{% extends "main.html" %} {% from 'bootstrap5/utils.html' import render_messages %} {% block title %}Submit an existing capture{% endblock %} {% block card %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}
{{ render_messages(container=True, dismissible=True) }}
[Experimental] It can be any file in HTTP Archive format, from any source (browser or any other tool)
This feature is experimantal and it may not work for some reason. If it is the case, please open an issue on github and attach the HAR file so we can investigate.
{% if default_public %} By default, the capture is public. If you do not want that, untick the box at the top of the form. {% else %} By default, the capture is private (not visible on the index page). If you want it to be public tick the box at the top of the form. {% endif %}

{% endblock %} {% block scripts %} {{ super() }} {% endblock %}