[tool.poetry] name = "lookyloo" version = "1.25.0" description = "Web interface to track the trackers." authors = ["Raphaƫl Vinot "] license = "BSD-3-Clause" repository = "https://github.com/Lookyloo/lookyloo" homepage = "https://www.lookyloo.eu" documentation = "https://www.lookyloo.eu/docs/main/" readme = "README.md" classifiers = [ 'License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License', 'Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux', 'Intended Audience :: Science/Research', 'Intended Audience :: Telecommunications Industry', 'Intended Audience :: Information Technology', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Topic :: Security', 'Topic :: Internet', ] [tool.poetry.scripts] start = "bin.start:main" stop = "bin.stop:main" update = "bin.update:main" shutdown = "bin.shutdown:main" run_backend = "bin.run_backend:main" async_capture = "bin.async_capture:main" background_indexer = "bin.background_indexer:main" background_build_captures = "bin.background_build_captures:main" background_full_indexer = "bin.background_indexer:main_full_indexer" archiver = "bin.archiver:main" processing = "bin.background_processing:main" start_website = "bin.start_website:main" [tool.poetry.dependencies] python = ">=3.8.1,<3.13" requests = "^2.32.3" flask = "^3.0.3" gunicorn = "^22.0.0" charset-normalizer = "^3.3.2" redis = {version = "^5.0.7", extras = ["hiredis"]} beautifulsoup4 = {version = "^4.12.3", extras = ["lxml", "charset_normalizer"]} bootstrap-flask = "^2.4.0" defang = "^0.5.3" vt-py = "^0.18.0" pyeupi = "^1.3.0" pysanejs = "^2.0.2" pylookyloo = "^1.25.0" dnspython = "^2.6.1" pytaxonomies = "^1.5.0" pymisp = {version = "^2.4.194", extras = ["url", "fileobjects"]} Pillow = "^10.4.0" flask-restx = "^1.3.0" rich = "^13.7.1" pyphishtanklookup = "^1.4.0" Flask-Cors = "^4.0.1" pyhashlookup = "^1.2.4" lief = "^0.14" ua-parser = "^0.18.0" Flask-Login = "^0.6.3" har2tree = "^1.25.0" passivetotal = "^2.5.9" werkzeug = "^3.0.3" filetype = "^1.2.0" pypandora = "^1.9.0" lacuscore = "^1.10.8" pylacus = "^1.10.0" pyipasnhistory = "^2.1.2" publicsuffixlist = "^" pyfaup = "^1.2" chardet = "^5.2.0" pysecuritytxt = "^1.3.2" pylookyloomonitoring = "^1.1.3" pytz = {"version" = "^2024.1", python = "<3.9"} s3fs = "^2024.6.1" urllib3 = [ {version = "<2", python = "<3.10"}, {version = "^2.0.7", python = ">=3.10"} ] pypdns = "^2.2.3" mmh3 = "^4.1.0" puremagic = "^1.26" setproctitle = "^1.3.3" [tool.poetry.group.dev.dependencies] mypy = "^1.11.0" ipython = [ {version = "<8.13.0", python = "<3.9"}, {version = "^8.18.0", python = ">=3.9"}, {version = "^8.19.0", python = ">=3.10"} ] types-requests = [ {version = "<2.31", python = "<3.10"}, {version = "^", python = ">=3.10"} ] types-redis = {version = "^"} types-pkg-resources = "^0.1.3" types-Deprecated = "^" types-python-dateutil = "^" types-beautifulsoup4 = "^" types-Pillow = "^" types-pytz = "^2024.1.0.20240417" [build-system] requires = ["poetry_core"] build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"