#!/usr/bin/env python3 from __future__ import annotations import logging import logging.config import os import shutil from datetime import datetime, timedelta from pathlib import Path from lookyloo import Lookyloo from lookyloo.default import AbstractManager, get_config from lookyloo.exceptions import MissingUUID, NoValidHarFile from lookyloo.helpers import is_locked, get_sorted_captures_from_disk, make_dirs_list logging.config.dictConfig(get_config('logging')) class BackgroundIndexer(AbstractManager): def __init__(self, loglevel: int | None=None): super().__init__(loglevel) self.lookyloo = Lookyloo() self.script_name = 'background_indexer' # make sure discarded captures dir exists self.discarded_captures_dir = self.lookyloo.capture_dir.parent / 'discarded_captures' self.discarded_captures_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) def _to_run_forever(self) -> None: all_done = self._build_missing_pickles() if all_done: self._check_indexes() self.lookyloo.update_tree_cache_info(os.getpid(), self.script_name) def _build_missing_pickles(self) -> bool: self.logger.debug('Build missing pickles...') # Sometimes, we have a huge backlog and the process might get stuck on old captures for a very long time # This value makes sure we break out of the loop and build pickles of the most recent captures max_captures = 50 got_new_captures = False # Initialize time where we do not want to build the pickles anymore. archive_interval = timedelta(days=get_config('generic', 'archive')) cut_time = (datetime.now() - archive_interval) for month_dir in make_dirs_list(self.lookyloo.capture_dir): __counter_shutdown = 0 for capture_time, path in sorted(get_sorted_captures_from_disk(month_dir, cut_time=cut_time, keep_more_recent=True), reverse=True): __counter_shutdown += 1 if __counter_shutdown % 10 and self.shutdown_requested(): self.logger.warning('Shutdown requested, breaking.') return False if ((path / 'tree.pickle.gz').exists() or (path / 'tree.pickle').exists()): # We already have a pickle file self.logger.debug(f'{path} has a pickle.') continue if not list(path.rglob('*.har.gz')) and not list(path.rglob('*.har')): # No HAR file self.logger.debug(f'{path} has no HAR file.') continue if is_locked(path): # it is really locked self.logger.debug(f'{path} is locked, pickle generated by another process.') continue with (path / 'uuid').open() as f: uuid = f.read() if not self.lookyloo.redis.hexists('lookup_dirs', uuid): # The capture with this UUID exists, but it is for some reason missing in lookup_dirs self.lookyloo.redis.hset('lookup_dirs', uuid, str(path)) else: cached_path = Path(self.lookyloo.redis.hget('lookup_dirs', uuid)) # type: ignore[arg-type] if cached_path != path: # we have a duplicate UUID, it is proably related to some bad copy/paste if cached_path.exists(): # Both paths exist, move the one that isn't in lookup_dirs self.logger.critical(f'Duplicate UUID for {uuid} in {cached_path} and {path}, discarding the latest') try: shutil.move(str(path), str(self.discarded_captures_dir / path.name)) except FileNotFoundError as e: self.logger.warning(f'Unable to move capture: {e}') continue else: # The path in lookup_dirs for that UUID doesn't exists, just update it. self.lookyloo.redis.hset('lookup_dirs', uuid, str(path)) try: self.logger.info(f'Build pickle for {uuid}: {path.name}') self.lookyloo.get_crawled_tree(uuid) self.lookyloo.trigger_modules(uuid, auto_trigger=True) self.logger.info(f'Pickle for {uuid} built.') got_new_captures = True max_captures -= 1 except MissingUUID: self.logger.warning(f'Unable to find {uuid}. That should not happen.') except NoValidHarFile as e: self.logger.critical(f'There are no HAR files in the capture {uuid}: {path.name} - {e}') except FileNotFoundError: self.logger.warning(f'Capture {uuid} disappeared during processing, probably archived.') except Exception: self.logger.exception(f'Unable to build pickle for {uuid}: {path.name}') # The capture is not working, moving it away. try: shutil.move(str(path), str(self.discarded_captures_dir / path.name)) self.lookyloo.redis.hdel('lookup_dirs', uuid) except FileNotFoundError as e: self.logger.warning(f'Unable to move capture: {e}') continue if max_captures <= 0: self.logger.info('Too many captures in the backlog, start from the beginning.') return False if got_new_captures: self.logger.info('Finished building all missing pickles.') # Only return True if we built new pickles. return True return False def _check_indexes(self) -> None: index_redis = self.lookyloo.indexing.redis can_index = index_redis.set('ongoing_indexing', 1, ex=3600, nx=True) if not can_index: # There is no reason to run this method in multiple scripts. self.logger.info('Indexing already ongoing in another process.') return None self.logger.info('Check indexes...') for cache in self.lookyloo.sorted_capture_cache(cached_captures_only=False): if self.lookyloo.is_public_instance and cache.no_index: # Capture unindexed continue p = index_redis.pipeline() p.sismember('indexed_urls', cache.uuid) p.sismember('indexed_body_hashes', cache.uuid) p.sismember('indexed_cookies', cache.uuid) p.sismember('indexed_hhhashes', cache.uuid) p.sismember('indexed_favicons', cache.uuid) indexed = p.execute() if all(indexed): continue try: ct = self.lookyloo.get_crawled_tree(cache.uuid) except NoValidHarFile: self.logger.warning(f'Broken pickle for {cache.uuid}') self.lookyloo.remove_pickle(cache.uuid) continue if not indexed[0]: self.logger.info(f'Indexing urls for {cache.uuid}') self.lookyloo.indexing.index_url_capture(ct) if not indexed[1]: self.logger.info(f'Indexing resources for {cache.uuid}') self.lookyloo.indexing.index_body_hashes_capture(ct) if not indexed[2]: self.logger.info(f'Indexing cookies for {cache.uuid}') self.lookyloo.indexing.index_cookies_capture(ct) if not indexed[3]: self.logger.info(f'Indexing HH Hashes for {cache.uuid}') self.lookyloo.indexing.index_http_headers_hashes_capture(ct) if not indexed[4]: self.logger.info(f'Indexing favicons for {cache.uuid}') favicons = self.lookyloo.get_potential_favicons(cache.uuid, all_favicons=True, for_datauri=False) self.lookyloo.indexing.index_favicons_capture(cache.uuid, favicons) # NOTE: categories aren't taken in account here, should be fixed(?) # see indexing.index_categories_capture(capture_uuid, categories) index_redis.delete('ongoing_indexing') self.logger.info('... done.') def main() -> None: i = BackgroundIndexer() i.run(sleep_in_sec=60) if __name__ == '__main__': main()