#!/usr/bin/env python3 from __future__ import annotations import hashlib import json import os import re from functools import lru_cache from pathlib import Path import flask_login # type: ignore[import-untyped] from flask import Request from werkzeug.security import generate_password_hash from lookyloo import Lookyloo, Indexing from lookyloo.helpers import get_indexing as get_indexing_cache from lookyloo.default import get_config, get_homedir, LookylooException __global_lookyloo_instance = None def get_lookyloo_instance() -> Lookyloo: global __global_lookyloo_instance if __global_lookyloo_instance is None: __global_lookyloo_instance = Lookyloo() return __global_lookyloo_instance def src_request_ip(request: Request) -> str | None: # NOTE: X-Real-IP is the IP passed by the reverse proxy in the headers. real_ip = request.headers.get('X-Real-IP') if not real_ip: real_ip = request.remote_addr return real_ip class User(flask_login.UserMixin): # type: ignore[misc] pass def load_user_from_request(request: Request) -> User | None: api_key = request.headers.get('Authorization') if not api_key: return None user = User() api_key = api_key.strip() keys_table = build_keys_table() if api_key in keys_table: user.id = keys_table[api_key] return user return None def is_valid_username(username: str) -> bool: return bool(re.match("^[A-Za-z0-9]+$", username)) @lru_cache(64) def build_keys_table() -> dict[str, str]: keys_table: dict[str, str] = {} for username, authstuff in build_users_table().items(): if 'authkey' in authstuff: if authstuff['authkey'] in keys_table: existing_user = keys_table[authstuff['authkey']] raise LookylooException(f'Duplicate authkey found for {existing_user} and {username}.') keys_table[authstuff['authkey']] = username return keys_table @lru_cache(64) def get_users() -> dict[str, str | list[str]]: try: # Use legacy user mgmt, no need to print a warning, and it will fail on new install. return get_config('generic', 'cache_clean_user', quiet=True) except Exception: return get_config('generic', 'users') @lru_cache(64) def build_users_table() -> dict[str, dict[str, str]]: users_table: dict[str, dict[str, str]] = {} for username, authstuff in get_users().items(): if not is_valid_username(username): raise Exception('Invalid username, can only contain characters and numbers.') if isinstance(authstuff, str): # just a password, make a key users_table[username] = {} users_table[username]['password'] = generate_password_hash(authstuff) users_table[username]['authkey'] = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac('sha256', get_secret_key(), f'{username}{authstuff}'.encode(), 100000).hex() elif isinstance(authstuff, list) and len(authstuff) == 2: if isinstance(authstuff[0], str) and isinstance(authstuff[1], str) and len(authstuff[1]) == 64: users_table[username] = {} users_table[username]['password'] = generate_password_hash(authstuff[0]) users_table[username]['authkey'] = authstuff[1] else: raise Exception('User setup invalid. Must be "username": "password" or "username": ["password", "token 64 chars (sha256)"]') return users_table @lru_cache(64) def get_secret_key() -> bytes: secret_file_path: Path = get_homedir() / 'secret_key' if not secret_file_path.exists() or secret_file_path.stat().st_size < 64: if not secret_file_path.exists() or secret_file_path.stat().st_size < 64: with secret_file_path.open('wb') as f: f.write(os.urandom(64)) with secret_file_path.open('rb') as f: return f.read() @lru_cache(64) def sri_load() -> dict[str, dict[str, str]]: with (get_homedir() / 'website' / 'web' / 'sri.txt').open() as f: return json.load(f) def get_indexing(user: User | None) -> Indexing: '''Depending if we're logged in or not, we (can) get different indexes: if index_everything is enabled, we have an index in kvrocks that contains all the indexes for all the captures. It is only accessible to the admin user. ''' return get_indexing_cache(full=bool(user and user.is_authenticated)) def mimetype_to_generic(mimetype: str) -> str: if 'javascript' in mimetype or 'ecmascript' in mimetype or mimetype.startswith('js'): return 'js' elif (mimetype.startswith('image') or mimetype.startswith('img') or 'webp' in mimetype): return 'image' elif mimetype.startswith('text/css'): return 'css' elif 'json' in mimetype: return 'json' elif 'html' in mimetype: return 'html' elif ('font' in mimetype or 'woff' in mimetype or 'opentype' in mimetype): return 'font' elif ('octet-stream' in mimetype or 'application/x-protobuf' in mimetype or 'application/pkix-cert' in mimetype or 'application/x-123' in mimetype or 'application/x-binary' in mimetype or 'application/x-msdownload' in mimetype or 'application/x-thrift' in mimetype or 'application/x-troff-man' in mimetype or 'application/x-typekit-augmentation' in mimetype or 'application/grpc-web' in mimetype or 'model/gltf-binary' in mimetype or 'model/obj' in mimetype or 'application/wasm' in mimetype): return 'octet-stream' elif ('text' in mimetype or 'xml' in mimetype or mimetype.startswith('multipart') or mimetype.startswith('message') or 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' in mimetype or 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula-template' in mimetype): return 'text' elif 'video' in mimetype: return 'video' elif ('audio' in mimetype or 'ogg' in mimetype): return 'audio' elif ('mpegurl' in mimetype or 'application/vnd.yt-ump' in mimetype): return 'livestream' elif ('application/x-shockwave-flash' in mimetype or 'application/x-shockware-flash' in mimetype): # Yes, shockwaRe return 'flash' elif 'application/pdf' in mimetype: return 'pdf' elif ('application/gzip' in mimetype or 'application/zip' in mimetype): return 'archive' elif not mimetype or mimetype == 'none': return 'unset_mimetype' else: return 'unknown_mimetype'