True) async def _trigger_captures(self) -> None: # Only called if LacusCore is used max_new_captures = get_config('generic', 'async_capture_processes') - len(self.captures) self.logger.debug(f'{len(self.captures)} ongoing captures.') if max_new_captures <= 0: self.logger.info(f'Max amount of captures in parallel reached ({len(self.captures)})') return None for capture_task in self.lookyloo.lacus.consume_queue(max_new_captures): # type: ignore[union-attr] self.captures.add(capture_task) capture_task.add_done_callback(self.captures.discard) def uuids_ready(self) -> list[str]: '''Get the list of captures ready to be processed''' # Only check if the top 50 in the priority list are done, as they are the most likely ones to be # and if the list it very very long, iterating over it takes a very long time. return [uuid for uuid in self.lookyloo.redis.zrevrangebyscore('to_capture', 'Inf', '-Inf', start=0, num=50) if uuid and self.lookyloo.lacus.get_capture_status(uuid) in [CaptureStatusPy.DONE, CaptureStatusCore.DONE]] def process_capture_queue(self) -> None: '''Process a query from the capture queue''' entries: CaptureResponseCore | CaptureResponsePy for uuid in self.uuids_ready(): if isinstance(self.lookyloo.lacus, LacusCore): entries = self.lookyloo.lacus.get_capture(uuid, decode=True) elif isinstance(self.lookyloo.lacus, PyLacus): entries = self.lookyloo.lacus.get_capture(uuid) else: raise Exception('Something is broken.') log = f'Got the capture for {uuid} from Lacus' if runtime := entries.get('runtime'): log = f'{log} - Runtime: {runtime}' self.logger.info(log) self.lookyloo.redis.sadd('ongoing', uuid) queue: str | None = self.lookyloo.redis.getdel(f'{uuid}_mgmt') to_capture: CaptureSettings = self.lookyloo.redis.hgetall(uuid) # type: ignore[assignment] if get_config('generic', 'default_public'): # By default, the captures are on the index, unless the user mark them as un-listed listing = False if ('listing' in to_capture and isinstance(to_capture['listing'], str) and to_capture['listing'].lower() in ['false', '0', '']) else True else: # By default, the captures are not on the index, unless the user mark them as listed listing = True if ('listing' in to_capture and isinstance(to_capture['listing'], str) and to_capture['listing'].lower() in ['true', '1']) else False self.lookyloo.store_capture( uuid, listing, os=to_capture.get('os'), browser=to_capture.get('browser'), parent=to_capture.get('parent'), downloaded_filename=entries.get('downloaded_filename'), downloaded_file=entries.get('downloaded_file'), error=entries.get('error'), har=entries.get('har'), png=entries.get('png'), html=entries.get('html'), last_redirected_url=entries.get('last_redirected_url'), cookies=entries.get('cookies'), capture_settings=to_capture, potential_favicons=entries.get('potential_favicons') ) if 'auto_report' in to_capture: settings = {} if isinstance(to_capture['auto_report'], str): if to_capture['auto_report'].isdigit(): # auto_report was a bool in the submission, it can be 1 or 0. 0 means no. if to_capture['auto_report'] == '0': continue else: settings = json.loads(to_capture['auto_report']) elif isinstance(to_capture['auto_report'], dict): settings = to_capture['auto_report'] self.lookyloo.send_mail(uuid, email=settings.get('email', ''), comment=settings.get('comment')) lazy_cleanup = self.lookyloo.redis.pipeline() if queue and self.lookyloo.redis.zscore('queues', queue): lazy_cleanup.zincrby('queues', -1, queue) lazy_cleanup.zrem('to_capture', uuid) lazy_cleanup.srem('ongoing', uuid) lazy_cleanup.delete(uuid) # make sure to expire the key if nothing was processed for a while (= queues empty) lazy_cleanup.expire('queues', 600) lazy_cleanup.execute() self.unset_running() self.logger.info(f'Done with {uuid}') async def _to_run_forever_async(self) -> None: if self.force_stop: return None if isinstance(self.lookyloo.lacus, LacusCore): await self._trigger_captures() # NOTE: +1 because running this method also counts for one and will # be decremented when it finishes self.set_running(len(self.captures) + 1) self.process_capture_queue() async def _wait_to_finish_async(self) -> None: if isinstance(self.lookyloo.lacus, LacusCore): while self.captures: self.logger.info(f'Waiting for {len(self.captures)} capture(s) to finish...') await asyncio.sleep(5) # NOTE: +1 so we don't quit before the final process capture queue self.set_running(len(self.captures) + 1) self.process_capture_queue() self.unset_running() self.logger.info('No more captures') def main() -> None: m = AsyncCapture() loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGTERM, lambda: loop.create_task(m.stop_async())) try: loop.run_until_complete(m.run_async(sleep_in_sec=1)) finally: loop.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()