  "loglevel": "INFO",
  "only_global_lookups": true,
  "public_instance": false,
  "public_domain": "lookyloo.myorg.local",
  "website_listen_ip": "",
  "website_listen_port": 5100,
  "systemd_service_name": "lookyloo",
  "default_public": true,
  "users": {},
  "time_delta_on_index": {
    "weeks": 1,
    "days": 0,
    "hours": 0
  "async_capture_processes": 1,
  "use_user_agents_users": false,
  "enable_default_blur_screenshot": false,
  "show_project_page": true,
  "enable_context_by_users": false,
  "enable_categorization": false,
  "enable_bookmark": false,
  "auto_trigger_modules": false,
  "enable_mail_notification": false,
  "remote_lacus": {
    "enable": false,
    "url": null
  "tor_proxy": {
    "server": "socks5://"
  "email": {
    "from": "Lookyloo <lookyloo@myorg.local>",
    "to": "Investigation Team <investigation_unit@myorg.local>",
    "subject": "Capture from Lookyloo to review",
    "smtp_host": "localhost",
    "smtp_port": "25",
    "confirm_message": "Message the users need to confirm before they submit a notification."
  "priority": {
    "sources": {
      "web": 10,
      "api": 0
    "users": {
      "_default_auth": 5,
      "_default_anon": 0,
      "admin": 10
  "hide_captures_with_error": false,
  "archive": 180,
  "_notes": {
    "loglevel": "(lookyloo) Can be one of the value listed here: https://docs.python.org/3/library/logging.html#levels",
    "only_global_lookups": "Set it to True if your instance is publicly available so users aren't able to scan your internal network",
    "public_instance": "true means disabling features deemed unsafe on a public instance (such as indexing private captures)",
    "public_domain": "Domain where the instance can be reached. Used for permalinks (e-mail, MISP export).",
    "website_listen_ip": "IP Flask will listen on. Defaults to, meaning all interfaces.",
    "website_listen_port": "Port Flask will listen on.",
    "systemd_service_name": "(Optional) Name of the systemd service if your project has one.",
    "default_public": "If true, the capture is public and will be visible on the index page by default (can be unticked on the capture page).",
    "users": "It is some kind of an admin accounts. Format: {username: password}",
    "time_delta_on_index": "Time interval of the capture displayed on the index",
    "async_capture_processes": "Number of async_capture processes to start. This should not be higher than the number of splash instances you have running. A very high number will use *a lot* of ram.",
    "use_user_agents_users": "Only usable for medium/high use instances: use the user agents of the users of the platform",
    "enable_default_blur_screenshot": "If true, blur the screenshot by default (useful on public instances)",
    "show_project_page": "If true, display a ribbon with a link to the githug projects page at the top right side of the screen",
    "enable_context_by_users": "Allow the users to add context to a response body",
    "enable_categorization": "Allow the users to add contextualization to a capture",
    "enable_bookmark": "Allow to bookmark nodes on tree",
    "auto_trigger_modules": "Automatically trigger the modules when the tree is loaded and when the capture is cached",
    "enable_mail_notification": "Allow users to notify a pre-configured email address about a specific capture",
    "remote_lacus": "By default, lookyloo will do the capture locally. Enabling this feature means you have a dedicated Lacus instance somewhere",
    "tor_proxy": "URL to connect to a SOCKS 5 proxy for tor",
    "email": "Configuration for sending email notifications.",
    "priority": "Define the priority of a new capture. A capture from the web interface has priority over a capture from the API, same for authenticated user vs. anonymous.",
    "hide_captures_with_error": "Capturing an URL may result in an error (domain non-existent, HTTP error, ...). They may be useful to see, but if you have a public instance, they will clutter the index.",
    "archive": "The captures older than this value (in days) will be archived. They're not cached by default in the Lookyloo class."